FMI Q431Q User Manual

1. CLEAN FLUIDS. Abrasives in the pumped fluid
may damage cylinder and piston surfaces and should, therefore, be avoided. Carbon cylinder lin­ers and stainless steel pistons are particularly sus­ceptible to abrasion by particulate matter in the pumped stream. Ceramic piston/cylinder compo­nents are more tolerant of suspended solids, ex­cept solids that tend to flock and impede the movement of the piston in the cylinder.
2. COMPATIBLE FLUIDS. Pump only fluids com­patible with materials of construction of the pump head you have selected.
3. WET OPERATION. The pumped fluid provides surface cooling and lubrication to the piston and cylinder of your FMI PUMP. Therefore, avoid dry operation (except pumps specifically designated “gas pump”).
4. FLOW VOLUME AND DIRECTION. Angular de­flection of the cylinder with respect to the zero point on the calibration scale of your FMI “Q” PUMP controls flow magnitude and direction e.g., with the cylinder pointer at 10 on the left scale, fluid will be passed from the right port to the left port at 100% of the maximum rated volume; with the pointer at 10 on the right scale, fluid will pass from the left port to the right port at maximum rate. Set at 5 on the scale, flow rate will be 50% of maxi­mum; at 4, it will be 40%; at 3, 30%, etc., etc. The
flow control setting may be changed (including flow reversal) at any time while the pump is operating or idle. Slightly loosen the two thumb screws and turn the STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB. Retighten thumb screws once the desired setting is reached.
5. PISTON SEALS. The R408 seals that keep your PUMP piston dry are not “just ordinary plastic discs.” They are precisely cut and hot formed from sheets of a chemically inert fluorocarbon, specifi­cally formulated for resistance to wear, abrasion, heat and chemical attack. Each R408 seal possesses an exceptional me­chanical memory which allows it to maintain a rel­atively constant wiping pressure on the piston, compensating for seal wear as it occurs. Properly maintained in clean condition, the original seals on a FMI PUMP may be expected to last the life of the pump. If they are removed for any reason, they should be carefully cleansed of all foreign par­ticles prior to re-assembly. Seal seats must also be free of particles. (please see para 18)
6. DIAL INDICATOR. (optional) The Dial Indicator Kit is for fine adjustment and continuous monitor­ing of your “Q” pump flow rate settings. To adjust Dial Indicator equipped pumps:
1.Loosen thumb screws, turn STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB, moving cylinder assembly to neutral (zero-flow position).
2. Adjust indicator pointers until they read zero on
both dials.
3.You are now ready for fine setting by turning STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB until you achieve desired flow rate on dial. To prevent system backlash always turn STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB two turns or one full revolu­tion of large dial beyond desired setting, then ad­just back.
7. 4-20 mA CONTROL for automatic response to remotely generated 4-20 milliamp signals is stan­dard on V300 controllers. The input can be either grounded or ungrounded. The current source con­nects to terminal posts mounted on front cover as­sembly of the STROKE RATE CONTROLLER. Be sure to observe correct polarity. For complete hook-up and operating information see page 10.
8. PRESSURE. Do not operate pump against head pressures in excess of design specification. Drive arm on piston may bend or break under overload and other irreparable damage may be suffered. Check your fluid circuit before apply-
ing power to the pump!
are positive displacement in struments and should be protected by lowest possible “slo blow” fuse or circuit breaker electrical arrangements. “QV” units come equipped with .75 amp fuses.
10. NOISE AT HIGH PUMP RATES. A metallic hammering noise during operation of your pump
Before using any Fluid Metering, Inc. product read the following safety instructions as well as specific product specifications and operating instructions.
Fire, electrical shock or explosion may occur if used near combustibles, explosive atmosphere, corrosive air,
wet environment or submerged in fluid.
Caution! Fire, electrical shock, injury and damage may occur if not used in accordance with Fluid Metering, Inc. specifications and operation instructions.
Do not put wet fingers into power outlet of unit. Do not operate with wet hands.
Do not operate drive assemblies that require a hard mount (to be bolted down) unless they are mounted per Fluid Metering, Inc. specifications. If not, injury may occur and/or damage to unit.
Do not touch any rotating pump or motor components: injury may
Do not run pump dry, unless designed for that service.
Running dry is harmful to the pump, and will cause excessive heating
due to internal friction.
Check pump rotation and inlet/outlet pump port orientation before
connecting power to pump. If not, injury may occur.
When pulling out cords from outlets do not pull cord, grasp plug to
prevent plug damage or electrical shock.
Fluid Metering, Inc. Drive Motors become HOT and can cause
a burn
Turn off the electrical power before checking pump for any problems.
Connect motor, speed controllers, or any other electrical devices based on Fluid Metering Inc. specifications. Any unauthorized work performed on the product by the purchaser or by third parties can im­pair product functionality and thereby relieves Fluid Metering, Inc. of all warranty claims or liability for any misuse that will cause damage to product and/or injury to the individual.
Power cables and leads should not be bent, pulled or inserted by ex­cessive force. Otherwise there is a threat of electrical shock or fire.
Replace any inline fuses only with fuse rating as specified by Fluid Metering, Inc.
When pump/drive is under operation, never point discharge tubing into face or touch any rotating components of pump. In a power down thermal overload cut-in condition, unplug or turn off power to pump. Always allow a cool down period before restarting: otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
For 30 seconds after power is removed from pump/drive: do not touch any output terminals. Electrical shock may occur because of residual voltage.
(particularly high speed units such as QB, QD, QDX, and QV) when pumping liquids indicates presence of gas bubbles in the pumping chamber which are reducing pumping capacity and may be damaging cylinder walls. Such bubbles may be traced to 1) a poor seal at the suction fitting, 2) fluid vaporization (cavitation) or, 3) degassing of the fluid.
a) To correct suction fitting leaks in stainless steel pump heads, remove fitting and wrap two layers of Teflon tape (standard Lab plumbing variety, 1 to 2 mil thick x 1/2" wide) tightly into the threads of the fitting. Replace fitting in cylinder port, drawing threads tightly on the Teflon tape. (see para 16).
b) To eliminate vaporization and degassing noise, reduce suction load. This may be accomplished by: 1) Using the 3/8" dia. TUBE ADAPTER R412­2 supplied with each pump on the suction line of the pump head to increase inside diameter of the suction line (use 1/2" dia. TUBE ADAPTER R412­6K on -3 PHM’s.); 2) reduction of suction lift height;
3) pressurization of suction supply container; 4) lo­cating pump below supply source to permit gravity flow aid; 5) reduce viscosity of fluid by heating or thinning; 6) reduce flow rate by adjusting pump to lower setting on flow scale; 7) install FMI PD-HF PULSE SUPPRESSORS in suction and discharge lines.
Improvements in noise abatement and pump life can be gained by putting pulse suppression hard­ware in the plumbing circuits adjacent to the pump suction and discharge ports - particularly with high speed pumps that are plumbed with rigid tubing. Theory holds that if part of a generated pulse is re­siliently stored, the part not stored is smaller and thus easier to get into motion; the stored part of the pulse dissipating behind the part that is in motion sustains motion, causing an undulating flow to be transmitted rather than a series of pulses. Result: less noise, less energy used and less agitation of the pumped fluid. So for pulse noise and vibration problems, put a little resilience in your circuit. There are a number of rather easy ways to do it:
c) The simplest method is to use resilient tubing between the pump and the fluid circuit. Experiment a bit with standard elastomers - viton, hypalon, gum rubber, soft vinyl or other. Use only unrein­forced tubing (reinforcement takes away the re­silience). Always shield this type of arrangement so that a possible tube rupture will not endanger people or equipment.
d) Another popular pulse suppression arrange­ment involves a gas bubble trap as described in the final sentences of para. 12. A bubble in such a vertical trap will suppress pulse shock and noise temporarily. However, since gas and a liquid in contact under agitated conditions seldom stabilize, the trapped gas may absorb into the passing liquid and disappear leaving no pulse suppression or the fluid may contribute to the gas quantity, overload the trap and cause random pumping errors as oc­casional bubbles enter the flow stream. This can be overcome by fitting a soft slug of closed-cell­plastic foam or a soft pillow of thin-wall plastic tub­ing (ends sealed) into the vertical dead end extension of the fluid line. The gas trapped in the foam or pillow will provide the required resilience but will not be absorbed by the flow stream. e)Since each fluid and circuit exhibits differing characteristics, a bit of experimentation may be
necessary. The results are usually worth the effort.
Use a pump having a maximum flow rating as near to the desired flow rate as possible and keep suc­tion and discharge pressures essentially constant (see para 13). FMI pumps using R479 Low Flow Kits or designated LF are specifically designed for low flow/low dead volume, 1/4-28 flat bottom fit­tings.
A common cause of trouble in metering pump ap­plications requiring low flow rates - a few milliliters per minute or less - is the seemingly inevitable gas bubble trapped in the pumping head of the meter­ing pump. It expands on the suction stroke and contracts on the discharge stroke, allowing little, if any, liquid to pass through the pump. Such bub­bles, though often attributed to leaks in pump seals, can usually be traced to gases released by the pumped fluid in response to pumping agitation or pressure/temperature changes. When so iden­tified, this potential source of metering pump error can be effectively controlled in most fluid circuits.
The familiar bubbles that form on the inside walls of a tumbler of tap water after it stands for a period of time at room temperature demonstrate the typi­cal liquid degassing that results from pressure re­duction (water line pressure to atmospheric) and/or temperature elevation (from ground ambient to air ambient). In this case, the bubbles contain air, hy­drogen, carbon dioxide or other gaseous materials carried in the water; only small quantities of vapor­ized water are present. Some liquids respond to agitation and/or pressure/temperature changes by chemically separating into liquid and gas fractions; others simply vaporize, physically changing from liquid to gaseous form. Examples of liquids releas­ing gas or changing from liquid to gaseous form in response to agitation and temperature/pressure changes are numerous in the modern technical en­vironment and many techniques have been de­vised to compensate for or correct their presence. The most common practices for bubble control em­ploy:
a) pressure on the suction side of the pump circuit to encourage gas retention in the liquid or,
b) employ natural buoyancy of the bubbles to carry them away from or through the pump head.
To apply pressure on the suction side of the pump, locate the pump physically below the supply ves­sel. Each two feet of elevation difference repre­sents pressure of approximately one pound per square inch (psi). Bubbles that do occur will return to the supply vessel by buoyant lift. This is called a positive suction or flooded suction arrangement. If it is necessary to draw liquid up from the supply vessel to the pump head, negative suction pres­sure must be contemplated - again, approximately 1 psi per two feet of lift. Most liquids will release some gas when held at negative pressure and since the volume of gas released is generally pro­portionate to the volume of liquid subjected to the negative pressure, suction line diameter should be kept small for small flows (except heavy, viscous or tacky liquids which require large flow area for mo­bility). A vertical dead-end extension of the suction line can be provided above the pump suction port to trap line-generated bubbles before they enter the pump. This extension should be liquid filled at
the start of a pumping period. Stand the pump ver­tically by loosening the screws and repositioning the Multi-Position Tilt Stand Q650 so that pump is in standing position, or hang the pump vertically by its base key slots. The discharge port should now be above the suction port allowing bubbles that enter the pump head to pass directly through with buoyant assist. Discharge lines should be inclined upward from pump head and bubble traps should be purged as often as necessary to assure liquid flow continuity.
13. SYSTEM ACCURACY FACTORS. Several interrelated factors are involved in the ex­ceptional operating accuracy possible in systems using FMI PUMPS. Of primary concern are the fol­lowing:
a) FMI PUMP DISPLACEMENT precision is based on a simplified positive stroke mechanism which has no secondary linkages to produce stroke to stroke mechanical errors and has no gravity actu­ated or spring loaded valves to introduce random valve seating errors. The single mechanical link­age component between the PUMP piston and its drive elements is a precision spherical bearing which transforms circular drive motion into elliptical thrust motion (reciprocation). The total mechanical clearance of this linkage is less than 0.1% of the maximum pump stroke length or, approximately
0.0003". Thus it may be said that PUMP displace­ment precision (stroke to stroke) is in the order of the mechanical linkage clearance; that is to say, stroke to stroke displacement is reproducible to less than 0.5% within the rated capacity of a given pump model.
b) FMI PUMP VALVING is performed by a flat in the piston which is mechanically aligned with one cylinder port during the suction portion of each stroke and with the other cylinder port during the discharge portion of each stroke. The flat align­ment is controlled by the single drive bearing dis­cussed in the preceding sentences. The valve action is therefore mechanically precise, and free of random closure variations.
c) FLUID SLIP, a term commonly used to describe the migration of fluid around the internal moving parts of gear, lobe and vane pumps, is the volu­metric difference between physical component dis­placement and fluid through-put of a pump system. In the FMI PUMP, slip loss refers to the fluid which passes through the clearance space (approx. .0002") between the piston and the cylinder wall. Since this clearance represents a restrictive pas­sage of essentially constant dimension, it will be readily seen that the slip rate is determined by vis­cosity, pressure and time: e.g. assuming constant fluid viscosity and pressure, slip will be a smaller factor in a high repetition rate pump (short time per stroke) than in a low repetition rate pump. As vis­cosity increases and pressure decreases, time (or repetition rate) becomes less a significant contrib­utor to slip loss.
d) STROKE REPETITION RATE is directly related to drive motor speed which in turn is influenced by work load and electrical supply voltage, i.e., motor speed decreases when work load increases and when electrical supply voltage (115 Volts AC) de­creases. This motor speed variation may amount to as much as 15% for work load variations be­tween zero discharge pressure and maximum rated discharge pressure. A 10% voltage drop may
result in as much as 20% motor speed reduction when the pump is operating against a significant head pressure.
e) THE FLOW STABILITY (precision) of an FMI PUMP is therefore principally related to consis­tency in fluid slip rate and stroke repetition rate and these functions in turn are related to external sys­tem load factors such as viscosity, differential pres­sure and electric line voltage; i.e., when load factors remain essentially constant, slip rate and repetition rate remain essentially constant; when viscosity increases, fluid slip rate and stroke repe­tition rate both decrease; when differential pres­sure increases fluid slip rate increases and stroke repetition rate decreases. In short, FMI PUMP PRECISION is influenced by fluctuations of fluid differential pressures, fluid viscosity and electric line voltage. When these factors are controlled pre­dictably reproducible pumping precision better than 0.5% may be expected.
14. LUBRICATION. Pump drive elements are pro-
vided with oil fittings at all appropriate points. Use high grade machine oil at regular intervals. A dab of good grease on PISTON DRIVE PIN just before it is inserted into the RADIAL BEARING in the SPINDLE ASSEMBLY does a world of good for the bearing and pin.
15. CHANGING THE LIQUID END OF YOUR FMI “Q” PUMP. (figures 1,2). a) To remove “Q” Pump Head Module (QPHM):
1. Turn power off.
2. Rotate STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB to position PUMP HEAD CARRIER Q410­2 all the way to the extreme right or left of scale (fig. 1).
3. Rotate SPINDLE ASSEMBLY Q424 to place PISTON DRIVE PIN at 3 or 9 o’clock position (fac­ing cylinder head).
4. Loosen two KNURLED NUTS.
5. Lift QPHM and draw gently away from Q424 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY(fig. 2).
6. Move QPHM up and to the left while slipping DRIVE PIN out of RADIAL BEARING. b) To replace QPHM:
1. With PISTON ASSEMBLY R423 extending ap­proximately 1-1/4" from CYLINDER NUT R406K and DRIVE PIN in the 3 or 9 o’clock position, in­sert PIN into the RADIAL BEARING in the SPIN­DLE ASSEMBLY.
2. Slide QPHM into position on BASE making sure locator on bottom of CARRIER Q410-2 drops into slotted portion of FOLLOWER Q454-2 on base.
3. Tighten KNURLED NUTS on Q616 assembly
Fittings screwed too tightly into stainless steel pump heads will contact port seals and may cause piston/cylinder damage. Use extra layers of Teflon tape on threads when necessary to avoid such ex­cessive penetration.
17. CLEANING PUMP HEAD. Routine flushing with solvent before shut-down will suffice for most applications - set pump for maximum stroke and operate until solvent appears clear at discharge port. If periodic teardown for detail cleaning is re­quired, remove parts with care to avoid damage to piston, cylinder and gland. Wipe all parts with lint­less oil saturated cloth. Operate by hand after re­assembly to assure free movement of parts prior to application of power.
17.1 CAUTION! Ceramic piston/cylinder sets are particularly sensitive to neglect and may “freeze” if allowed to dry out without adequate cleansing. Some users actually remove the piston from the cylinder after solvent cleaning and store the com­ponent parts in disassembled condition until the pump is again required. Others fill a loop of flexible tubing with fluid that will thin or neutralize the last fluid pumped. They then connect one end of the tube to the pump suction port, the other to the dis­charge port. With this loop positioned above the pump head, the ceramic surfaces and seal areas will stay moist and mobile for extended idle peri-
ods. If, however, a piston (ceramic or stainless steel) does freeze in the cylinder, DO NOT TRY TO FORCE IT FREE! Be gentle. Try to remove the pump head (refer para 15) from the base as­sembly so that the whole assembly can be soaked in a suitable solvent. If the head is not conve­niently removable, the tube loop discussed in the prior paragraph may permit solvent to dissolve the “frozen” residue in reasonable time. Having a spare pump head on hand in case of emergency is always a good idea.
17.2 SANITARY SERVICE. FMI sanitary pump heads, designated SAN are designed to conform with the cleansing standards of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. To clean individual component parts: a)Unscrew 2 CYLINDER NUTS R406-S and 2 PORT NUTS 110348-P. b)Remove piston and seal components released by step a) above; c)Use fingers to wiggle LINER R407-C slipping it from CYLINDER CASE R405-SAN; d)Cleanse and sterilize component parts as per government regulations for parts manufactured of Alumina Ceramic, Type 316 Stainless Steel and Teflon. After cleaning, reassemble the components as follows: e)Assemble piston/seal components as per in­structions para 18 a,b,c; f)Orient CYLINDER LINER R407-C in CYLINDER CASE R405-SAN in such a manner that the side port flats on CYLINDER LINER R407-C should be visible through the side port openings on CYLIN­DER CASE R405-SAN. g)Place one each port seal component R412-T into each side port of CYLINDER CASE R405­SAN using finger pressure across the two ports to assure flush seating of the seal surfaces on the cylinder liner flats. h)Apply PORT NUT 110348-P to each port, finger tight. i)Carefully insert piston into cylinder liner until threads of CYLINDER NUT R406-S meet threads of CYLINDER CASE R405­SAN. Tighten NUT R406-S finger tight.
Continued on Page 12
For maximum pump performance, mount the pump with motor at 12 o’clock and pump head at 6 o’clock position. This ori­entation will allow air bubbles that enter the pumping chamber to directly exit thru buoyant assist. Discharge lines should be inclined upward from pump head.
figure 1
figure 2
figure 4
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