Fluke CertiFiber Pro User Manual

Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
May 2013 Rev. 1 8/13
©2013 Fluke Corporation All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


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Fluke Networks PO Box 777 Everett, WA 98206-0777 USA
Chapter 1 Get Acquainted
Overview of Features ......................................................1
Safety Information ...................................................2
For the Versiv Main Unit ..........................................2
For DSX Modules and Twisted Pair Adapters .........4
For CertiFiber Pro OLTS Modules .............................
For Op
Contact Fluke Networks .................................................8
Register Your Product ....................................................9
Additional Resources ......................................................9
Supplements and Updated Manuals .............................9
Versiv Unit Connectors, Keys, and LEDs .......................10
AC Adapter and Battery .................................................13
Charge the Battery ...................................................13
Check the Battery Status ..........................................14
How to Use the Touchscreen .........................................16
The HOME Screen ...........................................................19
How to Enter Text ...........................................................22
Set User Preferences .......................................................23
Language ..................................................................23
Date and Time Settings and Formats ......................24
Number Format ........................................................24
Units for Length Measurements ..............................25
Power-Down and Backlight Timeout Periods .........25
Audible Tone ............................................................25
tiFiber Pro OTDR Modules ............................6


Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Power Line Frequency ............................................. 26
Display Brightness .................................................... 26
Import User Preferences from a File ....................... 26
Overview of Memory Functions .................................... 27
How to Install a Strap .................................................... 28
How to Remove or Install a Module ............................. 28
About LinkWare and LinkWare Stats Software ........... 30
Chapter 2 Get Started
Tutorial: Certify Twisted Pair Cabling ........................... 31
Step 1: See How Much Memory is Available .......... 32
Step 2: Set Up a Twisted Pair Test ........................... 32
Step 3: Turn Off the Auto Sa
Step 4: Do an Autotest ............................................ 34
Step 5: Look at the Results ...................................... 34
Step 6: Save the Results ........................................... 36
Tutorial: Certify Fiber Optic Cabling ............................. 36
Step 1: See How Much Memory is Available .......... 36
Step 2: Set Up a Loss/Length Test ........................... 38
Step 3: Turn Off the Auto Sa
Step 4: Set the Reference ........................................ 40
Step 5: Measure the Loss of the Test
Reference Cords You Will Add ................................ 42
Step 6: Do an Autotest in Smart Remote Mode .... 43
Step 7: Look at the Results ...................................... 44
Step 8: Save the Results ........................................... 44
Tutorial: Do a Bi-Directional OTDR Test ....................... 45
Step 1: See How Much Memory is Available .......... 46
Step 2: Set Up an OTDR Test ................................... 46
Step 3: Turn Off the Auto Sa
ve F
unction ............... 34
unction ............... 39
ve F
unction ............... 47
ve F
Step 4: Give Names to the Ends of the Fiber ..........48
Step 5: Set Up Launch Fiber Compensation ............48
Step 6: Do an OTDR Test from End 1 ......................49
Step 7: Look at the Results from End 1 ...................51
Step 8: Save the Results from End 1 ........................52
Step 9: Do the OTDR Test from End 2 .....................52
Step 10: Save the Results from End 2 ......................52
Step 11: Look at the Saved Results ..........................52
Buttons to Do Tests and Save Results ............................
Options for Ca
Automatic Increment Function for Cable IDs .........56
Auto Save Function ..................................................56
Tutorial: Make a Set of Sequential Cable IDs .........57
About Projects .................................................................58
ble IDs ......................................................54
Chapter 3 How to Certify Twisted Pair Cabling
Overview of the DSX CableAnalyzer Modules ..............59
DSX CableAnalyzer Connectors, Keys, and LEDs ...........60
The Home Screen for DSX CableAnalyzer .....................64
Make Sure Your Tester is Ready to Certify
Twisted Pair Cabling .......................................................67
About Link Interface Adapters ......................................67
Set the Reference ............................................................70
Settings for Twisted Pair Tests .......................................71
How to Do an Autotest ..................................................75
“Bad Patch Cord” Message ............................................77
Twisted Pair Autotest Results .........................................78
PASS*/FAIL* Results ..................................................79
WIRE MAP Tab ..........................................................79
PERFORMANCE Tab ..................................................84
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Scalar Results ............................................................ 85
Frequency-Domain Results ...................................... 90
Insertion Loss ............................................................ 94
Return Loss ............................................................... 96
Impedance ................................................................ 98
NEXT (Near-End Crosstalk) ...................................... 99
PS NEXT (Power Sum Near End Crosstalk)
ACR-N (Atten
uation to Crosstalk Ratio
at the Near End) ....................................................... 102
PS ACR-N (Power Sum Attenuation to
Crosstalk Ratio, Near End) ....................................... 103
ACR-F (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio, Far End)
................................................................... 108
CMRL (Common-Mode Return Loss) ....................... 109
CDNEXT (Common-Mode to Differential Mode
Near-End Crosstalk) .................................................
TCL (Transverse Conversion
L (Equal Level Transverse
Conversion Transfer Loss) ........................................ 115
DIAGNOSTIC Tab ............................................................ 116
About dB Rules ............................................................... 116
How to Use the Talk Function ....................................... 122
About the AxTalk Analyzer Kit ..................................... 123
.............. 101
... 105
Loss) ............................ 112
Chapter 4 How to Test Twisted Pair Through a PoE Device
How to Turn On the AC Wire Map Test ........................ 125
When to Keep the AC Wire Map Test Off .................... 125
How to Do an Autotest Through a PoE Device ............ 126
AC Wire Map Results ...................................................... 128
Chapter 5 How to Diagnose Copper Test Failures
Causes of Twisted Pair Test Failures ..............................131
The HDTDR Analyzer ......................................................135
The HDTDX Analyzer ......................................................139
How to Use the Measurement Cursor on the
HDTDR and HDTDX Plot .................................................143
Chapter 6 How to Clean Fiber Endfaces
How to Use a Fluke Networks IBC OneClick Cleaner ....150
How to Use Wipes, Swabs, and Solvent ........................152
To Clean Bulkhead Connectors ................................
Clean the Optical Connectors on the Modules .153
To Clean Fiber Adapters ..........................................153
To Clean Connector Ends .........................................154
Chapter 7 How to Certify Fiber Cabling
Overview of the CertiFiber Pro Optical Loss
Test Set Modules .............................................................155
How to Remove and Install the Connector Adapters ...160
The Home Screen for CertiFiber Pro Modules ...............162
Requirements for Reliable Fiber Test Results ................164
About the Reference for Fiber Tests .......................165
About Test Reference Cords and Mandrels ............167
Settings for Loss/Length Tests on Fiber .........................170
Loss/Length Settings for Limits that Calculate
a Loss Limit ......................................................................171
About 1 Jumper Reference Connections .......................
Step 1: Set the Reference in Smart Remote Mode .180
Pro Connectors, Keys, and LEDs ....................156
in Smart Remote Mode ...................................178
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Step 2: Measure the Loss of the Test
Reference Cords You Will Add ................................ 181
Step 3: Do an Autotest in Smart Remote Mode .... 183
Autotest Results for Smart Remote Mode ............. 184
Fiber IDs for Saved Results in Smart Remote Mode 188
Autotest in Loopback Mode ..........................................
1: Set the Reference in Loopback Mode ........ 192
Step 2: Measure the Loss of the Test
Reference Cord You Will Add ................................. 194
Step 3: Do an Autotest in Loopback Mode
Results for Loopback Mode ..................... 196
Autotest in Far End Source Mode ................................. 198
Auto Wavelength Modes ........................................ 198
Step 1: Set the Reference in Far End Source Mode 200
Step 2: Measure the Loss of the Test
Reference Cord You Will Add ................................. 203
Step 3: Do an Autotest in Far End Source Mode ... 204
Autotest Results for Far End Source Mode ............ 205
Bi-Directional Tests ......................................................... 206
How to Use the Talk Function ....................................... 208
............ 195
Chapter 8 The Power Meter and Light Source
How to Monitor Power and Loss ................................... 209
How to Control the Light Source ...........
Use the Display to Control the
Main Tester’s Light Source ...................................... 214
Use the Module’s Button to Control
the Light Source ....................................................... 214
....................... 213
Chapter 9 How to Use the OptiFiber Pro OTDR Module
Overview of the OTDR Module ......................................217
OptiFiber Pro Connectors, Keys, and LEDs ....................218
The Home Screen for OptiFiber Pro Modules ...............220
Settings for OTDR Tests ..................................................222
OTDR Settings for Limits that Calculate a Loss Limit ....225
About Launch and Tail Cords .........................................226
How To Compensate for Launch and Tail Cords ....227
About the Launch Events that the Tester Adds
to OTDR Results ........................................................234
How to Retract the Launch/Tail Cord ......................234
OTDR Port Connection Quality ......................................236
How to Do an OTDR Test ...............................................238
OTDR Results ...................................................................242
EventMap ..................................................................242
Event Table ...............................................................248
OVERALL FIBER RESULTS Screens ............................255
EVENT DETAILS Screen .............................................257
About Measurements that Show “<“ and “>” .......259
OTDR Trace ...............................................................260
How to Use the Measurement Cursor on
the OTDR Trace ........................................................262
Bi-Directional OTDR Tests ........................................264
How to Do Bi-Directional Averaging ......................267
Real Time Trace ...............................................................268
Manual OTDR Mode .......................................................270
The FaultMap Test ..........................................................274
How to Do the FaultMap Test ...
FaultMap Screen .......................................................278
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Chapter 10 The FiberInspector Test
How to Do the FiberInspector Test ............................... 282
How to Use the Core Scale ............................................ 286
Chapter 11 The Visual Fault Locator
Visual Fault Locator Applications .................................. 287
How to Use the VFL ........................................................ 288
Chapter 12 How to Diagnose Problems in Fiber Links
Common Causes of Problems in Fiber Links ................. 291
Causes of Loss/Length Test Failures ............................... 292
Causes of OTDR Test Failures ......................................... 294
Chapter 13 Test Results
View Saved Results ......................................................... 299
How to Add a Result to a Saved Fiber Results .............. 302
How to Replace a Saved Result that Failed .................. 303
Delete, Rename, and Move Results ............................... 304
Manage Results on a Flash Drive ................................... 305
Upload Results to a PC ................................................... 306
View the Memory Status ............................................... 308
Chapter 14 Projects
Why Use Projects? .......................................................... 309
Tutorial: Make a New Project ........................................ 310
Step 1: Give the Project a Name ............................. 312
Step 2: Specify an Operator .................................... 312
Step 3: Set up Tests for the Project ......................... 313
Step 4: Make ID Sets for
Fiber Cabling ............................................................ 315
Pair and
Step 5: Give Names to the Ends of the
Fiber for OTDR Tests ................................................320
Step 6: Turn on the Auto Save Function .................320
Tutorial: How to Use a Project for Tests with a
CableAnalyzer Module ...................................................323
1: Attach a CableAnalyzer Module .................323
Step 2: Select a Project .............................................323
Step 3: Select a Test for Twisted Pair Cable ............324
Step 4: Do an Autotest .............................................325
Step 5: Monitor the Status of Your Project ............325
Tutorial: How to Use a Project for Tests with
OptiFiber Pro and CertiFiber Pro Modules ....................326
Step 1: Attach an OptiFiber Pro Module .................328
Step 2: Select a Project .............................................328
Step 3: Select an OTDR Test .....................................328
Step 4: Select the Correct ID and Fiber End
if Necessary ...............................................................328
Step 5: Do OTDR Tests on End 1 of the Link ...........329
Step 6: Do OTDR Tests on End 2 of the Link ...........329
Step 7: Add Results from a Loss/Le
ngth Te
st ..........330
Step 8: Monitor the Status of Your Project ............333
How to Change Settings as You Use a Project ..............333
To Change the ID .....................................................333
To Change the Tests in a Project .............................335
To Save Results in a Different or New Project ........337
How to Make ID Sets ......................................................337
About Next ID Sets ...................................................339
Import an ID Set into a Project ................................340
Delete an Imported ID Set .......................................341
How to Manage Projects ................................................341
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
View Results in a Project ......................................... 341
Rename a Project ..................................................... 341
Copy a Project to Make a New Project ................... 341
Delete a Project ........................................................ 342
Manage Projects on a Flash Drive ........................... 342
Copy Project Settings to Other Testers ................... 343
Chapter 15 Custom Media and Test Limits
How to Make a Custom Twisted Pair Cable Type ........ 345
How to Change the NVP ................................................ 346
How to Set the NVP to a Specified Value ............... 346
How to Find a Cable's Actual NVP .......................... 347
How to Reset the NVP to the Default Value .......... 348
How to Make a Custom Fiber Type ............................... 348
About the Index of Refraction ...................................... 351
How to Make a Custom Fiber Test Limit ....................... 352
Select a Custom Fiber Type or a Custom Limit ....... 355
Edit an Existing Custom Fiber Type or Tes
Delete a Custom Fiber Type or Test Limit .............. 356
t Limit ...
Chapter 16 Maintenance
Maintenance ................................................................... 357
Verify Operation ............................................................ 358
Clean the Tester ............................................................. 358
See Information About the Tester ................................ 358
Update the Software ..................................................... 360
Extend the Life of the Battery ....................................... 364
Store the Tester .............................................................. 364
Remove the Battery ....................................................... 364
Calibration ...................................................................... 365
If the Tester Does Not Operate as Usual .......................365
Clean the DI-1000 Video Probe ......................................367
Options and Accessories .................................................367
Chapter 17 Specifications
Environmental and Regulatory Specifications ..............369
DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer Module Specifications ..........370
Tests and Frequencies Supported
mes for a Full, 2-Way Autotest .............................370
Standard Link Interface Adapters ...........................371
Twisted Pair LAN Cable Types Tested ......................371
Summary of Performance Specificati
Length .......................................................................372
Propagation Delay ...................................................373
Delay Skew ...............................................................373
DC Loop Resistance ..................................................373
Input Protection .......................................................
HDTDX Analyzer Specifications for
Cables <100 m (328 ft) .............................................378
HDTDR Analyzer Specifications for
Cables <100 m (328 ft) .............................................378
Characteristic Impedance .........................................378
CertiFiber Pro OLTS Module Specifications ...................379
CertiFiber Pro Power Meter Specifications .............379
CertiFiber Pro OLTS Loss/Length Specifications ......380
OptiFiber Pro OTDR Module Specifications ..................382
Visual Fault Locator .................................................388
DI-1000 Video Probe ................................................388
Power ...............................................................................389
ons ...
nt Accuracy ............................................374
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Traceable Calibration Period ......................................... 389
Certifications and Compliance ...................................... 389
Internal Memory for Test Results .................................. 390
USB Flash Drive ............................................................... 390
Serial Interfaces .............................................................. 390
RJ45 Connector ............................................................... 390
Headset Jack ................................................................... 391
Display ............................................................................. 391
Weights ........................................................................... 391
Dimensions ..................................................................... 391
Regulatory Information ................................................. 392
Appendix A OTDR Tests on Long Fiber Links
Make a Custom Fiber Type, If Necessary ....................... 393
Use a Launch Cord of the Correct Type .
Use a Launch Cord of the Correct Length .......
Use a Launch Cord that Has the Correct Connectors ... 394
Use the Correct Test Limit .............................................. 395
....................... 393
............. 394
Appendix B Reference Method Names
Appendix C Reference Methods for Fiber Cabling
Introduction .................................................................... 399
1 Jumper Reference ....................................................... 400
2 Jumper Reference ....................................................... 402
3 Jumper Reference ....................................................... 404
Modified 1 Jumper Reference ....................................... 406

List of Figures

Figure Page
1. Versiv Main Unit Connectors, Keys, and LEDs ............... 10
2. Versiv Remote Unit Connectors, Keys, and LEDs .......... 12
3. LEDs Show the Remote’s Battery Status........................ 15
4. Connections to See the Status of
the Remote’s Battery ...................................................... 16
5. How to Zoom the Screen................................................ 18
6. The HOME Screen with No Module Attached .............. 20
7. The Keyboards for Text Entry ........................................ 23
8. How to Install a Strap and Use the Hand Strap ............ 28
9. How to Remove and Install a Module ........................... 29
10. Equipment for the Twisted Pair Certification Tutorial. 31
11. Examples of Twisted Pair Autotest Results Screens...... 35
12. Equipment for the Fiber Certification Tutorial ............. 37
13. Connections for Smart Remote Mode
(1 Jumper Method, Multimode Fiber) ........................... 41
14. Examples of Fiber Autotest Results Screens .................. 44
15. Equipment for the OTDR Tutorial ................................. 45
16. Connections for Launch + Tail Compensation .............. 49
17. OTDR Connected with Launch and Tail Cords .............. 50
18. Examples of the EventMap, TABLE,
and TRACE Screens ......................................................... 51
and the TEST Key ............................................................ 53
20. Main DSX Tester Connectors, Keys, and LEDs ............... 60
21. Remote DSX Tester Connectors, Keys, and LEDs........... 62
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
22. The Home Screen for DSX CableAnalyzer......................64
23. How to Attach and Remove Link Interface Adapters....68
24. How to Prevent Damage to the
Permanent Link Adapter Cables .....................................69
25. Reference Connections for Twisted Pair Cable ..............71
26. Outlet Configurations .....................................................74
27. Equipment for Autotests on Twisted Pair Cable............75
28. Permanent Link Connections ..........................................76
29. Channel Connections.......................................................77
30. PASS* and FAIL* Results..................................................79
31. WIRE MAP Tab .................................................................80
32. Wire Map Examples: Open Wire and Open Shield........81
33. Wire Map Examples: Short and Split Pair.......................82
34. Wire Map Examples: Reversed Pair and Crossed Pairs...83
35. PERFORMANCE Tab .........................................................84
36. Length Results..................................................................87
37. Resistance Results ............................................................89
38. Tabular Results Screen for a Frequency-Domain Test ...91
39. Plot Screen for a Frequency-Domain Test ......................92
40. Insertion Loss is a Decrease in Signal Strength ..............94
41. Insertion Loss Plot ............................................................95
42. Sources of Return Loss.....................................................97
43. Return Loss Plot ...............................................................97
44. Impedance Results ...........................................................98
45. Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT) ..............................................99
46. NEXT Plot .........................................................................100
47. PS NEXT Plot.....................................................................101
48. Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio, Near End (ACR-N)........102
49. ACR-N Plot........................................................................103
List of Figures
50. PS ACR-N Plot .................................................................. 104
51. Far-End Crosstalk (FEXT) ................................................. 105
52. ACR-F Plot........................................................................ 107
53. PS ACR-F Plot................................................................... 108
54. CMRL Plot ........................................................................ 109
55. Common-Mode Voltage Converts to
Differential-Mode Voltage in an RJ45 Connector ........ 111
56. CDNEXT Plot.................................................................... 111
57. The Effects of EMI on Balanced and
Unbalanced Twisted Pairs .............................................. 113
58. TCL Plot............................................................................ 114
59. ELTCTL Plot...................................................................... 115
60. How the 3 dB Rule Shows on Plots ................................ 117
61. Permanent Link Connections Through a PoE Device.... 127
62. Channel Connections Through a PoE Device ................ 128
63. AC Wire Map Examples: Open and Short...................... 129
64. AC Wire Map Examples: ................................................. 130
65. HDTDR Plot...................................................................... 136
66. Typical Faults Shown on HDTDR Plots ........................... 138
67. HDTDX Plot ..................................................................... 140
68. Typical Faults Shown on HDTDX Plots ........................... 142
69. How to Use the Measurement Cursor on the
HDTDR or HDTDX Plot.................................................... 144
70. Examples of Clean and Dirty Fiber Endfaces ................. 147
71. Equipment to Clean and Inspect Fiber Endfaces .......... 149
72. How to Use the IBC OneClick Cleaner ........................... 151
73. Main CertiFiber Pro Tester Connectors, Keys, and LEDs
(CFP-QUAD module shown) ........................................... 156
74. Remote CertiFiber Pro Tester Connectors, Keys,
and LEDs (CFP-QUAD module shown) ........................... 158
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
75. How to Remove and Install the Connector Adapters....161
76. The Home Screen for CertiFiber Pro Modules................162
77. How to Prevent Damage to the EF-TRC Fiber Cables ....169
78. Screen to Set the Number of Connectors,
Splices, and Jumpers ........................................................175
79. How to Count the Numbers of Connectors,
Splices, and Jumpers ........................................................177
80. Equipment for Autotests in Smart Remote Mode.........179
81. Connections for Smart Remote Mode
(1 Jumper Reference, Multimode Fiber) ........................182
82. Result for Smart Remote Mode
(Unsaved Bi-Directional Results Shown).........................184
83. Detailed Result for Smart Remote Mode
(Unsaved Bi-Directional Results Shown).........................186
84. Unsaved and Saved Result for Smart Remote Mode.....189
85. Equipment for Autotests in Loopback Mode.................191
86. Connections for Loopback Mode
(1 Jumper Reference, Multimode Fiber) ........................193
87. Result for Loopback Mode..............................................196
88. Equipment for Autotests in Far End Source Mode........199
89. Connections for Far End Source Mode
(1 Jumper Reference, Multimode Fiber) ........................202
90. Result for Far End Source Mode .....................................205
91. Equipment for Power Meter Measurements .................210
92. Connections to Monitor Power and Loss .......................211
93. Power Meter Measurements and Controls ....................212
94. Light Source Controls for the Main Tester .....................215
95. Main Versiv Unit with OptiFiber Pro OTDR Module
(OptiFiber Pro Quad module shown) .............................218
96. The HOME Screen for OptiFiber Pro Modules ...............220
97. Connections for Launch Only Compensation.................229
List of Figures
98. Connections for Launch + Tail Compensation .............. 230
99. Connections for Launch + Fiber + Tail Compensation.. 231
100. SET LAUNCH COMP Screen............................................. 232
101. How to Retract the Launch/Tail Cord ............................ 235
102. The OTDR Port Connection Quality Gauge
and Progress Screen........................................................ 237
103. Equipment for OTDR Tests ............................................. 238
104. OTDR Connected with a Launch Cord ........................... 239
105. OTDR Connected with Launch and Tail Cords .............. 240
106. OTDR Connected to a Spool of Fiber............................. 241
107. EventMap Example 1 ...................................................... 243
108. EventMap Example 2 ...................................................... 246
109. Event Table...................................................................... 248
110. OVERALL FIBER RESULT Screen ...................................... 255
111. EVENT DETAILS Screen ................................................... 257
112. OTDR Trace...................................................................... 260
113. How to Use the Measurement Cursor
on the ODTR Trace.......................................................... 263
114. Equipment for FaultMap Tests....................................... 276
115. FaultMap Test Connections............................................ 277
116. FaultMap Screen ............................................................. 278
117. Equipment for the FiberInspector Test.......................... 282
118. FiberInspector Image with Measurement Scales
(fiber with 50 µm core shown)....................................... 284
119. Equipment for Visual Fault Locator Tests...................... 288
120. How to Use the Visual Fault Locator ............................. 290
121. RESULTS Screen ............................................................... 300
122. How to Connect the Tester to a PC ............................... 307
123. PROJECT Screen............................................................... 310
124. CHANGE CABLE IDs Screen............................................. 317
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
125. CABLE ID SETUP Screen
(after you enter the first and last IDs)............................318
126. CHANGE ID Screen for Tests on Twisted Pair
and Single Fibers..............................................................321
127. CHANGE TEST Screen.......................................................324
128. Equipment for the OTDR Project Tutorial......................326
129. Equipment for the Loss/Length Project Tutorial............327
130. CHANGE ID Screen for Smart Remote Mode .................331
131. Copper, OTDR, and Loss/Length Saved in a Project.......332
132. VERSION INFORMATION Screen for the Main Unit .......359
133. How to Connect the Tester to a PC ................................361
134. How to Connect Units Together to
Update the Software .......................................................363
135. How to Remove the Battery ...........................................365
136. Typical Dead Zone Performance of Multimode
OptiFiber Pro Modules ....................................................386
137. Typical Dead Zone Performance of Singlemode
OptiFiber Pro Modules ....................................................387

List of Tables

Table Page
1. International Electrical Symbols..................................... 2
2. Settings for Twisted Pair Tests ....................................... 72
3. dB Rules for TIA Permanent Link Test Limits ................ 119
4. dB Rules for TIA Channel Test Limits ............................. 120
5. dB Rules for ISO Permanent Link Test Limits ................ 120
6. dB Rules for ISO Channel Test Limits ............................. 121
7. Causes of Twisted Pair Test Failures .............................. 131
8. Settings for Fiber Tests ................................................... 172
9. Settings for OTDR Tests .................................................. 223
10. Settings for Test Limits that Use Length
to Calculate a Loss Limit ................................................. 226
11. Event Types .................................................................... 250
12. Manual OTDR Settings ................................................... 271
13. Causes of Failures in Fiber Links..................................... 291
14. Causes of Loss/Length Test Failures .............................. 292
15. Causes of OTDR Test Failures ......................................... 294
16. Settings for Custom Fiber Types .................................... 349
17. Custom Test Limit Settings for Loss/Length Tests ........ 353
18. Custom Test Limit Settings for OTDR Tests ................... 354
19. Possible Solutions for Unusual Behavior ..................... 366
20. Level V Accuracy Performance Parameters
per IEC Guidelines........................................................... 375
A-1. Minimum Length of a Launch Cord............................... 394
B-1. Reference Method Names for TIA/EIA Standards......... 397
B-2. Reference Method Names for IEC Standards ................ 397
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook

Chapter 1: Get Acquainted

Overview of Features

The Versiv™ main and remote units are rugged, hand-held instruments that you configure to certify, troubleshoot, and document copper and fiber optic cabling. The Versiv platform includes these features:
Operates with DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer
twisted pair cabling. See Chapter 3.
Operates with CertiFiber
Pro Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS) modules to measure optical power loss and length on dual­fiber, multimode and singlemode cabling. See Chapter 7.
Operates with OptiFiber
Pro OTDR modules to locate, identify, and measure reflective and loss events in multimode and singlemode fibers. See Chapter 9.
Operates with OneTouch
AT Network Assistant module to test, troubleshoot, and document network performance. See the Fluke Networks website for more information.
Gives a PASS or FAIL result based on a test limit that you
modules to certify
Touchscreen lets you quickly navigate through different views
of the results and see more information about cables.
Lets you set up projects to specify the types of tests and the
cable IDs necessary for a job and monitor the progress and status of the job.
software lets you upload test results to a PC and
make professional-quality test reports.
LinkWare Stats software makes browsable, graphical reports
of cable test statistics.
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
Safety Information
Table 1 shows the international electrical symbols used on the tester or in this manual. Symbols for certifications and compliance are on page 389.
: This key turns the tester on and off.
Table 1. International Electrical Symbols
Warning: Risk of fire, electric shock, or personal injury.
Warning or Caution: Risk of damage or destruction to equipment
or software. See explanations in the manuals.
Do not connect this equipment to public communications networks,
such as telephone systems.
Warning: Class 1 (OUTPUT port) and Class 2 (VFL port) lasers. Risk of
eye damage from hazardous radiation.
Do not put products containing circuit boards into the garbage.
Dispose of circuit boards in accordance with local regulations.

For the Versiv Main Unit

To prevent possible fire, electric shock, or personal injury:
Use only ac adapters approved by Fluke Networks
for use with the tester to supply power to the tester and charge the battery.
Do not put the battery pack in a fire or an
environment with temperatures more than 140 °F (60 °C).
Do not use the tester in damp or wet environments. Do not short-circuit or disassemble the battery pack.
Chapter 1: Get Acquainted
Safety Information
Do not use the tester if it is damaged. Inspect the
tester before use.
Do not open the case; no user-serviceable parts are
Do not modify the tester. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified
by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment can possibly be impaired.
To prevent damage to the tester or cables under test and to prevent data loss:
To prevent unreliable test results, connect the ac
adapter or replace the battery as soon as the low battery indication appears.
Keep modules attached to the Versiv units to give
protection to the module connectors.
Do not remove the USB flash drive while the LED on
the drive flashes. Doing so can corrupt the data on the drive.
You can lose a USB flash drive, cause damage to it,
or accidentally erase the contents of the drive. Thus, Fluke Networks recommends that you save no more than one day of test results on a flash drive.
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook

For DSX Modules and Twisted Pair Adapters

To prevent possible fire, electric shock, or personal injury:
Do not connect the tester to telephony inputs,
systems, or equipment, including ISDN inputs. Doing so is a misapplication of this product, which can cause damage to the tester and make a possible shock hazard for the user.
Always turn on the tester before you connect it to a
link. Doing so activates the tester’s input protection circuitry.
To prevent damage to the tester or cables under test, to prevent data loss, and to make sure your test results are as accurate as possible:
Do not connect the tester to an active network.
Doing so causes unreliable test results, can disrupt network operations, and can cause damage to the tester.
Connect to the adapters only plugs that are made
for Ethernet applications, such as RJ45, ARJ45, and Cat 7 plugs. Other types of plugs, such as RJ11 (telephone) plugs, can cause permanent damage to the jacks.
To make sure your test results are as accurate as
possible, do the reference procedure every 30 days. See “About Link Interface Adapters” on page 67.
Do not operate portable transmitting devices, such
as walkie-talkies and cell phones, during a cable test. Doing so can cause errors in test results.
For permanent link adapters, do not twist, pull on,
pinch, crush, or make kinks in the cables. See Figure 24 on page 69.

For CertiFiber Pro OLTS Modules

Chapter 1: Get Acquainted
Safety Information
Warning: Class 1 and Class 2 Laser Products
To prevent possible eye damage caused by hazardous radiation:
Do not look directly into optical connectors. Some
optical equipment emits invisible radiation that can cause permanent damage to your eyes.
Keep the module’s OUTPUT ports covered with a
dust cap or keep a test reference cord attached. The OUTPUT ports can emit radiation even when you do not do a test.
Do not run any tests that activate the outputs on
the tester unless a fiber is attached to the output.
When you inspect fiber endfaces, use only
magnification devices that have the correct filters.
Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures not
stated herein can possibly result in hazardous radiation exposure.
To prevent damage to the tester or cables under test and to prevent data loss:
Do not connect the tester to an active network.
Doing so causes unreliable test results, can disrupt network operations, and can cause damage to the module’s receiver.
Use proper cleaning procedures to clean all fiber
connectors before every use. Neglecting this step or using improper procedures can cause unreliable test results and may permanently damage the connectors. See Chapter 6.
Use a video probe to periodically inspect the
module’s optical connectors for scratches and other damage.
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook
To make sure your test results are as accurate as
possible, do the reference procedure frequently. See “About the Reference for Fiber Tests” on page 165.
Use only high-quality test reference cords that
comply with the standards. See “About Test Reference Cords and Mandrels” on page 167
Connect the AC adapter or replace the battery as
soon as the low battery indication appears.

For OptiFiber Pro OTDR Modules

Warning: Class 1 and Class 2 Laser Products
To prevent possible eye damage caused by hazardous radiation:
Do not look directly into optical connectors. Some
optical equipment emits invisible radiation that can cause permanent damage to your eyes.
Do not run any tests that activate the outputs on
the tester unless a fiber is attached to the output.
When you inspect fiber endfaces, use only
magnification devices that have the correct filters.
Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures not
stated herein can possibly result in hazardous radiation exposure.
To prevent damage to the tester or cables under test:
Do not connect the OTDR port to an optical source.
Doing so can cause damage to the OTDR receiver.
Do not connect the tester to an active network.
Doing so causes unreliable test results, can disrupt network operations, and can cause damage to the OTDR receiver.
Chapter 1: Get Acquainted
Safety Information
Do not touch reflective surfaces (such as metal) to
the end of a fiber cable connected to the OTDR when the OTDR is operating. An open fiber connector endface has about a 4% reflection. Holding a reflective surface near the connector endface can cause more than a 4% reflection, which can damage the photodetector in the OTDR.
Use proper cleaning procedures to clean all fiber
connectors before every use. Neglecting this step or using improper procedures can cause unreliable test results and may permanently damage the connectors. See Chapter 6.
Use a video probe to periodically inspect the OTDR
connectors for scratches and other damage.
Read the instructions for splice machines before
using the OTDR to monitor splicing procedures. The OTDR can interfere with the light injection detection techniques used by some splicers.
Versiv Cabling Certification Product Family
Technical Reference Handbook

Contact Fluke Networks

Fluke Networks PO Box 777 Everett, WA 98206-0777 USA
Australia: 61 (2) 8850-3333 or 61 (3) 9329 0244 Beijing: 86 (10) 6512-3435 Brazil: 11 3759 7600 Canada: 1-800-363-5853 Europe: +31-(0) 40 2675 600 Hong Kong: 852 2721-3228 Japan: 03-6714-3117 Korea: 82 2 539-6311 Singapore: +65-6799-5566 Taiwan: (886) 2-227-83199 USA: 1-800-283-5853
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