Foster FD2-10 Service Manual

Foster Prep Station
FD2-10 Controller
Issued August 2010
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
Manual Information & Health & Safety Notes
Environmental Management Policy
Disposal Requirements
Cabinet & Counter Description
Controller Relevance Table & Operation
User Functions
Defrost Operation & Fuzzy Logic
Wiring Diagram for Defrost & Technical Data
Configuration of Parameters
Prep Station Controller Default
Cabinet Arrangement Diagrams
Technical Data
Individual Unit Controller Parameter Values
Wiring Diagrams & Probe details
Troubleshooting & Notes
Service Manual Information
The products and all information in this manual are subject to change without prior notice. We assume by the information given that the person(s) working on these refrigeration units are fully trained and skilled in all aspects of their workings. Also that they will use the appropriate safety equipment and take or meet
precautions where required.
The service manual does not cover information on every variation of this unit; neither does it cover the
installation or every possible operating or maintenance instruction for the units.
Health & Safety Warnings and Information
Make sure the power supply is turned off before making any electrical repairs.
To minimise shock and fire hazards, please do not plug or unplug the unit with wet
During maintenance and cleaning, please unplug the unit where required.
Care must be taken when handling or working on the unit as sharp edges may cause
personal injury, we recommend the wearing of suitable PPE.
Ensure the correct moving and lifting procedures are used when relocating a unit.
Do NOT use abrasive cleaning products, only those that are recommended. Never
scour any parts of the refrigerator. Scouring pads or chemicals may cause damage by
scratching or dulling polished surface finishes.
Failure to keep the condenser clean may cause premature failure of the
motor/compressor which will NOT be covered under warranty policy.
Do NOT touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compartment. Particularly when hands
are damp or wet, skin may adhere to these extremely cold surfaces and cause frostbite.
Please ensure the appropriate use of safety aids or Personnel Protective Equipment
(PPE) are used for you own safety.
Environmental Management Policy for Service Manuals and Duets.
Product Support and Installation Contractors
Foster Refrigerator recognises that its activities, products and services can have an adverse impact upon the environment. The organisation is committed to implementing systems and controls to manage, reduce and eliminate its adverse environmental impacts wherever possible, and has formulated an Environmental Policy outlining our core aims. A copy of the Environmental Policy is available to all contractors and suppliers upon request.
The organisation is committed to working with suppliers and contractors where their activities have the potential to impact upon the environment. To achieve the aims stated in the Environmental Policy we require that all suppliers and contractors operate in compliance with the law and are committed to best practice in environmental management.
Product Support and Installation contractors are required to:
1. Ensure that wherever possible waste is removed from the client‟s site, where arrangements are in place all
waste should be returned to Foster Refrigerator‟s premises. In certain circumstances waste may be
disposed of on the client‟s site; if permission is given, if the client has arrangements in place for the type of
2. If arranging for the disposal of your waste, handle, store and dispose of it in such a way as to prevent its escape into the environment, harm to human health, and to ensure the compliance with the environmental law. Guidance is available from the Environment Agency on how to comply with the waste management „duty of care‟.
3. The following waste must be stored of separately from other wastes, as they are hazardous to the environment: refrigerants, polyurethane foam, and oils.
4. When arranging for disposal of waste, ensure a waste transfer note or consignment note is completed as appropriate. Ensure that all waste is correctly described on the waste note and include the appropriate six­digit code from the European Waste Catalogue. Your waste contractor or Foster can provide further information if necessary.
5. Ensure that all waste is removed by a registered waste carrier, a carrier in possession of a waste management licence, or a carrier holding an appropriate exemption. Ensure the person receiving the waste at its ultimate destination is in receipt of a waste management licence or valid exemption.
6. Handle and store refrigerants in such a way as to prevent their emission to atmosphere, and ensure they are disposed of safely and in accordance with environmental law.
7. Make arrangements to ensure all staff who handle refrigerants do so at a level of competence consistent with the City Guilds 2078 Handling Refrigerants qualification or equivalent qualification.
8. Ensure all liquid substances are securely stored to prevent leaks and spill, and are not disposed of to
storm drains, foul drain, or surface water to soil.
Disposal Requirements
If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have components that can be harmful to the environment. All old
refrigerators must be disposed of by appropriately registered and licensed waste contractors, and in accordance
with national laws and regulations.
Foster Prep Station Descriptions
The range consists of 2 to 5 door models with a storage capacity ranging from 270 to 720 litres. The cabinets are manufactured as a one piece foam shell with easy clean stainless steel exterior All conform to current legislation and exceed the Montreal protocol using zero ODP refrigerants and insulation. The temperature is controlled by a LAE microprocessor control with digital temperature display. Easy accessible condensing unit fitted at the rear for ease of servicing. The standard refrigeration system is integral with an air-cooled condensing unit with the refrigerant distribution into the evaporator controlled by capillary. The cooled air is circulated through the evaporator, via the fan into the storage area. Coated coils prevent corrosion and prolong refrigeration life. Easy to read temperature display with wipe clean finish. Wide magnetic gasket giving a positive door seal.
Temperature and Capacities
Counter Base Storage Temperature
+1 to +4°C
+1 to +4°C
+1 to +4°C
+1 to +4°C
Pan Storage Temperature (with Lids Fitted)
+3 to +5°C
+3 to +5°C
+3 to +5°C
+3 to +5°C
Nett Capacity (litres)
Pan Clear Opening
1058 x 305
1640 x 305
2222 x 305
2804 x 305
Max Number of 1/3 Pans per Opening
6 9 12
Door Opening (w x h) Per Door
450 x 604
450 x 604
450 x 604
450 x 604
Door Opening Depth
Shelf Size
417 x 410
417 x 410
417 x 410
417 x 410
Number of Shelves Supplied Per Unit
4 6 8
Number OF Castors Supplied
5 5 5
Controller Relavance Table
1st Serial Number
Date from
Controller Operation
FD2-10 Controller (00-556241) Probe Evap 2.5M SN4K15H2 (00-556251) Probe Air 2.5M SN4K15H1 (00-556248) LCD 5S Display (00-555992)
LCD5 Connecting Ribbon 1.5m (00-555741) LCD5 Connecting Ribbon 3m (00-555814) (Normally only used on FPS4 & 5’S Models)
LCD 5S Display (00-555992)
Indicators and Buttons
Info / Set Point Button
Thermostat Output
Manual Defrost / Decrease Button
Fan Output
Increase Button / Manual Activation
Defrost Output
Stand-by Button
Activation of 2nd parameter set
During normal operation the display shows either the temperature measured or one of the following indicators:
Information Menu
The information available in the menu is shown below:
* Displayed only if enabled (see configuration parameters) ** Displayed only if ACC > 0
User Functions Start Sequence
For normal operation
Press and hold the button for 3 seconds then release.
If pressed and held for 5 seconds then released this will start the „Test Sequence‟. The test function is a defined sequence of events that will follow a prescribed pattern (dependent upon
parameter values). In turn it will operate all electrical elements of the system, simulating a short operating pattern. This was designed to provide a quick and simple evaluation tool to use either during manufacturing or when servicing.
To cancel the Test Sequence
Press and release the button during the test sequence. If not pressed the test will continue and when complete the controller will wait for 1 min, then resume normal operation. (The controller will count to 530 then show „end‟. It will then show the current unit temperature)
Access to the menu and information displayed
Press and immediately release button
With button or select the data to be displayed
Press button to display the value
To exit from the menu, press button or wait for 10 seconds.
Set point: Display and modification
Press button for at least half a second to display the set point.
By keeping button pressed, use button or to set the desired value (adjustment is within the
minimum SPL and the maximum SPH limit)
When button is released, the new value is stored.
Defrost in progress
Condenser high pressure alarm
Controller in stand-by
Room high temperature alarm
Condenser clean warning
Room low temperature alarm
Door open alarm
Probe T1 failure
Condenser high temperature alarm
Probe T2 failure
Instant probe 1 temperature
Minimum probe 1 temperature recorded
Instant probe 2 temperature *
Compressor working weeks **
Instant probe 3 temperature *
Keypad state lock
Maximum probe 1 temperature recorded
Reset of THI, TLO, CND recordings
With button or select the data to be reset
Display the value with button
While keeping button pressed, use button .
When pressing the button for 3 seconds, will allow the controller to be put on a standby or output control to be resumed (with SB = YES only). When on Standby will be displayed.
Selection of second parameter group
It is possible to select control parameters between two different pre-programmed groups, in order for the fundamental control parameters to be adapted to changing needs. Changeover from Group I to Group II (and
visa versa) may take place Manually by pressing for 2 seconds (with IISM = MAN), or Automatically when heavy duty conditions are detected (with IISM = HDD), or when IISM =D12 and the Auxiliary Input D12 is activated (the activation of D12 selects Group II). If IISM = NON, switchover to Group II is inhibited. The activation of Group II is signalled by the lighting up of relevant LED on the controller display.
Automatic Defrost.
Defrost starts automatically as soon as the time set with parameter DFT has elapsed.
Time Defrost With DFM = TIM defrost takes place at regular intervals when the timer reaches the value
DFT. For example, with DFM = TIM and DFT = 06, a defrost will take place every 6 hours.
Defrost time count backup At the power–up, if DFB = YES, the defrost timer resumes the time count
from where it was left off before the power interruption. Visa versa with DFB=NO, the time count re­starts from 0. In stand-by the accumulated time count is frozen.
Defrost type
Once defrost has started, compressor and defrost outputs are controlled according to parameter DTY. If FID =YES, the evaporator fans are active during defrost.
Resuming Thermostatic Cycle
When defrost is over, if DRN is greater then 0, all outputs will remain off the DRN minutes, in order for the ice to melt completely and the resulting water to drain.
Manual Defrost
To initiate a manual defrost press and hold the defrost button for 2 seconds.
Fuzzy Logic.
This setting is not available with any of these units.
Parameter Setting Wiring Diagram for Synchronising Defrost Start and Termination
Technical Data
Power Supply
FD2-10 230Vac±10%, 50/60Hz, 3W
Relay Output
Compressor 16(8) A 240Vac Defrost 16(4) A 240Vac Evap. Fan 16(4) A 240Vac Auxiliary Loads 1 8(2) A 240Vac
NTC 10KΩ@25°C
Measurement Range
-50…120°C, -55…240°F
-50 / -9.9…19.9 / 80°C (NTC 10K Only)
Measurement Accuracy
<0.5°C within the measurement range
CE (Reference norms)
EN60730-1; EN60730-2-9 EN55022 (Class B) EN50082-1
Configuration Parameters
To get access to the parameter configuration menu, press + for 5 seconds
With button or select the parameter to be modified.
Press button and hold briefly to display the value. On releasing the button the controller will then
show the next parameter.
By keeping button pressed, use button or to set the desired value. On releasing the button
the controller will store the amended value and then show the next parameter.
To exit from the setup, press button or wait for 30 seconds.
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