FortiAP 221E, 223EQuickStart Guide ( Gen 2)
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Box Includes
FortiAP Device QuickStart Guide
Wall Mounting Har dware and Screw Set 4x Antennas

Before YouBegin
Write down details typically provided by your network administrator or ISP.
Static IPaddress
IPaddress ___________________
Subnet Mask ___________________
Default Gateway ___________________
Primary/Secondary DNS ___________________
It is normal to not require a hostname, but your ISP might require it.
Hostname ___________________
QuickStart Guide Video

FortiAP 221E - Device Rear
Power connection
for optional power
12V DC,
center positive.
Power connection
for optional power
12V DC,
center positive.
2.4 GHz
5.0 GHz
2.4 GHz
5.0 GHz
FortiAP 223E - Device Rear

The unit can be mounted on a wall or ceiling using the mounting hardware
The electrical wall box must be pre-installed.

Basic Connection
Network Core/FortiGate
Connect the FortiAP device to a FortiGate controller or an Internet connection.
Ensure that the Power over Ethernet (PoE) cable is connected to an applicable
port on your FortiGate device or PoE injector.
Caution: Adequate grounding must be provided to the FortiAP unit and the
PoE injector, in compliance with your local electrical code or regulations.
Warning: This device complies with IEEE 802.3af PoE specification. Do not
use any PoE injectors that are not IEEE 802.3af compliant as they may
damage your device.