Flycolor A-CW018003, A-CW045003, A-CW025003, A-CW035003 User Manual

01 M ai n featu re s
Us er Ma nuel for Bru shless
Ca r ESC
T hank you for purch asing our brushles s electro nic speed controll er (ESC) . Improp er operat ion may ca use perso nal injur y and eq uipment d amage. Th is high po wer syst em for RC model can be dange rous ,we s trongly sugge st users rea d the instruc tion caref ully and com pletely. We will n ot assume any r esponsib ility for pe rsonal injur y ,proper ty damage, o r any conseq uential dam ages resul ting from ou r product.
03 W ir in g Dia gr am s
02 S pe cifica ti on
04 O pe ratio n In struc ti on
Co nne ct al l the e qui pme nts a s the w iri ng di agr am, a nd go t o nex t ste p.
05 S et ting op ti ons
Set ting op tions
1.R unnin g Mode
2.F ixed Ar ea Acc elera tor
3.I nitia l Brake F orce
4.L ow Volta ge Pro tecti on
5.S tart Mo de (Pu nch)
6.P WM
8.M ax Brak e Force
9.D rag Bra ke Forc e
7.M ax Reve rse For ce
10. Timi ng
11. Motor D irect ion Adj ustme nt
12. Over he at Pro tecti on
13. Lipo Ce lls
Opt ion1# Opt ion2# Optio n3#
For ward wi th bra ke
For ward an d rev erse wi th bra ke
For ward an d rev erse
Opt ion4# Optio n5#
Opt ion6#
Opt ion7# Opti on8# Opti on9#
6% 9% 12%
0% 5% 10% 20%
40% 50% 60%
Non ­pro tecti on
2.6 V
2.8 V
3.0 V 3. 2V 3.4V
Lev el 1
Lev el 2
Lev el 3
Lev el 4 Lev el 5
Lev el 6
Lev el 7
Lev el 8
Lev el 9
8KH z
12K Hz
50% 75% 100%
50% 60 % 70% 80 % 90% 10 0%
0% 5% 10% 20 % 40% 60% 80% 100%
3.7 5°
7.5° 11. 25° 1 5°
18. 75° 22.5°
26. 25°
For ward Rev erse
Pro tecti on
Non ­Pro tecti on
Aut o
1.R unnin g Mode:
For ward wi th brak e : only fo rwar d, reve rse thr ottle i s brake , no Reve rse, it 's main ly used f or raci ng. ● For ward an d rever se with b rake : wi th reve rse fun ction , when pu sh thro ttle fr om for ward to r evers e area, R C car is in t he brak e state a nd thro ttle.
mus t be back t o the mid dle poi nt. RC ca r will re verse w hen mot or stop s rotat ing .Th is mode i s used fo r pract ice.
For ward an d rever se : Push t hrott le from m iddle p oint to r evers e area, m otor wi ll rota te reve rse imm ediat ely. Thi s mode is u sed for r ock cra wler.
: 6% 9% 1 2% ,cho ose as pe rsona l prefe rence .2.F ixed Ar ea Acce lerat or
3.I nitia l Brake F orce: the bra ke forc e on moto r when br ake is in t he init ial pos ition o f throt tle. :To pro tect ba tter y damag e from ov er disc hargi ng .ESC w ill mon itor ba ttery v oltag e durin g runni ng proc ess, on ce volt age is 4. Low Vol tage Pr otect ion
low er than s et valu e, it wil l cut off m otoro utput .
5.S tart Mo de(Pu nch): 9 level , defau lt is 6 lev el, cho ose the a pprop riate a ccele ratio n accor ding to t he field a nd pers onal pr efere nce. Th e highe r level ,
the f aster t he star t accel erati on , but hi gh dema nd for ba tter y disch argin g abili ty( it wi ll caus e abnor mal sta rt when b atter y capa city is n't eno ugh ).
:Wor king fr equen cy ,8KH z12KHz ,choo se the ap propr iate wo rking f reque ncy acc ordin g to the fe ature s of moto r and bat tery.6 PWM
:4 op tions : 2 5% 50% 75 % 100% , di ffere nt opti on with d iffer ent for ce. Rec ommen d to use th e small er opti ons, to a void cr ashin g 7.M ax Reve rse For ce
for t he forc e is too he avy whe n back up .
:ES C with po tenti al brak e the max . brake f orce is t hat the b rake fo rce whe n push th rottl e stick t o the bra ke limi t point . Choos e the 8.Ma x Brake F orce
app ropri ate bra ke forc e accor ding to p erson al pref erenc e and spe cific si tuati on
:Pu sh thro ttle st ick fro m forwa rd area t o middl e point ,prod uce bra ke forc e for mot or,it's e asy for s lowin g down. star ting th e turns .9.D rag Bra ke Forc e
: Opt ions :0° ,3. 75° ,7. 5° ,11. 25° ,15°( defau lt) ,18 .75° ,2 2.5° ,2 6.25° ,P urpos e are:10. Timin g
Com patib le with d iffer ent typ es moto r. If not wor k with de fault t iming , p lease c hange t he appr opria te timi ng.
Cha nge mot or Max. RPM by ch angin g timin g. Timi ng is hig her , out put RPM i s faste r, pow er cons umpti on is big ger. Ma ke moto r work in t he best e fficie ncy poi nt by cha nging t iming .
Aut o timin g can cha nge tim ing bet ween 0°an d 30°auto matic ally .
:Ch ange mo tor rot ation d irect ion wit h this op tion.11. Motor D irect ion Adj ustme nt
:ES C or moto r tempe ratur e is very h igh ( ove r 95°), thi s optio n decid es if cut o ff the mo tor out put, de fault i s prote ction .12. Over he at Prot ectio n
Aut o : count L ipo cel ls auto matic ally; 2 S,3S :c hoose t he corr espon ding va lues ac cordi ng to bat tery ce lls num ber.13. Lipo Ce lls:
*Sh adow pa rts are f actor y defa ult val ue
18 A
25 A
35 A
45 A
Li gh tn i ng
se ri es
Well-d esigned dri ve firmware f or brushle ss sensor- less 3 phase mo tor, smooth, del icate hand le of speed co ntrol .
With hi gh perform ance MCU, lo w internal r esistance M OSFET and im ported co mponents. H igh reliab ility, with low i mpedance c ircuit boa rd, strong re sistance
curre nt,less he at producti on.
8 accel eration op tions. Appl ied for all ki nds of RC cars .
8 timin g options, m ake motor wor k with the bes t efficienc y.
Multi ple protec tion functi ons: batte ry low volta ge protect ion, over te mperature p rotectio n, throttl e signal loss p rotectio n, motor blo cked protec tion, etc.
Easy to u se, set para meters with r adio and pro gramming c ard ,accord ing to sound p rompt.
Mod el
Con t. Curr ent
Bur st Curr ent
Bat tery
Mot or supp ort Hea t-dis sipat ing
Sui table C ar
Mot or Type
Dim ensio n
Weig ht
Lin ear BEC ; 2S Lipo o r equiv alent N iHM BEC o utput :6V/2A ; 3S LIPO o r equiv alent N iHM BEC o utput :6V/1 A
LiP O:2-3 SNIHM: 6-10c ell
≥ 12T (2040 s ize Mot or) ≥ 9T( 3650 si ze Moto r) ≥ 5 .5T(3 650 siz e Motor )
Alu minum H eatsi nk
1:1 8/1:1 6 1:1 8/1:1 6
1:1 0
34* 29*19 mm 34* 29*19 mm 34* 29*19 mm
34* 29*31 mm(In cludi ng Fan)
40g 42g 46g
A-C W0180 03
A-C W0250 03 A-C W0350 03 A-C W0450 03
50A 90A
190 A
260 A
≥ 12T (2040 s ize Mot or)
1:1 8/1:1 6
Alu minum H eatsi nk
Alu minum H eatsi nk
Alu minum H eatsi nk + Fan
Brush less senso rless Brushl ess sensorl ess
Brush less senso rless
Brush less senso rless
*Pl ease en sure al l sold er join ts are in sula ted wit h hea t shrin k where n eces sary
Rec eiver
Bat tery
Swi tch
see d etail
“Se t”
“On ” “Of f”
Gea r
Mot or
Note : We strongl y advise t he use of bat tery con nection s that do not a llow rev erse pola rity , or ESC w ill be dam aged. Plea se discon nect the b attery an d ESC , if not u se for a long t ime to avoi d damagi ng batter y and acci dents.
Firs t time to use rem ote cont rol tran smitte r or chan ge the pa ramete rs ,like throttl e middl e point, ATL, EPA , t hrottle range w ill be se t again. Remo te contro l transm itter ABS m ust be set as “ OFF”, se t throttl e channel d irecti on as “REV” , set throt tle trim a s “0”, EPA/AT L clockwi se and anti clockwi se direc tion of thr ottle cha nnel are s et as 100% ( Ma x.), or it ma y cause no w ork or miso peratio n.
Set t hrot tle ra nge ( re fer th e sett ing pr oces s of thr ottl e rang e)
Afte r Wire con nectio n and basi c settin g, and mot or promp t tone fins hed, the E SC can wor k.
Afte r setting , Turn off the p ower , and tu rn on agai n, the ESC wi ll ready fo r workin g.
Indi cator fun ction : re d light flas hes when mo tor run. When moto r run with fu ll throt tle ,gree n light flas hes.
Rese t to factor y defaul t setting : press th e “set” but ton more th an 3 secon ds, then re d and green l ights wi ll flash 3 tim es, all the s etting w ill
to be th e factor y tt ing . (this o perati on will not w ork durin g the proc ess of sett ing throt tle rang e defa ult se or pro grammin g)
Turn off ESC power switch and turn on transmi tter powe r switch.
Press”Set” button and turn on power supply switch
Green LED flashes “N” times indicate battery cells No.
Red LE D flashed cont inuousl y.
Cont inuousl y press “Set ”button .
Rele ase “Set” button Red LE D stops flash ing.
Ente rs to throt tle rang e setting (See P ic. below )
Enters to Programming procedure. (See page 2)
1.Ke ep t he th rottle st ick i n th e n eut ral p osi tio n.P res s "set" button ,green LED flashes once.Neutra l point of the throttle is now memorized.
2.Mov e t he throttle st ick to full forw ard positio n,Then pres s t he “Set” button, the g reen LED w ill flashe s twice.No w the full for ward throt tle positi on is memori zed.
3.Mov e the throttl e stick to the full rever se pos ition.Pr ess th e ”Set” button and green LED w ill flashe s 3 times. F ull revers e throt tle is memori zed.
4.Re turn th rottle stic k to neut ral posit ion. All r anges now co nfigured .
06 P ro gramm in g
07 P ro tecti on s
Pro gramm ing wit h Progr am Card .
08 Tr ou ble sho ot ing
Trou bles
09 O pt io na l Kits
45A M odel wi th Fan as f actor y defau lt.
A,25 A,35A w ithou t Fan as fa ctor y defau lt. acc ordin g your re quire ment in stall o r not ins tall.18
*pl ease pa y atten tion to t he "+" and "-"
dur ing ins tall th e Fan.
251 400-1 025-EN V 1.1
... ...Th e follo wing pr ocedu re is as ab ove.. ....
Pro gramm ing wit h set bu tton in t he swit ch.
Note : M otor wil l emit “BEE P” when ind icator l ight flash es.
When N >=5, indi cator li ght will fla sh for a long t ime ( with l ong tone ) to r epresen t 5 .For exa mple, ESC r ed indica tor flash es for a long t ime
once ( motor em its long t one “BEEP ---” at t he same ti me) , show s that ent er the 5th set optio n. If ESC g reen ind icator fl ashes for a long tim e once t hen for a sh ort time o nce ( motor e mits lon g “ BEEP-- -” once and s hort “BE EP” once a t the same t ime), sho ws that it e nters the 6 th set opti on. And the l ike, the 7 th set opti on “BEEP- --BEEP,BEEP,BEEP ”, the 8th se t option “ B EEP---B EEP,BEEP,BEE P”.
It's t he easies t way to set w ith progr amming ca rd. Oper ation is as f ollowin g: inser t signal w ire to the in terfac e in progra mming car d , select the op tions tha t you want ( s ee in the abo ve chart ), pressOK, after VALU E screen d isplayi ng S, this opt ion sets s uccessf ully . If wan t to reset th e option t o factory s etting , please pr ess RESET, t hen pres sOK.
(Ple ase see the i nstruc tion of pro gram card f or more de tail)
When t emperat ure is hig her than 90°, E SC will cut o ff with fla shing gre en light . When temp erature i s lower th an 80°, motor will r estart a gain. Note : To ma ke ESC not be b urnt dur ing worki ng , please d on't can cel over he at protec tion.
Lipo l ow-volt age prot ection
If run ning spee d gets slo wly (redu ce power to c ut off in 5 se conds), p lease re duce spee d and stop. E SC red lig ht will flas h at this t ime, it mea ns low-v oltage pr otectio n starts . For Ni MH batte ry, set no low -volta ge protec tion.
Over h eat prote ction
Pos sibl e caus es
Sol utio ns
Afte r connect ing batt ery, indic ator led does n't flash, m otor doe sn't star t ,fan does n't star t.
1.ES C not power ed.
2.Po wer suppl y switch d amaged, o r switch bad co nnectio n.
Car go es backwa rds when f orward i s pres sed.
1.Th e motor wir es may not b e connect ed in the co rrect seq uence.
Make s ure the mot or wires a re connec ted in the co rrect sequ ence
Stop s uddenly d uring mo tor rotat ion.
1.Re ceiver me ets inte rferenc e.
2.ES C was prote cted by ba ttery low -volta ge or over h eat.
See th e explana tion of lo w-volta ge protec tion and o ver heat prot ection.
When m otor star ts, fast a cceler ation, moto r gets stuc k or pause s.
1.Th e batter y dischar ge capaci ty isn’t e nough.
2.Mo tor is too fa st or wron g gear rati o is used.
3.ES C startu p acceler ation is t oo fast.
1.Ch ange good d ischar ge capaci ty batter y.
2.Us e a slower mo tor or cha nge the gea r ratio .
3.Se t ESC star tup accel eratio n ( startu p mode) slo wer.
ADD : 5th Flo or,C2 Bui lding , Jiaan I ndust rial Pa rk, Zon e 72,Ba oan Dis trict , ShenZ hen, Ch ina TEL:0 755-8 63218 53 FAX:075 5-863 21852 Web: w color.n et Ema il: sal es@fl ycolo
Turn of f ESC powe r switch and tu rn on tr ansmit ter powe r switch .
Pres s”Set” bu tton and turn on power sup ply swit ch
Gree n LED flashe s “N” time s, it shows b attery cell s number.
Red LE D flashed an d con tinuo usly pr ess “Set ”button .
Gree n LED flash ed once
Rele ase butt on
Pres s button fo r 3 second s
Gree n LED flash ed twice
Rele ase butt on
Pres s button fo r 3 second s
Rele ase butt on
Pres s button fo r 3 second s
Gree n LED flash ed 3 times
Pres s button fo r 3 second s
Press button for 3 seconds
Gree n LED flash ed “N” time s
Rele ase butt on
Ente r the 1st set o ption ­“Run ning Mode ”.
Red LE D flashes on ce, sele ct “For ward wit h brake”
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Red LE D flashes tw ice,se lect “For ward&R everse wi th brake”
Red LE D flashes 3 ti mes,se lect “For ward&R everse”
Ente r the 2nd set o ption ­“Fix ed Area Acc elerat or”.
Ent er the 3r d set opt ion ­“In itial b rake fo rce”
Ente r the No.” N” set opti on
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Red LE D flashes on ce, sele ct “6% Fi xed Area
Red LE D flashes tw ice, sel ect “9% Fi xed Area
Red LE D flashes 3 ti mes, sel ect “12% F ixed Area
Red LE D flashes on ce, sele ct “0% ”
Red LE D flashes tw ice, sel ect “5% ”
Red LE D flashes 3 ti mes, sel ect “10% ”
Red LE D flashes 8 ti mes, sel ect “60% ”
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Pres s “Set” but ton once , sele ct next opt ion.
Press SET button to select the value, Red LED flash es times shows the item of value.
Turn off ESC pow er swi tch to con firm and fins h the set ting , tur n on aga in, The ESC can wor k.
Chec k the solde ring of al l joints, e special ly betwe en the batt ery and mo tor wires . If the s witch or sw itch wir e is damage d, return t o factor y for ser vice.