Fortinet Switch 800F, Fortinet Switch 800 Installation Manual

FortiGate 800/800F
Installation Guide
Esc Enter
Version 2.80 MR6
26 October 2004
© Copyright 2004 Fortinet Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication including text, examples, diagrams or illustrations may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical or otherwise, for any purpose, without prior written permission of Fortinet Inc.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide Version 2.80 MR6 26 October 2004 01-28006-0024-20041026
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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FCC Class A Part 15 CSA/CUS
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Send information about errors or omissions in this document or any Fortinet technical documentation to
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5
Secure installation, configuration, and management .......................................................... 5
Web-based manager ...................................................................................................... 6
Command line interface .................................................................................................. 6
Setup wizard ................................................................................................................... 7
Document conventions ....................................................................................................... 7
FortiGate documentation .................................................................................................... 8
Related documentation ....................................................................................................... 9
FortiManager documentation .......................................................................................... 9
FortiClient documentation ............................................................................................... 9
FortiMail documentation.................................................................................................. 9
FortiLog documentation ................................................................................................ 10
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation........................................................... 10
Customer service and technical support........................................................................... 11
Getting started ..................................................................................................... 13
Package contents ............................................................................................................. 14
Mounting ........................................................................................................................... 15
Turning the FortiGate unit power on and off ..................................................................... 16
Connecting to the web-based manager............................................................................ 16
Connecting to the command line interface (CLI)............................................................... 17
Factory default FortiGate configuration settings ............................................................... 19
Factory default NAT/Route mode network configuration .............................................. 19
Factory default Transparent mode network configuration............................................. 20
Factory default firewall configuration ............................................................................ 21
Factory default protection profiles................................................................................. 21
Planning the FortiGate configuration ................................................................................ 23
NAT/Route mode .......................................................................................................... 23
NAT/Route mode with multiple external network connections ...................................... 24
Transparent mode......................................................................................................... 24
Configuration options .................................................................................................... 25
Next steps ......................................................................................................................... 26
NAT/Route mode installation.............................................................................. 27
Preparing to configure the FortiGate unit in NAT/Route mode ......................................... 27
DHCP or PPPoE configuration ..................................................................................... 28
Using the web-based manager ......................................................................................... 29
Configuring basic settings............................................................................................. 29
Using the front control buttons and LCD........................................................................... 30
Using the command line interface..................................................................................... 31
Configuring the FortiGate unit to operate in NAT/Route mode ..................................... 31
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 3
Using the setup wizard...................................................................................................... 34
Starting the setup wizard .............................................................................................. 35
Connecting the FortiGate unit to the network(s) ............................................................... 36
Configuring the networks .................................................................................................. 38
Next steps ......................................................................................................................... 39
Transparent mode installation............................................................................ 41
Preparing to configure Transparent mode ........................................................................ 41
Using the web-based manager ......................................................................................... 42
Reconnecting to the web-based manager .................................................................... 43
Using the front control buttons and LCD........................................................................... 43
Using the command line interface..................................................................................... 44
Using the setup wizard...................................................................................................... 45
Reconnecting to the web-based manager .................................................................... 46
Connecting the FortiGate unit to your network ................................................................. 46
Next steps ......................................................................................................................... 48
High availability installation................................................................................ 51
Priorities of heartbeat device and monitor priorities...................................................... 51
Configuring FortiGate units for HA operation.................................................................... 51
High availability configuration settings .......................................................................... 51
Configuring FortiGate units for HA using the web-based manager .............................. 53
Configuring FortiGate units for HA using the CLI.......................................................... 54
Connecting the cluster to your networks........................................................................... 55
Installing and configuring the cluster................................................................................. 57
Index ...................................................................................................................... 59
4 01-28006-0024-20041026 Fortinet Inc.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide Version 2.80 MR6
FortiGate Antivirus Firewalls improve network security, reduce network misuse and abuse, and help you use communications resources more efficiently without compromising the performance of your network. FortiGate Antivirus Firewalls are ICSA-certified for firewall, IPSec, and antivirus services.
The FortiGate Antivirus Firewall is a dedicated easily managed security device that delivers a full suite of capabilities that include:
application-level services such as virus protection and content filtering,
network-level services such as firewall, intrusion detection, VPN, and traffic shaping.
The FortiGate Antivirus Firewall uses Fortinet’s Accelerated Behavior and Content Analysis System (ABACAS™) technology, which leverages breakthroughs in chip design, networking, security, and content analysis. The unique ASIC-based architecture analyzes content and behavior in real-time, enabling key applications to be deployed right at the network edge where they are most effective at protecting your networks.
The FortiGate-800/800F model provides the performance demanded by large enterprises. Features include high throughput, a total of 8 network connections (4 user-defined), 802.1Q VLAN support, virtual domains, stateful failover HA, and support for the RIP and OSPF routing protocols. The flexibility, reliability, and easy management of the FortiGate-800/800F makes it a natural choice for enterprise applications.
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Esc Enter
Secure installation, configuration, and management
The FortiGate unit default configuration includes default interface IP addresses and is only a few steps away from protecting your network. There are several ways to configure basic FortiGate settings:
the web-based manager,
the front panel front keypad and LCD,
the command line interface (CLI), or
the setup wizard.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 5
Web-based manager Introduction
The CLI or the web-based manager can then be used to complete configuration and to perform maintenance and administration.
Web-based manager
Using HTTP or a secure HTTPS connection from any computer running Internet Explorer, you can configure and manage the FortiGate unit. The web-based manager supports multiple languages. You can configure the FortiGate unit for HTTP and HTTPS administration from any FortiGate interface.
You can use the web-based manager to configure most FortiGate settings. You can also use the web-based manager to monitor the status of the FortiGate unit. Configuration changes made using the web-based manager are effective immediately without resetting the firewall or interrupting service. Once you are satisfied with a configuration, you can download and save it. The saved configuration can be restored at any time.
Figure 1: FortiGate web-based manager and setup wizard
Command line interface
You can access the FortiGate command line interface (CLI) by connecting a management computer serial port to the FortiGate RS-232 serial console connector. You can also use Telnet or a secure SSH connection to connect to the CLI from any network that is connected to the FortiGate unit, including the Internet.
The CLI supports the same configuration and monitoring functionality as the web-based manager. In addition, you can use the CLI for advanced configuration options that are not available from the web-based manager.
This Installation Guide contains information about basic and advanced CLI commands. For a more complete description about connecting to and using the FortiGate CLI, see the FortiGate CLI Reference Guide.
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Introduction Setup wizard
Setup wizard
The FortiGate setup wizard provides an easy way to configure the basic initial settings for the FortiGate unit. The wizard walks through the configuration of a new administrator password, FortiGate interfaces, DHCP server settings, internal servers (web, FTP, etc.), and basic antivirus settings.
Document conventions
This guide uses the following conventions to describe command syntax.
Angle brackets < > to indicate variables.
For example:
execute restore config <filename_str>
You enter:
execute restore config myfile.bak
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string that does not contain new-lines or carriage
<xxx_integer> indicates an integer string that is a decimal (base 10) number.
<xxx_octet> indicates a hexadecimal string that uses the digits 0-9 and letters
<xxx_ipv4> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address.
<xxx_v4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address.
<xxx_v6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv6 netmask.
Vertical bar and curly brackets {|} to separate alternative, mutually exclusive required keywords.
For example:
set opmode {nat | transparent}
You can enter set opmode nat or set opmode transparent.
Square brackets [ ] to indicate that a keyword or variable is optional.
For example:
show system interface [<name_str>]
To show the settings for all interfaces, you can enter show system interface. To show the settings for the internal interface, you can enter show system interface internal.
A space to separate options that can be entered in any combination and must be separated by spaces.
For example:
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 7
Setup wizard Introduction
set allowaccess {ping https ssh snmp http telnet}
You can enter any of the following:
set allowaccess ping
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set allowaccess https ping ssh
set allowaccess snmp
In most cases to make changes to lists that contain options separated by spaces, you need to retype the whole list including all the options you want to apply and excluding all the options you want to remove.
FortiGate documentation
Information about FortiGate products is available from the following guides:
FortiGate QuickStart Guide
Provides basic information about connecting and installing a FortiGate unit.
FortiGate Installation Guide
Describes how to install a FortiGate unit. Includes a hardware reference, default configuration information, installation procedures, connection procedures, and basic configuration procedures. Choose the guide for your product model number.
FortiGate Administration Guide
Provides basic information about how to configure a FortiGate unit, including how to define FortiGate protection profiles and firewall policies; how to apply intrusion prevention, antivirus protection, web content filtering, and spam filtering; and how to configure a VPN.
FortiGate online help
Provides a context-sensitive and searchable version of the Administration Guide in HTML format. You can access online help from the web-based manager as you work.
FortiGate CLI Reference Guide
Describes how to use the FortiGate CLI and contains a reference to all FortiGate CLI commands.
FortiGate Log Message Reference Guide
Describes the structure of FortiGate log messages and provides information about the log messages that are generated by FortiGate units.
FortiGate High Availability Guide
Contains in-depth information about the FortiGate high availability feature and the FortiGate clustering protocol.
8 01-28006-0024-20041026 Fortinet Inc.
Introduction FortiManager documentation
Related documentation
Additional information about Fortinet products is available from the following related documentation.
FortiManager documentation
FortiManager QuickStart Guide
Explains how to install the FortiManager Console, set up the FortiManager Server, and configure basic settings.
FortiManager System Administration Guide
Describes how to use the FortiManager System to manage FortiGate devices.
FortiManager System online help
Provides a searchable version of the Administration Guide in HTML format. You can access online help from the FortiManager Console as you work.
FortiClient documentation
FortiClient Host Security User Guide
Describes how to use FortiClient Host Security software to set up a VPN connection from your computer to remote networks, scan your computer for viruses, and restrict access to your computer and applications by setting up firewall policies.
FortiClient Host Security online help
Provides information and procedures for using and configuring the FortiClient software.
FortiMail documentation
FortiMail Administration Guide
Describes how to install, configure, and manage a FortiMail unit in gateway mode and server mode, including how to configure the unit; create profiles and policies; configure antispam and antivirus filters; create user accounts; and set up logging and reporting.
FortiMail online help
Provides a searchable version of the Administration Guide in HTML format. You can access online help from the web-based manager as you work.
FortiMail Web Mail Online Help
Describes how to use the FortiMail web-based email client, including how to send and receive email; how to add, import, and export addresses; and how to configure message display preferences.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 9
FortiLog documentation Introduction
FortiLog documentation
FortiLog Administration Guide
Describes how to install and configure a FortiLog unit to collect FortiGate and FortiMail log files. It also describes how to view FortiGate and FortiMail log files, generate and view log reports, and use the FortiLog unit as a NAS server.
FortiLog online help
Provides a searchable version of the Administration Guide in HTML format. You can access online help from the web-based manager as you work.
The FortiGate online help also contains procedures for using the FortiGate web-based manager to configure and manage the FortiGate unit. For a complete list of FortiGate documentation visit Fortinet Technical Support at
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation
You can send information about errors or omissions in this document, or any Fortinet technical documentation, to
10 01-28006-0024-20041026 Fortinet Inc.
Introduction Comments on Fortinet technical documentation
Customer service and technical support
For antivirus and attack definition updates, firmware updates, updated product documentation, technical support information, and other resources, please visit the Fortinet technical support web site at
You can also register FortiGate Antivirus Firewalls from and change your registration information at any time.
Fortinet email support is available from the following addresses: For customers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin For customers in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, For customers in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Mainland
America and South America.
Malaysia, all other Asian countries, and Australia.
Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
For information on Fortinet telephone support, see
When requesting technical support, please provide the following information:
Your name
Company name
Email address
Telephone number
FortiGate unit serial number
FortiGate model
FortiGate FortiOS firmware version
Detailed description of the problem
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 11
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation Introduction
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FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide Version 2.80 MR6
Getting started
This section describes unpacking, setting up, and powering on a FortiGate Antivirus Firewall unit. This section includes:
Package contents
Turning the FortiGate unit power on and off
Connecting to the web-based manager
Connecting to the command line interface (CLI)
Factory default FortiGate configuration settings
Planning the FortiGate configuration
Next steps
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 13
Package contents
The FortiGate-800 and FortiGate-800F package contains the following items:
FortiGate-800 or FortiGate-800F Antivirus Firewall
one orange crossover ethernet cable (Fortinet part number CC300248)
one grey regular ethernet cable (Fortinet part number CC300249)
one RJ-45 to DB-9 serial cable
SFP transceivers (FortiGate-800F only)
one power cable
two 19-inch rack mount brackets
FortiGate-800 or FortiGate-800F QuickStart Guide
CD containing Fortinet user documentation
Figure 2: FortiGate-800 package contents
Getting started
LCD Control
Esc Enter
HA Interface
Figure 3: FortiGate-800F package contents
LCD Control
Esc Enter
Fiber-optic Internal,External,
DMZ HA Interface
1 to 4
1 to 4
Power Switch
Ethernet Cables:
Orange - Crossover
Grey - Straight-through
RJ-45 Serial Cable
RJ-45 to
DB-9 Serial Cable
Power Cable
Rack-Mount Brackets
Esc Enter
QuickStart Guide
Copyright 2003 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trademarks Products mentioned in this document are trademarks.
Ethernet Cables:
Orange - Crossover
Grey - Straight-through
RJ-45 Serial Cable
x4 SFP Transceivers
RJ-45 to
DB-9 Serial Cable
Power Cable
14 01-28006-0024-20041026 Fortinet Inc.
Power Switch
Rack-Mount Brackets
Esc Enter
QuickStart Guide
Copyright 2003 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trademarks Products mentioned in this document are trademarks.
Getting started
The FortiGate-800/800F unit can be mounted in a standard 19-inch rack. It requires 1 U of vertical space in the rack.
The FortiGate-800/800F unit can also be installed as a free-standing appliance on any stable surface.
16.75 x 12 x 1.75 in. (42.7 x 30.5 x 4.5 cm)
10 lb. (4.5 kg)
Power requirements
Power dissipation: 300 W (max)
AC input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC
AC input current: 6 A
Frequency: 50 to 60 Hz
The FortiGate-800/800F unit may overload your supply circuit and impact your overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Use appropriate equipment nameplate ratings to address this concern.
Make sure that the FortiGate-800/800F unit has reliable grounding. Fortinet recommends direct connections to the branch circuit.
Environmental specifications
Operating temperature: 41 to 95°F (5 to 35°C)
Storage temperature: -4 to 176°F (-20 to 80°C)
Humidity: 10 to 90% non-condensing
If you install the FortiGate-800/800F unit in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Make sure the operating ambient temperature does not exceed the manufacturer's maximum rated ambient temperature.
Air flow
For rack installation, make sure that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the FortiGate unit is not compromised.
For free-standing installation, make sure that the FortiGate unit has at least 1.5 in. (3.75 cm) of clearance on each side to allow for adequate air flow and cooling.
Mechanical loading
For rack installation, make sure the mechanical loading of the FortiGate unit is evenly distributed to avoid a hazardous condition.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 15
Turning the FortiGate unit power on and off
Table 1: FortiGate-800 LED indicators
LED State Description
Power Green The FortiGate unit is powered on.
Off The FortiGate unit is powered off.
Internal External DMZ HA 1 to 4
Table 2: FortiGate-800F LED indicators
LED State Description
Power Green The FortiGate-800F unit is powered on.
Internal External DMZ HA
Amber The correct cable is in use and the connected equipment has
Flashing amber
Green The interface is connected. Internal, External, DMZ and HA
Off No link established.
Off The FortiGate-800F unit is powered off.
Amber The correct cable is in use and the connected equipment has
Flashing Amber
Off No link established.
Network activity at this interface.
connect at up to 1000 Mbps. Interfaces 1, 2, 3 and 4 connect at up to 100 Mbps.
Network activity at this interface.
Getting started
To power off the FortiGate unit
Always shut down the FortiGate operating system properly before turning off the power switch.
1 From the web-based manager, go to System > Maintenance > ShutDown, select
Shut Down and select Apply, or from the CLI, enter:
execute shutdown
2 Turn off the power switch.
3 Disconnect the power cable from the power supply.
Connecting to the web-based manager
Use the following procedure to connect to the web-based manager for the first time. Configuration changes made with the web-based manager are effective immediately without resetting the firewall or interrupting service.
16 01-28006-0024-20041026 Fortinet Inc.
Getting started
To connect to the web-based manager, you need:
a computer with an ethernet connection,
Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher,
a crossover cable or an ethernet hub and two ethernet cables.
Note: You can use the web-based manager with recent versions of most popular web browsers. The web-based manager is fully supported for Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher.
To connect to the web-based manager
1 Set the IP address of the computer with an ethernet connection to the static IP
address with a netmask of
2 Start Internet Explorer and browse to the address (remember to
include the “s” in https://). The FortiGate login is displayed.
Figure 4: FortiGate login
3 Type admin in the Name field and select Login.
Connecting to the command line interface (CLI)
As an alternative to the web-based manager, you can install and configure the FortiGate unit using the CLI. Configuration changes made with the CLI are effective immediately without resetting the firewall or interrupting service.
To connect to the FortiGate CLI, you need:
a computer with an available communications port,
the RJ-45 serial cable included in your FortiGate package,
the RJ-45 to DB-9 convertor included in your FortiGate package (if required),
terminal emulation software such as HyperTerminal for Windows.
FortiGate-800/800F Installation Guide 01-28006-0024-20041026 17
Getting started
Note: The following procedure describes how to connect to the CLI using Windows HyperTerminal software. You can use any terminal emulation program.
To connect to the CLI
1 Connect the serial cable to the communications port of your computer and to the
FortiGate Console port. Use the RJ-45 to DB-9 convertor if your PC communications port requires a DB-9
2 Make sure that the FortiGate unit is powered on.
3 Start HyperTerminal, enter a name for the connection, and select OK.
4 Configure HyperTerminal to connect directly to the communications port on your
computer and select OK.
5 Select the following port settings and select OK.
Bits per second 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
6 Press Enter to connect to the FortiGate CLI.
The following prompt is displayed:
FortiGate-800 login:
FortiGate-800F login:
7 Ty pe admin and press Enter twice.
The following prompt is displayed:
Welcome !
Type ? to list available commands. For information about how to use the CLI, see the FortiGate CLI Reference Guide.
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