Foster FVINO400HW Service Manual

Tel: 01553 691122 Fax: 01553 691447 Website:
a Division of ‘ITW (UK) Ltd’
FV400HW /OP/ 0209
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
Environmental Management Policy 1 Disposal Requirements 1 Technical Data 1 Wine Storage Options 2 to 3 Alarms 3 to 4 Service Engineer Access 4 to 6 Parameters Cabinets & Counters 6 to7 Wiring Diagram 8
Environmental Management Policy for Service Manuals and Duets.
Product Support and Installation Contractors
Foster Refrigerator recognises that its activities, products and services can have an adverse impact upon the environment. The organisation is committed to implementing systems and controls to manage, reduce and eliminate its adverse environmental impacts wherever possible, and has formulated an Environmental Policy outlining our core aims. A copy of the Environmental Policy is available to all contractors and suppliers upon request.
The organisation is committed to working with suppliers and contractors where their activities have the potential to impact upon the environment. To achieve the aims stated in the Environmental Policy we require that all suppliers and contractors operate in compliance with the law and are committed to best practice in environmental management.
Product Support and Installation contractors are required to:
1. Ensure that wherever possible waste is removed from the client’s site, where arrangements are in place all waste should be returned to Foster Refrigerator’s premises. In certain circumstances waste may be disposed of on the clients site; if permission is given, if the client has arrangements in place for the type of waste.
2. If arranging for the disposal of your waste, handle, store and dispose of it in such a way as to prevent its escape into the environment, harm to human health, and to ensure the compliance with the environmental law. Guidance is available from the Environment Agency on how to comply with the waste management ‘duty of care’.
3. The following waste must be stored of separately from other wastes, as they are hazardous to the environment: refrigerants, polyurethane foam, oils.
4. When arranging for disposal of waste, ensure a waste transfer note or consignment note is completed as appropriate. Ensure that all waste is correctly described on the waste note and include the appropriate six-digit code from the European Waste Catalogue. Your waste contractor or Foster can provide further information if necessary.
5. Ensure that all waste is removed by a registered waste carrier, a carrier in possession of a waste management licence, or a carrier holding an appropriate exemption. Ensure the person receiving the waste at its ultimate destination is in receipt of a waste management licence or valid exemption.
6. Handle and store refrigerants in such a way as to prevent their emission to atmosphere, and ensure they are disposed of safely and in accordance with environmental law.
7. Make arrangements to ensure all staff who handle refrigerants do so at a level of competence consistent with the City Guilds 2078 Handling Refrigerants qualification or equivalent qualification.
8. Ensure all liquid substances are securely stored to prevent leaks and spill, and are not disposed of to storm
drains, foul drain, surface water to soil.
DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have components that can be harmful to the environment. All old refrigerators must be disposed of by appropriately registered and licensed waste contractors, and in accordance with national laws and regulations.
Technical Data
Compressor Capillary Defrost Type Voltage
Watts Amps
R134A 120 grms
3900mx 0.99mm Timed Off Cycle 230-1-50 0.280 1.6 13 Amp
Wine Storage Options
Multi temperature offers the possibility to keep wines at the right service temperature. Please refer to the table below with the advised temperature for each wine category. To preserve and age your wines choose the Mono Temperature option and set the temperature for 12ºC.
Mono Temperature
Multi Temperature
Setting the Controller
Setting the Controller
Down Button + Light Switch
Up Button
OK Button
Menu Button
Press and hold for 5 seconds
(((((((( ))))))))
Will be displayed followed by and then
Choose the Language
1/ Will be displayed
2/ Select the language from
3/ Select using the or arrows.
4/ Once the selection is made press to confirm.
Select the Mode of Operation
1/ Will be displayed
2/ Use the or to select either for the single temperature range or for the multi temperature range.
Factory setting 8ºC as a default
Follow the instructions below to change the factory setting
1/ Will be displayed press to continue
2/ Select the required temperature by pressing or and then press to confirm.
Temperature? OK
3/ Will be displayed press to confirm.
Factory setting 3ºC to 18ºC as a default
Follow the instructions to change the factory setting
+ 5 hidden pages