Fly Sky FS-GT2F Instruction Manual

Copyright ©2013-2017 FlyskyRC model technology co., ltd
用户 手 册
Thi s produ ct is sui table f or 15 ye ars old a nd abov e
本产品 不适合15岁以 下儿童使用
Digital propotional radio control system
Table of contents
1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................2
2. Services .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.special symbols ............................................................................................................................................3
4. Safety guide .................................................................................................................................................3
5. 2.4GHz System ............................................................................................. 5
6. .....................................................................................................................................7
..... ......... 9
..... 9
7. Transmitter specifications 发射机参数............................................................................................. ................ 8
8.Receiver specifications接收机参数.................................................................................................. ................... 8
9.Receiver and servo connections 接收机与伺服器连接...................................................... ..................
10. 2.4GHz Operation notes2.4G操作注意事项............................................................................. ...................11
11. Each part of the transmitter.发射机部件................................................................................... ...................13
12. Transmitter function notes发射机功能说明.................................................................................................... 14
13. Failsafe function接收机操作说明.................................................................................................... .................16
14. Simulate模拟................................................................................................................................................. ........
15. Exploded Drwing爆炸图....................................................................................................................................... 18
16. Packaging content包装内容 ............................................................................................................... ........... 1
5.01. AFHDS 动跳频数字系统..................................................................................................................... ....... 5
5.02. System Characteristic系统特征..................................................................................................................... 5
5.03. AFHDS2 A第二代增强版自动跳频数字系统....................................................................................................6
5.04 . S ystem Characteristic系统特征.......................................................................................................................6
9.01. Installation when a motor controller is used ................................................ 9
9.02. Installation for gas powered models ..................................................................... 10
10.01 . Mt ching(code)/binding 对码.................................................................................................................... 11
10.02. Power on开机................................................................................................................................................ 12
10.03 Shut down关机 .. ...........................................................................................................................................12
12.01 .Steering control 方向控制........................................................................................................................... 14
12.02. Throttle control油门控制............................................................................................................................ 15
13.01 .Failsafe instruction 失控保护功能说明..................................................................................................... 16
1. Intr o ducti o n
2. Serv i ces
Thank you for choosing 2.4G rat io remote control digital products,if y ou are the first time to use this type of products,ple ase read this statement carefully and str ictly in accordance with the requirements of operati on.You c ould refer to the manual if you meet any problems during the operation.Please well keep the manual afte r use because you might have to use it again next time.Once again,than ks for buying our products.
如果您使用过程中发现有问题,请您第一时间先查看说明书。如果问题还不能解决,您可以跟 我们
If you find any problems during t he operation process,please refer to th e manual.If the problem still exist,you could conta ct our dealers to find out the way to solve.And y ou could also log on to our website service center :
感谢您选择使用 2.4G数码比率遥控产品,如果你是第一次使用该类型产品,请您在使用之前先
说明书在使用完后请您妥善保管好,以备后用。再次感谢您使用 的产品,并希望给您带来快乐。
Digital propotional radio control system
Do not use it in the night or a light ing s torm as the bad weather will make the r emo te control out of control.
The shutd own sequen ce must be to fi rst discon nect the rec eiver batt ery then to sw itch off the trans mitter. If th e transmitter is switched off w hile the rec eiver is sti ll powered , it may lead to u ncontrol led moveme nt or engine s tart and may c ause an acci dent.
请不要在夜晚或者雷雨天使用 此产品,因为恶劣的天气环境有可能导致遥控设备失 控。
操控时, 请先确认模型所有舵机的 动作方向与操控方向一致。如果不一致,请调整好正 确的 方向。
关闭时,请务必先关闭接收机 电源,然后关闭发射机,如果关闭发射机电源时接收机仍 然在工
作,将有可能导致遥控设备失 控或者引擎继续工作而引发事故。
Make sure moving directio n of al l motors be same with the operating d ire ction. If not, please adjust direction f irs t.
In par ti cu la r, the 2.4G R/C syst em w il l affe ct t he plane or the car n ea rb y af ter you turn on the t ra ns mitter.
特别要注意,如果附近有汽车正在 运行或飞机正在飞行, 开机后2.4 GHz RC系统可 能会影响到他们。
强制 禁止
3. Spec i al symbo ls
4. Safe t y guide
If the operator does not operate by following the inst ructions,the operator may lea d to serious injuries,even mortal danger.
If the operator does not operate by following the instructions, the operator may l ead to serious injuries,even mor tal danger.
If the operator does not operate by following the instructions,the operator may lea d to minor injuries,but generally it will not cause serious injuri es to the operator.
Please pay atten tion to the following symbols when it appears on the manual and read careful ly.
Digital propotional radio control system
Be sur e to s et t he F ail Safe functi on .
Always p er fo rm a operating ra ng e ch ec k prior to using. Prob le ms w it h the radio contr ol s ys tem as well as improp er i ns tallation in a mo de l co uld cause loss of cont ro l. (S imple range tes t me th od) Have a friend h ol d th e mo del, or clamp it do wn o r pl ace it where the whee ls o r pr op c annot come in con ta ct w ith any object. Wa lk away and check t o se e if t he s ervos follow the mo ve me nt o f the controls on t he t ra nsmitter. Should y ou n ot ice any abnorma l op er ation, and do not oper at e th e mo del. Also check to b e su re t he model memory mat ch es t he model in use.
不要在户外雨天,有水的地方或当 能见度有限的时候使用。可能水分(水或雪)会进入到系统内 部,不稳定的运行 和失控可能发生。
Do not o pe ra te i n the following p la ce s.
-Nea r ot he r si tes where other r ad io c ontrol activi ty m ay o cc ur.
-Nea r pe op le o r roads.
-On an y po nd w he n passenger boa ts a re p resent.
-Nea r hi gh t en sion power line s or c om munication br oa dc as ting antennas .
Interf er en ce could cause lo ss o f co ntrol. Improper i ns ta llation of your R ad io C ontrol System i n yo ur mode l co ul d re sult in serious i nj ur y.
Do not o pe ra te t his R/C system wh en y ou a re tired, not feeli ng w el l or under the infl ue nc e of alcohol or dru gs . Your j ud gment is impair ed a nd c ould result in a da ng er ou s situation tha t ma y ca use serious inj ur y to your se lf a s we ll as others.
Do not t ou ch t he e ngine, motor, sp ee d co ntrol or any part o f th e mo de l that will gener at e he at while the mode l is o pe ra ting or immedia te ly a fter its use.Th es e pa rt s may be very hot and c an c au se serious burn s.
Turn on the power:
Tur ni ng on the power swi tc he s,Always check th e th ro ttle trigger on t he t ra ns mitter to be sure i t is a t th e neut ra l po si tion. When m ak in g ad justments to th e mo de l, do so with the engin e no t ru nning or the moto r di sc onnected. You ma y un expectedly lo se c on trol and create a d an ge ro us situation.
Do not o pe ra te o utdoors on rain y da ys , run through pud dl es o f wa ter or use when vis ib il ity is limited. Shou ld a ny t yp e of moisture (wa te r or s now) enter any co mp on en t of the system, er ra ti c operation and loss o f co nt ro l may occur.
不要操作在以下的地方。 基站附近或其他无线电活跃的 地方; 人多的地方或道路附近。 有客船的水域。 高压电线或通信广播天线附近 。 干扰可能导致失控。安装不正 确,无线电控制系统可能导致模型发生严重的伤害。
当你感到疲倦, 饮酒或吸毒后,不 舒服的影响下,不要操作这个R / C系统。 判断力下降,而且可能发生危险的 情况下, 对自己或他人可能造成严重的伤害。
当模型操作或使用后,请勿触摸发 动机、电机、调速器或任何可能发热的部分,这些部分可 能非常热,会造成严 重的烧伤。
总是在操作模型之前进行全面 的检查。 无线电控制系统出现问题以及 不正确安装, 都有可能导致模型失控,简单的距离测试方法: 一个人把持模型,或者提起来让轮 子与地面无法接触,另一个人持发射机走开,检查该伺服系统 运转情况,。测试 时要注意到若有异常出现,请不要 操作模型。也检查模型的记忆, 以确保模型的匹配是适当 的。
开机时,每次都要检查发射器 的油门中位是不是处于中间位置。 当发射机作出调整时,可能模型的 引擎没有运行或电机没有连接。可能会发生失控或意 外事故的情况。
5.02. S y stem Ch a racter i stic
此系统采用高质量的增益天线 ,覆盖整个波段带宽。配合高灵敏度接收机,系统能 有效的避免 离传 播信号的干扰。
此系统使用低功率电子元件和 高灵敏度接收机芯片。无线电频率模块采用间歇性信 号传播,因 大降 低了发射功率。比较而言,此 系统功耗仅为FM版本的十分之一。
This radio system works in the frequency range of 2.405 to 2.475GHz. This band has been divided into 142 independent channels. Each radio system uses 16 different channels and 142 different types of hopping algorithm. By using various switch-on times, hopping scheme and channel frequencies, the system can guarantee a jamming free radio transmission.
此系统工作频率范围是2. 40 52. 475GHz。整个波段被 分为142个独立频点。 每套遥控系统 16
不同频点和14 2种不同的跳频算法。通过开机时间不同,跳频规律不 同和使用不同的频点,遥控系统能避免 干扰传播信号。
This radio system uses a high gain and high quality multi directional antenna. It covers the whole frequency band. Associated with a high sensitivity receiver, this radio system guarantees a jamming free long range radio transmission.
Each transmitter has a unique ID. When binding with a receiver, the receiver saves that unique ID and can accepts only data from that unique transmitter. This avoids picking another transmitter signal and dramatically increases interference immunity and safety.
每台发射机有一个唯一的I D码, 当和接收机对码之后, 接收机保存这个唯 一的 码并且只接受从
发射机发出的信号。 这样可以避 免接收到别的发射机信号,大大增强抗干扰能力和安 全性。
This radio system uses low power electronic components and a very sensitive receiver chip. The RF modulation uses intermittent signal transmission thus reducing even more power consumption. Comparatively, this radio system uses only a tenth of the power of a standard FM system.
5.01. A F HDS
系统。它 是专门针对 模型产品而研发的,它具有超强的主动和被动抗干扰能力及极低的使用功耗和极高的接收灵敏度,
是目前市 面上最好的 系统之一。此系统经过研发人员极端严格的测试及多年市场验证,模型爱好者完全可放心使用!
频率范围: 2.405-2.475GHz 波段宽度: 500KHz 波段个数: 142个 发射功率: 不高于20dBm
2.4G模式:自动跳频数字系 统 编码方式: GF SK 天线长度: 26毫米 接收机灵敏度: -105d Bm
AFHD Sau to ma tic frequency h opping digital system),is devel oped by FLYSKY for a ll the Radio Co ntrol model l overs and is paten te d by FLYSK Y at home.The s ystem is spec ially developed for al l the Radio control models ,thar offers super active and passive antijam ming capabili ties,very lo w power consu mption an d high receiver s ensitivity.With extreme rigorous testiong by engin eers and st udying th e markets for years,FLYSK Y AFHDS i s now conside re d to be the one of the b est systems a vailable in the m arket.
RF spe cificat io ns:
Band width: 50 0K Hz Band s um: 142 RF pow er: less th an 2 0dBm
2.4G s ystem: AFH DS Code t ype: GFSK Ante nna lengt h: 2 6mm RX sen sitivit y: - 105dBm
RF ran ge: 2.405 -2 .475GHz
5. 2.4G H z Syste m /Ch a racte r istic
2.4 G系统/系统特征
5.04. S y stem Ch a racter i stic
此系统采用高质量的增益天线 ,覆盖整个波段带宽。配合高灵敏度接收机,系统能 有效的避免 离传 播信号的干扰。
此系统使用低功率电子元件和 高灵敏度接收机芯片。无线电频率模块采用间歇性信 号传播,因 大降 低了发射功率。比较而言,此 系统功耗仅为FM版本的十分之一。
The frequency range of AFHDS2A is from 2.405GHZ to 2.475GHZ. The whole band is divided into 142 frequency points. Each system with unique frequency hopping rules uses 16 different frequency points, which can avoid interruptions effectively.
AFHDS2A系统工作频率范 围为:2.405-2.475GHz。整个波段被划分为142个独立频点。每 套遥控系
统使用16个不同频点,具备独立 的调频规律,能有效的避免信道间的干扰。
This radio system uses a high gain and high quality multi directional antenna. It covers the whole frequency band. Associated with a high sensitivity receiver, this radio system guarantees a jamming free long range radio transmission.
Each transmitter has a unique ID. When binding with a receiver, the receiver saves that unique ID and can accepts only data from that unique transmitter. This avoids picking another transmitter signal and dramatically increases interference immunity and safety.
每台发射机有一个唯一的I D码, 当和接收机对码之后, 接收机保存这个唯 一的 码并且只接受从
发射机发出的信号。 这样可以避 免接收到别的发射机信号,大大增强抗干扰能力和安 全性。
This radio system uses low power electronic components and a very sensitive receiver chip. The RF modulation uses intermittent signal transmission thus reducing even more power consumption. Comparatively, this radio system uses only a tenth of the power of a standard FM system.
5.03. A F HDS2A
AFHDS2A(第二代增强版 自动跳频数字系统)是富斯公司基于A FHDS/AF HDS2基础最新研发成功的一套数字 无线系
统,具备自主知识产权。AFHDS 2A专门针对高端模型产品而研发,内 置多重信道编码 和纠错算法,采用主动和被动跳频方
式,具备更强的通信距离和抗 干扰能力,是目前市面上最好的无线系统之一。此系 统融合了富斯研发人员多年的设计经验,
通过严格的现场测试,航模爱 好者可放心使用!
频率范围: 2.405-2.475GHz 波段宽度: 500KHz 波段个数: 142个 发射功率: 不高于18dBm
2.4G模式:第二代增强版自 动跳频数字系统 编码方式: GF SK 天线长度: 26毫米 接收机灵敏度: -105d Bm
RF spe cificat io ns:
Band width: 50 0K Hz Band s um: 142 RF pow er: less th an 1 8dBm
2.4G s ystem: AFH DS 2 A Code t ype: GFSK Ante nna lengt h: 2 6mm RX sen sitivit y: - 105dBm
RF ran ge: 2.405 -2 .475GHz
Digital propotional radio control system
AFHDS 2A (a ut om atic frequenc y ho pp ing digital sys te m 2A ) is t he digital radi o sy st em with indepen de nt i ntellectual pro pe rt y, whic h is n ew ly d eveloped by FLYSKY. Thi s sy stem is develop ed s pe cially for high-e nd m od el products. As th e on e of t he best system i n th e ma rket, it has buil t- in m ultiple chann el c od in g, error-corr ec ti on, longer comm un ic at ion distance an d mo re powe rf ul a nt ijamming capa bi li ty. Mod el a irplane fan can s af el y use this radio sy st em a s it c ombines years o f de si gn expe ri en ce a nd has passed sti ck f ie ld tests.
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