Pressure Calibration Software
User’s Manual
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc.
High pressure liquids and gases are potentially hazardous. Energy stored in these liquids and gases
can be released unexpectedly and with extreme force. High pressure systems should be assembled and operated only by personnel who have been instructed in proper safety practices.
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
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DH Instruments, DH, DHI, PPCK, PPC2, PPC2+ and COMPASS are trademarks, registered and otherwise of DH Instruments, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Document No. 550095a-02 020925 Printed in the USA.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................. I
TABLES ................................................................................ V
FIGURES .............................................................................. VI
USER REGISTRATION............................................................ IX
ABOUT THIS MANUAL............................................................ XI
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................1
1.1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................1
2. GETTING STARTED............................................................ 3
2.1 OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................................3
2.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................3
2.3 INSTALLING COMPASS FOR PPC/RPM...............................................................................................3
2.4 RUNNING THE PROGRAM.....................................................................................................................3
2.5 LANGUAGE SUPPORT...........................................................................................................................3
2.6 UNINSTALLING.......................................................................................................................................4
3. OPERATING PRINCIPLES ...................................................5
3.1 OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 BASICS SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................. 6
4. MAIN RUN SCREEN............................................................7
4.1 OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................................7
4.2 MAIN MENU BAR....................................................................................................................................7
4.3 RUN TEST SCREEN................................................................................................................................8
4.4 RUN TEST TOOLBAR........................................................................................................................... 10
5. THE [RUN] MENU.............................................................11
5.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................11
5.2 [RUN], [RUN TEST]...............................................................................................................................11
5.2.1 TEST INITIALIZATION............................................................................................................................ 11 SELECT DUT FILE.............................................................................................................................. 12 PREVIEW DUT.................................................................................................................................... 13 SELECT TEST FILE.............................................................................................................................14 PREVIEW TES T.................................................................................................................................. 14 REFERENCE VERIFICATION............................................................................................................. 15 SETUP DUT(S).................................................................................................................................... 16 USER ID.............................................................................................................................................. 18
5.2.2 RUN TEST............................................................................................................................................... 18 MANUAL ENTRY DATA ACQUISITION............................................................................................... 19
5.2.3 TEST CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 [RUN], [RE-RUN TEST].........................................................................................................................21
5.4 [RUN], [EXIT].........................................................................................................................................21
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6. THE [DUT] MENU ............................................................. 23
6.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................23
6.2 [DUT], [CREATE DUT] ..........................................................................................................................23
6.3 [DUT], [EDIT DUT FILE]........................................................................................................................27
6.4 [DUT], [REMOVE DUT FILE].................................................................................................................27
7. THE [TEST] MENU ........................................................... 29
7.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................29
7.2 [TEST], [CREATE TEST].......................................................................................................................29
7.2.1 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], <TEST POINTS> TABLE............................................................................... 30 ZERO ABSOLUTE TEST POINTS.......................................................................................................31
7.2.2 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], [AUTO FILL POINTS] TAB............................................................................ 31
7.2.3 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], [LEAK TEST] TAB......................................................................................... 32
7.2.4 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], [CYCLE] TAB................................................................................................ 34
7.2.5 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], [CONTROL SETTINGS] TAB........................................................................ 35
7.2.6 [TEST], [CREATE TEST], [SEQUENCE] TAB ........................................................................................ 37
7.3 [TEST], [EDIT TEST FILE] .................................................................................................................... 38
7.4 [TEST], [REMOVE TEST FILE].............................................................................................................38
8. THE [TOOLS] MENU .........................................................39
8.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................39
8.2 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE]........................................................................................................ 39
8.2.1 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE], [CONFIGURATION] TAB................................................................ 40
8.2.2 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE], [REFERENCE] TAB........................................................................ 41
8.2.3 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE], [DMM] TAB ..................................................................................... 43
8.2.4 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE], [MULTIPLEXER] TAB..................................................................... 46
8.2.5 [TOOLS], [CONFIG HARDWARE], [IEEE 488] ....................................................................................... 48
8.2.6 RS232 SETUP......................................................................................................................................... 48
8.3 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS]............................................................................................................................49
8.3.1 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [MAINTAIN LISTS].............................................................................................. 50
8.3.2 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [INITIALIZE TEST].............................................................................................. 50
8.3.3 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [RUN TEST]........................................................................................................ 51
8.3.4 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [DATA FILE]....................................................................................................... 53
8.3.5 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [FILE LOCATIONS] ............................................................................................54
8.3.6 [TOOLS], [OPTIONS], [LANGUAGE]...................................................................................................... 54
8.4 [TOOLS], [REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS] ..........................................................................................55
9. THE [DATA] MENU ........................................................... 57
9.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................57
9.2 [DATA], [VIEW TEST DATA] ................................................................................................................57
9.3 [DATA], [PRINT TEST DATA]...............................................................................................................58
9.4 [DATA], [PLOT TEST DATA]................................................................................................................58
9.4.1 [DATA], [PLOT TEST DATA], [FILE]...................................................................................................... 59
9.4.2 [DATA], [PLOT TEST DATA], [PLOTS].................................................................................................. 59
10. THE [REPORT] MENU ....................................................... 61
10.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................61
10.2 REPORT PRINCIPLES.......................................................................................................................... 61
10.3 MAIN MENU BAR..................................................................................................................................62
10.3.1 [FILE] MENU........................................................................................................................................... 62 [FI L E ], [ED I T RE P O R T ] ..................................................................................................... 63 [FI LE], [GENERATE REPORT] ....................................................................................... 63 [FILE], [EDIT TEMPL A TE] ........................................................................................................ 63
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page II
TABLE OF CONTENTS [FILE], [CREATE TEM PLATE] ..................................................................................................64 [FILE], [SAVE] .......................................................................................................................... 64 [FILE], [SAVE AS ]................................................................................................................................ 65 [FILE], [SAVE ALL ]...............................................................................................................................65 [FILE], [CLOS E]................................................................................................................................... 65 [FILE], [CLOS E AL L ]............................................................................................................................ 65 [FILE], [PRINT] ......................................................................................................................... 65 [FILE], [PRINT AL L].............................................................................................................................. 65 [FILE], [EXIT]....................................................................................................................................... 65
10.3.2 [ED IT] MENU........................................................................................................................................... 66 [EDIT], [UNDO] ......................................................................................................................... 66 [EDIT], [CUT] ............................................................................................................................ 66 [EDIT], [COPY] ......................................................................................................................... 66 [EDIT], [PASTE] ....................................................................................................................... 66 [EDIT], [FIND] ........................................................................................................................... 66 [EDIT], [FIND NEXT]............................................................................................................................ 67 [EDIT], [SELECT ALL].......................................................................................................................... 67
10.3.3 [FORMAT] MENU.................................................................................................................................... 67 [FORMAT], [INSER T DATE/TIME]....................................................................................................... 67 [FORMAT], [INSERT FIELD KEY] ............................................................................................ 67 [FORMAT], [SELECT TEMPLATE]....................................................................................................... 68 [FORMAT], [PAG E SETUP] ................................................................................................................. 68
10.3.4 [O PTIONS] MENU................................................................................................................................... 69 [OPTIONS], [TOOLBAR] ...................................................................................................................... 69 [OPTIONS], [FO N T FO R MAT BAR]..................................................................................................... 69 [OPTIONS], [RULER]........................................................................................................................... 70
10.3.5 [WINDOW] MENU................................................................................................................................... 71
10.3.6 [H ELP] MEN U......................................................................................................................................... 71
10.4 REPORT EDITOR AUTOMATION .........................................................................................................71
10.4.1 DRAG AND DROP.................................................................................................................................. 72
10.4.2 COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS............................................................................................................. 72
10.4.3 DDE (DYNAMIC DATA EXCHANGE)...................................................................................................... 72
11. THE [HELP] MENU ........................................................... 73
11.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................73
12. DATA FILES .................................................................... 75
12.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................75
12.2 DATA FILE CREATION (LOG FILES)...................................................................................................75
12.3 NAMING AND STORING DATA FILES.................................................................................................75
12.4 DATA FILE STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................76
13. APPLICATION EXAMPLES................................................. 79
13.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................79
13.1.1 EXAMPLE #1........................................................................................................................................... 79 SET UP AN RS232 DUT...................................................................................................................... 79 SET UP A PPC2+ AS THE REFERENCE............................................................................................ 80 RUN THE TEST................................................................................................................................... 81
13.1.2 EXAMPLE #2........................................................................................................................................... 82 SET UP DMM DATA ACQUISITION DUT............................................................................................ 82 DMM CONFIGURATION SETUP.........................................................................................................84 RUN THE TEST................................................................................................................................... 85
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13.1.3 EXAMPLE #3........................................................................................................................................... 85 EXAMPLE MULTIPLEXER SETUP...................................................................................................... 86 EXAMPLE DMM SETUP...................................................................................................................... 87 UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................87 CONNECT THE DUTS......................................................................................................................... 87 RUN THE TEST................................................................................................................................... 87
14. QUICK TIPS .................................................................... 89
14.1 HOW DO I? ............................................................................................................................................89
15. CALCULATIONS .............................................................. 93
15.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................93
15.2 DUT PRESSURE....................................................................................................................................93
15.3 ERROR DETERMINATION.................................................................................................................... 93
15.4 TOLERANCE .........................................................................................................................................94
15.5 BEST FIT................................................................................................................................................94
15.6 LINEARITY.............................................................................................................................................94
15.7 HYSTERESIS.........................................................................................................................................95
15.8 PRESSURE UNIT CONVERSIONS.......................................................................................................95
16. DDE SUPPORT ................................................................97
16.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................97
17. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................99
17.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................99
18. APPENDIX .................................................................... 101
18.1 GLOSSARY .........................................................................................................................................101
19. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ................................... 103
19.1 OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................................103
INDEX ................................................................................ 105
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page IV
Table 1. Run Test Screen............................................................................................................................8
Table 2. Tools Available on the Toolbar ....................................................................................................10
Table 3. <Test Complete> Screen Options................................................................................................20
Table 4. <DUT Definition/Profile> Screen.................................................................................................. 24
Table 5. <Test Points> Table.....................................................................................................................31
Table 6. [Auto Fill Points] Tab.................................................................................................................... 32
Table 7. [Leak Test] Tab............................................................................................................................33
Table 8. [Cycle] Tab...................................................................................................................................35
Table 9. [Control Settings] Tab ..................................................................................................................36
Table 10. [Sequence] Tab..........................................................................................................................37
Table 11. [CONFIGURATION] Tab............................................................................................................ 41
Table 12. [Reference] Tab .........................................................................................................................43
Table 13. [DMM] Tab .................................................................................................................................45
Table 14. [Multiplexer] Tab.........................................................................................................................47
Table 15. COMPASS Lists......................................................................................................................... 50
Table 16. [Initialize Test] Tab..................................................................................................................... 51
Table 17. [Run Test] Tab ...........................................................................................................................52
Table 18. [Data File] Tab............................................................................................................................53
Table 19. <Find> Sc reen............................................................................................................................67
Table 20. Font Format Toolbar ..................................................................................................................70
Table 21. Ruler...........................................................................................................................................71
Table 22. Pressure Unit Conversion Chart ................................................................................................ 96
Table 23. DDE Link Items..........................................................................................................................97
Table 24. Symptom / Probable Cause / Solution Checklist .......................................................................99
Page V © 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc.
Figure 1. Language Selection...................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Run Test Screen...........................................................................................................................8
Figure 3. Select the DUT file for the Test Screen ......................................................................................13
Figure 4. DUT Definition (C:\COMP4PRS\DUT\DUCE …) Screen ...........................................................13
Figure 5. Select Test File Screen...............................................................................................................14
Figure 6. Test Definition (C:\COMP4PRS\TEST\TEST1.TST) Screen...................................................... 14
Figure 7. Reference Range Selection Screen ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 8. Setup DUT(s) Screen ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 9. Manual Pressure Entry ...............................................................................................................19
Figure 10. Test Complete Screen..............................................................................................................20
Figure 11. DUT Definition (C:\COMP4PRS\DUT\XMITT …) Screen.........................................................23
Figure 12. Unit/Mode Selection..................................................................................................................24
Figure 13. Test Definition Screen - Sequence...........................................................................................29
Figure 14. Test Definition Screen - Auto Fill Points................................................................................... 32
Figure 15. Test Definition Screen - Leak Test ...........................................................................................33
Figure 16. Test Definition Screen - Cycle..................................................................................................34
Figure 17. Test Definition Screen – Control Settings................................................................................. 36
Figure 18. Test Definition Screen - Sequence...........................................................................................37
Figure 19. COMPASS Configuration Settings Sc reen...............................................................................40
Figure 20. COMPASS Configuration Settings ...........................................................................................42
Figure 21. Edit Reference Device Screen.................................................................................................. 42
Figure 22. COMPASS Configuration Sett ings Sc reen - DMM...................................................................44
Figure 23. Edit DMM Screen ...................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 24. COMPASS Configuration Settings Screen - Multiplexer......................................................... 46
Figure 25. Edit Multiplexer Screen.............................................................................................................46
Figure 26. COMPASS Configuratio n Sett ings Scr een - IEE-488............................................................... 48
Figure 27. RS232 Settings Screen ............................................................................................................ 49
Figure 28. Options Screen - Maintain Lists................................................................................................49
Figure 29. Options Screen - Initialize Test................................................................................................. 50
Figure 30. Options Screen - Run Test ....................................................................................................... 52
Figure 31. Options Screen - File Locations................................................................................................54
Figure 32. Options Screen - Language......................................................................................................55
Figure 33. Remote Communications Screen.............................................................................................56
Figure 34. Data Viewer Screen..................................................................................................................57
Figure 35. Plot Screen ...............................................................................................................................58
Figure 36. COMPASS Report Editor .......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 37. Find Text Screen.......................................................................................................................67
Figure 38. Data Field Insertion Tool Screen ..............................................................................................68
Figure 39. Page Setup Screen ................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 40. COMPASS Report Editor, Main Toolbar ..................................................................................69
Figure 41. COMPASS Report Editor, Font Format Bar ............................................................................. 69
Figure 42. COMPASS Report Editor, Ruler...............................................................................................71
Figure 43. RS232 DUT Example ............................................................................................................... 80
Figure 44. Example #1 PPC2+ Reference Setup ......................................................................................80
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page VI
Figure 45. Example #1 Configuration ........................................................................................................ 81
Figure 46. Example #1 DUT Interface Setup.............................................................................................81
Figure 47. Example #1 RS232 Setup with Ref Com2................................................................................82
Figure 48. Example #2 User Defined Unit Setup.......................................................................................83
Figure 49. Example #2 DMM DUT Data Acquisition..................................................................................83
Figure 50. Example #2 DMM Setup........................................................................................................... 84
Figure 51. Example #2 DMM Configuration...............................................................................................85
Figure 52. Example #2 DUT DAQ with DMM.............................................................................................85
Figure 53. Example Multiplexer Setup.......................................................................................................87
Figure 54. Multiple DUT Setup with DMM+Multiplexer DAQ.....................................................................88
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Please fill out this r egistration s heet and return it to DH Instruments. Registering as a user will allow us to contact you with important inform ation about COMPASS and product announcement s .
COMPASS® for PPC/RPM™ User Contact:
Pressure Calibration Software
Address 1: Address 2:
City: State/Province:
Postal Code: Country:
Tel: Fax:
inc luding prod uct upgrades, p ossible reca lls
I am using COMPASS for PPC/RPM Ver. ____ ___ _ ____ __. I will run COMPASS on a computer whose operating system is:
Windows95 WindowNT Other__________ I plan to use COMPASS with the following reference pressure devices:
PPC2 PPC2+ PPCK RPM1 RPM3 Other________ I plan to test up to __________ DUTs at a time with COMPASS.
When I run tests with COMPASS, I will acquire data from the DUT(s) using the following:
Manual DMM DMM+multiplexer RS232 direct IEEE 488 direct
Please return this form by mail or fax to: ATTN: COMPASS Registration
DH Instruments, Inc.
4765 East Beautiful Lane Phoenix AZ 85044-5318
or via
Fax: 602.431.9559
email: dhi@dhinstruments.com
NOTE: COMPASS for PPC/RPM is a licensed software product intended for single computer use.
Page IX © 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc.
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page X


Manual Conventions
This manual provides the user with the basic information necessary to set up and run COMPASS for PPC/RPM. It also includes a great deal of additional information provided to help you optimize COMPASS use and take full advantage of its many features and functions.
Before using the manual, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Table of Contents structure. Sections 1 through 12 describe each of the six main menu selections in detail.
Quick Tips (see Section 13) provides responses to commonly asked questions and situations. Certain words and expressions have specific meaning as they pertain to COMPASS for PPC/RPM.
The Glossary (see Section 15) is useful as a quic k refer ence for us age of s pecific term s and expr essions as they are used in this manual and the program.
For those of you who don’t read manuals, go directly to Section 2.3 to install COMPASS and then
Section 3 for a summary of operating principles. Later … when you have questions or start to wonder about all the great features you might be missing, get into the manual.
Cross references are used extensively to direct you towards additional information on a topic. Cross references are generally in parenth eses and give the reference’s section num ber. For example:
(see Section 11). [ ] indicates COMPASS menu or tab selections (for example [Data]) . Menu or tab selec tion paths are
always described hierarchically from highest to lowest level. For example: [Tools], [Options], [Maintain Lists].
< > indicates COMPASS text displays such as screen names, field names, prompts, warnings
and instructions. For example: <Enter user ID>. File names are designat ed in quotation m arks when they do NOT include a file ex tension. For example:
“log” file or *.log.
(CAUTION) is used in manual to identify user warnings and cautions.
(NOTE) is used in the manual to identify operating and applications advice and
additional explanations.
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© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page XII




Welcome to COMPASS® for PPC/RPM™, the complete pressure calibrati on software package f or users of DHI PPC2, PPC2+, PPCK and RPM3 pressure transfer standards. COMPASS for PPC/RPM is designed to suppl y the miss ing link nee ded to get f rom individu al autom ated hard ware com ponents to an automated pressure ca libration s ystem. Using COMPASS for PPC/RPM, you can create any number of calibration test s cenarios; define characteris tics of various devices u nder test (DUT); run tests ; analyze test data and generate rep orts without ever leavin g the program or you can exp ort test data for anal ysis using other applica tions. COMPASS’s flexible approach makes it easil y adaptable to a wide variet y of hardware and allows you to adjust the level of automation for a variety of tasks and hardware configurations from analog gauge calibration to fully automated multiple DUT test runs.
Please fill in and return the User Registration form located in this manual immediately following the
Table of Contents.
Page 1 © 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc.
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page 2




This section expla ins how to install COMPASS for PPC/RPM on your computer. Although COMPASS for PPC/RPM is a multilingual application, the installation always uses English.


COMPASS for PPC/RPM is an application designed for Windows 32 bit operating systems. The following minimum configuration is required to run COMPASS:
Windows 95, 98, or NT
100 MHz, Pentium processor
5 MB free hard disk space


Insert the COMPASS for PPC/RPM disk 1 in your floppy drive. Press the [Start] button and select [Run]. In the Run dialog box, t ype a:\setup or b:\setup, depend ing on the drive in which you plac ed the
Insert the COMPASS for PPC/RPM disk 1 in your floppy drive. Use the Add/Remove Programs feature in the Windows Control Panel. Press [Start] and select
[Settings] followed by [Control Panel].
Double-click the [Add/Remove Programs] icon and c lick the [Install] butto n. Follow the prom pts to
install COMPASS.


When the software installation is complete, a new Windows group is created to hold the COMPASS program. To run th e program , select it by pressi ng [Start], selecting the [Program s] sub-menu followed by the [COMPASS] group. Click the [COMPASS for PPC/RPM] icon to start the program.


When COMPASS loads, a prompt displays requiring the selection of the language to use. Make the selection from the lis t and press [OK]. The progr am displays all m essages and prompts in the selected
Page 3 © 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc.
language. Subsequent runs of COMPASS display this dialog in the language selected in the previous run. The [English] button will always run COMPASS in English and has the same effect as choosing [English] from the language list. Check the <Do not display..> box at the bottom of the window to prevent this displa y in the future. The language c an be changed while running COMPASS by selecting
[Tools], [Options], [Language] (see Section 8.3.6).
Figure 1. Language Selection


To uninstall COMPASS, use the Remove COMPASS for PPC/RPM icon in the COMPASS program group created during ins tallation. Alternatively, use the Ad d/Remove Programs feature in the W indows Control Panel and select COMPASS for PPC/RPM. In both cases, a series of prompts must be followed in the application removal program to uninstall COMPASS. All installation files and registry updates are removed. Data directories cr eated by running COMPASS are not rem oved by uni nstalling. It is up to the user to manually remove th ese da ta dir ect ories. T he a pplic ati on rem oval program wil l al ways dis pla y a mes sage indicating COMPASS was not com pletely removed when executed and th e data directories ar e present. Any file management tool such as Windows Explorer can be used to remove these data directories.
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page 4




COMPASS for PPC/RPM is an application program intended to automate the test and calibration process to the extent supported by your calibration hardware and appropriate for the DUT being calibrated. COMPASS supports autom ated operation of DHI PPC and RPM transfer standards but can als o be used with any type of pres sure standard from any manuf acturer. This feature allows COMPASS to be used systematically to provide consistent data formats and report generation for all of your pressure calibrations.
COMPASS sets up and maintains files on devices under test (DUT) (see Section 6) and testing procedures (see Sec tion 7) to assoc iate with DUTs . These files are recalled to run tests. Tests are run using the hardware th at has been configur ed (see Section 8.2) in COM PASS. While running a tes t, data is acquired and stored in a standard ASCII comma or tab delimited data file (see Section 12). Within COMPASS, data files m ay be viewed (see Section 9 .2), used to generate plots (see Sec tion 9.4) and used to generate reports (see Section 1) which can be customized with user edited templates. COMPASS operations foll ow conventional Windows protocol for file management, menu and message formatting, graphics and editing.
Devices under test (DUT) and test pr ocedures are def ined and recorded in *.dut and *.ts t files. To run a test, first a *.dut f ile m ust b e create d (see Secti on 6.2) to def ine the DUT that wil l be test ed and a *.ts t file must be created (se e Section 7.2) to pro vide COMPASS with the exac t testing procedure f or that DUT. The hardware configurat ion, including the pressure referenc e device, the electrical measuring dev ice (if present) and the computer ’s IEEE 488 card (if present) used to run the t est is specified with a Hardware Configuration Tool ( see Section 8.2). Once “DUT” and “test” files have been set up, and the hardware configuration has been defined, tests can be run (see Section 5.2).
Many operationa l preferences relating to how test are i nitialized and ru n, and how data is g athered and stored are configurabl e with user options (see Sectio n 8.3). The use of these configura ble preferences results in a test environment that is customizable to meet the testing needs of a diverse group of end users.
As a test runs, the data is c oll ected in a “ l og” f ile ( s ee Sect ion 12 .2) . When the test completes, the r es u lts of the test are copied f rom the “ log” f ile in to “da ta” f iles . “Data” f iles are des igned to be eas il y exported t o other applications by the u ser for further analysis or report ge neration. In addition, COMPASS includes integrated analysis and reporting func tions which allo w full custom ization of repo rts (see Sec tion 1). Any number of custom report formats can be creat ed and employed. Re ports can then be edit ed, printed or saved. A plottin g function allows vario us auto-sc aled err or plots fo r test results t o be view ed and printed (see Section 9.4).
Detailed inform ation and assis tance on COMPASS application a nd functions ar e available i n this manual and with on-line help (accessed by pressing [F1] or selecting [H
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In summary, the following steps and sections s hould be refer red to while trying to s et up and run a test for the first tim e. Subseque nt tests will onl y require a sel ection of the desired DUT and test file. The Run T est section of this manual has a m ore detailed explanation of the requirements to run a test in COMPASS (see Section 5.2). Several COMPASS exam ples and frequently asked ques tions are in t he Qu ick Tips section of this m anual ( see Section 1 3). These sections are also very useful in gett in g star te d.
Select [DUT], [Create] to create a DUT (see Section 6.2). A DUT that outputs an electrical signal suc h as V, m V or m A will most lik ely use a dig ital m ultimeter . This DMM should be set up in the program configuration (see Section 8.2).
Select [Tools], [Configure Hardware] to update the program configuration (see Section 8.2). This includes setting up the press ure reference as well as any other peripheral devices required by a DUT. This option should be used t o set up a DMM, multiplexer and s elect the system IEEE 488 i nterface card. Once these selec tions are made there is no need to access the configuration unless a change in one of these devices occurs. M ake sure the des ired selec tions are m ade on the [CONFIGURATION] tab of the hardware configuration.
Select [Test] , [Create Test] to create a test that will define the pr essure sequence and other aspects of the testing procedure (see Section 7.2).
Select [Run], [Run Test] or the corresponding toolbar shortcut to run the test.
© 1998-2000 DH Instruments, Inc. Page 6




The main screen contains the:
Main menu bar to access all COMPASS menus and functions (see Section 4.2).
Run test toolbar with seven test running short cut keys (see Section 4.4).
Run test screen providing complete real tim e information on test progress and results as a test is
running (see Section 4.3).


The main menu is divi ded into seven separate selections. Each menu item is summarized below and covered in detail in Sections 1 through 1:
[Run] Initialize and run tests. This menu also contains the choice used to exit the program
(see Section 1).
[DUT] All device under test (DUT ) inf orm ation is hand led her e b y creating, editin g and d eletin g *.dut
files (see Section 6).
[Test] All test procedure information is handled here by creating, editing and deleting *.tst files
(see Section 7).
[Tools] Access tools to c onfigure the test hard ware used by COMPASS, sel ect user preferences to
customize test ini tializati on and exec ution, select user pref erences f or file locati ons, m aintain lists and send discreet commands to interfaced devices (see Section 8).
[Data] View, plot or print the raw data contained in the *.dat files that result from test execution
(see Section 9).
[Report] Edit report templates. Generate reports from *.dat files, save and print reports (see Section 1). [Help] Access on-line help (see Section 1.
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The Run Test screen provides real time information on test execution while a test is running.
Figure 2. Run Test Screen
The run test screen is segmented into eight functional areas described on Table 1.
Table 1. Run Test Screen
Status Message Bar
(Top line next to the
run test toolbar)
Read-out Panel
(Top left hand
quarter of screen)
Ready Indication LED
(Circle in the top left hand
corner of the screen)
Test Progress Summary
(WHITE characters in upper
right hand quarter of screen)
Current Function Box
(BLUE box in top right hand
quarter of screen)
Test Progress Bar
(Across middle of screen)
Displays real time messages describing t he sp ecific acti on COMPASS is executing. Uses color coding and font changes to indicate that the program is running and to draw attention when needed.
Provides real time readings of reference press ure, DUT output, DUT pressure (c alculated from DUT output if DUT output is other than pressure), rate of change (stability) of reference pressure and a green/red circular indicator of pressure ready/not ready (see PPC or RPM Operation and Maintenance Manual for ready/not ready definition). Readings are only displayed for values that can be read remotely by COMPASS from interfaced devices. If no values are available, the fields show < -------- >.
Changes color from GREEN to RED to indicate whether the pressure reference meets or fails the stability criterion specified in the test file.
Displays current DUT # (always one for single DUT tests), test point currently being executed and total number of points in test, cycle # (always one for single c ycles tests), and nominal pressure of current test point.
Indicates the current macro test function being executed by COMPASS (<IDLE>,
<Initialize Test>, <Leak Check>, <Pressure Cycle>, <Setting Pressure>, <Dwelling>, <Taking Data>).
Visualizes test progress with a p rogressive horizontal bar and percent executed value. Progress is in terms of current test point over total number of test points.
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<Current Display> Selector
(Top of bottom left hand
quarter of screen)
Test Point Log
(Bottom left hand quarter of
Run Time Plot
(Bottom right hand
quarter of screen)
Identifies the DUT that is currently being displayed in the test point log and in the run time plot. DUTs are identified by serial number/ID. If multiple DUTs are being tested, a drop­down menu to select an individual DUT or <All> is available.
Selecting <Pre Test> causes information on the leak test and/or cycling (exercising) conducted at the beginning of the test to be displayed i f these were included in the test definition.
The data for each test point is recorded and displayed in the test point log. If the DUT error for the current test point exceeds the DUT tolerance, the computer beeps (if audible feedback is enabled) and the row containing the t est point is highlighted (only the most recent out of tolerance test point is highlighted). The status column for this point will include a <T> for out of tolerance.
When testing multiple DUTs, selecting a single DUT in the <Current Display> selector causes the complete test log for the DUT to be shown; selecting <All> causes the current point for all the DUTs to be shown. The change f rom a single t o all DUTs c an be made at any time.
<Test Point> is the number of the pressure point in the pressure point sequence. <Reference Pressure> is the reading from the reference pressure device. <DUT output> is the output recorded from the DUT. <DUT Pressure> is the pressure
calculated from the output using the output and pressure spans from the “DUT” file. If the DUT output is pressure, DUT output and DUT pressure are identical.
<Error> is the difference between the DUT pressure and the ref erence pressure (DUT pressure – reference pressure).
The <Status> column reports the status of the test point.
<OK> indicates that the test point executed normally and the DUT error was in tolerance. <T> indicates that the DUT error was out of tolerance. <S> indicates that data was taken from the reference when the reference was not ready
(applies only to automated reference devices). The run time plot shows a plot of the DUT error (DUT pressure - reference pressure) in the
DUT pressure units. The plot can scale automatically to the error data or include DUT tolerance bars and scal e
automatically to the DUT tolerance. Which scaling is used is determined by user preference: [T
When testing multiple DUTs, selecting a single DUT in the <Current Display> selector causes the error plot of the selected DUT only to be shown; selecting <All> causes error plots for all the DUTs to be shown simultaneously. The change from a single to all DUTs can be made at any time. Clicking on the plot causes a plot legend to appear.
The <Maximiz e Graph> key of the run test tool bar (see Section 4.4) may be used to maximize the graph to the full screen. Click the key again to minimize the graph.
ools], [Options], [Run Test], <Plot data to tolerance> (see Section 8.3.3).
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The run test toolbar pro vides a shortcut method for starting a t est, accessing DUT and test procedure information while a test is running and other test func tions. The toolbar is located in the up per left-hand corner of the main run screen. To use a tool, click on the tool icon.
Table 2 lists the tools available on the toolbar.
Table 2. Tools Available on the Toolbar
Starts a test, beginning with DUT selection or displays an option to re-run a test. Tests
can be re-run only if the previous test was succ essfully initialized, and no configuration changes have occurred since the com pletion of the previous run. The current DUT and test file can be edited only. If this criterion is not met, the re-run option will not display and test initialization immediately begins with DUT selecti on.
Step Back
Step Forward
View DUT
View Test Procedure
Maximize Graph
Causes the current test point to be interrupted and t he test point sequence to st ep back to the most recent set pressure step. Subsequent clicks caus e the tes t to step back one point for each click. This key is used to repeat points when needed.
Causes the current test point to be interrupted and the test point sequence to step forward to the set pressure s tep of the next pressure point. This key enables only after the step back key has been used; it cannot be us ed to s tep f orward over tes t point s t hat have not been executed. Most often it is used to avoid repeating all previously execut ed points when the step back key has been used to go back several pressure points.
Causes the DUT Profile screen to be displayed over the run test screen. This allows complete information on the DUT being run to be reviewed without i nterrupting the t est. Click <OK> to close the screen.
Causes the Test Definition screen to be dis played over the run tes t screen. This al lows complete information on the current test proc edure to be reviewed without interrupting the test. Click <OK> to close the screen.
Causes the current run time plot t o be maximized. Toggles between maximized and standard size plots.
Causes the <Abort Test> confirmation pop-up to appear to abort the test that is running.
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]] M


The [Run] menu is used to execute a test and to exit COMPASS. It has the following choices:
un Test], [Re-Run Test] and [Exit].

5.2 [RUN], [RUN TEST]

This menu selectio n is used to start execution of a test. Pressing the [Run] key on the r un test toolbar has the same effect as selecting this menu option. Test execution is divided into three sequential parts:
Test Initialization Selects the DUT and test procedure to run, sets up the reference, sets up DUT
identification and communications, enters user ID. The sequential steps of test initialization can be turned ON or OFF using [Tools], [Options], [Initialize Test] (see Section 8.3.2).
Run Test uns leak check (if included), runs pressure cycling to exercise DUTs (if included),
runs test pressure points and takes data at each point. The test run details are defined by the *.dat file. Certain aspects of operation can be customized using
[Tools], [Options], [Run Test] (see Section 8.3.3).
Test Conclusion Presents <Test Notes> screen to rec ord test specific notes and <T est Complete>
screen with various test conclusion options.


Test initialization is the first part of test execution. The seven sequential steps of test initialization can be turned ON or OFF using [To (see Section 8.3.2). The test initialization sequential steps are listed immediately following below (see Sections through for details on each initialize test step):
Select DUT File (see Section The DUT selection tool is presented allowin g
browsing of DUTs avai lable and selection of the DUT file to run. If this s tep is turned OFF, the screen is not shown and the last DUT file used is automatically selected.
Preview DUT (see Section The DUT profile screen is presented to allow
verification of the DUT file to run. If this step is turned OFF, the step is omitted entirely.
Select Test File (see Section The select test file screen is presented
identifying the primary and secondary test files associated with the current DUT and allowing browsing of the test f iles available. If this ste p is turned OFF , the scree n is not shown and the primary test file associated with the DUT is automatically selected.
Preview Test (see Sect ion The pre view test file sc reen is presented to allow
verification of the test file to run. If this step is turned OFF, the step is omitted entirely.
ols], [Options], [Initialize Test]
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Reference Verification/Range Selection (see Section The reference
verification scree n is presented ident ifying the source of reference pressur es to be used in running the test. If the reference has m ultiple ranges and ca n be communic ated with remotely, the range selection function is included. The range recommended by COMPASS or a d ifferent r ange can be selec ted. If this step is turned OF F, the screen is not shown and the recommended range is automatically accepted.
Setup DUT(s) (see Section The setup DUT(s) screen is presented.
This screen is intended to allow input of DUT identification and communication details if necessary. If the DUT being run is a m anual data acquisition t ype DUT and the DUT file is a DUT defini tion, t he scr een serves as verificat ion of DUT identif ication onl y. If the DUT file is a DUT prof ile, identification of the DUT( s) must be provided. If the DUT(s) being run is/are DMM, RS232 or IEEE 488 data acquisition type, the DUT communications deta ils can be verified, changed and tested. If this step is turn ed OFF and the DUT file is a DUT definition, the step is om itted entirely when all requ ired DUT communications inf ormation is curren tly configured. T his means that a DMM is set up for a DMM output DUT and the default R S232 or IEEE 488 comm ands have been set up to meet the requirem ents of the current DUT (see Sectio n 8.3.3). If this step is turned OF F and the DUT file is a DUT profile or the previous inform ation is not set up, the screen is still presented and DUT identification(s) must be entered.
User ID Entry (see Section The user ID entry screen is presented. T he last
user ID can be accepted, a new user ID m ay be enter ed, or a previo usly ent ered user ID may be selected from the user ID drop-do wn list. If thi s s tep is turned OF F, the s creen is not shown and the last user ID selected is automatically used.
Test initialization is complete, run test begins (see Section 5.2.2). SELECT DUT FILE
The DUT selection tool is presented allowing browsing of DUTs available and selection of the DUT file to run. If this step is turned OFF, the screen is not shown and the last DUT file used or accessed is automatically selected.
DUTs available are listed by manufacturer, model, serial number and identification as extracted from *.dut files. The list is alphabetical by manufacturer. Us e your k eybo ard’s ar ro w k e ys or po in ting de vic e to hi ghl ig ht th e desired DUT. The highlighted DUT file name and path are listed following:
Figure 3. Select the DUT file for the Test Screen
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To select the DUT based o n its f ile nam e, or if the f ile you want was not store d in the directory specified for DUTs in your file location preferences (see Section
8.3.5), click <Browse> to activate a standard Windows file selection pop-up.
Figure 3. Select the DUT file for the Test Screen PREVIEW DUT
The DUT profile screen is presented to allow verification of the DUT file to run. If this step is turned OFF , the ste p is sk ipped entir ely. Edits cannot be m ade to a DUT file during test initialization.
If the previe wed D UT is cor r ect, clic k <OK> and test ini ti ali zat io n wi ll c ont in ue. If the DUT is not correc t, click <Cancel> to return to the DUT selection tool an d make a new DUT selection. To abor t the tes t completely, click <Cancel> from the DUT selection tool.
Figure 4. DUT Definition (C:\COMP4PRS\DUT\DUCE …) Screen
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The select test file s c reen i s pres ente d i dent ifying the primary and secondary test files associated with the current DUT and allowing browsing of the test files available. If this step is tur ned O FF , the s cr een is not s ho wn and the pr imary test file associated with the DUT is automatically selected.
The test selection screen c ontains the core information about the s elected DUT which may be helpful in selecting the test file to run. The DUT’s primary and secondary test files display and one of these can be selected by clicking the corresponding selection button. To select a test file other than the primary or secondary test file associated with the DUT, click <Browse> to activate a standard Windows file selectio n pop-up. Click <Cancel> to abort the test completely.
Figure 5. Select Test File Screen PREVIEW TEST
The preview test screen is presented to allow verification of the test file to run. If this step is turned OFF, the step is skipped entirely.
The test cannot be m odified using this po p-up, but all the charac teristics can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate tabs.
If the previewed test is correct, click <OK> and test initialization will continue. If the test is not correct, click <Cancel> to return to the tes t selection tool and make a new test selection. To abort the test completely, click <Cancel> from the test selection tool.
Figure 6. Test Definition (C:\COMP4PRS\TEST\TEST1.TST) Screen
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The reference verif ication sc reen is pr esented identif ying the sour ce of r eference pressures to be used in ru nning the test. If COMPASS can communicate with the reference remotely and the reference has multiple ranges, the reference range selection tool and h ead adjustment is also included . If this step is turned OFF, the screen is not shown, the recommended range is automatically accepted and the current head (if the reference supports head corrections) is accepted. See the Reference Pressure Device Operations and Maintenance Manual for details on head corrections.
The reference shown is the reference currently selected in [T
ools], [Config
Hardware], [CONFIGURATION]. To change references, abort the test and go to
ools], [Config Hardware], [CONFIGURATION] to set up and/or select a
different reference (see Section 8.2.1). If COMPASS is able to communicate remotely with the reference, the range
selection tool is disp la yed. T his too l rec omm ends the range tha t COM P ASS has determined to be the optimum range based on the span and pressure measurement mode of the DUT . A different range may be selec ted by clicking on the corresponding button.
If COMPASS is able to communicate remotely with the reference and the reference supports automated pressure head corrections the current head correction height is displayed and m ay be edited to reflect the correc t height for the current setup. The head correction un its and/or medium cannot be change d using this pop-up. To change these, abort the test and m ake the changes using the reference device’s front panel function keys then restart the test. See Reference’s Operatio n and Mainte nance Manua l for com plete information o n the head correction function).
Erroneous data may be logged if the reference device’s characteristics are
modified manually without restarting the test. Always restart the test if pressure reference device changes are made using the reference device’s front panel.
Figure 7. Reference Range Selection Screen
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The setup DUT( s) screen is pr esented. T his screen is intended to a llow input of DUT identification and communication details if necessary.
See Section 6.2 for information on DUT profiles vs. definition files and DUT
data acquisition type.
Do not use the following characters in the serial number or identification
fields: \,/, :, *, ?, “, <,>, |, a comma or tab character. These characters will cause problems when importing the “data” file or creating the “data” file directory.
The setup DUT(s) screen’s appearance and operation vary depending on whether the DUT file being run is a DUT definition or a DUT profile and on th e DUT’s data acquisition type (see Section 6.2):
If the DUT file is a DUT definition file and the DUT data acquisition type is
manual, the screen sets up for a single DUT. The screen serves only for DUT
verification as the DUT ide ntification comes from the *.dut file and there are no communications to verify. If the setup DUT step is turned OFF, setup DUT is omitted entirely.
If the DUT file is a DUT definition file and the DUT data acquisition type
is DMM, RS232 or IEEE 488, the screen sets up for a single DUT.
DUT communication details c an be verif ie d, c han ged a nd tested. If the setup DUT step is turned OFF, s etup DUT is omitted ent irely. This f eature can be removed only when a DUT definition is used with DMM data acquisition or the default interface parameters (see Section 8.3.3) will work with the current DUT.
If the DUT fi le is a DUT p rofil e file , the scr een se ts f or entr y of up to 5 0 DUTs . The screen requires entry of a DUT serial number for each DUT to be t es ted. Serial number entr y in the DUT position is the means b y which COMPASS determines how many DUTs to include in the test run and the position of the DUTs. Identification is not a requ ired field. If the DUT data acquisiti on type is DMM, RS232 or IEEE 48 8, DUT comm unication det ails for each DUT individually can be verified, changed and tested. If the setup DUT step is turned OFF, the setup DUT sc reen will still ap pear and r equire serial num ber entry to identify the DUTs to be tested.
To check communications with the DUT(s), click the <Communications Test> button. COMPASS attempts to comm unicate with all DUTs that have had a serial number entered using the command specified in the DUT file and the current comm unications settings. If communication is successful, the DUT output is update d in the <D UT O utp ut> column. If communication fails, an error message is displayed.
Figure 8. Setup DUT(s) Screen
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