Figure 2 Fosterlok
Panel Locks
Foster coldroom panels lock together with an
effective locking system (fig 2).
If not disposed of properly all refrigerators have
components that can be harmful to the environment. All old refrigerators must be disposed of
by appropriately registered and licensed waste
contractors, and in accordance with national
laws and regulations.
Figure 4
Figure 6
Figure 1 Spirit level
on a squared plank
Prior to commencing the installation familiarise
yourself with the entire assembly procedure
including joining methods and sealing.
1. Check the crates or packaging for damage. If
damaged inform the lorry driver, note the delivery
number, inform the factory immediately (or your
insurance company, if outside the UK).
2. Remove crate or packaging carefully. Never use
the coldroom panels as a lever point for crowbars.
3. The panels are loaded onto the pallet in
sequence for easy assembly with one of the floor
panels at the top, beneath that is the door and
door jamb. Remove the floor panel and place to
one side followed by the door and jamb.
4. It is suggested that the remaining panels be left
on the pallet until required.
5. The refrigeration system panel is packed
separately and should be left on the panel until
Floor Preparation
The floor that the coldroom is to be erected
on must be clean, dry and flat.
The floor must be level within ± 3mm.
If the floor is not level the wall and ceiling panels
will not lock correctly. Check the floor using a
spirit level on a 2-metre plank, pointing the plank
both along and across the floor.
Floor Panels
Fit the floor panels with the patterned side up
and the smooth side down.
Ensure sub-floor is smooth, flat, level and hard.
Before laying the first floor panel into position apply a
bead of mastic as shown to all outer perimeter edges
of the panel, (fig 1) ensuring a moisture seal between
the insulated floor panel and the sub-floor.
Follow the same procedure for the second and any
subsequent floor panels but also apply two beads of
mastic to the female extrusion (fig 1) prior to locking
panels together.
NOTE: Packing is not advised to adjust insulated
floor panel levels.
Do not use sand as a sub-floor base.
System Panel
Transport the refrigeration panel on its pallet as
close as possible to the point of installation.
Apply mastic to the top edge of the floor, female
side and the top of the 'L' shaped section of the
panel (see fig 5). Manoeuvre the panel into
Carefully slide the refrigeration system panel
approximately into place as the corner, when
fitted, will determine the final position.
Avoid pressing against the hinged cover as this
could result in damage to it.
NOTE: the bottom lock is always 150mm
(6inches) from the floor on all corner and
wall panels
Figure 5 Wall/Floor joint
It is important that the installation
instructions are read through and thoroughly understood before commencing
the installation of the coldroom.
Follow the step by step guide ensuring
that each stage of the installation is
followed correctly as failure to do so
could effect the operation of the unit
and may result in the warranty agreement being invalidated
Environmental Management Policy
Product Support and Installation Contractors
Foster Refrigerator recognises that its activities, products and
services can have an adverse impact upon the environment.
The organisation is committed to implementing systems and
controls to manage, reduce and eliminate its adverse environmental impacts wherever possible, and has formulated
an Environmental Policy outlining our core aims. A copy of
the Environmental Policy is available to all contractors and
suppliers upon request.
The organisation is committed to working with suppliers
and contractors where their activities have the potential to
impact upon the environment. To achieve the aims stated in
the Environmental Policy we require that all suppliers and
contractors operate in compliance with the law and are
committed to best practice in environmental management.
Product Support and Installation Contractors are
required to:
Ensure that wherever possible waste is removed from the
client’s site, where arrangements are in place all waste
should be returned to Foster Refrigerator’s premises. In
certain circumstances waste may be disposed of on the
client’s site, if permission is given, where the client has
arrangements in place for the type of waste.
If arranging for the disposal of your waste, handle, store
and dispose of it in such a way as to prevent its escape into
the environment, harm to human health, and to ensure the
compliance with environmental law. Guidance is available
from the Environment Agency on how to comply with the
waste management 'duty of care'.
Ancillary Items
Floor Plugs CMFOS1XT826 GREY
Floor Plug Pins CMFOS1XT827 GREY
Mastic Hansil 580 Grey 400ML
Key Hexagonal 8MM A/F Coldroom Panel
Coldroom Warning Label (Roof)
Plugs LD POLY White BPLDP1/2"
Silicone Sealer White 310ML
Silicone Sealer Aluminium 310ML
Skeleton Dispenser Gun
Cleaning Materials
Tools Required
2ft or 3 ft spirit level
1.5 mtr (5ft) long, 50mm
(2”) x 50mm (2”) straight
plank of wood
Rubber Mallet
Pozi Screwdriver
Light weight hammer
Flat Bladed Screwdriver
Electrical Screwdriver
Pair of Pliers
Electric Drill c/w
4.2 mm Drill Bit
Step Ladder
It is important that the following steps
are fully understood prior to commencing
the installation
Figure 3 Locking procedure
1. Insert the hexagonal locking wrench into its
lock hole, making sure it is fully engaged.
2. Tu rn the wrench fully anti-clockwise to raise the
locking arm (fig 3A) and engage cam action.
3. Now turn the wrench clockwise and the locking
arm strikes the pin in the adjacent lock (fig 3B)
4. Continue turning the wrench to lock the panels
securely (fig 3C). If the lock fails to engage turn
the wrench anti-clockwise and repeat 1 - 4.
NOTE: Do not use unnecessary force as this
may impair the locking mechanism and
damage the lock
NOTE: Only when the previous
steps are fully understood should
you proceed with the installation.
Coldroom Installation
Use the 'Coldroom Assembly Detail', found on a
separate sheet, to give the correct panel layout
for the coldroom you are about to erect.