Fossil, Inc., and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this guide. Fossil, Inc., and its
suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this device; nor do they
assume any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be
sure to make backup copies of all important data to protect against data loss.
I do not see anything on the Wrist PDA screen. . . . . . 117
My watch is not responding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
How do I open the software keyboard? . . . . . . . . 117
The software keyboard beeps, but does not display. . . . 117
I cannot get beaming to work with another Palm OS device. 118
I tried to perform a HotSync operation, but nothing happens. 118
Wrist PDA User Guide
About This Guide
Welcome! This guide describes all you need to know about using
your Wrist PDATM watch and the applications that come with it.
Before using your watch as a personal digital assistant (PDA), you
may want to look at the first two chapters of this guide to learn about
its basic features and how to write on the screen using the built-in
handwriting software. Then see chapter 4 for details on using the
main applications: Date Book, Address Book, To Do List, and Memo
After you become familiar with your watch’s basic features, you can
use this guide as a reference for less common tasks, and also as a
source of information if you have problems operating the watch.
NOTE:To set up your Wrist PDA, follow the instructions in the
Getting Started
Wrist PDA User Guide
About This Guide
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the
Wrist PDA Watch
To start using your Wrist PDA, familiarize yourself with the basic
features described in this chapter. You will learn how to:
• Identify and use the watch’s components
• Display the time
• Switch to PDA mode when the time is displayed
• Recharge your Wrist PDA when its power starts getting low
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Wrist PDA components
Wrist PDA components
Main components
Stylus (built into wristband)
Infrared (IR) port
• Screen. View the applications and data stored in your watch.
It is touch-sensitive and responds to the stylus.
– Write letters and numbers on the screen using the built-in
Jot® handwriting software (see page 22).
– Activate the backlight by pressing and holding Back (see
page 11).
• Stylus. Remove the stylus from the wristband and use it as a
selection tool (like a mouse) or to write text and numbers on
the screen (see page 12).
• IR port. Use infrared technology to exchange data with other
Wrist PDA watches and Palm devices (see page 91).
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Control buttons
Wrist PDA components
Page Up
Rocker Up
Rocker Enter
Rocker Down
Page Down
• Rocker Up and Rocker Down. Pivot the Rocker to scroll to
the next or previous item or line on the screen.
• Rocker Enter. Press the Rocker inward (toward the watch)
to open the currently highlighted application or menu item.
When the Wrist PDA displays the time, press Rocker Enter
to return to PDA mode.
• Page Up and Page Down. Press to view text and graphics
that extend beyond the area of the watch screen. Lets you
scroll up or down by moving one screen at a time.
• Back. Press to return to the previous screen or to exit the
current application and return to the Launcher. (Press Back
repeatedly to display the Launcher categories All, Main, and System.) Press and hold Back to turn on the backlight.
• Reset. Press to reset the watch (see page 111). Under
normal circumstances, you should not have to reset the
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Wrist PDA components
The stylus is stored in the buckle as shown below:
Your stylus is designed to unfold in 45 degree increments. Try all the
positions to find the one that is most comfortable for you.
• Straight position. Hold the stylus like a pen or pencil.
• Angled positions. Hold the metal part of the stylus with your
thumb and index fingers for a comfortable, stable, writing
• Tapping. Tap with the stylus to select items on the screen, or
to position the cursor in text.
If you are having trouble selecting an object, such as a button,
slider, or check box, try tapping and holding the stylus on the
• Selecting. To select a section of text, press and hold the
stylus in place until the watch “chirps.” Then drag the stylus to
the right along the section of text you want to select. This
highlights or selects the text.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Recharging the watch
IMPORTANT:Do not use a pen, pencil, or any other sharp
object to write on the screen. A spare stylus is included with the
watch. If you misplace your stylus, visit for
information on getting a replacement.
If you have difficulty accurately selecting items on the screen, you
may need to calibrate the screen (see page 112).
USB cable
The USB cable lets you recharge the watch and synchronize
information between your Wrist PDA and the Palm Desktop software
using HotSync technology. Connect the USB cable to the USB port
on the side of the watch when recharging (see page 13) or to
perform a HotSync operation (see page 95).
Recharging the watch
A battery level indicator appears on the
Launcher screen:
To avoid losing data, always recharge
your watch before the power runs out
NOTE:If the watch ever fully discharges and you lose data, you
can get back any previously synchronized data by synchronizing
the watch and Palm Desktop software (see page 95). To reduce
the risk of data loss, synchronize your watch and your computer
Battery level
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Recharging the watch
To recharge the watch:
1.Plug the USB cable into a USB port on your computer.
2.Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.
3.Plug the power cable into the connector on the USB cable.
4.Open the USB port cover on the side of the watch and plug the USB
cable into the USB port on the side of the watch.
5.Let the watch charge for several hours or overnight to recharge the
battery fully.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Displaying the time
Your Wrist PDA watch automatically displays the time after a brief
period of inactivity (when you have not used the stylus or pressed
any of the buttons). You can select the specific period of time after
which the watch face appears, ranging from 30 seconds to two
minutes (see page 81).
NOTE:For ease of viewing in dark conditions, turn on the
backlight. Press and hold Back until the light activates.
See these sections for details:
• To set the date and time, see page 84
• To select a different watch face style, see page 81
You can also install third-party applications for displaying the time,
but they will not automatically run like the built-in watch feature. See
page 35 for details on installing add-on applications.
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Displaying the time
Switching to PDA mode
When the watch face is displayed, you can switch to PDA mode by
pressing and holding Rocker Enter on the right side of the watch.
NOTE:You can set how long you have to hold Rocker Enter to
switch to PDA mode (see page 88).
Press to activate PDA mode
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Understanding application interface elements
Understanding application interface elements
Wrist PDA applications include these interface
• Lists that display your choices. Tap the
triangle next to the list to display your
choices, and then tap an item in the list to
select it.
• Text areas and screens in which you can
enter information.
• Scroll bars to move through multi-page
– To scroll through pages, tap and hold
down the scroll bar slider.
– To move one line at a time, tap the
scroll bar arrow at the top or bottom.
– To scroll to the previous or next page,
tap the scroll bar just above or below
the slider. Or press Page Up and Page Down.
• Menu bars that contain commands
specific to an application. Tap the
application’s tab in the top-left corner of
the screen to open the menu bar (not
all applications have a menu bar).
Tap here to open
category list
Text ar e a
Tap here to open
menu bar
• Check boxes that indicate the state of
the corresponding option. A check
mark indicates the option is active. If a
check box is empty, tapping it inserts a
check mark. If a check box is checked,
tapping it removes the check mark.
• Command buttons that initiate a
command when tapped. Command
buttons appear in dialog boxes and at
the bottom of application screens.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Command button
Using menus
The easy to use menus work the same way in all the applications on
your watch. The menus and commands, however, differ based on
the application and the area of the application in which you are
working. For example, in Memo Pad, the Memo List screen and the
Memo screen display different menus.
NOTE:Calculator does not have menus.
To select a menu command:
1.Tap the tab in the top-left corner of the screen to open the menu bar.
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Using menus
Tap this tabMenu bar
2.Do one of the following:
• Tap the menus on the menu bar to move between menus,
and then tap the desired command.
• Press Page Up or Down to move between menus on the
menu bar and Rocker Up or Down to move between items
within a specific menu. Press Rocker Enter to run the
selected command.
Using the Edit menu
The Edit menu is available from any screen where you enter or edit
text. The commands that appear vary based on the application you
are using. As a general rule, the Edit menu commands affect
selected text.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Using the Command toolbar and letters
To use the Edit menu:
1.Tap the tab in the top-left to open the menu bar.
2.Tap the Edit menu and choose from these commands:
• Undo reverses the last action.
• Cut removes a selection from its current location to memory.
You can then paste the text into another area of the current
application or into a different application.
• Copy copies a selection and moves it to memory. You can
paste the selection into another area of the current
application or into a different application.
• Paste inserts a selection from memory into an area you
select. Paste produces no result if you have not first used the
Cut or Copy commands.
• SelectAll selects all the text in the current record or screen.
• Keyboard opens the onscreen keyboard. Tap Done to close
the keyboard.
• Graffiti2 Help opens the Jot character stroke screen.
Using the Command toolbar and letters
The Command stroke lets you access the Command toolbar and
enter Command letters for most menu commands.
The Command toolbar is similar to the toolbars available in many
computer programs. It offers alternative access to selected menu
commands and other functions.
The Command letters are similar to keyboard shortcuts used to
execute commands on computers. Command letters are listed
beside the menu commands. Some menu commands do not have a
Command letter.
NOTE:To use the Command stroke, menus must be closed.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Using the Command toolbar and letters
To use the Command toolbar and letters:
1.Draw a diagonal line from the lower-left to top-right (called the
Command stroke) to display the Command toolbar. The Command
toolbar appears for about 4 seconds.
Command toolbar
Command stroke
2.Do one of the following:
• Tap the desired command’s icon.
• Write the command’s letter. Command letters are listed
beside the menu commands. For example, to choose Select
All in the Edit menu, write the letter S.
NOTE:If you wait more than 3 seconds to draw the Command
letter, you need to redraw the Command stroke to redisplay the
Command toolbar.
The icons on the Command toolbar vary based on the application
and the area of the application in which you are working. However,
these icons are always available:
Keyboard. Tap this icon to access the onscreen keyboard (see
page 21 for details on using the keyboard).
Find. Tap this icon to access the Find dialog box (see page 73
for details on Find).
Menus. Tap this icon to open the menu bar (see page 17 for
details on menus).
Wrist PDA User Guide
Introduction to the Wrist PDA Watch
Displaying tips
Displaying tips
Many of the dialog boxes on your watch contain a Tip icon in the
top-right corner. Tips anticipate questions you may have and provide
shortcuts for using the dialog box or other useful information.
To display a tip:
1.Tap Tips.
2.Tap Done after reading the tip.
Tips icon
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the
You can enter data into your Wrist PDA using the onscreen
keyboard or by writing with the stylus in the text input area. You can
also enter or import data on your computer and then synchronize
your watch and your computer to transfer the information to your
watch (see page 95).
Using the onscreen keyboard
Some applications let you open the onscreen keyboard when you
need to enter text or numbers on your watch.
To use the onscreen keyboard:
1.Open an application that supports using the keyboard (such as
Address Book, Date Book, Memo Pad, or To Do list).
2.Tap any record, or tap New.
3.Tap the area where you want to enter text. Make sure the blinking
cursor is visible.
4.Tap the tab in the top-left to open the menu bar.
5.Tap Edit; then tap Keyboard.
TIP:You can also open the keyboard by drawing the Command
stroke and tapping
on the Command toolbar (see page 17).
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using the handwriting software
6.Tap the desired letters.To use the number keyboard, tap 123 at the
bottom of the keyboard display. To use international characters, tap
Caps Lock
Caps Shift
Tap here to display
alphabetic keyboard
Carriage return
Tap here to display
numeric keyboard.
7.Tap Done to insert the text or numbers in the entry.
Using the handwriting software
You can use the stylus and Jot®handwriting software to write on the
screen. This lets you enter all letters, numbers, punctuation, and
symbols found on a standard keyboard.
The strokes are different from those used on other Palm Powered
handhelds. Jot lets you write more naturally, using standard upperand lowercase printed letters in most cases. Jot recognizes various
strokes as well as most Graffiti® characters. The Jot application,
tutorial, and option settings are available in the English language
Various ways of writing the letter A.
Use the method most natural for you.
Tap here to display
international keyboard.
NOTE:Uppercase letters are formed by drawing a character
across the middle of the screen, not by drawing a character that
looks like an uppercase letter (see page 24).
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using the handwriting software
Learning to write characters
With only a few minutes of practice, you will find it easy to enter
accurate text and numbers using Jot. The Jot tutorial shows you
how to use the handwriting software.
To practice using Jot:
1.Press Back until you see the Launcher’s All category.
2.Select and open Jot.
3.Tap Tutorial.
4.Tap a letter to see how it is written, then try writing it yourself.
General Guidelines for Jot Writing
Follow these guidelines to successfully learn and use Jot writing:
• To achieve 100% accuracy, practice drawing characters
exactly as they appear in the tables later in this chapter.
• The heavy dot on each shape shows where
to start the stroke. Some characters have
similar shapes, but different starting and
ending points. Always start the stroke at the
heavy dot. (Do not draw the heavy dot; it is
there only as a guideline.)
• The Jot writing strokes for letters closely resemble letters of
the standard English alphabet, both uppercase and
lowercase. Most characters require only a single stroke.
When you lift the stylus from the screen, your watch
recognizes and displays the character immediately.
For multi-stroke characters, a temporary character appears
after the first stroke, to show that the stroke was recognized.
For example, after the first vertical stroke of “t”, a temporary
“l” appears. There is a short time period, during which you
must draw the second stroke. Otherwise the temporary
stroke is recorded.
Begin stroke here
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using the handwriting software
• The screen is divided into two parts, one for lowercase letters
and one for numbers. You must begin letter strokes on the
left side, and number strokes on the right.
NOTE:To turn on the screen-dividing mark (shown below),
select and open Jot and make sure Show mode mark is
ng mar
Write lowercase
letters on this side
Write numbers
on this side
• Jot writing automatically capitalizes the first letter of a new
record or sentence. To write additional capital letters, draw a
lowercase letter, but start the stroke on the left side of the
screen and write across the dividing mark in the middle.
To write Jot letters:
1.Tap the screen where you want to write text, for example, on a line
next to a time in Date Book.
NOTE:A blinking cursor must appear onscreen before you can
begin writing text.
2.Use the tables on the following pages to find the stroke shape for
the letter you want to write. For example, the stroke shown below
creates the letter n.
Start stroke at
heavy dot.
3.Position the stylus in the left side of the screen.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Lift stylus here.
Writing on the Screen
Using the handwriting software
4.Start your stroke at the heavy dot, and draw the stroke shape as it
appears in the tables.
5.Lift the stylus from the screen at the end of the stroke shape.
Your watch recognizes your stroke immediately and displays the
letter at the insertion point onscreen. As soon as you lift the stylus
from the screen, you can begin the stroke for the next character you
want to write.
Jot tips
When using Jot writing, keep these tips in mind:
• For greater accuracy, draw letters with large strokes; strokes
that nearly fill the screen are easily interpreted.
• To delete characters, set the insertion point to the right of the
character you want to delete, and draw the Backspace
stroke (a line from right to left).
• Write at natural speed. Writing too slowly can produce errors.
• Do not write at a slant (like italics). Keep vertical strokes
parallel to the sides of the screen.
• When letters and numbers can be written using two different
strokes, use the one that is easier for you.
• Press firmly.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using the handwriting software
Writing letters
Draw these letters, symbols, and gestures on the left side of the
Writing numbers
Draw these numbers and symbols on the right side of the screen.
Writing accent marks
Write accent marks on the right side of the screen after writing an
upper- or lowercase character.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Selecting and editing text
Using the Jot Tuner
The Jot Tuner provides alternative strokes for making the I, K, P, T,
Y, and $ characters. For example, you may want to form the letter
“T” by using strokes similar to a space and an “L”. But if this
technique is difficult to control, you can turn off this option.
NOTE:The Jot application, tutorial, and option settings are
available in the English language only.
To use the Tuner:
1.Press Back until you see the Launcher’s All category.
2.Select and open Jot.
3.Tap Tuner.
4.Tap one of the letters available for you to tune.
5.Insert a check mark to select the alternate stroke; then tap Done.
6.Repeat steps 5 and 6 for other letters.
7.Tap Done.
Selecting and editing text
After you enter text, you can change,
delete, or add to it at any time. When the
screen is in edit mode, a blinking cursor
appears within the text, and the text
appears on a dotted gray line called an
edit line.
Edit line
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using ShortCuts
To select the text you want to edit, do one of the following:
• Double-tap a word to select the word.
• Triple-tap any word to select the entire line.
• To select several characters, words, or lines, tap and hold
with the stylus until you hear a beep. Then drag the stylus left
or right across the text you want to highlight, or drag up or
down to select multiple lines.
Using ShortCuts
ShortCuts let you quickly and easily enter commonly used words or
phrases. ShortCuts are similar to the Glossary or Autotext features
of some word processors. Jot writing comes with several predefined
ShortCuts. You can also create your own, for any words, letters, or
You can create ShortCuts, with up to 45 characters, using ShortCut
preferences. For example, you can create a ShortCut for your name
or the header of a memo. All ShortCuts you create appear in
ShortCut Preferences, are available in any of your watch
applications, and are backed up on your computer when you
perform a HotSync operation.
Your watch includes these predefined ShortCuts:
• ds—Date stamp
• ts—Time stamp
• dts—Date/time
• br—Breakfast
• lu—Lunch
• di—Dinner
• me—Meeting
To use a ShortCut:
Draw the ShortCut stroke, followed by the
ShortCut character(s). When you draw the
ShortCut stroke, the ShortCut symbol appears at
the insertion point.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using ShortCuts
To create a ShortCut:
1.Press Back until you see the Launcher’s All category.
2.Select and open Prefs.
3.Tap the category list; then tap ShortCuts.
4.Tap New.
5.In the ShortCut Name line, enter the letters you want to use to
activate the ShortCut.
Tap New
6.Tap the ShortCut Text area, then enter the text you want to appear
when you write the ShortCut characters.
TIP:Add a space after the last word in your ShortCut text, so
that a space automatically follows the ShortCut text.
7.Tap OK.
To edit a ShortCut:
1.In ShortCut Preferences, tap the ShortCut you want to edit.
2.Tap Edit.
3.Make the changes you want; then tap OK.
To delete a ShortCut:
1.In ShortCut Preferences, tap the ShortCut you want to delete.
2.Tap Delete; then tap Yes.
Wrist PDA User Guide
Writing on the Screen
Using ShortCuts
Wrist PDA User Guide
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