FK -S2F4
28x 28x7. 6mm5.8 g
Dim ensio ns
7-1 6V Or 2-4 S LiPo V BAT
Rapt or S-Tower 20 A F4 FC
06 M ore inf or matio n
● MC U:S TM32 F405.
● Gyr o MP U-600 0 SPI .:
● FC fi rmwar e:Bet afligh t_OM NIB USF 4
● Sup ports P PM, SBU S,SP EKT RUM 1024/ 2048 et c. remo te cont rol / rec eivin g mode.
● FC i ntegr ated O SD, us ers can a djust O SD pa ramet ers via B etafli ght con figura tor.
● FC i ntegr ated 3. 3V,5V and VBAT fo r recei ver, VT X, cam era, bu zzer, L ED and o ther pe riphe ral
dev ices.
● Pro vided s evera l silic one cab les for F C ,and w ill giv e you an un prece dente d exper ience f or asse mbly;
● Sil icon sp acer fo r suppo rting c ould re duce th e effect o f vibra tion, m akes th e flight m ore sta ble.
● Ins tall ho les: 20 x20mm ,M2.
Siz e
(Fo r refer ence)
Mod el
03 P art lis t / Di mensi on s
*All p ictur es are fo r refer ence on ly
User M anual
Flig ht Contro ll er
01 M ain fea tu res
Ope ratin g Voltag e
Weig ht
(Fo r refer ence)
04 C onnec t di agram
● All weld ing requ ires good w elding te chnolo gy, short
circu it betwe en the elem ent or the w ire shoul d be
avoid ed at any ti me.
● Plea se ensure a ll solder j oints ar e insulat ed
with he at shrin k where nec essary.
● Plea se double -check th e polari ty is corre ct
befor e power up .
Thank y ou for usin g our produc t. Any Improp er operati on may caus e personal injur y damage to t he
produ ct an d rel ated equipmen ts. Th is hi gh po wer system for RC model can be d angerous ,we stron gly
recom mend readin g the user man ual carefu lly and compl etely. We will no t assume any r esponsib ility for any
losse s ca used by unautho rized modific ations to our produ ct. We have the right to chang e t he design,
appea rance, perf ormance an d usage requ irements of t he product w ithout not ice.
02 S pecifi ca tions
● For th ese qui ck plu g cable s, plea se confi rm the wi re sequ ences o n your de vices ’ connec tor are c orres pondi ng with t he Flig ht
cont rolle r’s be fore co nnect ing. If t he term inals a re not fit y our dev ices ,p lease m ake a mod ified co nnect ion to fit .
● Ple ase ens ure all s older j oints & w ires ar e insul ated we ll, as sh ort cir cuit wi ll dama ge the pr oduct .
● Ple ase ens ure eno ugh saf ety spa ce betw een the E SC& Dr one fra mes, as s hort ci rcuit w ill dam age the p roduc t.
● Nev er use th is prod uct in ha rsh env ironm ents su ch as hum idity, hi gh temp eratu re, and s o on to avo id prod uct dam age
You nee d to use D FU mod e to reco ver firm ware fo r F4 Flig ht cont rolle r, and nee d a softw are too l calle d Zadig t o repla ce the dr iver fo r you F.C
when y ou flash fi rmwar e at the fir st time .
Zadig 2.3. 701
List All Devic es
Ignore Hubs o r Composite P arents
Creat e a Catal og File
Sign Ca talog &Inst all Auto g enera ted cer tifica te
Advan ced Mod e
Log Verb osity
6. Sta rt the “B etafli ght ” con figura tor on th e PC;
7. Pre ss and ho ld the “ BOOT ” on the F C, con nect th e FC to th e PC, th en the F C is con necte d in the “D FU” m ode, th en you ca n flash th e firmwa re;
8.Fo r the firm ware fla shing , you can c hoose t o load th e firmwa re onli ne or loc al(Loca l is reco mmend ed, it
need s to down load in a dvanc e in Beta flight w ebsit e)
1.St art the Z adig so ftwar e tool;
2.Pr ess and h old the “ BOO T” on th e FC, co nnect t he FC to t he PC .
3.Cl ick “Op tions ”,and s elect “ List All D evice s”.
4.Th en sele ct “ST M32 B OOT LOA DER” ,Then c lick “R eplac e Drive r”
5. Clo se the Za dig sof tware t ool whe n repla ce succ essfu lly,
Then d iscon nect th e FC fro m the PC .
(Not ice:If yo u've ru n the abo ve step s befor e, then y ou don't n eed to re peat, s tarti ng dire ctly fr om the 6t h step)
05 F lash fir mw are for F C
Zadig 2.3. 701
STTub30 (v3.0.4. 0)
8 devices fou nd
Replace Dr iver
Option s
4#E SC wh ite sig nal wir e
3#E SC wh ite sig nal wir e
1#E SC wh ite sig nal wir e
2#E SC wh ite sig nal wir e
For q uick pl ug, Fli ght Con troll er addi tiona lly pro vide:
●One 6 p cable ( 6-pin S H1.0 t ermin al) for t he powe r & signa l
bet ween E SC and F light c ontro ller;
●One 3 p cable ( 4-pin S H1.0 t ermin al) for S BUS recei vers;
●One 3 p cable ( 4-pin S H1.0 t ermin al) for P PM re ceive rs;
●One 5 p cable s(5-p in SH1 .0 term inal) f or LE D,Buz zer;
Rec ommen d Rapto r S-Tower 2 0A 4in1 E SC,A ssemb ly
wil l be more s imple .
20 mm
20 mm
28 mm
28 mm
Rece iver
Rece iver
● Please don't flash any other firmware for FC except “OMNI BUSF4”.
● does not need to set the port.PPM receiv er
SBU S or PEKT RUM receiver needs to turn on the “Serial RX” of UART1 port .●
is any deviation between the detected volta ge/current with actual situation, you can adjust the Scale value in the Betaflight- Power&Battery● If there
● 3.3V ,5Vsupply is for low-current use only(3.3V 0.1A MAX, 5V 1mA MAX).
● bserve polari ty at all times O . Check and double check before applying power.
P in or making any connectio ns.● ower off before unplugging ,plugg ing
K e m l r● e p magnets away fro the F ight Cont oller.
D i● o ever yth ng you can to prevent vibrations.
● Please contact Flycolor sales or technical support for more inform ation.
2514 00-110 2 V1.0