Foster FTG3.5-5L, FTG5.5, FTG4.5, FTG4.5L, FTG5.5L Technical Manual

T e c h n i c a l M a n u a l
Duet Condensing
If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have components that can be harmful to the environment. All old refrigerators must be disposed of by appropriately registered and licensed waste contractors, and in accordance with UK laws and regulations.
Table of Contents 2
Duet Package Refrigeration System 2
Duet Specifications 3
Cooler Specifications 4
Condensing Unit Technical Data 5
FKS Cooler Dimensions 6
FTG Cooler Dimensions 7
Liquid and Suction Line Pipe Size 7
Control Panel 8
Microprocessor Controls - Duet HV, GP Series 8
Thermostat Function 8
Display 8
Microprocessor Controls - Duet C, F, M, and L Series 9
Thermostat Function 9
Display 10
Controller Parameter Settings 10-11
Electrical System Description 11
Duet Package Wiring Schematic 12
Duet Installation Guidelines 13
Foster Refrigerator recognises that its activities, products and services can have an adverse impact upon the environment. The organisation is commit­ted to implementing systems and controls to manage, reduce and eliminate its adverse environmental impacts wherever possible, and has formulated an Environmental Policy outlining our core aims. A copy of the Environmental Policy is available to all contractors and suppliers upon request.
The organisation is committed to working with suppliers and contractors where their activities have the potential to impact upon the environment. To achieve the aims stated in the Environmental Policy we require that all suppliers and contractors operate in compliance with the law and are committed to best practice in environmental management.
Product Support and Installation contractors are required to:
1. Ensure that wherever possible waste is removed from the client’s site, where arrangements are in place all waste should be retumed to Foster Refrigerator’s premises. In certain circumstances waste may be disposed of on the clients site; if permission is given, if the client has arrangements in place for the type of waste.
2. If arranging for the disposal of your waste, handle, store and dispose of it in such a way as to prevent its escape into the environment, harm to hu­man health, and to ensure the compliance with the environmental law. Guidance is available from the Environment Agency on how to comply with the waste management ‘duty of care’.
3. The following waste must be stored of separately from other wastes, as they are hazardous to the environment: refrigerants, polyurethane foam, oils.
4. When arranging for disposal of waste, ensure a waste transfer note or consignment note is completed as appropriate. Ensure that all waste is cor­rectly described on the waste note and include the appropriate six-digit code from the European Waste Catalogue. Your waste contractor or Foster can provide further information if necessary.
5. Ensure that all waste is removed by a registered waste carrier, a carrier in possession of a waste management licence, or a carrier holding an appro­priate exemption. Ensure the person receiving the waste at its ultimate destination is in receipt of a waste management licence or valid exemption.
6. Handle and store refrigerants in such a way as to prevent their emission to atmosphere, and ensure they are disposed of safely and in accordance with environmental law.
7. Make arrangements to ensure all staff who handle refrigerants do so at a level of competence consistent with the City Guilds 2078 Handling Refriger­ants qualification or equivalent qualification.
Duet Specifications
Duet Package Refrigeration System
The Duet Package Refrigeration System Comprises of:
Air Cooled Condensing Unit (standard items)
• Compressor
• Air cooled condenser
• Liquid receiver
• High/Low pressure switches
• Liquid line sight glass
• Filter Drier
• Liquid/Suction line shut off valves
• Crankcase heater (except DCU1-1H, DCU2-1H, DCU1-1L as option)
• Low ambient kit (only DCU5-3L, DCU6-3L others as option)
• Mounting Channels (DCU6-3H, DCU 7-3H, DCU 5-3L only)
• R404a refrigerant
• White unit cover
• FTG Range with and without electric defrost heaters
• FKS Range with and without defrost heaters
Control Panel
• Microprocessor Controller c/w function indicators
• Ten metre sensing probes
• Component contactors
• Component circuit breakers
Not included
• Interconnecting pipework
• Pipe installation
• Mechanical fasteners (screws, pipe clamps etc.)
• Refrigerant
• Mains supply wiring
• Lockable isolator switch
• White enclosure
• Remote alarm contacts
Ancillaries (supplied loose)
• Expansion valve
• Liquid line solenoid valve
• Drain line heater (where applicable)
• Cooler fixing nylon bolts c/w nuts and washers
• Wall brackets
• Oil separator (except DCU1-1H, DCU2-1H, DCU1-1L)
• Low ambient kit (except DCU5-3L, DCU6-3L this fitted as standard)
• 220-1-60hz in lieu of 230-1-50hz
• 220-3-60hz in lieu of 400-3-50hz
Duet Installation Guide Notes
Installation should be carried out by competent persons adopting codes of good refrigeration practices as detailed in BS.EN 378-1:2000 Refrigerating Systems and Heat Pumps - Safety and environmental requirements. Particular care should be taken installing horizontal and vertical pipe runs incorporating correct bends, traps etc.
Although the Condensing Unit is rated to operate in an ambient temperature up to 43°C it is still important to consider the location of the Unit during installation. Solar Gain from direct sunlight can raise the temperature inside the unit housing beyond the operating specification of the unit resulting in loss of performance and possible damage to equipment. Equally protection from very low ambient conditions should be addressed Basically consider protection components such as oil separators, head pressure control, additional solenoid valves, crankcase heaters etc for adverse operating conditions. The Condensing Unit can be positioned at low level ensuring that it is raised off the ground and mounted on wall xing brackets. There should be at least 600mm clearance in front of the unit to allow for adequate air to the condenser plus access for servicing through the top therefore at least 600mm clearance should be allowed.
The nominal design pipe run for the system is 50 metres however care should be taken to consider any vertical rise where the condensing unit is situated above the coldroom. The introduction of “P” traps in the suction line to aid oil return to the compressor should be considered also the requirement of an oil separator, especially low temperature applications. Where the vertical rise is 5 metres and above the use of an oil separator should be considered, especially on low temperature applications, plus the position of the oil “P” trap and the size of the suction line to maximise oil return to the compressor.
Cooler Specification
Receiver** HP LP *Max Max Cond Air ***Unit Net Dimensions Liquid Suction
Capacity Setting Setting
Electrical supply
*Nom Run
Fuse Fan Motor
Absorbed Noise
Ht x w x d Line Line
Its Bar Bar Volts Phase Hz
Amps Amps
Rating x mm
Watts Level dBa
mm mm mm
* Based on 40°C condensing temperature.
** Based on 80% liquid capacity at 40°C condensing temperature.
*** Based on 3 metres from front of unit, 1.5 metres from floor level.
DCU1-1H 0.5 R 404a 1.00 1.6 28 0.2 230 1 50 0.5 3.2 6.3 19 13 1 x 250 750 1 x 90 59 39 368 x 660 x 330 10 12
DCU2-1H 0.75 R 404a 1.00 1.6 28 0.2 230 1 50 0.7 3.7 7.8 31 20 1 x 250 750 1 x 90 60 43 368 x 660 x 330 10 16
DCU3-1H 1 R 404a 1.60 2.5 28 0.2 230 1 50 1.1 5.1 11.3 32 20 1 x 300 1400 1 x 90 60 61 458 x 880 x 400 10 16
DCU4-3H 1.8 R 404a 2.00 2.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 1.7 3.6 6.6 18 16 1 x 330 1500 1 x 120 62 62 458 x 880 x 400 10 16
DCU5-3H 2.3 R 404a 2.00 2.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 2.1 4.4 8.1 25 20 1 x 330 1500 1 x 120 63 64 458 x 880 x 400 10 22
DCU6-3H 3 R 404a 6.00 6.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 3.2 6.2 9.7 27 20 1 x 400 3100 1 x 160 64 102 595 x 1075 x 532 10 22
DCU1-1L 0.75 R 404a 1.50 1.6 28 0.2 230 1 50 0.8 3.8 7 28 16 1 x 250 750 1 x 90 60 46 368 x 660 x 330 10 16
DCU2-1L 1.8 R 404a 1.60 2.5 28 0.2 230 1 50 1.4 8.6 16 40 20 1 x 300 1400 1 x 90 60 60 458 x 880 x 400 10 22
DCU3-3L 2.3 R 404a 1.60 2.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 1.8 4.5 6.2 25 16 1 x 300 1400 1 x 90 61 65 458 x 880 x 400 10 22
DCU4-3L 3 R 404a 2.00 2.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 1.8 4.8 5.8 30 20 1 x 350 1500 1 x 120 61 73 458 x 880 x 400 10 22
DCU5-3L 4 R 404a 6.00 6.5 28 0.2 400 3 50 3.8 7.9 12.7 71 25 1 x 400 3100 1 x 160 68 120 595 x 1075 x 532 10 28
DCU6-3L 7.5 R 404a 10.00 12 28 0.2 400 3 50 5.8 12 24.8 80 25 1 x 450 3100 1 x 160 72 187 654 x 1575 x 642 12 35
Condensing Unit Wall Brackets
The wall brackets are supplied in two sizes. The first bracket part number 00-876220-01, size 900 x 430 is used on models :- DCU1-1 H, DCU 2-1 H, DCU 3-1 H, DCU 4-3H, DCU 5-3H,
DCU 6-3H, DCU 1-1L, DCU 2-1L, DCU 3-3L, DCU 4-3L.
The second bracket part number 00-876221-01, size 1200 x 600 is used on models ;- DCU 5-3L, DCU6-3L.
The brackets should be fitted approximately 150mm from each end of the unit at a height determined by site conditions.
Allow adequate space around the unit for air circulation and easy removal of panels for service requirements
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