Fluke Datapaq TP3 User Manual

Datapaq TP3 Data Logger
for Datapaq
Issue 2
Datapaq TP3 Data Logger
User Manual
Issue 2
Tracker Systems with Insight
Datapaq is the world’s leading brand of
process temperature-monitoring
instrumentation, and maintains
this leadership by continual development
of its advanced, easy-to-use Tracker systems.
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Indicates potential hazard.
On Datapaq equipment this normally warns of high temperature, but, where you see the symbol, consult the manual for further explanation.
Warns of high temperatures.
Where this symbol appears on Datapaq equipment, its surface may be excessively hot (or excessively cold) and may thus cause skin burns.
For safe use of Datapaq equipment, always:
• Take care to follow its supplied instructions.
• Observe any warning signs shown on the equipment.
The following product type
Datapaq TP3 Thermocouple Data Logger
manuf actured by Fluke Process Instruments, Lothbury House, Cambridge CB5 8PB, UK
complies with the requirements of regional directives as follows.
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 61010-1:2010 (3rd edition) – Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
European Union
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transmission systems; Data trans mission equip­ment operating in the 2 .4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering the essential require ments of article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive. EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2 – Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (E MC) standard for radio equipment and ser vices ; Part 1: Common technical requirements. EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1 – Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (E MC) standard for radio equipment and ser vices ; Part 3: Specific conditions for Short Range Devices ( SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz. EN 301 489-17 V2.2 .1 – Elect romagnetic compatibility and Radio spec trum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment; Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Dat a Transmission Systems.
Directive 2011/65/EU – Restriction of the use of cert ain hazardous subst ances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).
Federal Communications Commission, USA
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive for digital devices.
CFR47 Class A – Code of Federal Regulations : Part 15 Subpar t B, Radio Frequency Devices, Unintentional radiators.
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9 Introduction
11 Logger Specifications and Operation
12 Specifications
14 Specifications for Specific Thermocouple Types
15 Logger LEDs
15 Battery Status LEDs
16 Logger Status LEDs
16 Four-LED Sequences
17 Start /Stop Button Actions
17 B a t ter y
19 Battery Life
21 NiMH Rechargeable Batteries
23 Alkaline Batteries
25 Lithium Batteries
29 Analog Inputs
29 Bluetooth Communications
30 Pairing
31 More Than One Logger
31 Turning Bluetooth On and Off
32 Bluetooth Telemetry
33 Over-temperature Protection
33 Testing and Calibration
34 Disposal of Batteries and Loggers
35 Restrictions on Use
37 Using the Logger with Insight Software
37 Installing/Removing Insight
38 Installation
38 Upgrading
38 Removal
38 Help System
39 Communications Setup
41 Running a Temperature Profile
41 Resetting the Data Logger
47 Starting the Run
48 Downloading Data
52 Preparing the Data for Analysis
52 Specifying Oven/Furnace/Kiln Start
52 Storing Notes and Printing a Report
53 Logger Defaults and Details
54 Pre-trigger Data
54 Marking Events in Real Time
55 Using Hardwired Telemetry
55 Running a Temperature Profile Using
Hardwired Telemetry
56 Resetting and Starting the Logger When Using Hardwired
57 Real-time Display During the Run
58 Ending the Run
58 Multiple Loggers
61 Troubleshooting
61 Logger Download Error Messages
61 Logger Communications Problems
62 Checking the Data
62 Testing the Logger and Thermocouples
63 Printing Problems
63 Datapaq Service Department
Datapaq ® Tracker systems, incorporating Insight™ software, are complete systems for monitoring and analyzing the temperature profiles of products within your heat-treatment process; accurate data acquisition and powerful analysis techniques are combined with flexibility and ease of use. The Tracker system’s power and flexibility make it a perfect tool for process-temperature monitoring, from commissioning and troubleshooting to process optimization, ensuring consistent quality of product and maximum efficiency.
Current temperature characteristics can quickly be compared with previously­stored reference curves to detect operating abnormalities – and innovative analysis techniques help in identifying problems, fine-tuning the process and reducing running costs.
A powerful and flexible printing option allows the user to generate and customize reports, including any or all of the analysis results or raw temperature data.
The basic Tracker system hardware comprises:
• Data logger (including communications lead and charger) (p. 11).
• Thermal barrier and thermocouple probes (not covered here; see the relevant manual supplied with your system).
• Hardwired telemetry (p. 55) as standard, and an optional TM21 radio- telemetry system (described in its own User Manual).
This manual is for Tracker systems supplied with a Datapaq TP3 data logger, and focuses on all aspects of using that logger. There is also guidance on setting up the Insight software; complete information on using the software is con­tained in the online Help system available after it is installed. For information on choosing and using the logger’s thermal protection (barriers and heatsinks) and thermocouple probes, as well as step-by-step instruction on how to collect temperature-profile data on a product as it runs through your process, see the relevant manual supplied with your system.
This manual, and other Datapaq user documentation, in various languages, is
available on the Insight installation DVD included with Datapaq systems. During the
software installation (p. 37), you may select documents to be copied to your PC
for rapid on-demand viewing through Insight.
DATAPAQ TP3 Introduction 9
10 Introduction DATAPAQ TP3
Logger Specifications and Operation
The TP3 data logger is at home in a wide range of heat-treatment applications. Its capacity for recording over 3.6 million data-points makes it a supremely powerful, accurate and in-depth data-collection tool; combined with a built-in transmitter to see temperature profiles developing in real time, this is an ideal data logger for all applications.
The logger’s key features are:
• Two model sizes to suit different applications.
• Huge memory capacity for detailed process analysis: a total of over
3.6 million data-points (p. 13).
TP3 loggers: 10-channel narrow and 20-channel wide
A Thermocouple sockets. B Battery and logger status LEDs
(p. 15).
C Stop/start buttons (p. 17). D Battery compartment door (p. 22).
DATAPAQ TP3 Specifications and Operation 11
E USB communications socket
(p. 39).
F Charging socket (p. 21). G Transmitter-aerial socket (for use
with TM21 telemetry system).
• Ten or 20 thermocouple channels (depending on model size; see below)
for maximum data collection on each run.
• Can be specified for use with various thermocouple types (B, J, K, N, R, S, T; see p. 14) and with analog inputs (current and /or voltage; see p. 29) – or with a mixture of thermocouple types and/or analog inputs.
• Powered by standard alkaline AA batteries or by user-replaceable rechargeable NiMH batteries; for high-temperature applications involving logger operating temperatures (i.e. inside the thermal barrier) of up to 110°C/230°F, can also be powered by non-rechargeable lithium batteries. Any logger can use any battery-type interchangeably if appropriate battery housings are used (available separately). See p. 17.
• Short sample intervals, to collect maximum data in minimum time (p. 13) .
• High accuracy for compliance to tight specifications (see p. 14): for type K thermocouples, ±0.3°C/0.5°F (above −100°C/−148°F); for type N thermocouples, ±0.4°C/0.7°F (above 0°C/32°F).
• Data gathered by the logger but not yet downloaded (‘hot data’) is protected by non-volatile memory or by software warning if reset is attempted before download.
• USB and Bluetooth communication (p. 29).
• Hardwired telemetry (p. 55) or (if specified for use with optional
TM21 system) radio telemetry for monitoring in real time – both with full analysis functions and alarms to warn the user if the process is out of specification.
• Four LEDs to show the exact status of the logger’s activity and its batteries (p. 15) .
Start and stop buttons for easy user control (p. 17, p. 53).
• Rugged case and electronics allow operation in harsh environments of dust, pressure and vacuum.
• Reset possible by start button alone, for speed and simplicity (p. 47).
Narrow – 10-channel TP3000A
Height Width Length
20.5 mm/0.8 in. 97 mm/3.8 in. 198 mm/7.8 in.
12 Specifications and Operation DATAPAQ TP3
Narrow – 20-channel TP3300A
20.5 mm/0.8 in. 97 mm/3.8 in. 198 mm/7.8 in.
Wide – 20 -channel TP3400A
20.5 mm/0.8 in. 124 mm/4.9 in. 177 mm/7.0 in.
Thermocouples Available for a single thermocouple type, or for combinations of
up to three types: B, J, K, N, R, S, T (see specifications for each, below).
Analog inputs:
See p. 29. Measurement range 4–20 mA.
Accuracy ±0.1% at 24°C/75°F.
Measurement range 0–10 V. Accuracy ±0.1% at 24°C/75°F.
Operating temperature (of the logger itself)
Dependent on battery type: Rechargeable −40°C to 70°C/−40°F to 158°F. Alkaline −40°C to 55°C/−40°F to 131°F. Lithium −40°C to 110°C/−40°F to 230°F.
Humidity range 0–100% non-condensing. Operating pressure
(excluding limitations on
10−7 bar at 20°C to 20 bar at 110°C
1.5 × 10−6 psi at 68°F to 290 psi at 230°F
battery) Real-time monitoring Hardwired (serial) telemetry via communications lead (p. 55),
or via Bluetooth (p. 32), as standard. Radio (RF) telemetry via optional built-in transmitter.
Data capacity Over 3.6 million data-points in total, plus associated pre-trigger
data (see p. 54) and calibration data. This is sufficient for, e.g., 10 runs of 10 hrs with 10 probes and sample interval 5 sec. Using fewer probes (see p. 43) increases the possible run-time.
Hot-data protection By non-volatile memory, and software warning if reset attempted
before download.
Logger reset By Insight (p. 41) or by start button (using previous reset
options) (p. 47).
Sample interval:
No telemetry
1–3 channels 0.1 s to 50 min. 4–9 channels 0.2 s to 50 min. 10 channels 0.3 s to 50 min. 11–20 channels 1 s to 50 min.
Hardwired telemetry
1–10 channels 1 s to 50 min. 11–20 channels 2 s to 50 min.
Radio telemetry
1–20 channels 2 s to 50 min. In Japan, 4 s to 50 min.
Data-collection start No trigger, Start button, Date and time, Rising temperature,
Falling temperature.
Pre-trigger data stored Yes (configurable; see p. 53). Multiple runs Collect data from up to 10 runs before downloading (see p. 45). Multiple events Up to 10 events (different probe selections, sample intervals and
trigger modes for different stages of a profile run; see p. 45).
Communications USB 2.0, Mini-B socket.
Bluetooth (p. 29) (not available in all countries).
PC/software compatibility See p. 37.
cont. >>
DATAPAQ TP3 Specifications and Operation 13
Battery Interchangeable types, each in different battery housing (see
p. 17 ):
•NiMH rechargeable, 4 × 1.2 V (only Datapaq battery-packs are suitable). For battery life, s
ee p. 21.
•Alkaline, 4 × AA 1.5 V (Duracell or other quality batteries recommended). For battery life, s
ee p. 24.
•Lithium thionyl chloride non-rechargeable, 4 × AA 3.6 V, for high-temperature use (only Datapaq battery-packs are suitable). For battery life, s
ee p. 25.
Battery charger CH0 070 power-supply unit: input 90 –264 V AC, 50 –60 Hz,
400 mA. Must not be used if the ambient temperature is below 10°C/50°F or over 40°C/104°F.
USB power Logger is powered by USB when connected; no batteries are then
required (except when being reset for a non-telemetry run ; see p. 41).
Intervals of 1 s and above can be set only in whole seconds.
Data applies to radio telemetry using a single transmission, i.e. no interleaving (see TM21 Radio-telemetry
System User Manual; or, in Insight’s Help system, select Menu Functions > Logger > Reset).
Specifications for Specific Thermocouple Types
Type B Type J Type K
Measurement range
Accuracy *
(using sample interval > 0.8 s)
Resolution 0.1°C/0.2°F 0.1°C/0.2°F 0.1°C/0.2°F
Socket color
(IEC 60584-3)
55°C to 1,815°C 131°F to 3,299°F
±3.0°C at 400°C ±1.0°C at 1,500°C ±5.4°F at 752°F ±1.8°F at 2,732°F
0°C to 800°C 32°F to 1,472°F
±0.3°C ±0.5°F
−190°C to 1,370°C
−310°F to 2,498°F
±0.5°C below −100°C ±0.3°C above −100°C ±0.9°F below −148°F ±0.5°F above −148°F
Gray Black Green
Type N Typ e R Type S
Measurement range
Accuracy *
(using sample interval > 0.8 s)
−190°C to 1,300°C
−310°F to 2,372°F
±0.5°C below 0°C ±0.4°C above 0°C ±0.9°F below 32°F ±0.7°F above 32°F
0°C to 1,760°C 32°F to 3,200°F
±1.0°C at 200°C ±0.8°C at 1,00 0°C ±1.8°F at 392°F ±1.4°F at 1,832°F
0°C to 1,760°C 32°F to 3,200°F
±1.0°C at 200°C ±0.8°C at 1,00 0°C ±1.8°F at 392°F ±1.4°F at 1,832°F
Resolution 0.1°C/0.2°F 0.1°C/0.2°F 0.1°C/0.2°F
Socket color
Pink Orange Orange
(IEC 60584-3)
14 Specifications and Operation DATAPAQ TP3
Type T
Measurement range
Accuracy *
(using sample interval > 0.8 s)
Resolution 0.1°C/0.2°F
Socket color
(IEC 60584-3)
−196°C to 400°C
−321°F to 752°F
±0.5°C below −100°C ±0.3°C above −100°C ±0.9°F below −148°F ±0.5°F above −148°F
There will be an additional error of 0.01°C for every
1°C difference between the temperature at which the logger is operated (i.e. the logger’s internal temperature) and the temperature at which it was calibrated. For more-detailed accuracy data, contact Fluke Process Instruments.
Due to continuing product development,
specif ications are subject to change
without notice.
Logger LEDs
The logger is equipped with two sets of two LEDs:
• Ye l l ow and green/red show the status of the battery.
• Red and green show the status of the logger and its memory.
To see an animated demonstration of all the LED sequences: in Insight, select Help > LED Sequences; or, in Insight’s Help system, select Introduction > Logger LEDs.
Battery Status LEDs
Yell o w Green/Red Meaning
Off Off Battery has at least 20% of full charge (charger not
Flashing every second
Off RED Battery charging.
Off GREEN Charging complete (charger connected).
Off Flashing RED
Double-flash every second
Off Battery has 20% or less of full charge (charger not
once per second
Off Lithium batteries are being depassivated (see p. 27).
connected), or... Charger is connected but logger is acquiring data (in which case logger-status green LED will be flashing), or... Fault with battery or logger.
Battery being preconditioned due to being too hot, too cold or too deeply discharged (see p. 22).
DATAPAQ TP3 Specifications and Operation 15
Logger Status LEDs
Red Green Meaning
Red and green LEDs each give 5 flashes, alternating with each other
Red and green LEDs flash continuously, alternating with each other, at sample interval *
Red and green LEDs continuously give double-flash together, every 5 seconds
On Flashing at sample
Red and green LEDs flash together, at sample interval *
Off Flashing at sample
Flashes 5 times Off Connection between communications lead and logger
Flashing every 5 seconds
2 quick flashes every second
Flashing every second
One flash Off Start button pressed during a profile run to mark an
Flashing interval will actually fall in range 0.5 –5 s.
interval *
interval *
Off Logger has data in memory which has not been
Off Logger too hot to start logging (after pressing start
Off Internal error. (Logger will power-off after 5 mins – or
Logger successfully reset.
Logger awaiting trigger (see p. 43) (in most situations, except as below).
Logger awaiting start-button trigger for 2nd or subsequent runs in multiple-run mode (see p. 45).
Logger awaiting trigger, but one or more of the enabled input channels is open circuit.
All probes are above trigger temperature, and thus data-recording cannot be triggered by rising temper­ature (or, if falling trigger is set, all probes are below trigger point). Reset temperature trigger (see p. 43).
Logger acquiring data.
has been made.
downloaded. (Logger will power-off after 5 mins – or after 30 mins if Bluetooth is on.)
after 30 mins if Bluetooth is on.)
event (see p. 53).
Four-LED Sequences
When the logger is able to receive Bluetooth communication (p. 29), each of the four LEDs will flash once in horizontal sequence, repeating every 20 seconds.
When green and red buttons are pressed, together, to turn off logger (see below), all four LEDs flash together, once.
16 Specifications and Operation DATAPAQ TP3
Start/Stop Button Actions
Action Results Notes
Press GREEN button
after data from previous run has been downloaded and/or logger has been reset.
Press GREEN button
when logger contains ‘hot data’, i.e. data which has not been downloaded.
Press RED button. Stops logging. Data retained in memory. Logger
Press GREEN and RED buttons together and hold for 5 seconds.
Starts logging. If logger was not reset after
If in single-run mode or if in multiple-
run mode and 10 runs have been performed (p. 45), logger powers
up (but will not start a new run or delete data). If in multiple-run mode
and fewer than 10 runs have been performed, logger starts logging.
Turn s logger off. All four LEDs flash together, once.
previous run, the last reset options (sample interval, probe selection, etc.) are used as default. In telemetry mode, logger also starts sending data.
Each run of a multiple run will be performed using the same data-collection options, until the logger is reset.
cannot be re started until data is downloaded (unless in multiple­run mode, p. 45). Red LED flashes every 5 seconds to warn of data in memory. If in telemetry mode, will also send ‘end of run’ signal to end real-time run.
Data retained in memory. The previous reset options are retained as current default.
It is possible to set the logger up so that use of the stop button is disabled during
a profile run. See p. 53.
Every TP3 logger can use three battery types interchangeably.
• NiMH rechargeable (see p. 21).
• Alkaline AA (see p. 23).
• Lithium non-rechargeable for high-temperature use (see p. 25).
Each type uses a different battery housing, identified by a different-colored label (see below) which also shows the logger’s permitted operational temperature. All types can be replaced by the user.
DATAPAQ TP3 Specifications and Operation 17
The key differences between the three battery types, in use, are as follows.
NiMH Alkaline Lithium
Label on battery housing Green Blue Red
Logger’s operating temperature (internal)
Rechargeable Yes No No
Battery life
(10 channels, sample interval 1 min., logger temperature 70–100°C/ 158–212°F, no telemetry)
Charge level shown by Insight
(p . 19)
Special safety measures No No Yes (see p. 27)
Disposal (p. 34) Return to Fluke
−40°C to 70°C
−40°F to 158°F
200 hrs (between charges) (see p. 21)
Yes Yes No
Process Instruments
−40°C to 55°C
−40°F to 131°F
450 hrs (see p. 24)
Recycling center Recycling center
−40°C to 110°C
−40°F to 230°F
500 hrs (see p. 25)
(see also p. 28)
Interchangeable battery-packs and housings:
NiMH rechargeable (left, p. 21), alkaline (center, p. 23) and lithium (right, p. 25).
The logger automatically detects the type of battery in use, which prevents damage to non-rechargeable batteries if the charger is connected by mistake.
To remove the battery housing from the logger (in order to replace with a new one or to change the battery type in use), see p. 23.
For disposal of batteries, see p. 34.
When the communications lead is attached, the logger is powered via USB.
Batteries can be left in the logger, but they are not then required (except when the
logger is being reset for a non-telemetry run; see p. 41).
18 Specifications and Operation DATAPAQ TP3
Battery Life
For a given battery type, battery life is affected by the following factors.
Operating Temperature – Essentially, the higher the ambient
temperature the battery operates in, the shorter will be the life. Batteries that operate for a large part of the process cycle at relatively low temperatures will have a longer life than those that operate for the majority of the process cycle at the maximum operating temperature.
Sample Interval – The shorter the sample interval, the shorter will be the
battery life. This is because power is being consumed each time the logger takes a reading. A short sample interval will achieve the maximum amount of information, but this must be balanced against the greater battery charge required.
Bluetooth – Bluetooth communication causes extra battery drain, and
should be turned off (see p. 31) if not used.
Operating with Radio Telemetry – Sending data to a receiver outside
the oven, furnace or kiln requires more power than that needed simply to read and store the data.
Given the factors that can affect the life of a battery it is obviously difficult to predict accurately. The LEDs on the logger will give the best indication of when the battery is low. In the user’s own conditions, experience will quickly indicate typical battery life, and a log should be kept for the first few runs, noting sample interval and whether radio telemetry was used.
See the sections below on specific battery types for guideline battery-life data.
The Logger Reset dialog (p. 42) shows actual battery use: the time since
the battery was last charged or last changed.
Charge Level of Batteries
When the battery’s charge drops to 20% of the full level, this will be shown by the logger LEDs (p. 15) .
For NiMH and alkaline batteries only... When connected to the PC, the Insight software shows the logger’s battery-charge level as a percentage of full charge, as follows:
• In the main Logger Reset dialog (p. 41).
• When using wizards which reset the logger.
• During communications setup (p. 40).
• When using the Real Time Tool dialog during Bluetooth telemetry (p. 32) or during use of the optional TM21 radio-telemetry system.
DATAPAQ TP3 Specifications and Operation 19
For alkaline batteries, the battery-charge level displayed by Insight will be valid
only if Duracell or other quality batteries are fitted. Using inferior batteries may
cause misleading percentages to be shown.
Battery Voltage
The logger records the battery voltage during a profile run. This is then downloaded to be stored in the paqfile and can be displayed on screen alongside the temperature profile. See p. 53.
Auto Power-off
To save battery life, the logger will power-off automatically in the following situations.
• The communications lead is unplugged when the logger does not contain data which has not been downloaded (e.g. after a data-download) and the logger has not been reset.
• The PC is powered down while the logger is connected to it.
• The logger contains data from a previous run which has not been downloaded (the logger-status red LED will be flashing every 5 seconds), and has been in this state for 5 minutes (or for 30 mins if Bluetooth is turned on; see p. 29). Note that:
○ The power-off will not cause this data to be lost. ○ The data will continue to be marked as ‘not yet downloaded’, reducing
the chance of it being accidentally deleted later.
• The logger-status LEDs have been indicating an error (red LED will be flashing every second) for 5 minutes.
• The logger has Bluetooth turned on but there has been no Bluetooth communication for 30 minutes.
When the communications lead is attached, the logger is powered via USB (see
p. 18) and will not automatically power-off.
The logger will automatically power-up in the following situations.
• The communications lead (connected to a powered PC) is plugged in. The logger is then ready to communicate with the PC.
• The start button is pressed. The logger will then resume the mode that it was in when it powered-off, e.g. not-yet-downloaded data will continue to be protected from accidental deletion.
20 Specifications and Operation DATAPAQ TP3
+ 46 hidden pages