Fortinet FortiGate-7000, FortiGate-7040E, FortiGate-7904E, FortiGate-7901E, FortiGate-7030E Handbook

FortiOS™ Handbook - FortiGate-7000
December 20, 2017
FortiOS™ Handbook - FortiGate-7000
Change Log 7 Introduction 8
What's new in for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 8
M1 and M2 interfaces can use different VLANs for heartbeat traffic (408386) 8 GTP load balancing 8 FSSO user authentication is synchronized 8 HA Link failure threshold changes (422264 ) 9 FortiGate-7000s running FortiOS v5.4.5 can be configured as dialup IPsec VPN servers 9
FortiGate-7000 overview 11
Licenses, Device Registration, and Support 11
FortiGate-7060E 12
FortiGate-7060E front panel 12 FortiGate-7060E schematic 13 FortiGate-7040E 14
FortiGate-7040E front panel 14 FortiGate-7040E schematic 15
FortiGate-7030E 15
FortiGate-7030E front panel 16 FortiGate-7030E schematic 16
FIM-7901E interface module 18
FIM-7901E schematic 19
FIM-7904E interface module 20
Splitting the FIM-7904E B1 to B8 interfaces 21 FIM-7904E hardware schematic 21
FIM-7910E interface module 22
Splitting the FIM-7910E C1 to C4 interfaces 23 FIM-7910E hardware schematic 24
FIM-7920E interface module 24
Changing the interface type and splitting the FIM-7920E C1 to C4 interfaces 25
Splitting the C1 to C4 interfaces 26 FIM-7920E hardware schematic 26 FPM-7620E processing module 27
NP6 network processors - offloading load balancing and network traffic 28
Accelerated IPS, SSL VPN, and IPsec VPN (CP9 content processors) 30
Getting started with FortiGate-7000 31
Managing individual modules 32
Managing individual modules from the CLI 33 Connecting to module CLIs using the management module 33
Connecting to the FortiOS CLI of the FIM module in slot 1 34 Default VDOM configuration 35
Default management VDOM 35 Firmware upgrades 35 Restarting the FortiGate-7000 35 Load balancing 36
Traffic that cannot be load balanced 36 Recommended configuration for traffic that cannot be load balanced 37 Configuration synchronization 39 Failover in a standalone FortiGate-7000 39 Replacing a failed FPMor FIMmodule 39
Replacing a failed module in a standalone FortiGate-7000 chassis 39
Replacing a failed module in a FortiGate-7000 chassis inan HAcluster 40 Installing firmware on an FIM or FPM module from the BIOS using a TFTP server 41
Uploading firmware from a TFTP server to an FIMmodule 41
Uploading firmware from a TFTP server to an FPMmodule 43
Operating a FortiGate-7000 45
Failover in a standalone FortiGate-7000 45 Replacing a failed FPMor FIMmodule 45
Replacing a failed module in a standalone FortiGate-7000 chassis 45
Replacing a failed module in a FortiGate-7000 chassis inan HAcluster 46 Installing firmware on an FIM or FPM module from the BIOS using a TFTP server 46
Uploading firmware from a TFTP server to an FIMmodule 47
Uploading firmware from a TFTP server to an FPMmodule 48
IPsec VPN 51
Adding source and destination subnets to IPsec VPN phase 2 configurations 51
Example basic IPsec VPN Phase 2 configuration 51
Example multiple subnet IPsec VPN Phase 2 configuration 52 Configuring the FortiGate-7000 as a dialup IPsec VPN server 53
Example dialup IPsec VPN configuration 53 Troubleshooting 54
High Availability 57
Before you begin configuring HA 57 Connect the M1 and M2 interfaces for HA heartbeat communication 58 HA configuration 60
Setting up HA on the FIM interface modules in the first FortiGate-7000 (chassis 1) 60 HA management configuration 62
Managing individual modules in HAmode 63 Firmware upgrade 64 Session failover (session-pickup) 64
Enabling session pickup for TCP and UDP 65
If session pickup is disabled 65 Primary unit selection and failover criteria 66
Verifying primary chassis selection 68 How link and module failures affect primary chassis selection 68
FIM module failures 70
Management link failures 70 Link failure threshold and board failover tolerance 70
Link failure threshold 70
Board failover tolerance 70 Priority and primary chassis selection 71 Override and primary chassis selection 71
FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 special features and limitations 72
Managing the FortiGate-7000 72
Default management VDOM 72 Firewall 72 IP Multicast 72 HighAvailability 73 Shelf Manager Module 73 FortiOS features that are not supported by FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 74 IPsec VPN tunnels terminated by the FortiGate-7000 74 SSL VPN 75 Traffic shaping and DDoS policies 75 Sniffer mode (one-arm sniffer) 75 FortiGuard Web Filtering 75 Log messages include a slot field 75 FortiOS Carrier 75 Special notice for new deployment connectivity testing 75
FortiGate-7000 v5.4.3 special features and limitations 77
Managing the FortiGate-7000 77
Default management VDOM 77 Firewall 77 Link monitoring and health checking 77 IP Multicast 78 HighAvailability 78 Shelf Manager Module 79 FortiOS features that are not supported by FortiGate-7000 v5.4.3 79 IPsec VPN tunnels terminated by the FortiGate-7000 79
More about IPsec VPN routing limitations 80
SSL VPN 80 Authentication 80 Traffic shaping and DDoS policies 81 Sniffer mode (one-arm sniffer) 81 FortiGuard Web Filtering 81 Log messages include a slot field 81 FortiOS Carrier 81 Special notice for new deployment connectivity testing 81
FortiGate-7000 Load balancing commands 82
config load-balance flow-rule 82
Syntax 82
status {disable | enable} 83
src-interface <interface-name> [interface-name>...} 83
vlan <vlan-id> 83
ether-type {any | arp | ip | ipv4 | ipv6} 83
{src-addr-ipv4 | dst-addr-ipv4 | src-addr-ipv6 | dst-addr-ipv6} <ip-address> <netmask> 83
protocol {any | icmp | tcp | udp | igmp | sctp | gre | esp | ah | ospf | pim | vrrp} 83
{src-l4port | dst-l4port} <start>[-<end>] 83
action {forward | mirror-ingress | mirror-egress | stats | drop} 83
set mirror-interface <interface-name> 84
forward-slot {master | all | load-balance | FPM3 | FPM4 | FPM5 | FPM6} 84
priority <number> 84
comment <text> 84 config load-balance setting 84
gtp-load-balance {disable | enable} 84
max-miss-heartbeats <heartbeats> 85
max-miss-mgmt-heartbeats <heartbeats> 85
weighted-load-balance {disable | enable} 85
dp-load-distribution-method {round-robin | src-ip | dst-ip | src-dst-ip | src-ip-sport | dst-
ip-dport | src-dst-ip-sport-dport} 85
config workers 85

Change Log

Date Change Description
December 20, 2017 Updated for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5. New sections include What's new in for
FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 on page 8, FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 special features and limitations on page 72, IPsec VPN on page 51, gtp-load-balance {disable | enable} on page 84, and Operating a FortiGate-7000 on page 45. Also, changes to High Availability on page 57. New section Recommended configuration for traffic that cannot be load balanced on page 37.Additional changes and fixes throughout the
Changes to Installing firmware on an FIM or FPM module from the BIOS using a
November 7, 2017
November 2, 2017 Updated with new information throughout the document including a new HA chapter.
TFTP server on page 41. Also added a note about the MGMT interface being a static
aggregate and not an LACP aggregate.
Change Log
August 30, 2017 Updated with new information throughout the document.
December 1, 2016 Initial Release
7 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
Introduction What's new in for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5


This document describes what you need to know to get started using a FortiGate-7000 product. Also included are details about CLI commands that are specific to FortiGate-7000 products.
This FortiOS Handbook chapter contains the following sections:
FortiGate-7000 overview provides a quick overview of FortiGate-7000 components.
Getting started with FortiGate-7000 describes how to get started with managing and configuring your FortiGate-
7000 product.
FortiGate-7000 Load balancing commands describes FortiGate-7000 load balancing CLI commands.

What's new in for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5

The following new features have been added to FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5.

M1 and M2 interfaces can use different VLANs for heartbeat traffic (408386)

The M1 and M2 interfaces can be configured to use different VLANs for HA heartbeat traffic.
The following command now configures the VLAN used by the M1 interface (default 999):
config system ha
set hbdev-vlan-id 999
The following new command configures the VLAN used by the M2 interface (default 1999):
config system ha
set hbdev-second-vlan-id 1999

GTP load balancing

GTP load balancing is supported for FortiGate-7000 configurations licensed for FortiOSCarrier. You can use the following command to enable GTP load balancing. This command is only available after you have licensed the FortiGate-7000 for FortiOSCarrier.
config load-balance setting
set gtp-load-balance enable

FSSO user authentication is synchronized

FSSO user authentication is synchronized to all FIM and FPMmodules. FSSO users are no longer required to re­authenticate when sessions are processed by a different FIM or FPM module.
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
What's new in for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5 Introduction

HA Link failure threshold changes (422264 )

The link failure threshold is now determined based on the all FIM modules in a chassis. This means that the chassis with the fewest active links will become the backup chassis.
FortiGate-7000s running FortiOS v5.4.5 can be configured as dialup IPsec VPN servers
The following shows how to setup a dialup IPsec VPN configuration where the FortiGate-7000 running v5.4.5 acts as a dialup IPsec VPN server.
Configure the phase1, set type to dynamic.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
edit dialup-server
set type dynamic set interface "v0020" set peertype any set psksecret <password>
Configure the phase 2, to support dialup IPsec VPN, set the destination subnet to
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
edit dialup-server
set phase1name dialup-server set src-subnet set dst-subnet
To configure the remote FortiGate as a dialup IPsec VPN client
The dialup IPsec VPN client should advertise its local subnet(s) using the phase 2 src-subnet option.
If there are multiple local subnets create a phase 2 for each one. Each phase 2 only advertises one local subnet to the dialup IPsec VPN server. If more than one local subnet is added to the phase 2, only the first one is advertised to the server.
Dialup client configuration:
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
9 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
Introduction What's new in for FortiGate-7000 v5.4.5
edit "to-fgt7k"
set interface "v0020" set peertype any set remote-gw set psksecret <password>
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
edit "to-fgt7k"
set phase1name "to-fgt7k" set src-subnet
set dst-subnet next edit "to-fgt7k-2"
set phase1name "to-fgt7k"
set src-subnet
set dst-subnet end
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
Licenses, Device Registration, and Support FortiGate-7000 overview

FortiGate-7000 overview

A FortiGate-7000 product consists of a FortiGate-7000 series chassis (for example, the FortiGate-7040E) with FortiGate-7000 modules installed in the chassis slots. A FortiGate-7040E chassis comes with two interface modules (FIM) to be installed in slots 1 and 2 to provide network connections and session-aware load balancing to two processor modules (FPM) to be installed in slots 3 and 4.
FortiGate-7000 products are sold and licensed as packages that include the chassis as well as the modules to be included in the chassis. When you receive your FortiGate-7000 series product the chassis has to be installed in a rack and the modules installed in the chassis. Interface modules always go in slots 1 and 2 and processor modules in slots 3 and up.
If your FortiGate-7000 product includes two different interfaces modules, for optimal configuration you should install the module with the lower model number in slot 1 and the module with the higher model number in slot 2. For example, if your chassis includes a FIM-7901E and a FIM-7904E, install the FIM-7901E in chassis slot 1 and the FIM-7904E in chassis slot 2. This applies to any combination of two different interface modules.
As an administrator, when you browse to the FortiGate-7000 management IP address you log into the interface module in slot 1 (the primary or master interface module or FIM) to view the status of the FortiGate-7000 and make configuration changes. The FortiOS firmware running on each module has the same configuration and when you make configuration changes to the primary interface module, the configuration changes are synchronized to all modules.
The same FortiOS firmware build runs on each module in the chassis. You can upgrade FortiGate-7000 firmware by logging into the primary interface module and performing a firmware upgrade as you would for any FortiGate. During the upgrade process the firmware of all of the modules in the chassis upgrades in one step. Firmware upgrades should be done during a quiet time because traffic will briefly be interrupted during the upgrade process.

Licenses, Device Registration, and Support

A FortiGate-7000 product is made up of a FortiGate-7000 series chassis, one or two FIM interface modules and two to four FPM processor modules. The entire package is licensed and configured as a single product under the FortiGate-7000 chassis serial number. When you receive a new FortiGate-7000 product you register it on using the chassis serial number. Use the chassis serial number when requesting
support from Fortinet for the product.
All Fortinet licensing, including FortiCare Support, IPS, AntiVirus, Web Filtering, Mobile Malware, FortiClient, FortiCloud, and additional virtual domains (VDOM) is for the entire FortiGate-7000 product and not for individual components.
If an individual component, such as a single interface or processor fails you can RMA and replace just that component.
11 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7060E FortiGate-7060E front panel


The FortiGate-7060E is a 8U 19-inch rackmount 6-slot chassis with a 80Gbps fabric and 1Gbps base backplane designed by Fortinet. The fabric backplane provides network data communication and the base backplane provides management and synch communication among the chassis slots.

FortiGate-7060E front panel

The chassis is managed by two redundant management modules. Each module includes an Ethernet connection as well as two switchable console ports that provide console connections to the modules in the chassis slots. The active management module controls chassis cooling and power management and provides an interface for managing the modules installed in the chassis.
FortiGate-7060E front panel, (example module configuration)
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7060E schematic FortiGate-7060E
Power is provided to the chassis using four hot swappable 3+1 redundant 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz power supply units (PSUs). You can also optionally add up to six PSUs to provide 3+3 redundancy. The FortiGate-7060E can also be equipped with DC PSUs allowing you to connect the chassis to -48V DC power
The standard configuration of the FortiGate-7060E includes two FIM (interface) modules in chassis slots 1 and 2 and up to four FPM (processing) modules in chassis slots 3 to 6.

FortiGate-7060E schematic

The FortiGate-7060E chassis schematic below shows the communication channels between chassis components including the management modules (MGMT), the FIM modules (called FIM1 and FIM2) and the FPM modules (FPM3, FPM4, FPM5, and FPM6).
By default MGMT2 is the active management module and MGMT1 is inactive. The active management module always has the IPMB address 0x20 and the inactive management module always has the IPMB address 0x22.
The active management module communicates with all modules in the chassis over the base backplane. Each module, including the management modules has a Shelf Management Controller (SMC). These SMCs support Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) communication between the active management module and the FIM and FPM modules for storing and sharing sensor data that the management module uses to control chassis cooling and power distribution. The base backplane also supports serial communications to allow console access from the management module to all modules, and 1Gbps Ethernet communication for management and heartbeat communication betweenmodules.
FIM1 and FIM2 (IPMB addresses 0x82 and 0x84) are the FIM modules in slots 1 and 2. The interfaces of these modules connect the chassis to data networks and can be used for Ethernet management access to chassis components. The FIM modules include DP2 processors that distribute sessions over the Integrated Switch Fabric
13 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7060E FortiGate-7040E
(ISF) to the NP6 processors in the FPMmodules. Data sessions are communicated to the FPM modules over the 80Gbps chassis fabric backplane.
FPM03, FPM04, FPM05, and FPM06 (IPMB addresses 0x86, 0x88, 0x8A, and 0x8C) are the FPM processor modules in slots 3 to 6. These worker modules process sessions distributed to them by the FIMmodules. FPMmodules include NP6 processors to offload sessions from the FPM CPU and CP9 processors that accelerate content processing.


The FortiGate-7040E is a 6U 19-inch rackmount 4-slot chassis with a 80Gbps fabric and 1Gbps base backplane designed by Fortinet. The fabric backplane provides network data communication and the base backplane provides management and synch communication among the chassis slots.

FortiGate-7040E front panel

The FortiGate-7040E chassis is managed by a single management module that includes an Ethernet connection as well as two switchable console ports that provide console connections to the modules in the chassis slots. The management module controls chassis cooling and power management and provides an interface for managing the modules installed in the chassis. The standard configuration of the FortiGate-7040E includes two FIM (interface) modules in chassis slots 1 and 2 and two FPM (processing) modules in chassis slots 3 and 4.
FortiGate-7040E front panel
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7030E FortiGate-7060E

FortiGate-7040E schematic

The FortiGate-7040E chassis schematic below shows the communication channels between chassis components including the management module (MGMT), the FIM modules (called FIM1 and FIM2) and the FPM modules (FPM3 and FPM4).
The management module (MGMT, with IPMB address 0x20) communicates with all modules in the chassis over the base backplane. Each module, including the management module includes a Shelf Management Controller (SMC). These SMCs support Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) communication between the management module and the FIM and FPM modules for storing and sharing sensor data that the management module uses to control chassis cooling and power distribution. The base backplane also supports serial communications to allow console access from the management module to all modules, and 1Gbps Ethernet communication for management and heartbeat communication betweenmodules.
FIM1 and FIM2 (IPMB addresses 0x82 and 0x84) are the FIM modules in slots 1 and 2. The interfaces of these modules connect the chassis to data networks and can be used for Ethernet management access to chassis components. The FIM modules include DP2 processors that distribute sessions over the Integrated Switch Fabric (ISF) to the NP6 processors in the FPMmodules. Data sessions are communicated to the FPM modules over the 80Gbps chassis fabric backplane.
FPM3 and FPM4 (IPMB addresses 0x86 and 0x88) are the FPM processor modules in slots 3 and 4. These worker modules process sessions distributed to them by the FIMmodules. FPMmodules include NP6 processors to offload sessions from the FPM CPU and CP9 processors that accelerate content processing.


The FortiGate-7030E is a 6U 19-inch rackmount 3-slot chassis with a 80Gbps fabric and 1Gbps base backplane designed by Fortinet. The fabric backplane provides network data communication and the base backplane provides management and synch communication among the chassis slots.
15 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7060E FortiGate-7030E

FortiGate-7030E front panel

The FortiGate-7030E chassis is managed by a single management module that includes an Ethernet connection as well as two switchable console ports that provide console connections to the modules in the chassis slots. The management module controls chassis cooling and power management and provides an interface for managing the modules installed in the chassis. The standard configuration of the FortiGate-7030E includes one FIM (interface) module in chassis slot 1 and two FPM (processing) modules in chassis slots 3 and 4. The front panel also includes a sealed blank panel. Breaking the seal or removing the panel voids your FortiGate-7030E warranty.
FortiGate-7030E front panel (example module configuration)
(missing or bad snippet)

FortiGate-7030E schematic

The FortiGate-7030E chassis schematic below shows the communication channels between chassis components including the management module (MGMT), the FIM module (called FIM1) and the FPM modules (FPM3 and FPM4).
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7030E FortiGate-7060E
The management module (MGMT, with IPMB address 0x20) communicates with all modules in the chassis over the base backplane. Each module, including the management module includes a Shelf Management Controller (SMC). These SMCs support Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) communication between the management module and the FIM and FPM modules for storing and sharing sensor data that the management module uses to control chassis cooling and power distribution. The base backplane also supports serial communications to allow console access from the management module to all modules, and 1Gbps Ethernet communication for management and heartbeat communication betweenmodules.
FIM1 (IPMB address 0x82) is the FIM module in slot 1. The interfaces of this module connect the chassis to data networks and can be used for Ethernet management access to chassis components. The FIM module include DP2 processors that distribute sessions over the Integrated Switch Fabric (ISF) to the NP6 processors in the FPMmodules. Data sessions are communicated to the FPM modules over the 80Gbps chassis fabric backplane.
FPM3 and FPM4 (IPMB addresses 0x86 and 0x88) are the FPM processor modules in slots 3 and 4. These worker modules process sessions distributed to them by the FIMmodule. FPMmodules include NP6 processors to offload sessions from the FPM CPU and CP9 processors that accelerate content processing.
17 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7901E interface module FortiGate-7030E

FIM-7901E interface module

The FIM-7901E interface module is a hot swappable module that provides data, management and session sync/heartbeat interfaces, base backplane switching and fabric backplane session-aware load balancing for a FortiGate-7000 chassis. The FIM-7901E includes an integrated switch fabric and DP2 processors to load balance millions of data sessions over the chassis fabric backplane to FPM processor modules.
The FIM-7901E can be installed in any FortiGate-7000 series chassis in hub/switch slots 1 and 2. The FIM-7901E provides thirty-two 10GigE small form-factor pluggable plus (SPF+) interfaces for a FortiGate-7000 chassis.
You can also install FIM-7901Es in a second chassis and operate the chassis in HA mode with another set of processor modules to provide chassis failover protection.
FIM-7901E front panel
The FIM-7901E includes the following hardware features:
l Thirty-two front panel 10GigE SFP+ fabric channel interfaces (A1 to A32). These interfaces are connected to
10Gbps networks to distribute sessions to the FPM processor modules installed in chassis slots 3 and up. These interfaces can also be configured to operate as Gigabit Ethernet interfaces using SFP transceivers. These interfaces also support creating link aggregation groups (LAGs) that can include interfaces from both FIM-7901Es.
l Two front panel 10GigE SFP+ interfaces (M1 and M2) that connect to the base backplane channel. These
interfaces are used for heartbeat, session sync, and management communication between FIM-7901Es in different chassis. These interfaces can also be configured to operate as Gigabit Ethernet interfaces using SFP transceivers, but should not normally be changed. If you use switches to connect these interfaces, the switch ports should be able to accept packets with a maximum frame size of at least 1526. The M1 and M2 interfaces need to be on different broadcast domains. If M1 and M2 are connected to the same switch, Q-in-Q must be enabled on the switch.
l Four 10/100/1000BASE-T out of band management Ethernet interfaces (MGMT1 to MGMT4).
l One 80Gbps fabric backplane channel for traffic distribution with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as
the FIM-7901E.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as the
l One 40Gbps fabric backplane channel for fabric backplane communication with the other FIM-7901E in the chassis.
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7030E FIM-7901E interface module
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane communication with the other FIM-7901E in the chassis.
l On-board DP2 processors and an integrated switch fabric to provide high-capacity session-aware load balancing.
l One front panel USB port.
l Power button.
l NMIswitch (for troubleshooting as recommended by Fortinet Support).
l Mounting hardware.
l LED status indicators.

FIM-7901E schematic

The FIM-7901E includes an integrated switch fabric (ISF) that connects the front panel interfaces to the DP2 session-aware load balancers and to the chassis backplanes. The ISFalso allows the DP2 processors to distribute sessions amoung all NP6 processors on the FPMmodules in the same chassis.
FIM-7901E schematic
19 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7904E interface module FortiGate-7030E

FIM-7904E interface module

The FIM-7904E interface module is a hot swappable module that provides data, management and session sync/heartbeat interfaces, base backplane switching and fabric backplane session-aware load balancing for a FortiGate-7000 series chassis. The FIM-7904E includes an integrated switch fabric and DP2 processors to load balance millions of data sessions over the chassis fabric backplane to FPM processor modules.
The FIM-7904E can be installed in any FortiGate-7000 series chassis in hub/switch slots 1 and 2. The FIM-7904E provides four Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable plus (QSFP+) interfaces for a FortiGate-7000 chassis. Using a 40GBASE-SR10 multimode QSFP+ transceiver, each QSFP+ interface can also be split into four 10GBASE-SR interfaces.
You can also install FIM-7904Es in a second chassis and operate the chassis in HA mode with another set of processor modules to provide chassis failover protection.
FIM-7904E front panel
The FIM-7904E includes the following hardware features:
l Eight front panel 40GigE QSFP+ fabric channel interfaces (B1 to B8). These interfaces are connected to 40Gbps
networks to distribute sessions to the FPM processor modules installed in chassis slots 3 and up. Using 40GBASE­SR10 multimode QSFP+ transceivers, each QSFP+ interface can also be split into four 10GBASE-SR interfaces. These interfaces also support creating link aggregation groups (LAGs) that can include interfaces from both FIM­7904Es.
l Two front panel 10GigE SFP+ interfaces (M1 and M2) that connect to the base backplane channel. These
interfaces are used for heartbeat, session sync, and management communication between FIM-7904Es in different chassis. These interfaces can also be configured to operate as Gigabit Ethernet interfaces using SFP transceivers, but should not normally be changed. If you use switches to connect these interfaces, the switch ports should be able to accept packets with a maximum frame size of at least 1526. The M1 and M2 interfaces need to be on different broadcast domains. If M1 and M2 are connected to the same switch, Q-in-Q must be enabled on the switch.
l Four 10/100/10000BASE-T out of band management Ethernet interfaces (MGMT1 to MGMT4).
l One 80Gbps fabric backplane channel for traffic distribution with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as
the FIM-7904E.
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FortiGate-7030E FIM-7904E interface module
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as the
l One 40Gbps fabric backplane channel for fabric backplane communication with the other FIM-7904E in the chassis.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane communication with the other FIM-7904E in the chassis.
l On-board DP2 processors and an integrated switch fabric to provide high-capacity session-aware load balancing.
l One front panel USB port.
l Power button.
l NMIswitch (for troubleshooting as recommended by Fortinet Support).
l Mounting hardware.
l LED status indicators.

Splitting the FIM-7904E B1 to B8 interfaces

Each 40GE interface (B1 to B8) on the FIM-7904Es in slot 1 and slot 2 of a FortiGate-7000 system can be split into 4x10GBE interfaces. You split these interfaces after the FIM-7904Es are installed in your FortiGate-7000 system and the system us up and running. You can split the interfaces of the FIM-7904Es in slot 1 and slot 2 at the same time by entering a single CLI command. Splitting the interfaces requires a system reboot so Fortinet recommends that you split multiple interfaces at the same time according to your requirements to avoid traffic disruption.
For example, to split the B1 interface of the FIM-7904E in slot 1 (this interface is named 1-B1) and the B1 and B4 interfaces of the FIM-7904E in slot 2 (these interfaces are named 2-B1 and 2-B4) connect to the CLI of your FortiGate-7000 system using the management IP and enter the following command:
config system global
set split-port 1-B1 2-B1 2-B4
After you enter the command, the FortiGate-7000 reboots and when it comes up:
l The 1-B1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 1-B1/1, 1-B1/2, 1-B1/3, and 1-B1/4 interfaces will be
l The 2-B1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-B1/1, 2-B1/2, 2-B1/3, and 2-B1/4 interfaces will be
l The 2-B4 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-B4/1, 2-B4/2, 2-B4/3, and 2-B4/4 interfaces will be
You can now connect breakout cables to these interfaces and configure traffic between them just like any other FortiGate interface.

FIM-7904E hardware schematic

The FIM-7904E includes an integrated switch fabric (ISF) that connects the front panel interfaces to the DP2 session-aware load balancers and to the chassis backplanes. The ISFalso allows the DP2 processors to distribute sessions amoung all NP6 processors on the FPMmodules in the same chassis.
21 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7904E interface module FIM-7910E interface module
FIM-7904E hardware architecture

FIM-7910E interface module

The FIM-7910E interface module is a hot swappable module that provides data, management and session sync/heartbeat interfaces, base backplane switching and fabric backplane session-aware load balancing for a FortiGate-7000 series chassis. The FIM-7910E includes an integrated switch fabric and DP2 processors to load balance millions of data sessions over the chassis fabric backplane to FPM processor modules.
The FIM-7910E can be installed in any FortiGate-7000 series chassis in hub/switch slots 1 and 2. The FIM-7910E provides four C form-factor pluggable 2 (CFP2) interfaces for a FortiGate-7000 chassis. Using a 100GBASE­SR10 multimode CFP2 transceiver, each CFP2 interface can also be split into ten 10GBASE-SR interfaces.
FIM-7910E front panel
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7910E interface module FIM-7904E interface module
The FIM-7910E includes the following hardware features:
l Four front panel 100GigE CFP2 fabric channel interfaces (C1 to C4). These interfaces are connected to 100Gbps
networks to distribute sessions to the FPM processor modules installed in chassis slots 3 and up. Using 100GBASE­SR10 multimode CFP2 transceivers, each CFP2 interface can also be split into ten 10GBASE-SR interfaces. These interfaces also support creating link aggregation groups (LAGs) that can include interfaces from both FIM-7910Es.
l Two front panel 10GigE SFP+ interfaces (M1 and M2) that connect to the base backplane channel. These
interfaces are used for heartbeat, session sync, and management communication between FIM-7910Es in different chassis. These interfaces can also be configured to operate as Gigabit Ethernet interfaces using SFP transceivers, but should not normally be changed. If you use switches to connect these interfaces, the switch ports should be able to accept packets with a maximum frame size of at least 1526. The M1 and M2 interfaces need to be on different broadcast domains. If M1 and M2 are connected to the same switch, Q-in-Q must be enabled on the switch.
l Four 10/100/1000BASE-T out of band management Ethernet interfaces (MGMT1 to MGMT4).
l One 80Gbps fabric backplane channel for traffic distribution with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as
the FIM-7910E.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as the
l One 40Gbps fabric backplane channel for fabric backplane communication with the other FIM-7910E in the chassis.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane communication with the other FIM-7910E in the chassis.
l On-board DP2 processors and an integrated switch fabric to provide high-capacity session-aware load balancing.
l One front panel USB port.
l Power button.
l NMIswitch (for troubleshooting as recommended by Fortinet Support).
l Mounting hardware.
l LED status indicators.

Splitting the FIM-7910E C1 to C4 interfaces

Each 100GE interface (C1 to C4) on the FIM-7910Es in slot 1 and slot 2 of a FortiGate-7000 system can be split into 10 x 10GBE interfaces. You split these interfaces after the FIM-7910Es are installed in your FortiGate-7000 system and the system us up and running. You can split the interfaces of the FIM-7910Es in slot 1 and slot 2 at the same time by entering a single CLI command. Splitting the interfaces requires a system reboot so Fortinet recommends that you split multiple interfaces at the same time according to your requirements to avoid traffic disruption.
For example, to split the C1 interface of the FIM-7910E in slot 1 (this interface is named 1-C1) and the C1 and C4 interfaces of the FIM-7910E in slot 2 (these interfaces are named 2-C1 and 2-C4) connect to the CLI of your FortiGate-7000 system using the management IP and enter the following command:
config system global
set split-port 1-C1 2-C1 2-C4
After you enter the command, the FortiGate-7000 reboots and when it comes up:
l The 1-C1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 1-C1/1, 1-C1/2, ..., and 1-C1/10 interfaces will be
l The 2-C1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-C1/1, 2-C1/2, ..., and 2-C1/10 interfaces will be
23 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7904E interface module FIM-7920E interface module
l The 2-C4 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-C4/1, 2-C4/2, ..., and 2-C4/10 interfaces will be
You can now connect breakout cables to these interfaces and configure traffic between them just like any other FortiGate interface.

FIM-7910E hardware schematic

The FIM-7910E includes an integrated switch fabric (ISF) that connects the front panel interfaces to the DP2 session-aware load balancers and to the chassis backplanes. The ISFalso allows the DP2 processors to distribute sessions amoung all NP6 processors on the FPMmodules in the same chassis.
FIM-7910E hardware schematic

FIM-7920E interface module

The FIM-7920E interface module is a hot swappable module that provides data, management and session sync/heartbeat interfaces, base backplane switching and fabric backplane session-aware load balancing for a FortiGate-7000 series chassis. The FIM-7920E includes an integrated switch fabric and DP2 processors to load balance millions of data sessions over the chassis fabric backplane to FPM processor modules.
The FIM-7920E can be installed in any FortiGate-7000 series chassis in hub/switch slots 1 or 2. The FIM-7920E provides four Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable 28 (QSFP28) 100GigE interfaces for a FortiGate-7000 chassis. Using a 100GBASE-SR4 QSFP28 or 40GBASE-SR4 QSFP+ transceiver, each QSFP28 interface can also be split into four 10GBASE-SR interfaces.
You can also install FIM-7920Es in a second chassis and operate the chassis in HA mode with another set of processor modules to provide chassis failover protection.
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7920E interface module FIM-7904E interface module
FIM-7920E front panel
The FIM-7920E includes the following hardware features:
l Four front panel 100GigE QSFP28 fabric channel interfaces (C1 to C4). These interfaces are connected to
100Gbps networks to distribute sessions to the FPM processor modules installed in chassis slots 3 and up. Using a 100GBASE-SR4 QSFP28 or 40GBASE-SR4 QSFP+ transceiver, each QSFP28 interface can also be split into four 10GBASE-SR interfaces. These interfaces also support creating link aggregation groups (LAGs) that can include interfaces from both FIM-7920Es.
l Two front panel 10GigE SFP+ interfaces (M1 and M2) that connect to the base backplane channel. These
interfaces are used for heartbeat, session sync, and management communication between FIM-7920Es in different chassis. These interfaces can also be configured to operate as Gigabit Ethernet interfaces using SFP transceivers, but should not normally be changed. If you use switches to connect these interfaces, the switch ports should be able to accept packets with a maximum frame size of at least 1526. The M1 and M2 interfaces need to be on different broadcast domains. If M1 and M2 are connected to the same switch, Q-in-Q must be enabled on the switch.
l Four 10/100/1000BASE-T out of band management Ethernet interfaces (MGMT1 to MGMT4).
l One 80Gbps fabric backplane channel for traffic distribution with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as
the FIM-7920E.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane with each FPM module installed in the same chassis as the
l One 40Gbps fabric backplane channel for fabric backplane communication with the other FIM-7920E in the chassis.
l One 1Gbps base backplane channel for base backplane communication with the other FIM-7920E in the chassis.
l On-board DP2 processors and an integrated switch fabric to provide high-capacity session-aware load balancing.
l One front panel USB port.
l Power button.
l NMIswitch (for troubleshooting as recommended by Fortinet Support).
l Mounting hardware.
l LED status indicators.

Changing the interface type and splitting the FIM-7920E C1 to C4 interfaces

By default, the FIM-7920E C1 to C4 interfaces are configured as 100GE QSFP28 interfaces. You can use the following command to convert them to 40GE QSFP+ interfaces. Once converted, you can use the other command below to split them into four 10GBASE-SR interfaces.
25 FortiGate-7000
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FIM-7904E interface module FIM-7920E hardware schematic
Changing the interface type
For example, to change the interface type of the C1 interface of the FIM-7920E in slot 1 to 40GE QSFP+ connect to the CLI of your FortiGate-7000 system using the management IP and enter the following command:
config system global
set qsfp28-40g-port 1-C1
The FortiGate-7000 system reboots and when it starts up interface C1 of the FIM-7920E in slot 1 is operating as a 40GE QSFP+ interface .
To change the interface type of the C3 and C4 ports of the FIM-7920E in slot 2 to 40GE QSFP+ enter the following command:
config system global
set qsfp28-40g-port 2-C3 2-C4
The FortiGate-7000 system reboots and when it starts up interfaces C3 and C4 of the FIM-7920E in slot 2 are operating as a 40GE QSFP+ interfaces.

Splitting the C1 to C4 interfaces

Each 40GE interface (C1 to C4) on the FIM-7920Es in slot 1 and slot 2 of a FortiGate-7000 system can be split into 4 x 10GBE interfaces. You split these interfaces after the FIM-7920Es are installed in your FortiGate-7000 system and the system us up and running. You can split the interfaces of the FIM-7920Es in slot 1 and slot 2 at the same time by entering a single CLI command. Splitting the interfaces requires a system reboot so Fortinet recommends that you split multiple interfaces at the same time according to your requirements to avoid traffic disruption.
For example, to split the C1 interface of the FIM-7920E in slot 1 (this interface is named 1-C1) and the C1 and C4 interfaces of the FIM-7920E in slot 2 (these interfaces are named 2-C1 and 2-C4) connect to the CLI of your FortiGate-7000 system using the management IP and enter the following command:
config system global
set split-port 1-C1 2-C1 2-C4
After you enter the command, the FortiGate-7000 reboots and when it comes up:
l The 1-C1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 1-C1/1, 1-C1/2, 1-C1/3, and 1-C1/4 interfaces will be
l The 2-C1 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-C1/1, 2-C1/2, 2-C1/3, and 2-C1/4 interfaces will be
l The 2-C4 interface will no longer be available. Instead the 2-C4/1, 2-C4/2, 2-C4/3, and 2-C4/4 interfaces will be
You can now connect breakout cables to these interfaces and configure traffic between them just like any other FortiGate interface.

FIM-7920E hardware schematic

The FIM-7920E includes an integrated switch fabric (ISF) that connects the front panel interfaces to the DP2 session-aware load balancers and to the chassis backplanes. The ISFalso allows the DP2 processors to
FortiGate-7000 Fortinet Technologies Inc.
FPM-7620E processing module FIM-7904E interface module
distribute sessions among all NP6 processors on the FPMmodules in the same chassis.
FIM-7920E hardware schematic

FPM-7620E processing module

The FPM-7620E processing module is a high-performance worker module that processes sessions load balanced to it by FortiGate-7000 series interface (FIM) modules over the chassis fabric backplane. The FPM-7620E can be installed in any FortiGate-7000 series chassis in slots 3 and up.
The FPM-7620E includes two 80Gbps connections to the chassis fabric backplane and two 1Gbps connections to the base backplane. The FPM-7620E processes sessions using a dual CPU configuration, accelerates network traffic processing with 4 NP6 processors and accelerates content processing with 8 CP9 processors. The NP6 network processors are connected by the FIM switch fabric so all supported traffic types can be fast path accelerated by the NP6 processors.
The FPM-7620E includes the following hardware features:
l Two 80Gbps fabric backplane channels for load balanced sessions from the FIM modules installed in the chassis.
l Two 1Gbps base backplane channels for management, heartbeat and session sync communication.
l Dual CPUs for high performance operation.
l Four NP6 processors to offload network processing from the CPUs.
l Eight CP9 processors to offload content processing and SSL and IPsec encryption from the CPUs.
27 FortiGate-7000
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