transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical or
otherwise, for any purpose, without prior written permission of Fortinet Inc.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide
Version 2.80 MR11
8 February 2006
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
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Send information about errors or omissions in this document or any Fortinet technical documentation to
Restoring the default settings ........................................................................................... 61
Restoring the default settings using the web-based manager...................................... 61
Restoring the default settings using the CLI ................................................................. 61
Index ......................................................................................................................63
4 01-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide Version 2.80 MR11
Welcome and thank you for selecting Fortinet products for your real-time network
FortiGate Antivirus Firewalls improve network security, reduce network misuse and
abuse, and help you use communications resources more efficiently without
compromising the performance of your network. FortiGate Antivirus Firewalls are
ICSA-certified for firewall, IPSec, and antivirus services.
The FortiGate Antivirus Firewall is a dedicated, easily managed security device that
delivers a full suite of capabilities that include:
•application-level services such as virus protection and content filtering,
•network-level services such as firewall, intrusion detection, VPN and traffic
This chapter contains the following sections:
•About the FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide
•About the FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide
•About the FortiGate-5000 series chassis
•About the FortiGate-5000 series modules
•Document conventions
•Fortinet documentation
•Customer service and technical support
About the FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide
This installation guide provides the information you need to install the FortiGate-5000
chassis and modules, and configure the FortiGate unit for your network from start to
This FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide conta ins the following chapters:
•Configuring the FortiGate for the Network - Provides an overview of the operating
modes of the FortiGate unit and how to integrate the unit into your network.
•FortiGate Firmware - Describes how to install, update, restore and test the
firmware for the FortiGate device.
•Factory defaults - Provides the factory default settings for all FortiGate-5000
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-200602105
About the FortiGate-5000 series Hardware GuideIntroduction
About the FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide
Before using this installation guide you should read and follow the procedures in the
FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide, which is a detailed guide to all three
FortiGate-5000 series chassis and the FortiGate and FortiSwitch modules that you
can install in them. The FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide describes each
chassis and all its components and provides information about how to conn ec t pow er
to each chassis. For each FortiGate and Fo rtiSwitch module, this document describes
the module LEDs and connectors, describes how to install each module in a
FortiGate-5000 series chassis, and contains a brief troubleshooting secti on to help
you diagnose and fix problems with the module.
About the FortiGate-5000 series chassis
The FortiGate-5000 series Security Systems are chassis-based systems that MSSPs
and large enterprises can use to provide subscriber secu rity se rvices such as firew all,
VPN, antivirus protection, spam filtering, web filtering and intrusion prevention (IPS).
The wide variety of system configurations available with FortiGate-5000 series
provide flexibility to meet the changing needs of growing high performance networks.
The FortiGate-5000 series chassis support multiple hot-swappable FortiGate-5000
series modules and power supplies. This modular approach provides a scalable,
high-performance and failure-pr oof so lution.
FortiGate-5140 chassis
You can install up to 14 FortiGate-5000 series modules in the 14 slots of the
FortiGate-5140 ATCA chassis. The FortiGate-5140 is a 12U chassis that contains two
redundant hot swappable DC power entry modules that connect to -48 VDC Data
Center DC power. The FortiGate-5140 chassis also includes three hot swappable
cooling fan trays. For details about the FortiGate-5140 chassis see the
FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide.
FortiGate-5050 chassis
You can install up to five FortiGate-5000 series modules in the five slots of the
FortiGate-5050 ATCA chassis. The FortiGate-5050 is a 5U chassis that contains two
redundant DC power connections that connect to -48 VDC Data Center DC power.
The FortiGate-5050 chassis also includes a hot swappable cooling fan tray. For
details about the FortiGate-5050 chassis, see the FortiGate-5000 series Hardware
FortiGate-5020 chassis
You can install one or two FortiGate-5000 series modules in the two slots of the
FortiGate-5020 ATCA chassis. The FortiGate-5020 is a 4U chassis that contains two
redundant AC to DC power supplies that connect to AC power. The FortiGate-5020
chassis also includes an internal cooling fan tray. For details abo ut the FortiGate-5020
chassis, see the FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide.
601-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
Introduction About the FortiGate-5000 series modules
About the FortiGate-5000 series modules
Each FortiGate-5000 series module is a standalone FortiGate security system that
can also function as part of a FortiGate HA cluster . All FortiGate-5000 series mod ules
are also hot swappable. All FortiGate-5000 series units are high capacity security
systems with multiple gigabit interfaces, multiple virtual domain capacity, and other
high end FortiGate features.
FortiGate-5001SX module
The FortiGate-5001SX module is an independent high-performance FortiGate
security system with eight Gigabit ethernet interfaces. The FortiGate
supports high-end features including 802.1Q VLANs and multiple virtual domains. F or
details about the FortiGate-5001SX module, see the FortiGate-5000 ser ies Har dwar e
FortiGate-5001FA2 module
The FortiGate-5001FA2 module is an independent high-performance FortiGate
security system with six Gigabit ethernet interfaces. The FortiGate-5001FA2 module
is similar to the FortiGate-5001SX module except that two of the FortiGate-5001FA2
interfaces include Fortinet technology to accelerate small packet performance. For
details about the FortiGate-5001FA2 module, see the FortiGate-5000 series
Hardware Guide.
-5001SX module
FortiGate-5002FB2 module
The FortiGate-5002FB2 module is an independent high-performance FortiGate
security system with a total of 6 Gigabit ethernet interfaces. Two of the
FortiGate-5002FB2 interfaces include Fortinet technology to accelerate small packet
performance. For details about the FortiGate-5002FB2 module, see the
FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide.
FortiSwitch-5003 module
The FortiSwitch-5003 module provides HA heartbeat communication between
FortiGate security modules installed in FortiGate-5140 or FortiGate-5050 chassis. The
FortiSwitch-5003 module can also provide HA heartbeat communication between
chassis. The FortiSwitch-5003 module is only used in FortiGate-5140 and FortiGate5050 chassis. For details about the FortiGate-5002FB2 mod ule, see the
FortiGate-5000 series Hardware Guide.
Document conventions
This guide uses the following conventions to describe command syntax.
•Angle brackets < > to indicate variables.
For example:
execute restore config <filename_str>
You enter:
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 7
Document conventionsIntroduction
execute restore config myfile.bak
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string that does not contain new-lines or carriage
<xxx_integer> indicates an integer string that is a decimal (base 10) nu m be r.
<xxx_octet> indicates a hexadecimal string that uses the digits 0-9 and letters
<xxx_ipv4> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address.
<xxx_v4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address.
<xxx_v6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv6 netmask.
•Vertical bar and curly brackets {|} to separate alternative, mutually exclusive
required keywords.
For example:
set opmode {nat | transparent}
You can enter set opmode nat or set opmode transparent.
•Square brackets [ ] to indicate that a keyword or variable is optional.
For example:
show system interface [<name_str>]
To show the settings for all interfaces, you can enter show system interface.
To show the settings for the internal interface, you can enter show system interface internal.
•A space to separate options that can be entered in any combination and must be
separated by spaces.
For example:
set allowaccess {ping https ssh snmp http telnet}
You can enter any of the following:
set allowaccess ping
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set allowaccess https ping ssh
set allowaccess snmp
In most cases to make changes to lists that contain options separated by spaces,
you need to retype the whole list including all the options you want to apply an d
excluding all the options you want to remove.
801-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
Introduction Fortinet documentation
Fortinet documentation
The most up-to-date publications and previous releases of Fortinet product
documentation are available from the Fortinet Technical Documentation web site at
Fortinet Knowledge Center
Additional Fortinet technical documentation is available from the Fortinet Knowledge
Center. The knowledge center contains troubleshooting and how-to articles, FAQs,
technical notes, and more. Visit the Fortinet Knowledge Center at
The FortiGate Log Message Reference is available exclusively from the Fortinet
Knowledge Center, the FortiGate Log Message Reference describes the structure of
FortiGate log messages and provides info rm a tio n ab o ut th e log me ssa ge s th at ar e
generated by FortiGate units.
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation
Please send information about any errors or omissions in this document, or any
Fortinet technical documentation, to
Customer service and technical support
Fortinet Technical Support provides services designed to make sure that your Fortinet
systems install quickly, configure easily, and operate reliably in your network.
Please visit the Fortinet Technical Support web site at to
learn about the technical support services that Fortinet provides.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 9
Customer service and technical supportIntroduction
1001-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide Version 2.80 MR11
Configuring the FortiGate for the
This chapter provides an overview of the ope ra tin g mo de s of the F ort iG ate uni t.
Before beginning to configure the FortiGate-5000 security system module, you need
to plan how to integrate the unit into your network. Your configuration plan is
dependent upon the operating mode that you select: NAT/Route mode or Transparent
Note: Before using the information in this chapter to configure your FortiGate-5000 module
refer to the FortiGate-5000 Series Hardware Guide to install and connect your FortiGate-5000
hardware components.
NAT/Route mode standalone configuration
In NAT/Route mode standalone configuration, each FortiGate-5000 module in the
FortiGate chassis operates as a separate FortiGate antivirus firewall. Each of these
FortiGate antivirus firewalls is visible to the networks that it is connected to.
For each FortiGate-5000 module, all interfaces are available for processing network
traffic in NAT/Route mode. The IP address of each interface must be on a different
You can add firewall policies to control whether communications through the
FortiGate-5000 module operate in NAT or Route mode. Firewall policies control the
flow of traffic based on the source address, destination address, and service of each
packet. In NAT mode, the FortiGate-5000 module performs network address
translation before it sends the packet to the destination network. In Route mode, ther e
is no translation.
By default, the FortiGate blocks all network traffic until you add firewall policies.
You typically use NAT/Route mode when the FortiGate-5000 module is operating as a
gateway between private and public networks. In this configuration, you would create
NAT mode firewall policies to control traffic flowing between the internal, private
network and the external, public network (usually the Internet).
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-2006021011
Configuring the FortiGate for the Network
Figure 1: Example NAT/Route mode standalone network configuration
Internal network
Port 1
Port 2
FortiGate-5001SX Module
in NAT/Route mode
1234 5 6 7 8
Route mode policies
controlling traffic between
internal networks.
NAT mode policies controlling
traffic between internal and
external networks.
Port 3
DMZ network
Transparent mode standalone configuration
In Transparent mode standalone configuration, each FortiGate-5000 antivirus firewall
module in the FortiGate chassis operates as a separate Transparent mode FortiGate
antivirus firewall. Each of these FortiGate-5000 modules is invisible to the network.
Similar to a network bridge, the FortiGate interfaces must be on the same subnet. You
only have to configure a management IP address so that you can make configuration
changes. The management IP address is also used for antivirus and attack definition
Y o u typically use a FortiGate-5 000 antivirus firewall module in Transparent mode on a
private network behind an existing firewall or behind a router. The FortiGate-5000
module performs most of the same firewall functions in Transparent mode as in
NAT/Route mode.
Figure 2: Example Transparent mode standalone network configuration
FortiGate-5001SX Module
in Transparent mode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Management IP
Port 2
Internal network
Gateway to
public network
(firewall, router)
Port 1
HA configuration
You can group two or more FortiGate-5000 modules in a FortiGate chassis into an HA
cluster. The HA cluster can operate in active-active mode or active-passive mode.
Note: When clustering FortiGate units, you must cluster the same modules together, for
example, two or more FortiGate-5002FB2 modules. You cannot cluster one FortiGate-5001SX
module and one FortiGate-5002FB2 module together.
An active-active HA cluster can increase virus scanning throughput by using load
balancing to distribute virus scanning to all of the FortiGate units in the cluster.
Both HA modes provide supports link redundancy and device r edundancy.
1201-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
Transparent mode policies
controlling traffic between
internal and external networks
Configuring the FortiGate for the Ne tw o r k
If one of the links to a FortiGate unit in an HA cluster fails, all functions, all
established firewall connections, and all IPSec VPN sessionsa are maintained
by the other FortiGate units in the HA cluster.
If one of the FortiGate units in an HA cluster fails, all functions, all established
firewall connections, and all IPSec VPN sessions are maintained by the other
FortiGate units in the HA cluster.
a.HA does not provide session failover for PPPoE, DHCP, PPTP, and L2TP services.
Once the FortiGate-5000 modules are added to the HA cluster, the cluster functions
on your network as a single module with n interfaces where n is the number of
FortiGate-5000 modules multiplied by the available interfaces on the module. The
cluster manages communication and load balancing between the modules.
You can operate an HA cluster in NAT/Route or Transparent mode. For more
information on HA, see “High availability installation” on page 32.
Figure 3: HA network configuration in NAT/Route mode
Internal network
Route mode policies
controlling traffic between
internal networks.
FortiGate-5001SX HA cluster in in NAT/Route
mode in a FortiGate-5020 chassis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NAT mode policies controlling
traffic between internal and
external networks.
Figure 4: HA network configuration in Transparent mode
FortiGate-5001SX HA Cluster in Transparent
mode in a FortiGate-5020 chassis
Gateway to
public network
(firewall, router)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Management IP
Transparent mode policies
controlling traffic between
internal and external networks
Port 3
DMZ network
Internal network
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 13
Configuration optionsConfiguring the FortiGate for the Network
Configuration options
Once you have selected Transparent or NAT/Route mode operation, you can
complete the configuration plan and begin to configure the FortiGate unit. Choose
among three different tools to configure the FortiGate modules.
Web-based manager and setup wizard
The FortiGate web-based manager is a full featured management tool. You can use
the web-based manager to configure most FortiGate settings.
The web-based manager Setup Wizard guides you through the initial configuration
steps. Use the Setup Wizard to configure the administrator password, the interface
addresses, the default gateway address, and the DNS server addresses. Optionally,
use the Setup Wizard to configure the internal server settings for NAT/Route mode.
To connect to the web-based manager you require:
•Ethernet conne ction be twe en th e FortiGa te mod ule and a mana gem ent computer.
•Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher on the management computer.
The FortiGate CLI is a full-featured management tool. Use it to configure the
administrator password, the interface addresses, the default gateway address, and
the DNS server addresses. To connect to the CLI you require:
•Serial connection between the FortiGate module and a management computer.
•A terminal emulation application on the management computer.
If you are configuring the FortiGate antivirus firewall module to oper ate in T ransp arent
mode, you can switch to Transparent mode from the web-based manager and then
use the setup wizard to add the administr ation password, the manag ement IP address
and gateway, and the DNS server addresses.
Connecting to the web-based manager
Use the following procedure to connect to the web-based manager for the first time.
Configuration changes made with the web-based manager are effective immediately
without resetting the firewall or interrupting service.
To connect to the web-based manager, you need:
•a computer with an ethernet connection
•Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
•an optical fiber patch or copper ethernet cable required to connect port 1 of the
FortiGate-5000 module to your network
Note: You can use the web-based manager with recent versions of most popular web
browsers. The web-based manager is fully supported for Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher.
1401-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
Configuring the FortiGate for the Network Connecting to the web-based manager
By default, you can connect to the web-based manager using the FortiGate-5000
module port 1. If you cannot connect port 1 to your network, you can use the FortiGate
CLI to add an IP address to one of the other FortiGate module ports.
Note: You may not be able to connect port 1 to your network if port 1 is an optical interface and
you do not have access to an optical network) you can change.
Connecting to the web-based manager using port 1
1Set the IP address of the computer with an ethernet connection to the static IP
address and a netmask of
2Connect the port 1 of the FortiGate unit to your optical network.
3Connect the interface of the computer to the sam e net wor k.
4Start Internet Explorer and browse to the address (remember to
include the “s” in https://).
The FortiGate login is displayed.
5Type admin in the Name field and select Login.
To connect to the web-based manager using interface 5
1Connect to the FortiGate-5000 module command line interface (C LI) see, “Connecting
to the command line interface (CLI)” on page 16.
2Set the IP address and netmask of port 1 to an IP address accessible by the computer
with an ethernet connection and configure port 1 to allow HTTPS management
config system interface
edit port1
set ip <IP_address> <netmask>
set allowaccess https
To set the IP address of port 1 to and netmask to, enter:
config system interface
edit port1
set ip
set allowaccess https
Note: The default IP address of the port 1 is and the default IP address of the
interface 2 is You cannot set the IP address of interface 5 to be on the same
subnets as port 1 and 2.
3Set the IP address of the computer with an ethernet connection to a static IP address
on the same subnet as interface 5.
4Connect port 1 to the same network as the management computer.
5Star t Internet Explorer and browse to the address https://<IP_address> (remember to
include the “s” in https://).
The FortiGate login is displayed.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 15
Connecting to the command line interface (CLI)Configuring th e FortiGate for the Network
Figure 5: FortiGate login
6Type admin in the Name field and select Login.
Connecting to the command line interface (CLI)
As an alternative to the web-based manager, you can install and configure the
FortiGate unit using the CLI. Configuration changes made with the CLI are effective
immediately without resetting the firewall or interrupting service.
To connect to the FortiGate CLI, you need:
•a computer with an available communication s port
•the serial cable included in your FortiGate package
•terminal emulation software such as HyperTerminal for Windows
Note: The following procedure describes how to connect to the CLI using Windows
HyperTerminal software. You can use any terminal emulation program.
To connect to the CLI
1Connect the serial cable to the communications port of your computer and to the
FortiGate Console port.
Caution: Make sure that you do not accidentally open the extraction lever when connecting the
serial cable to the FortiGate-5000 module. If this extraction lever is opened the module could
power down or reboot.
2Make sure that the FortiGate chassis is powered on.
3Start HyperTerminal, enter a name for the connection, and select OK.
4Configure HyperTerminal to connect directly to the communications port on your
computer and select OK.
5Select the following port settings and select OK.
1601-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
Configuring the FortiGate for the Network NAT/Route mode installation
Bits per second 9600
Data bits8
Stop b its1
Flow controlNone
6Press Enter to connect to the FortiGate CLI.
A prompt similar to the following is displayed:
FortiGate-5001 login:
7Type admin and press Enter twice.
The following prompt is displayed:
Welcome !
Type ? to list available commands. For information about how to use the CLI, see the
FortiGate CLI Reference Guide.
NAT/Route mode installation
This section describes how to install the FortiGate-5000 module in NAT/Route mode.
For information about installing a FortiGate-5000 module in Transparent mode, see
“NAT/Route mode installation” on page 17. For information about installing two or
more FortiGate-5000 module in HA mode, see “High availability installation” on
page 32. For more information about installing the FortiGate-5000 module in
NAT/Route mode, see “Configuring the FortiGate for the Network” on page 11.
This section describes:
•Preparing to configure the FortiGate module in NAT/Route mode
•Using the web-based manager
•Using the command line interface
•Using the setup wizard
•Connecting the FortiGate unit to the network(s)
•Configuring the networks
•Next steps
Preparing to configure the FortiGate module in NAT/Route mode
Use Table 1 to gather the informa tio n th at yo u ne ed t o custo m ize NAT/Route mode
You can configure the FortiGate-5000 module in seve ral ways:
•the web-based manager GUI is a complete inte rface for co nfigur ing most setting s.
See “Using the web-based manager” on page 19.
•the command l ine interface (CLI) is a comp lete text-based interfa ce for configuring
all settings. See “Using the command line interface” on page 20.
•the setup wizard provides easy, fast configuration of the most basic settings to get
the unit up and running quickly. See “Using the setup wizard” on page 23.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 17
NAT/Route mode installationConfiguring the FortiGate for the Network
The method that you choose depends on the complexity of the configuration, access
and equipment, and the type of interface you are most comfortable using.
Table 1: NAT/Route mode settings
Administrator Password:
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
Port 4
Port 5
Port 5
Port 6
Port 7
Port 8
Default Gateway:_____._____._____._____
Interface connected to
external network (usually
Network settings
1801-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
A default route consists of a default gateway and the name of the
interface connected to the external network (usually the Internet).
The default gateway directs all non-local traffic to this interface and
to the external network.
Primary DNS Server:_____._____._____._____
Secondary DNS Server:_____._____._____._____
Configuring the FortiGate for the Network NAT/Route mode installation
DHCP or PPPoE configuration
You can configure any FortiGate interface to acquire its IP address from a DHCP or
PPPoE server. Your ISP may provide IP addresses using one of these protocols.
To use the FortiGate DHCP server, you need to configure an IP address range and
default route for the server . No configuration information is required for inter faces that
are configured to use DHCP.
PPPoE requires you to supply a user name and password. In addition, PPPoE
unnumbered configurations require you to supply an IP address. Use Table 2 to
record the information you require for your PPPoE configuration.
Table 2: PPPoE settings
User name:
Using the web-based manager
Y ou ca n use the web-base d manager for the in itial configuration of the FortiGate-5000
module. You can also continue to use the web-based manager for all FortiGate unit
For information about connecting to the web-based manager, see “Connecting to the
web-based manager” on page 14.
Configuring basic settings
After connecting to the web-based manager you can use the following procedures to
complete the basic configuration of the FortiGate-5000 module.
To add/change the administrator password
1Go to System > Admin > Administrators.
2Select the Change Password icon for the admin administrator.
3Enter the new password and enter it again to confirm.
4Select OK.
To configure interfaces
1Go to System > Network > Interface.
2Select the edit icon for an interface.
FortiGate-5000 series Installation Guide01-28011-0259-20060210 19
NAT/Route mode installationConfiguring the FortiGate for the Network
3Set the addressing mode for the interface.
Choose from manual, DHCP, or PPPoE.
4Complete the addressing configuration.
•For manual addressing, enter the IP address and netmask for the interface.
•For DHCP addressing, select DHCP and any required settings.
•For PPPoE addressing, select PPPoE, and enter the username and password and
any other required settings.
For information about how to configure these and other interface settings, see the
FortiGate online help or the FortiGate Administration Guide.
5Select OK.
6Repeat this procedure for each interface.
Note: If you change the IP address of the interface you are connecting to, you must connect
through a web browser again using the new address. Browse to https:// followed by the new IP
address of the interface. If the new IP address of the interface is on a different subnet, you may
have to change the IP address of your computer to the same subnet.
To configure DNS server settings
1Go to System > Network > DNS.
2Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
3Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
4Select OK.
To add a default route
Add a default route to configure where the FortiGate-5000 module sends traffic
destined for an external network (usually the Internet). Adding the default route also
defines which interface is connected to an external network. The default route is not
required if the interface connected to the external network is configured using DHCP
or PPPoE.
1Go to System > Router > Static.
2If the Static Route table contains a default route (IP and Mask set to, select
the Delete icon to delete this route.
3Select Create New.
4Set Destination IP to
5Set Mask to
6Set Gateway to the default gateway IP address.
7Set Device to the interface connected to the external network.
8Select OK.
Using the command line interface
You can also configure the FortiGate-5000 modu le using the command line interface
(CLI). For information about connecting to the CLI, see “Connecting to the command
line interface (CLI)” on page 16.
2001-28011-0259-20060210Fortinet Inc.
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