Fortinet FortiGate-50AM Quick Start Manual

LINK 100 LINK 100
LINK 100 LINK 100
External Interface
Ethernet Cables:
Orange - Crossover
Grey - Straight-through
QuickStart Guide
Copyright 2004 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trademarks Products mentioned in this document are trademarks.
Power Cable Power Supply
LINK 100LINK 100
Modem Console
Modem Phone
Serial Port
RJ-11 Phone cable
RJ-45 to
DB-9 Serial Cable
Power cable connects to power supply
Straight-through Ethernet cable connects
to Internet (public switch, router or modem)
Straight-through Ethernet cable connects to LAN or switch on internal network
Crossover Ethernet cable connects to management computer on internal network
Modem Console
Optional RJ-45 to DB-9 serial cable connects to management computer
Modem phone line connection
FortiGate-50AM Unit
Internal network
External interface
Configure Manual IP, DHCP, or
PPPoE addressing
Internal interface
DHCP server and DNS server
for the internal network
Obtain IP address and DNS server IP address
LINK 100 LINK 100
Connector Type Speed Protocol Description
Internal RJ-45 10/100Base-T Ethernet Connection to the internal network.
External RJ-45 10/100Ba se-T Ethernet Connection to the Internet.
CONSOLE RJ-45 9600 bps RS-232
Optional connection to the management computer. Provides access to the command line interface (CLI).
USB USB USB Optional connection to a modem for standalone or backup
Phone cable RJ-11 — Phone line for internal modem.
FortiGate-50AM LED Indicators
LED State Description
Green The FortiGate unit is powered on.
Off The FortiGate unit is powered off.
Flashing Green The FortiGate unit is starting up.
Green The FortiGate unit is running normally.
Off The FortiGate unit is powered off.
Internal External (Front)
Green The correct cable is in use, and the connected equipment
has power.
Flashing Green Network activity at this interface.
Off No link established.
Internal External (Back)
Green The correct cable is in use, and the connected equipment
has power.
Flashing Amber Network activity at this interface.
Off No link established.
Connect the FortiGate-50AM unit to power outlets and to the internal and external networks.
NAT/Route mode
In NAT/Route mode, the FortiGate-50AM is visible to the networks that it is connected to. All of its interfaces are on different subnets. You must configure the internal and external interfaces with IP addresses.
You would typically use NAT/Route mode when the FortiGate-50AM is deployed as a gateway between private and public networks. In its default NAT/Route mode configuration, the unit functions as a firewall. Firewall policies control communications through the FortiGate-50AM unit.
In NAT/Route mode, firewall policies can operate in NAT mode or in Route mode. In NAT mode, the FortiGate-50AM performs network address translation before IP packets are sent to the destination network. In Route mode, no translation takes place. By default, the unit has a single NAT mode policy that allows users on the internal network to securely access and download content from the Internet. No other traffic is possible until you have configured more policies.
Transparent mode
In Transparent mode, the FortiGate-50AM is invisible to the network. All of its interfaces are on the same subnet. You only have to configure a management IP address so that you can make configuration changes.
You would typically use the FortiGate-50AM in Transparent mode on a private network behind an existing firewall or behind a router. In its default Transparent mode configuration, the unit functions as a firewall. By default, the unit has a single firewall policy that allows users on the internal network segment to connect to the external network segment. No other traffic is possible until you have configured more policies.
You can connect two network segments to the FortiGate-50AM unit to control traffic between these network segments.
FortiGate-50AM Unit
in NAT/Route mode
Internal network
NAT mode policies controlling
traffic between internal and
external networks.
LINK 100 LINK 100
Internal network
FortiGate-50AM Unit in Transparent mode
Management IP
Transparent mode policies controlling traffic between internal and external networks
(firewall, router)
Gateway to
public network
LINK 100 LINK 100
Before configuring the FortiGate-50AM, you need to plan how to integrate the unit into your network. You can select NAT/Route mode (the default) or Transparent mode. In NAT/Route mode you can also use the default settings to quickly configure the unit on your network.
QuickStart Guide
Check that the package contents are complete.
• Place the unit on a stable surface. It requires 1.5 inches (3.75 cm) clearance above and on each side to allow for cooling.
• Make sure the power switch on the back of the unit is turned off before connecting the power and network cables.
• The Status light flashes while the unit is starting up and turns off when the system is up and running.
Checking the package contents
Checking the package contents
Connecting the FortiGate-50AM
Planning the configuration
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A Part 15 CSA/CUS
Quick configuration using the default settings
You can quickly set up your FortiGate unit for a home or small office using the web­based manager and the default settings in NAT/Route mode.
All you need to do is set your network computers to use DHCP, access the web-based manager, and configure the required settings for the external interface. You can also configure DNS and a default route if needed. The FortiGate unit automatically assigns IP addresses to up to 100 computers in the internal network.
1. Connect the FortiGate unit to the network.
2. Set the all the network computers to use DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address.
The FortiGate internal interface acts as a DHCP server for the internal network and assigns IP addresses to all computers in the range –
3. From the management computer browse to The FortiGate web-based manager appears.
4. Go to System > Network > Interface and select Edit for the external interface.
5. Select one of the following Addressing modes
• Manual: enter a static IP address and netmask, select OK, and go to step 6
• DHCP: to get an IP address from the ISP select DHCP and go to step 9
• PPPoE: to get an IP address from the ISP select PPPoE and go to step 9
6. Go to System > Network > DNS.
7. Select one of the following DNS settings
• Obtain DNS server address automatically: select to get the DNS addresses from the ISP, select Apply
• Use the following DNS server addresses: select and enter the DNS server addresses given to you by the ISP, select Apply
8. Go to Router > Static, select Create New, enter the default gateway address and select OK.
Network configuration is complete. Proceed to part 7 of this Quick Start Guide.
9. Select Retrieve default gateway from server and Override internal DNS options if your ISP supports them, select OK, and proceed to part 7 of this Quick Start Guide.
Go to step 6 if you are not selecting these options.
Refer to the Documentation CD-ROM for information on how to control traffic, and how to configure HA, antivirus protection, Web content filtering, Spam filtering, intrusion prevention (IPS), and virtual private networking (VPN).
© Copyright 2004 Fortinet Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 13 December 2004
For technical support please visit
NAT/Route mode
The internal interface IP address and netmask must be valid for the internal network.
General settings
A default gateway is required for the FortiGate unit to route connections to the Internet.
Transparent mode
The management IP address and netmask must be valid for the network from which you will manage the FortiGate-50AM.
Factory default settings
Internal Interface: IP:
External Interface: IP:
Administrator password:
Network Settings: Default Gateway:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Management IP: IP:
NAT/Route mode Transparent mode
Internal interface Management IP
External interface
Administrative account settings
DHCP server on Internal interface –
User name admin
Password (none)
2. Configure the management computer to be on the same subnet as the internal interface of the FortiGate-50AM. To do this, change the IP address of the management computer to and the netmask to
3. To access the FortiGate web-based manager, start Internet Explorer and browse to (remember to include the “s” in https://).
4. Type admin in the Name field and select Login.
Web-based manager and Setup Wizard
Use these tables to record your FortiGate-50AM configuration settings.
NAT/Route mode
To configure the FortiGate-50AM using the Setup Wizard, select the Easy Setup Wizard button and follow the prompts.
To change the administrator password
1. Go to System > Admin > Administrators.
2. Select Change Password for the admin administrator and enter a new password.
To configure interfaces
1. Go to System > Network > Interface.
2. Select the edit icon for each interface to configure.
3. Select one of the following Addressing modes (see the online help for information
• Manual: enter a static IP address and netmask, select OK
• DHCP: select DHCP and any required settings
• PPPoE: select PPPoE and enter a username and password and any other required settings
To configure the Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses
1. Go to System > Network > DNS, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP addresses that you recorded above and select Apply.
To configure a Default Gateway
1. Go to Router > Static and select Edit icon for the static route.
2. Set Gateway to the Default Gateway IP address recorded above and select OK.
Transparent mode
To switch from NAT/route mode to transparent mode
1. Go to System > Status, select Change beside Operation Mode, and select OK.
2. Change the IP address of the management computer to and use Internet Explorer to browse to
To configure the FortiGate-50AM using the Setup Wizard, select the Easy Setup Wizard button and follow the prompts.
To change the administrator password
1. Go to System > Admin > Administrators.
2. Select Change Password for the admin administrator and enter a new password.
To configure the management interface
1. Go to System > Network > Management.
2. Enter the Management IP address and netmask that you recorded above.
3. Select administrative access options if required and select OK.
To configure the Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses
1. Go to System > Network > DNS, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP addresses that you recorded above and select Apply.
To configure a Default Gateway
1. Go to System > Network > Management.
2. Set Default Gateway to the Default Gateway IP address that you recorded above and select OK.
Select the
Easy Setup Wizard
NAT/Route mode
1. Configure the FortiGate-50AM internal interface.
config system interface
edit internal
set mode static set ip <intf_ip> <netmask_ip>
2. Repeat to configure each interface, for example, to configure the external interface
config system interface
edit external
3. Configure the primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses.
config system dns
set primary <dns-server_ip> set secondary <dns-server_ip>
4. Configure the default gateway.
config router static
edit 1
set gateway <gateway_ip>
Transparent mode
1. Change from NAT/Route mode to Transparent mode.
config system global
set opmode transparent
2. Wait a moment and then log in again at the prompt.
3. Configure the Management IP address.
config system manageip
set ip <mng_ip> <netmask>
Configure the DNS server IP address.
config system dns
set primary <dns-server_ip> set secondary <dns-server_ip>
4. Configure the default route.
config router static
edit 1
set gateway <gateway_ip>
Using the Command Line Interface
1. Use the serial cable to connect the FortiGate Console port to the management computer serial port.
2. Start a terminal emulation program (HyperTerminal) on the management computer. Use these settings: Baud Rate (bps) 9600, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow Control None.
3. At the Login: prompt, type admin and press Enter twice (no password required).
1. Connect the FortiGate-50AM internal interface to a management computer Ethernet interface. Use a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the devices directly. Use straight-through Ethernet cables to connect the devices through a hub or switch.
Note: If you change the internal interface IP address (NAT/Route mode) or management IP address (Transparent mode), you must use this address to reconnect to the web-based manager and Setup Wizard.
You might also have to change the IP address of the management computer to be on the same subnet as the new IP address.
Collecting information
Configuring the FortiGate-50AM
Web-based manager and Setup Wizard
Using the Setup Wizard you can add basic settings by stepping through the wizard pages and filling in the information required.
The FortiGate web-based manager is an easy to use management tool. Use it to configure the administrator password, interface addresses, the default gateway address, and the DNS server addresses.
Requirements: An Ethernet connection between the FortiGate-50AM and a management computer running Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The CLI is a full-featured management tool. Use it to configure the administrator password, the interface addresses, the default
gateway address, and the DNS server addresses. To configure advanced settings, see the Documentation CD-ROM.
Requirements: An RJ-45-serial connection between the FortiGate-50AM and management computer and a terminal emulation application (HyperTerminal for Windows) on the management computer.
Choose among two different tools to configure the FortiGate-50AM.
Choosing a configuration tool
Congratulations! You have finished configuring the basic settings. Your network is now protected from
Internet-based threats. To explore the full range of configuration options, see the online help or the Documentation CD-ROM.
Completing the configuration
• To restart the unit, go to System > Maintenance > ShutDown and select Reboot.
• To reset the unit, go to System > Maintenance > Shutdown and select Reset to factory default.
Restarting the FortiGate-50AM
Should you mistakenly change a network setting and cannot connect to the unit, reboot the unit and try again or to set the unit back to factory defaults and start over again.
execute reboot
execute factoryreset