Fly Sky FS-IT4 Instruction Manual

Copyright ©2008-2012 Flysky co., ltd
Thi s produ ct is sui table f or 15 ye ars old a nd abov e
本产品 不适合15岁以 下儿童使用
Digital propotional radio control system
1,Introduction 简介………………….…………………………………………..…..……………........2
2,Services 服务………………………… …………………………………………………………..........2
3,Special symbols 特殊标志………………………………………………………………...…….....3
4,Safety guide 安全指导…………………………………………………………………..………......3
5,2.4GHz System 2.4G系统……………………………………………………………….………..... 6
6,Battery charging notes 电池充电注意事项…………….……………………………..………7 7,Transmitter specifications 发射机参数……………………………………………..…………8 8, Receiver specifications 接收机参数…………………………………………………...………8
8.01,Speed acquisition module 磁感应速度采集模块……………………………….… 9
8.02,Speed acquisition module 光感应速度采集模块…………………………………. 9
8.03,Temperature acquisition module 温度采集模块……...………………………….. 9
8.04,Voltage acquisition module 电压采集模块…………...…………………………… 9
8.05,Serial bus recerver 串行总线接收机………….………………………………….……...9 9,Receiver and servo connections 接收机与伺服器连接 ……………………………..….10
10,FS-iR4 operation instruction FS-iR4接收机操作说明…………………………….....11
11,Power on 开机…………………………………………………………………………………….......15
12,Shut down 关机…………………………………………………………………………….……...... 15
13,Definition of key functions 按键定义………………………………………………………. 16 14,Main screen 开机画面……………………………………………………………………………... 17
15,Main menu 主菜单……………………………………………………………………………........ 18
16,Top tray 顶部状态栏…………………………………………………………………………….......18
17,Functions interface 功能操作………………………………………………………………… 19
17.01,Reverse 正逆转…………………………………………………………………………….........21
17.02,End points 舵机最大行程………………………………………………………………….....21
17.03,Sub trims 记忆微调………………………………………………………………………........ 22
17.04,Steering exponential 方向指数……………………………………………………………22
17.05,Steering speed 方向速度………………………………………………………………….....23
17.06,Steering mix 方向混控……………………………………………………………………...... 23
17.07,Throttle neutral 油门死区………………………………………………………………......24
17.08,Throttle exponential 油门指数…………………………………………………………….24
17.09,Throttle curve 油门曲线…………………………………………………………………...... 25
17.10,A.B.S. 自动刹车…………………………………………………………………………….........26
17.11,Throttle speed 油门速度…………………………………………………………………….. 27
17.12,Throttle middle point 油门中位………………………………………………………… 27
17.13,Throttle idle up 油门怠速…………………………………………………………………....27
17.14,Engine cut 油门锁定……………………………………………………………………….......27
17.15,Boat mode 船模式……………………………………………………………………………....28
17.16,Brake mixing 刹车混控……………………………………………………………………….. 28
17.17,Mixes 混控……………………………………………………………………..……………........ 29
17.18,Display ser vos 显示舵机……………………………………………………….……………..30
17.19,Race timer 计时器……………………………………………………………………………....31
17.20,Keys function 按键功能………………………………………………………………………. 32
17.21,Models 模型…………………………………………………………………………………....... 33
17.22,RX setup 接收设置………………………………………………………………………….......34
17.23,System 系统…………………………………………………………………………………….....37
18,Transemitter function notes 发射机功能说明……………………………………………39 19,Packaging content 包装内容…………………………………………………………………….42 20,FCC Statement FCC声明………………………………………………………………………… 43
Table of contents
Digital propotional radio control system
1. Introdu ction
2. Service s
Thank you for choosing the Fly Sky FS-iT4 4 channe ls 2.4GHz AFHD S 2 computerized digitalproportional R/C car and boat system. If it’s your first use of a computerized radio system, this user manual will bring you easily to a new world of fun and sophis tication. In all cases, please read carefully and completely this user manual as it cont ains all information to keep you safe.
If you encounter any problem during use, please refer to this manual. If the problem still persists, please contact your local dealer or connect to our service an d support website:
3. Special s ymbols
4. Safety gu ide
Do not use it in the night or a lighting storm as the bad weather will make the remote control out of control.
The shutdown seque nce must be t o first dis connect the receiver battery then to switch off the transmit ter. If the tr ansmitt er is switched off while the receiver is still powered, it may lead to uncontro lled move ment or eng ine start a nd may cause an accident.
请不要在夜 晚或者雷雨天使用此产品,因 为恶劣的天气环境有可能导致 遥控设备失控。
操控时, 请先确 认模型所有舵机的动作方向与 操控方向一致。如果不一致, 请调整好正确的 方向。
关闭时,请 务必先关闭接收机电源,然后关闭 发射机,如果关闭发射机电源 时接收机仍然在工
作,将有可 能导致遥控设备失控或者引擎 继续工作而引发事故。
强制 禁止
Not following these instructions may expose the user to serious injuries or death.
Not following these instructions may expose the user to serious injuries.
Not following these instructions may expose the user to minor injuries and even to serious injuries .
Please pay attention to the following symbols when they appear in the manual and read carefully.
Digital propotional radio control system
Make sure moving direction of all motors be same with the operating direction. If not, please adjust direction first.
In part icu lar, the 2.4G R /C sy stem will affect the p lan e or the car nea rby a fter you turn on th e transmitter.
特别要注意,如 果附近有汽车正在运行或飞机 正在飞行, 开机后2.4 GHz RC系统可能会影响到他们。
Be sure t o set t he Fail Safe f unc tion.
一定要启用 防失控功能.
Alway s per form a opera tin g range check pri or to using. Probl ems w ith the radi o con trol system as we ll as improper in sta llation in a m ode l could caus e los s of contr ol. (Simple ra nge t est method) Hav e a friend hold the m ode l, or clamp it d own o r place it whe re th e wheel s or pr op cannot co me in c ontact with any o bject. Walk a way and check to se e if the servos fol low the mov eme nt of the cont rol s on the transmit ter. Should you no tic e any abnorm al op eration, and do n ot opera te th e model. Al so check to be sure t he mo del memory m atc hes the mode l in us e.
总是在操作 模型之前进行全面的检查。 无线电控制 系统出现问题以及不正确安装, 都 有可能导致模型失控,简单的距离 测试方法: 一个人把持 模型,或者提起来让轮子与地面无 法接触,另一个人持发射机走开,检查 该伺服系统运转情况,。测试 时要注意到 若有异常出现,请不要操作模型。 也检查模型的记忆, 以确保模型的 匹配是适当的。
Do not op era te outdoor s on ra iny days, run thr ough puddles of w ater or use when vi sib ility is lim ite d. Shoul d any t ype of moist ure ( water or snow) en ter any compone nt of t he system, e rra tic operat ion a nd loss of c ont rol may occu r.
不要在户外 雨天,有水的地方或当能见度有限 的时候使用。可能水分(水或雪)会进 入到系统内部,不稳定的运行 和失控可能 发生。
Do not op era te in the foll owi ng places.
-Near o the r sites wher e oth er radio contro l activity may oc cur.
-Near p eop le or roads.
-On any p ond w hen passen ger b oats are pre sen t.
-Near h igh t ension pow er li nes or commu nic ation broadca sting antenna s.
Inter fer ence could c aus e loss of control . Improper inst all ation of you r Rad io Control S yst em in your model c oul d result in se rio us injury.
不要操作在 以下的地方。 基站附近或 其他无线电活跃的地方; 人多的地方 或道路附近。 有客船的水 域。 高压电线或 通信广播天线附近。 干扰可能导 致失控。安装不正确,无线电控制 系统可能导致模型发生严重的 伤害。
Do not op era te this R/C sy ste m when you are tire d, not feeling we ll or u nder the inf lue nce of alcoh ol or drug s. Your j udgment is impa ired and could re sul t in a dangero us si tuation that ma y cause serious i njury to yours elf a s well as othe rs.
当你感到疲 倦, 饮酒或吸毒后,不舒服的影响 下,不要操作这个R / C系统。 判断力下降,而 且可能发生危险的情况下, 对自己 或他人可能造成严重的伤害。
Do not to uch t he engine, m oto r, speed control o r any part of the mod el th at will gene rat e heat while t he model i s ope rating or im med iately after it s use.These par ts ma y be very hot an d can c ause serio us bu rns.
当模型操作 或使用后,请勿触摸发动机、电机 、调速器或任何可能发热的部 分,这些部分可能非常热,会造成严 重的烧伤。
Turn on the power:
Tur ning on the power s wit ches,Alw ays c heck the thr ott le trigger on the t ransmitter to b e sur e it is at the neutr al po sition. When ma kin g adjustme nts t o the model, do so wi th the engine not r unn ing or the mot or di sconnect ed. You ma y unexpectedl y lose control an d cre ate a danger ous s ituation.
开机时,每 次都要检查发射器的油门中位 是不是处于中间位置。 当发射机作 出调整时,可能模型的引擎没有运 行或电机没有连接。可能会发 生失控或意外事故的情况。
Digital propotional radio control system
Stora ge:
1 Do not le ave t he radio sys tem o r models within t he reach of small c hildren. A small ch ild m ay acciden tal ly operate t he sy stem. Th is could cau se a da ngerous si tua tion and injuri es. 2 Do not st ore y our R/C syst em in t he following pl aces.
- Where i t is ex tremely ho t or co ld.
- Where t he sy stem will be e xpo sed to direct sun light.
- Where t he hu midity is hi gh.
-Wher e vib ration is pr eva lent.
-Wher e dus t is prevale nt.
-Wher e the s ystem woul d be ex posed to steam an d condensatio n. Stori ng yo ur R/C syste m und er adverse cond itions could ca use d eformati on and num ero us problem s wit h operatio n.
Notic e:
do not ex pos e plastic pa rts t o fuel, motor spr ay, wa ste o il or exhaus t.T he fuel, motor sp ray, waste oil and exhau st wi ll penetra te an d damage the plas tic.
1 不要把无线 电系统或模型放在幼儿伸手可 及的。 小孩子可能 会不小心操作系统,这可能发生危 险的情况,造成伤害。 2 不要储存你 的R / C系统在以下的地方: 极热或冷的 地方。 直接暴露于 强光下。 在高湿度环 境。 振动频繁的 地方。 灰尘多的地 方。 在潮湿或者 过于寒冷的地方. 存储你的R / C系统 在不利条件下,可能会导致变形和 许多操作问题。
请勿放置在 燃料,电动机喷雾,废油或排气旁边。 燃料,电动机喷雾,废油和排气将渗透 和损害塑料。
Fail sa fe fu nction
Befor e run ning (crui sin g), check the fai l safe function . Check M eth od; Before s tar ting the engine , check the fail sa fe fu nction as fo llo ws: (1) Turn o n the t ransmitt er an d receiver powe r switches. (2) Wait at least 30 sec ond s, then turn o ff the tra nsmitter. (The t ran smitter au tom atically trans fer s the fail saf e dat a to the receiver e very 5 seconds. ) (3) Che ck if t he fail safe f unc tion moves the se rvos to the prese t pos ition when r ece ption fails. The fai l saf e function i s a saf ety feature tha t minimizes set d ama ge by moving t he se rvos to a preset posit ion w hen recept ion f ails. However, i f set to a dangerou s pos ition, it ha s the o pposite effect. Wh en the rev ers e function w as us ed to change the op erating direc tio n of a servo, th e fai l safe funct ion m ust be rese t.
防失控功能; 检查操作步骤如下:
(1) 打开发射机和接收机,启动发射机防失控功能,并设定在正确的位置. (2) 至少等 待30秒钟,然后关掉发射机电源开关 。(发射机每5秒会自动发送防失控的数据到接收机)。 (3) 检查在 无接收时,接收机会不会使伺服系 统处于预定的位置。
这个功能是 一个安全功能,接收失败时,预置伺服 系统到预定位置,可以最大限度地 减少伤害.然而,如果设置为一 个不当的位 置,会有相反的效果,必须重置伺服系 统操作的位置。
Batte ry :
1) Do not m ake t he battery s hor t circuit.2) Do not d rop t he battery o r exp ose it to strong sh ocks or vibrati ons .The batte ry ma y short circuit
and ove rhe at; electr oly te may leak out and c ause burns or che mic al damage.
不要短路电 池两极。 不要把电池 放置在有强烈冲击和振动的地 方。电池可能会发生短路或过 热;电解液泄漏出来,可能引起烧伤或 化学损坏。
5. 2.4GHz Sy stem
频率范围: 2.40-2.4835GH z
波段宽度: 500KHz
波段个数: 160个
发射功率: 不高于20dBm(100mW
发射模式: AFHDS2(第二代自动跳频率数字系统)
编码方式: GFSK
天线长度: 26m m
接收机灵敏度: -105dB m
RF spec ifica tions:
RF rang e: 2.40 00-2.483 5GHz Chann el band width: 500 KHz Numbe r of chan nels: 160 RF powe r: less t han 20dBm (1 00mW) RF mode : AFHDS 2( Automati c Frequ ency Hoppi ng Digit al Syst em2) Modul ation t ype: GFSK Anten na leng th: 26mm RX sens itivi ty: -105dB m
The 2.4 GHz rad io band has a co mplet ely different behav ior tha n previous ly used l ower frequ ency ba nds. Keep al ways yo ur model in si ght as a la rge object c an block t he RF sig nal and lead t o loss of c ontrol and dange r. The 2.4GHz R F signal propagat es in straig ht lines a nd cann ot get aroun d objec ts on its path . Never grip th e trans mitter ant enna wh en operati ng a model as it deg rades s ignifica ntly th e RF signal qu ality and stren gth and m ay cause los s of cont rol and dang er
Alway s turn on t he transmi tter first then the recei ver. Whe n turning off the system , always tur n off the receiver fi rst then the t ransm itter. This is to avoid h aving t he receive r on itse lf as it may pic k a wrong s ignal a nd lead to err atic se rvo moveme nts. This is p artic ularly imp ortan t for electr ic powered model s as it may u nexpecte dly tur n on the motor and lea d to inju ries or deat h.
Misus e of this r adio syste m can lea d to serious injur ies or de ath. Pleas e read co mpletely t his manua l and onl y operate yo ur radi o system accor ding to i t.
会大大减弱无线电传播信号的质量和强度, 导致遥
后再关闭发射机。 这样操作可以避免接收机接收到
动模型来说尤为重要, 因为它有可能导致马达突然
AFHDS2(第二代自动跳频系统),这个系统是 富斯公司全新专为模型爱好者自主研发,并具有自主 知识产权的一套数字无线系统。它是专门针对模型产 品而研发的,它具有超强的主动和被动抗干扰能力及 极低的使用功耗和极高的接收灵敏度,是目前市面上 最好的系统之一。此系统经过研发人员极端严格的测 试及专业玩家的验证,模型爱好者完全可以放心使用!
AFHDS 2 ( autom atic frequ ency ho pping digi tal sys tem 2 ) is deve loped b y FLYS KY fo r all the Radio Contr ol
model l overs a nd is patent ed by FLYSKY at home . The syste m is spec ially deve loped f or all the Rad io cont rol model s, that o ffe rs super act ive and p assive ant i­jammi ng capa bilities ,very l ow power con sumpt ion and highe r recei ver sensit ivity. With e xtreme rig orous testi ng byen gineers an d profe ssional pl ayers f or years, FLYSKY AFHDS 2 is now consi dered to be one ofthe best sy stems a vailable i n the mar ket.
This ra dio sys tem works in t he freq uency rang e of 2.4000 to 2.4835 GHz. This ba nd has been divid ed into 1 60 indepen dent ch annels. Ea ch radi o system use s 16 differe nt channel s and 160 different types o f hopping algorit hm. By using v ariou s switch-o n times , hopping sc heme and chann el freq uencies, t he syst em can guara ntee a ja mming free r adio transmissi on.
This ra dio sys tem uses a hig h gain an d high quali ty mult idirecti onal antenna. It co vers the whole frequ ency ba nd. Assoc iated w ith a high sen sitiv ity receiv er, this radio syste m guarantees a jammi ng free l ong range ra dio tra nsmissio n.
Each tr ansmi tter has a uni que ID. W hen bindin g with a receiver, the r eceiver saves tha t unique ID and can a ccept s only data fr om that u nique tran smitter. Th is avoids pi cking a nother tra nsmitter signa l and dra maticall y incre ases inter feren ce immunit y and safety.
This ra dio sys tem uses low p ower el ectronic c ompon ents and a ver y sensitive recei ver chip. Th e RF modu latio n uses inter mitte nt signal tr ansmission thus r educing even more p ower consumptio n. Compa rativ ely, this radio sy stem us es only a tent h of the po wer of a stand ard FM sy stem.
每台发射机有一个唯一的ID码, 当和接收机对码之后, 接收机保存这个唯一的ID码并且只接受从
这个ID码发射机发出的信号。 这样可以避免接收到别的发射机信号,大大增强抗干扰能力和安全性。
System Cha racte rist ic
Digital propotional radio control system
6. Battery c hargi ng not es
If your t ran smitter or r ece iver uses any typ e of rech arg eable batt eri es, please c hec k them be for e each fligh t and m ake sure they are in go od sh ape and full y cha rged other wis e it may lead to l oss o f control, injur ies a nd death.
If you ar e usi ng recharg eab le batteries, make su re to u se a suitabl e cha rger with the rig ht ch arging cur ren t set otherwise i t may lea d to ba ttery over hea ting, fire or explo sio n. Disconn ect t he battery from t he charg er as s oon as it is ful ly ch arged. If you don’t p lan t o use your rad io sy stem for a long pe rio d of time, rem ove t he batteries fr om the tra nsm itter and th e mod el as it may damag e the m.
如果您的发 射机或者接收机使用任何种类 的可充
电电池,请 在每次飞行前检查电池,确保 电池完好无
损并且满电 ,否则有可能导致失控或者人 员伤亡。
如果您使用 的是可充电电池,请确保充电 器符合
可充电电池 规格并且用适当的电流进行充 电否则将导
致电池过热 ,失火甚至爆炸。充满电后, 请立即断开
充电电源.如果 长时间不用遥控设备,请将电 池从发射
机和模型中 取出保存,以免有损遥控设备 。
6.01: Tran sm it te r charg er
1. 将锂电池按方向装
2. USB连上适配器
3. 插入发射机或者充
4. 将适配器插入插座
此系统采用信息回传功能,此功能更好的掌握当前模型的工作状态。从而增添了操控乐趣以及 更加安全控制模型
This sy stem us es the two-w ay comm unicatio n, which could cont rol the working sta te of current model b etter a nd make the op erati on more enjo yable a nd safer tha n before.
适配器 (INPUT:100~240V OUTPUT:6V-1500mA)
适配器 (INPUT:100~240V OUTPUT:6V-1500mA)
1. Inst all the lipo batter y to the tra nsmitter or charg er with co rrect direction , then cl ose the battery cover.
2. Conn ect cable USB with ad apter.
3. Conn ect opposite end of cabl e USB to the trans mitter or the charg ing inter face of the charger.
4. Inse rt the adapter into socke t.
7. Tra nsmit ter specifi cations
8.Rec eiver speci fications
Transm itter s pecifica tions :
通道个数:4个 通道 适合机种: 车/船 频率范围:2 .4-2.48GHz 波段宽度: 5 00KHz 波段个数: 1 60个 发射功率: 不 高于20dBm
2.4G模式 : 第二代自动跳频数字系统 编码方式: G FSK 通道分辨率 : 1024级 低电压报警 : 有(低于3.7伏时) 数据输出: 有 (USBHID) 方向盘转动 角度:90度(左右各45度) 油门转动角 度:45度(前进30度,后退15度) 充电接口: 有 天线长度: 2 6毫米 机身重量: 3 47克 输入电源: 3 .7伏(1200毫安) 外形尺寸: 1 57*116*258mm 外观颜色: 黑 色 认证: CE0 678, FCC
Chann els : 4 Model t ype : car/boat RF rang e: 2. 4-2.48GH z Bandw idt h: 500KHz Band: 1 60 RF powe r: le ss than 20 dBm
2.4G sy ste m: AFHDS 2 Code ty pe: G FSK Sensi tiv ity: 1024 Low vol tag e warning: y es( less than 3. 7V) DSC por t: ye s(USB HID) ST range: 90 TH rang e: 45 (F: 30;B:1 5) Charg er po rt: yes Power : 3.7 V(1200mA h) Weight: 34 7g ANT length : 26m m Size: 1 57* 116* 258mm Color : bla ck Certi fic ate: CE067 8, FC C
机种参 数:
Chann els : 4 Model t ype : RF rang e: 2. 40-2.48G Hz Band: 1 60 RF powe r: le ss than 20 dBm
2.4G sy ste m: AFHDS2 Code ty pe: G FSK Power : 4.5 -6.5V DC Weight: 15 g ANT length : 26m m Size: 3 5.4 *29.6*13 mm Color : bla ck Certi fic ate: Ce067 8, FC C RX Sens iti vity: -105 d Bm AS-Bu s POR T: yes Data Acq uis ition port : yes
car/b oat
通道个数: 4 适合机种: 车 、船 频率范围: 2 .40-2.48GHz 波段个数: 1 60个 发射功率: 不 高于20dBm 接收灵敏度 :-
. G: 第二代自动跳频数字系统 编码方式: G FSK 天线长度: 2 6毫米 机身重量: 1 5克 输入电源: 4 .5-6.5V DC 外形尺寸: 3 5.4*29.6*13毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色 认证: CE0 678,FCC AS-Bu s接口: 有 数据采集接 口: 有
105dB m
2 4
Digital propotional radio control system
8.01. S peed acquis ition modul e
机种参 数:
适合机种: 车 、船 采集速度范 围: 0-16000转/分钟 机身重量: 1 0克 输入电源: 4 .0-6.5V DC 外形尺寸: 2 4.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色
Model t ype : Monit or ra nge of speed 160 00RPM Power : 4.0 -6.5V DC Weight: 10 g Size: 2 4.4 *14*8mm Color : bla ck
car/b oat
8.03. Te mper ature a cquisitio n module
适合机种: 车 、船 采集温度范 围:- -100度 机身重量: 1 0克 输入电源: 外形尺寸: 2 4.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色
4.0-6 .5V DC
Model t ype : Monit or ra nge of tempe rat ure: 0-100°C Power : 4.0 -6.5V DC Weight: 10 g Size: 2 4.4 *14*8mm Color : bla ck
car/b oat
机种参 数:
适合机种: 车 、船 电压采集范 围: 4.0-30V DC 机身重量: 1 0克 输入电源: 外形尺寸: 2 4.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色
4.0-6 .5V DC
Model t ype: Monitor range of Voltage:
4.0-3 0V DC Power : 4.0- . V DC Weight: 10g Size: 2 4.4*14*8mm Color : black
car/b oat
6 5
8.04. Volt age ac quisi tion m odule
机种参 数:
通道个数:4 适合机种: 车 、船 机身重量: 1 2克 输入电源: 外形尺寸: 3 0*25.6*13毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色 ASbus接 口: 有
4.0-6 .5V DC
Chann els : 4 Model t ype : car/boat Weight: 12 g Power : 4.0 -6.5V DC Size: 3 0*2 5.6*13mm Color : bla ck
ASbus P ORT: ye s
8.05. S erial bus rec eiver
机种参 数:
机种参 数:
适合机种: 车 、船 采集速度范 围: 0-16000转/分钟 机身重量: 1 0克 输入电源: 4 .0-6.5V DC 外形尺寸: 2 4.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑 色
Model t ype : Monit or ra nge of speed 160 00RPM Power : 4.0 -6.5V DC Weight: 10 g Size: 2 4.4 *14*8mm Color : bla ck
car/b oat
8.02. S peed acquis ition modul e
9.Rec eiver and ser vo connecti ons
9.0 1. In stall ati on when a m oto r contr oll er is use d:
Remark: to guarantee a long ran ge, place t he antenn a of the receiver verti cally awa y from any me tal part.
注意: 为保证良好的遥控距离,请将接收机天线与模型机身垂直放
9.02 .
Installa tio n for gas p owe red m odels :
CH1-CH4: 表示接收机的相应通道; BIND,VCC: 表示用于对码和输入电源的通道; OUT:表示输出PPM数据的ASbus接口,用于连接串行
总线接收机,扩展通道; IN:表示各种传感器数据的输入接口,数据采集模块可 随意串接;
所有的发射 机和接收机,在出厂前都己对 码好,无需再次对码,若您需要与 另的发射机进行对码 和使用,请 按以下方法操作:
1. 发射机装 上电池,打开电源;
2. 进入主界 面,选择“接收机设置”功能 。点触“对码”进入对码状态
3.用产品包 装所配的对码线,插入接收机B/VCC 通道;
4. 使用6VD C电源,按正确极性,插入CH1 -CH4的任一通道,即可进入对码状态,此时LED灯闪烁;
5. 成功对码 后,发射机会自动退出对码状 态;
6. 拔掉对码 线,重启接收机LED常亮,此时 即可插入舵机及其它数据采集 模块,检测其工作是否正常;
7. 如果对码 失败,可重复以上动作,重新 对码。 注意: 配对好的发 射机与接收机,当发射机或接 收机因误操作而进入对码状态 后,会出现不能遥控的现象, 一般情况下 ,关闭电源重开机即可恢复正 常,倘若还是不行,则需要重 新对码。
Digital propotional radio control system
FS-iR4 ope ratio n inst ructi on
port instruction
CH1-CH4 repr esent relevant channel o f trans mitter. BIND,VCC r epresent the chan nel use d for mat ching
and input powe r respe ctively. OUT: represe nt ASbus p ort of ou tputting PPMS dat a and be used for co nnect ing the serial bus receiver to ex pand ch annels. IN: Represen t input p orts of a ll kinds of sensor da ta, and data acqui sitio n modul es can be connected in serial opti onall y.
All receiv ers are alr eady bound to their respect ive transmitter at produc tion time. If you want to bind it wit h another t ransmitter, ple ase opera te as follows:
1. Instal l the batte ry in the transmit ter, and tur n on the power.
2. Open the m ain menu, a nd select "RX setu p" functi on in the second page, then tou ch "Bind with a receive r" to enter b ind mode.
3. Insert t he standa rd bind cable into t he power su pply channel.
4. Connec t the 6VDC po wer connector to a ny channe l from CH1 to CH4 with correct po larity to enter bind mode . The rec eiver LED will flash at this ti me.
5. The transmitt er will exit the bind mode auto matically after having su ccessfu lly bound with the transmi tter.
6. Pull off the bind c able and restart the receiv er. Please connect the servo s and other t elemetry modules t o the recei ver to check if ever ything op erates normally.
7. If anyth ing is wron g, please repeat t he above st eps to bind again. Notic e:
The bin ded t ransmitt er an d receiver will w ork abnormall y if th e transmit ter o r the receiver en ters the bindin g sta te
by mist ake .In other wo rds , the receiver ca nnot be control led b y the transm itt er. If so, ju st ne ed to restar t the t ransmitter an d the receiver. If i t sti ll doesn't w ork , pleas e bin d the transm itt er with the recei ver again.
Bind Jumper
Bind wi th a re ceiver
Bind receiver mode
Press the back button
to exit.
FS-SEV01 serial bus receiver connection instruction
串行总线接 收机,最多可串联4个模块,共18个 通道;按键K1-K4分别对应C1-C4,用于对相应通道的设定; 操作说明: 1、FS-SEV01接收机的“IN” 端口对应接收机的“OUT”端口; 2、FS-SEV01接收机的“OUT”端口,用于串接后级的FS-SEV01接收机,以串 联的方式使 用。 3、将此总线 接收机插入接收机,打开己配 对的 ,接收机电 源,LED点亮; 4、操作 触控屏,选择接收机 设定的主菜单,进入到舵机设 定界面; 5、选择需要 扩展的通道,此时,总线接收 机的LED熄灭; 6、用对码线 上的胶针,按下需要的,相应 通道的按键,LED自动点亮,表 示设定 成功; 7、插入舵机 ,检查设定是否成功; 8、重复以上 操作即可完成总线接收机4个通道 的设定; 9、当需要更 多的通道扩展时,只需要在第 一级总线接收机的“OUT”端口,串接 新的总线接 收机即可,设定的操作方法相 同。
Data telemetry connection
FS-SP D01:磁感应转速采集模块
采集模块的操作使用说 明:
操作使用说 明: 1、将所配的3 PIN插头,一端插入速度采集 模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入 接收机的“I N”位置或接另外的感应器的“I N”位置,如上图所示; 2、将图3的传感 器放在磁铁的旁边,磁铁固定 在需要测试的轴向转动的地方 。 如:模型车 的轮毂内侧,如下图所示,传 感器与磁铁尽可能的靠近些。 3、打开发射机,接收机 电源,在显示屏的接收机窗口 内,会发现并显示“ Motor speed 2:0RPM”,试着转动轮子,转速的值会发生变化,则表示安装成功。
magne t
串行总线接收机连接说 明
Seria l bus r eceiver ca n con nect 4 modules wi th 18 channels in s erial at most. Bu tto n K1 and K2 corr esp ond to C1 and C2 r esp ectively. Opera tio n:
1. “IN” p ort o f FS-SEV01 r ece iver correspo nds to “Out” port o f rec eiver.
2. The “OUT” p ort o f FS-SEVO1 rece ive r is used to con nec t post level F S-S EV01 receiver
3. Inse rt th e bus receiv er to r eceiver, and the n switch on the mat che d transmit ter a nd receiver. The LED wi ll
be on.
4. Sele ct ma in menu of rec eiv er setup to enter t he interface of s erv o setup.
5. Sele ct ch annel whic h nee d to be expanded, m eanwhile LEDof b us receiver is off.
6. Push r ele vant chann el bu tton by plastic n eedle of matchi ng li ne. The setup is succe ssful if LED flas hes
autom ati cally.
7. Inse rt se rvo to check .
8. Set up 4 c han nels of bus re cei ver as above step s.
9. Just c onn ect a new bus re cei ver with “OUT” po rt of first stage b us re ceiver if mo re ch annel needed. S et up the new o ne as a bove steps .
Notic e:
when th e loa d of serial bus rec eiver is excess ive and electri c cur rent is higher th an usual, pleas e sup ply power d ire ctly to the se ria l bus receiver or i t wil l break cabl es.
Data opera tio n instruct ion FS-SP D01 : revolvin g spe ed module. Opera tio n:
1. Inse rt on e end of stand ard 3 P IN plug into “OUT ” port of speed acq uis ition modul e, an d insert the o the r end into “IN” por t of receiver or ot her s ensor, as pict ure a bove.
3. Swit ch on t ransmitt er an d receiver. “Mot or speed 2:0RPM ” will be shown in re cei ver window i n dis play screen.
Speed v alu e changes as t urn ing wheel, whic h means install ation is succes sfu l.
telem etr y
Put the s ens or beside th e mag net as shown in Fig ure 3; fix the magn et to t he positio n of ax le which nee ds to t est.
e.g.: As f oll owing pict ure s hows, put the sen sor to the magnet a s clo se as possib le in t he inner whe el hu b of car.
注意:当总线接收机的 负载过重, 电流较大时,请将 主接收机的 电源分支出来并联 接入,单独 供电加大负载的能力, 否则可能会因电流过大 ,烧坏串联 的线材。
Senso r
轮子 Cai whe el
FS-ST M01:温度采集模块连接
操作使用说 明:
1. 将所配的3PIN连接线 ,一端插入温度采集模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入接收机 的“IN”位置 或接另外的感应器的“IN”位置 ;
2. 将温度的传感器本体 ,使用海棉双面贴粘在适当的 位置(如:马达,电池本体上 ), 并与被测试 物表面紧贴;
3. 打开发射机,接收机电源,在显示屏的接收机窗口内,会发现并显示 “Temperature 1:25.0℃”,表示安装成功 ,25.0℃即为采集到的温度数据。
Digital propotional radio control system
FS-STM01: Temperature connection Operation:
1. Insert one en d of stan dard 3 PIN plug into “OUT” por t of temp erature module, and inse rt the ot her end i nto “IN” port of rec eiver o r other sensor, as picture ab ove.
2. Adhere tempe ratur e senso r to proper place (su ch as mot or and ba ttery) tightly by s ponge d ouble s tick.
3. Switch on tra nsmit ter and receiver. “Temper ature 1 :25 0” wil l be shown in receive r windo w in disp lay screen, which means in stall ation i s successful, and 2 5 0 is the te mpera ture collected.
telem etr y
FS-SP D02:光感应转速采集模块
采集模块的操作使用说 明:
操作使用说 明: 1、将所配的3 PIN插头,一端插入速度采集 模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入 接收机的“I N”位置或接另外的感应器的“I N”位置,如上图所示; 2、将图2所示, 传感器与反射贴纸固定在轮子 的侧面平面上,保持贴纸平整 ,并与传感器垂直; (备注:贴 纸与轮子的颜色反差要大)传 感器和贴纸距离要保持适中。 3、打开发射 机,接收机电源,在显示屏的 接收机窗口内,会发现并显示 “Motor spee d 2:0RPM”,试着转动轮子, 转速的值会 发生变化,则表示安装成功。 备注: 也可安装 在模型车的从动齿轮上,采用相同 的方法采集齿轮的转速.
Senso r
轮子 Cai whe el
Magne t
Teleme try module FS-SPD02: op tical r otation speed telemetr y modul e
1. Connect one e nd of the s tanda rd 3 PIN plug to the "out " port of t he speed teleme try mod ule and t he other end to the "in " port of t he rece iver or the previou s senso rs “in” p ort as pictured abo ve.
2. As picture 2 sho ws, affix th e senso r and the r eflection decal s on the fl at surface of the s ide of an y rotating part (gear, car wh eel…) . Keep de cals flat and perpendicu lar to th e senso r. (Remark: high col or cont rast be tween decals and ro tatin g part gi ves better result). Maintain sufficient sa fety di stanc e between the senso r and the d ecals t o avoid any damage.
3. Switch on the t ransm itter and the receiver. “Mo tor spe ed 2: 0RP M” will be displaye d in the ma in scre en. The spe ed displayed will f ollow t he spee d of the rotating par t monit ored by t he rotation speed sensor, i ndica ting a successful i nstal latio n. Remar k: You ca n also fix it to t he dr iven gear of the mo del car. Use the sam e method to colle ct RP M data of gear.
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