GT3B Voltage Requlator Install Instructions
Written By
Austin Hutchison
Step 1:
Remove 4 screws located on top of the radio.
Step 2:
There are small plastic
latches that also hold the top in
place. The easiest way to pull the
top cover off is to push these latches
open, but it may knar up the plastic
alittle. If you don’t wish to knar up
the plastic you can take a chance
and muscle the top cover off,
however this may lead to worse
damage. To disengage the plastic
latches use a small flat head and
insert in the places shown on the
picture and gently pull up on the
cover…on the front side its located
near the diagonal on the screen pop
out, and the back side is located
directly across
Step 3:
With the antenna up pull the
top cover off. The rotary knob is
attached to the board as well. So it
would be smart to gently pry that off
the top cover with your fingernails or
small flat head screw driver. Other
side gently muscle off the cover, the
knob will come with it.