Ti480 PRO, Ti450 PRO, Ti400 PRO
and Ti300 PRO Infrared Cameras
The Fluke Professional Series
Fluke Connect® compatible
The Fluke PRO series cameras introduce a leading-edge visual
infrared experience. These thermal imagers feature our smartest,
most intuitive user interface and increased thermal sensitivity to
capture the smallest differences. Equipped with the latest technology for on-screen clarity and lens compatibility to capture targets
tiny-to-large, our best-selling cameras just got better.
• Increased sensitivity to visualize temperature differences, NETD for
the Ti450 PRO is ≤ 0.025 °C at 30 °C target temp (25 mK)
• Easier to visualize and diagnose issues with sharper on-screen
images, multiple rectangle markers and 9 color palettes
• More intuitive visual interface, improved, user-tested, touch screen
• More flexibility to visualize targets–tiny to large with interchangeable smart lenses—no calibration required, 2x and 4x telephoto,
wide angle and macro lenses
• Capture a clear, accurate image focused throughout the field of
view with MultiSharp™ Focus (Ti450 PRO and Ti480 PRO)
Ti480 PRO 0.93 mRad
Ti450 PRO 1.31 mRad
Ti400 PRO 1.31 mRad
Ti300 PRO 1.75 mRad
Ti480 PRO 640 x 480
SuperResolution mode: 1280 x 960
Ti450 PRO 320 x 240
SuperResolution mode: 640 x 480
Ti400 PRO 320 x 240
Ti300 PRO 240 x 180
• Get an instant in-focus image of your designated target with
• Get 4x the pixel data with SuperResolution, which captures multiple images and combines them to create up to 1280 x 960 images
(Ti450 PRO and Ti480 PRO)
• Reduce the need to take notes in the field with IR-PhotoNotes™
and voice annotations
• Highlight areas that are outside your pre-set ‘normal’ temperature
ranges quickly with color alarms
• Save time by wirelessly syncing images directly from your camera
to the Fluke Connect
record or work order
Auto Focus
system, and attaching them to an asset
Ti480 PRO 34 °H x 24 °V
Ti450 PRO 24 °H x 17 °V
Ti400 PRO 24 °H x 17 °V
Ti300 PRO 24 °H x 17 °V

Powerful, easy-to-use Fluke Connect
A comprehensive and connected software platform that represents the future of integrated equipment maintenance, monitoring, analysis and reporting. It’s easier than
ever to optimize thermal images, perform analytics, generate quick, customizable,
robust reports, and export images to the format of your choice in the cloud. And you
will be able to integrate with Fluke Connect—the largest integrated system of maintenance software and tools in the world.
· Modern visual design
· Intuitive navigation—easier to learn, easier and faster to work in
· Simplified work flows
· Simplified reporting workflow and better report templates
· Fluke Connect Cloud storage
Download at flukeconnect.com
Fluke Connect and Fluke Connect cloud storage
not available in all countries.
100 % Focused–Every object. Near and far. MultiSharp™ Focus.
Manua l focus
2 Fluke Corporation Ti480 PRO, Ti450 PRO, Ti400 PRO and Ti300 PRO Infrared Cameras
MultiSharp Focus, available on the
Ti450 PRO and Ti480 PRO