PK-PPC-BG-CVU Dual Volume Unit and
Interconnections Kit
P/N 3070389
Interconnections Kit, P/N 3070389, includes:
Dual Volume Unit (DVU) 1 N/A 3119872
Tubing, PFA, 1/4 in. x 160
Adaptor, 1/4 in. tube x Oseal 1/8 in. NPT M
Adaptor, 1/4 in. tube x 1/4
in. NPT M
Union, 4P 2 4 3135104
Tee, 1/4 in. tube 2 5 3134453
Adaptor, 1/4 in. tube x 1/4
in. NPT F
Set, 6 each, Rubber Shoes 1 N/A 3125710
1 1
2 2
2 3
2 6
To Install the Dual Volume Unit (DVU)
Identify a location for the DVU™ that minimizes
the length of tubing between the DVU
connections and the PPC BG15K™ TEST(+) and
TEST(-) ports. The PPC BG15K and the DVU are
designed to stack one on top of the other. The
DVU may be rack mounted using the rack
mount kit (P/N 3069019). Recommended
configurations are for the PPC and DVU to be
stacked directly one on top of the other or with
their rear panels face to face. For PPC4 attach
rubber shoe set to the legs of the DVU.
To Connect the DVU and PPC BG15K
You will be making and connecting
two identical assemblies, one for
the TEST(+) port and one for the
TEST(-) port.
Install a union (4) into a 1/4 in. tube x 1/4 in.
NPT M adaptor (3) (do this twice). Screw the
1/4 in. NPT M end of the adaptors into the two
ports of the DVU using Teflon
Figure 1: Interconnections Kit
Install a 1/4 in. tube tee (5) onto each of the
union/adaptor assemblies that were just
installed into the DVU ports in Step
the tee considering the connection to the PPC
BG15K (schematic above is for PPC stacked on
top of the DVU).
Install the 1/4 in. tube x O-seal 1/8 in. NPT M (2)
into the PPC BG15K TEST(+) and TEST(-) port.
Cut lengths of PFA tubing as needed to connect
the 1/4 in. tube tee to the adaptors on the PPC
TEST ports. Take care that the cut is at a right
angle to the tube and only cut the length
Optional for a connection “For DUT” of 1/4 in. NPT
M rather than 1/4 in. tube:
• Cut a small length of PFA tubing to use as
a union between the 1/4 in. tube tee (5) and
the 1/4 in. tube x 1/4 in. NPT F adaptor (6)
(see schematic above).
tape as a sealer.
. Orient

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