Fluke 57AN, 57LFC Service Manual

March 2004
© 2004 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

System Calibrator

Service Manual
Each Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is one year and begins on the date of shipment. Parts, product repairs, and services are warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Fluke authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses, disposable batteries, or to any product which, in Fluke's opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected, contaminated, or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or operate without interruption.
Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available only if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country.
Fluke's warranty obligation is limited, at Fluke's option, to refund of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective product which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty period.
To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that service center, with a description of the difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination). Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit. Following warranty repair, the product will be returned to Buyer, transportation prepaid (FOB Destination). If Fluke determines that failure was caused by neglect, misuse, contamination, alteration, accident, or abnormal condition of operation or handling, including overvoltage failures caused by use outside the product’s specified rating, or normal wear and tear of mechanical components, Fluke will provide an estimate of repair costs and obtain authorization before commencing the work. Following repair, the product will be returned to the Buyer transportation prepaid and the Buyer will be billed for the repair and return transportation charges (FOB Shipping Point).
Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.
Fluke Corporation P.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 U.S.A.
Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands
To register your product online, visit register.fluke.com


Immediately upon arrival, purchaser shall check the packing container against the enclosed packing list and shall, within thirty (30) days of arrival, give Fluke notice of shortages or any nonconformity with the terms of the order. If purchaser fails to five notice, the delivery shall be deemed to conform with the terms of the order.
The purchaser assumes all risk of loss or damage to instruments upon delivery by Fluke to the carrier. If an instrument is damaged in transit, PURCHASER MUST FILE ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE WITH THE CARRIER to obtain compensation. Upon request by purchaser, Fluke will submit an estimate of the cost to repair shipment damage.
Fluke will be happy to answer all questions to enhance the use of this instrument. Please address your requests or correspondence to: Fluke Corporation, P.O. Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206-9090.

Interference Information

This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of more of the following measures:
Reorient the receiving antenna
Relocate the equipment with respect to the receiver
Move the equipment away from the receiver
Plug the equipment into a different outlet so that the computer and receiver are on different
branch circuits
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
20402. Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
is used in the operation of this equipment
may be present on the terminals, observe all safety precautions!
To avoid electrical shock hazard, the operator should not electrically contact the output hi or sense hi binding posts. During operation, lethal voltages of up to 2200 V ac or dc may be present on these terminals.
Whenever the nature of the operation permits, keep one hand away from equipment to reduce the hazard of current flowing thought vital organs of the body.
Terms in this Manual
This instrument has been designed and tested in accordance with the safety standards listed in the General Specifications, which are located in Chapter 1 of this manual. This manual contains information and warnings which have to be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to retain the instrument in safe condition.
XWWARNING statements identify conditions or practices that could result in personal injury or loss of life.
XWCAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the equipment or other property.
Symbols Marked on Equipment
X .
Caution, risk of electric shock.
Protective ground (earth) terminal.
Functional earth terminal.
Caution, risk of danger. Refer to the manual to maintain the safety provided by the equipment.
Do not operate this calibrator in a position where it is difficult to operate
the power switch.
Do not operate this calibrator in a manner not specified in the manual or
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not operate the calibrator if it shows signs of damage or malfunction,
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not use hook-up wire on the calibrator with an insulation or current
rating of less than the calibrator output.
Power Source
The 57LFC is intended to operate from a power source that will not apply more than 246 V ac rms between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.
Use the Proper Fuse
To avoid fire hazard, use only the fuse specified on the line voltage selection switch label, and which is identical in type voltage rating, and current rating.
Grounding the 57LFC
The 57LFC is Safety Class I (grounded enclosure) instruments as defined in IEC 61010 2nd Edition. The enclosure is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electrical shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired earth grounded receptacle before connecting anything to any of the 57LFC terminals. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.
Use the Proper Power Cord
Use only the power cord and connector appropriate for proper operation of a 57LFC.
Use only a power cord that is in good condition.
Refer cord and connector changes to qualified service personnel.
Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres
To avoid explosion, do not operate the 57LFC in an atmosphere of explosive gas.
Do Not Remove Cover
To avoid personal injury, do not remove the cover from the 57LFC. Do not operate the 57LFC without the cover properly installed. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the 57LFC, so there is no need for the operator to ever remove the cover.
Also refer to the preceding Operator Safety Summary
Do Not Service Alone
Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present.
Use Care When Servicing With Power On
Dangerous voltage exist at many points inside this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on.
Whenever the nature of the operation permits, keep one hand away from equipment to reduce the hazard of current flowing through vital organs of the body.
Do not wear a grounded wrist strap while working on this product. A grounded wrist strap increase the risk of current flowing through the body.
Disconnect power before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components.
High voltage may still be present even after disconnecting power.
Free the Victim From the Live Conductor
Shut off high voltage at once and ground the circuit. If high voltage cannot be turned off quickly, ground the circuit.
If the circuit cannot be broken or grounded, use a board, dry clothing, or other nonconductor to free the victim.
Get Help!
Yell for help. Call an emergency number. Request medical assistance.
Never Accept Ordinary and General Tests for Death
Symptoms of electric shock may include unconsciousness, failure to breathe, absence of pulse, pallor, and stiffness, and severe burns.
Treat the Victim
If the victim is not breathing, begin CPR or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if you are certified.

Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page
1 Introduction and Specifications ........................................................ 1-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 1-3
Service Information ........................................................................................... 1-3
Accessories ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Low Thermal EMF Test Leads...................................................................... 1-4
Rack Mount Kit............................................................................................. 1-4
Shielded IEEE-488 Cables (Y8021, Y8022, and Y8023) ............................. 1-4
Contacting Fluke................................................................................................ 1-5
Specifications..................................................................................................... 1-6
General Specifications................................................................................... 1-6
Accuracy Specifications ................................................................................ 1-7
DC Voltage Accuracy ............................................................................... 1-7
DC Current Accuracy................................................................................ 1-7
Resistance Accuracy ................................................................................. 1-7
AC Voltage Accuracy ............................................................................... 1-8
AC Voltage Distortion .............................................................................. 1-9
AC Current Accuracy................................................................................ 1-10
AC Current Distortion............................................................................... 1-11
2 Theory of Operation ........................................................................... 2-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 2-3
A1 LED PCA..................................................................................................... 2-5
A3 Motherboard PCA........................................................................................ 2-5
Relay Control and Switch Matrix.................................................................. 2-5
LED Control and Output Cables ................................................................... 2-10
Signal Buses .................................................................................................. 2-10
Low Volt Buffer ............................................................................................ 2-10
In-guard Power Supplies ............................................................................... 2-10
Outguard Power Supplies.............................................................................. 2-11
Miscellaneous Circuits .................................................................................. 2-11
Troubleshooting Test Points.......................................................................... 2-12
List of Fuses .................................................................................................. 2-13
A5 Ohms PCA ................................................................................................... 2-13
Precision Resistor Networks.......................................................................... 2-14
Service Manual
Relay Switch Matrix and Control.................................................................. 2-14
Other Control Circuits................................................................................... 2-26
Guard Circuits ............................................................................................... 2-26
Compensation Circuits .................................................................................. 2-27
Monitor...................................................................................................... 2-27
Diagnostics................................................................................................ 2-29
A6 Digital Synthesis PCA ................................................................................. 2-33
Precision, Dual Tracking, +/-7 V References................................................ 2-33
Precision, 28bit, PWM, Dual DAC's ............................................................. 2-33
DC Voltage Operation................................................................................... 2-34
DDS Waveform Generation .......................................................................... 2-34
AC Voltage Operation................................................................................... 2-35
DC Current Operation ................................................................................... 2-35
AC Current Operation ................................................................................... 2-35
Thermocouple Temperature Measurement.................................................... 2-35
Iso-thermal Block Reference Junction Temperature Measurement .............. 2-36
Thermocouple Voltage Measurement: .......................................................... 2-36
Thermocouple Temperature Simulation........................................................ 2-36
Analog to Digital Converter .......................................................................... 2-36
Fault Detection .............................................................................................. 2-36
Digital Control............................................................................................... 2-37
A7 Current PCA................................................................................................. 2-37
Detailed Hardware Description of DC/AC Current....................................... 2-40
Low Current Output Amplifier...................................................................... 2-40
Mid-Current Output Amplifier ...................................................................... 2-41
High Current Output Amplifier ..................................................................... 2-42
High Current Amplifier Power Supplies (Mongo Supplies) ......................... 2-43
A8 High Voltage PCA ....................................................................................... 2-44
Detailed Hardware Description of the 22 V Amplifier ................................. 2-46
Detailed Description of the 220 V Amplifier ................................................ 2-47
Detailed Hardware Description of the High Voltage Regulator.................... 2-49
Heat Sink Temperature Measurement ........................................................... 2-51
Digital Interface and Control......................................................................... 2-51
A9 Out-Guard CPU PCA................................................................................... 2-52
Real Time Clock Memory............................................................................. 2-52
IEEE-488 Interface........................................................................................ 2-52
3 Calibration and Verification............................................................... 3-1
Calibration ......................................................................................................... 3-3
Procedure Architecture.................................................................................. 3-3
ZERO ........................................................................................................ 3-3
MAIN ........................................................................................................ 3-3
DIAG......................................................................................................... 3-3
Calibration Steps ........................................................................................... 3-3
RUN .......................................................................................................... 3-4
Instruction Step (INS) ............................................................................... 3-4
Reference Step (REF) ............................................................................... 3-4
NOT .......................................................................................................... 3-4
Verification Tests............................................................................................... 3-5
Test Equipment.............................................................................................. 3-5
Calibrator Configuration and Pre-check........................................................ 3-6
DC Voltage Test............................................................................................ 3-7
AC Voltage Tests .......................................................................................... 3-9
AC Voltage Accuracy Test ....................................................................... 3-9
Contents (continued)
Frequency Accuracy Test.......................................................................... 3-10
DC Current Test ............................................................................................ 3-14
AC Current Test ............................................................................................ 3-15
Current Output Compliance Test................................................................... 3-17
Voltage Output Compliance Test .................................................................. 3-17
Harmonic Test Levels for AC Volts.............................................................. 3-19
Harmonic AC Current Test ........................................................................... 3-21
External Trigger............................................................................................. 3-21
Verification Test Check List.......................................................................... 3-22
4 Maintenance........................................................................................ 4-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 4-3
Replacing the Fuse............................................................................................. 4-3
Cleaning the Air Filter....................................................................................... 4-4
Replacing PCA Modules ................................................................................... 4-6
Cleaning the Exterior......................................................................................... 4-7
5 List of Replaceable Parts................................................................... 5-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 5-3
How to Obtain Parts........................................................................................... 5-3
Service Centers .................................................................................................. 5-4
Parts Lists........................................................................................................... 5-4
6 Schematic Diagrams .......................................................................... 6-1
Service Manual

List of Tables

Table Title Page
1-1. 57LFC Accessories ................................................................................................ 1-4
2-1. Functional Description of A3 Motherboard PCA Relays ...................................... 2-6
2-2. A3 Motherboard PCA Power-up and Fault Relay States....................................... 2-7
2-3. A3 Motherboard PCA Final Relay States by Instrument State .............................. 2-8
2-4. Control Register States by Instrument State........................................................... 2-9
2-5. Functional Description of LED Signals ................................................................. 2-10
2-6. A3 Motherboard PCA Test Points List .................................................................. 2-12
2-7. Functional Description of A5 Ohms PCA Relays.................................................. 2-17
2-8. A5 Ohms PCA Power-up and Fault Relay States .................................................. 2-20
2-9. Final Relay States by Instrument State .................................................................. 2-21
2-10. Functional Description of Signals.......................................................................... 2-26
2-11. Compliance Voltage Thresholds............................................................................ 2-28
2-12. OTEST Register States by Instrument State .......................................................... 2-30
2-13. OCHK Register States by Instrument State ........................................................... 2-30
2-14. Diagnostic Values by Instrument State .................................................................. 2-32
2-15. Supply Values as a Function of Ranges................................................................. 2-47
3-1. Recommended Equipment for Calibration and Verification.................................. 3-6
3-2. DC Volts Measurement Limits .............................................................................. 3-8
3-3. AC Volts Measurement Limits .............................................................................. 3-10
3-4. AC Frequency Values ............................................................................................ 3-11
3-5. 4-Wire Ohm Values ............................................................................................... 3-12
3-6. 2-Wire Ohm Values ............................................................................................... 3-13
3-7. DC Current Readings ............................................................................................. 3-14
3-8. AC Current Limits.................................................................................................. 3-16
3-9. Current Output Compliance Limits........................................................................ 3-17
3-10. Voltage Output Compliance Limits ....................................................................... 3-18
3-11. Harmonic Test Values for AC Volts ...................................................................... 3-20
3-12. Harmonic Test Values for AC Current .................................................................. 3-21
5-1. Final Assembly....................................................................................................... 5-5
5-2. A1 LED PCA ......................................................................................................... 5-9
5-3. A3 Motherboard PCA ............................................................................................ 5-10
5-4. A5 Ohms PCA........................................................................................................ 5-18
5-5. A6 Digital Synthesis PCA...................................................................................... 5-23
Service Manual
5-6. A7 Current PCA..................................................................................................... 5-31
5-7. A8 High Voltage PCA ........................................................................................... 5-39
5-8. A9 Out-Guard CPU PCA ....................................................................................... 5-55

List of Figures

Figure Title Page
2-1. 57LFC Block Diagram........................................................................................... 2-4
2-2. Block Diagram of the A5 Ohms PCA.................................................................... 2-13
2-3. A5 Ohms PCA High/Low Output .......................................................................... 2-15
2-4. A5 Ohms PCA High/Low Sense............................................................................ 2-16
2-5. DC Current Functions ............................................................................................ 2-38
2-6. AC Current Functions ............................................................................................ 2-39
2-7. A8 High Voltage PCA 22 V and 220 V Amplifier ................................................ 2-45
3-1. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for DC Volts Measurement............................. 3-7
3-2. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for AC Volts Measurement............................. 3-9
3-3. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for AC Frequency Measurement..................... 3-11
3-4. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for 4-Wire Ohms ............................................. 3-12
3-5. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for 2-Wire Compensated Ohms....................... 3-13
3-6. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for DC Current Measurement.......................... 3-14
3-7. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for AC Current Measurement.......................... 3-15
3-8. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for Load Current Compliance Test.................. 3-17
3-9. 8508A Connections to the 57LFC for Voltage Compliance Testing ..................... 3-18
3-10. Harmonic Test Setup.............................................................................................. 3-19
4-1. Replacing the Fuse ................................................................................................. 4-4
4-2. Accessing the Air Filter.......................................................................................... 4-5
4-3. Exploded View of the Calibrator ........................................................................... 4-6
5-1. Final Assembly....................................................................................................... 5-7
5-2. A1 LED PCA ......................................................................................................... 5-9
5-3. A3 Motherboard PCA ............................................................................................ 5-17
5-4. A5 Ohms PCA........................................................................................................ 5-22
5-5. A6 Digital Synthesis PCA...................................................................................... 5-30
5-6. A7 Current PCA..................................................................................................... 5-38
5-7. A8 High Voltage PCA ........................................................................................... 5-54
5-8. A9 Out-Guard PCA................................................................................................ 5-59
6-1. A1 LED PCA......................................................................................................... 6-3
6-2. A3 Motherboard PCA............................................................................................ 6-5
6-3. A5 Ohms PCA........................................................................................................ 6-11
6-4. A6 Digital Synthesis PCA...................................................................................... 6-17
6-5. A7 Current PCA..................................................................................................... 6-26
6-6. A8 High Voltage PCA........................................................................................... 6-32
6-7. A9 Out-Guard CPU PCA ....................................................................................... 6-37
Service Manual
Chapter 1

Introduction and Specifications

Title Page
Introduction........................................................................................................ 1-3
Service Information ........................................................................................... 1-3
Accessories ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Low Thermal EMF Test Leads...................................................................... 1-4
Rack Mount Kit............................................................................................. 1-4
Shielded IEEE-488 Cables (Y8021, Y8022, and Y8023) ............................. 1-4
Contacting Fluke................................................................................................ 1-5
Specifications..................................................................................................... 1-6
General Specifications................................................................................... 1-6
Accuracy Specifications ................................................................................ 1-7
DC Voltage Accuracy ............................................................................... 1-7
DC Current Accuracy................................................................................ 1-7
Resistance Accuracy ................................................................................. 1-7
AC Voltage Accuracy ............................................................................... 1-8
AC Voltage Distortion .............................................................................. 1-9
AC Current Accuracy................................................................................ 1-10
AC Current Distortion............................................................................... 1-11
Service Manual
Introduction and Specifications
Introduction 1


The Fluke Model 57LFC System Calibrator (hereafter called the Calibrator) is a precise instrument that calibrates a wide variety of electrical measuring instruments. This calibrator maintains a high accuracy over a wide ambient temperature range, and is able to test instruments in harsh environments, eliminating the restriction of calibrating only in a temperature-controlled standards laboratory. With a 57LFC, you can calibrate precision multimeters that measure ac or dc voltage, ac or dc current, and resistance. The Calibrator operates in a similar manner to the 57XXA series calibrators.
Specifications are provided at the end of this chapter. The Calibrator is a fully­programmable precision source of the following:
DC voltage to 220 V.
AC voltage to 220 V rms, with output available from 10 Hz to 100 kHz.
AC and DC current to 2.2 A, with AC output available from 10 Hz to 20 kHz.
Resistance in values from 0 Ω to 19 Min 1 and 1.9x.
Features of the calibrator include the following:
Automatic meter error calculation obtained through using a simple remote adjust.
Programmable entry limits used for restricting the levels that can be remotely keyed
into the calibrator, preventing access to levels that may be harmful to equipment or personnel.
Real-time clock and calendar.
Offset and scaling modes that simplify linearity testing of multimeters.
Standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface, complying with ANSI/IEEE Standards 488.1-
1987 and 488.2-1987.
Internal self-testing and diagnostics of analog and digital functions.
Status LEDs on front panel to indicate standby (yellow), operate (green), high
voltage (red), and fault (red and yellow).

Service Information

Each calibrator is warranted to the original purchaser for a period of one year beginning on the date received. The warranty is located at the front of this manual.
Service and technical advice for the calibrator is available at Fluke Service Centers. For a complete list of Fluke Service Centers, visit www.fluke.com.
A worldwide network of Fluke service centers supports Fluke instruments and assists customers in many ways. Most service centers have standards and calibration laboratories certified by local national standards organizations. The following is a partial list of the services provided by most service centers:
Repair and certified traceable calibration of all Fluke products.
Certified traceable calibration of many non-Fluke standards and calibrators.
Worldwide exchange of calibrator internal modules. Delivery inside the U.S.A. is
typically within 48 hours.
Service agreements with the flexibility to suit your needs. These can be a simple
warranty extension or an agreement that includes on-site support. Calibration service agreements are also available in many areas.
Service Manual


Training programs and seminars, including laboratory metrology, system
applications, and product maintenance.
Application help and consulting, including system design, hardware selection,
custom software, site evaluation and installation.
Replacement parts inventory, including recommended spare parts and module kits.
Visit www.fluke.com for locations and phone numbers of authorized Fluke service centers.
Table 1-1 summarizes the accessories available for the Calibrator. Following the table is a brief description of each accessory.
Table 1-1. 57LFC Accessories
Model Description
Y8021 IEEE-488 Shielded Interface Cable, 1 Meter
Y8022 IEEE-488 Shielded Interface Cable, 2 Meters
Y5537 Rack Mount Kit for 57LFC and 5500A
Low Thermal EMF Test Lead Set with Banana Plugs: One 4 ft. cable (122 cm) and two 2 ft. (61 cm) cables.
Low Thermal EMF Test Lead Set with Spade Lugs. Two 4 ft. (122 cm) cables and One 2 ft. (61 cm) cable.

Low Thermal EMF Test Leads

Two types of low thermal test leads are available. These cables are designed to exhibit low thermal emfs. The types available are:
Model 5440A-7002. Low Thermal Test Lead cables with banana plugs.
Set includes one 4 ft. (122 cm) cable and two 2 ft. (61 cm) cables. Each cable includes two conductors and a shield lead.
Model 5440A-7003. Low Thermal Test Lead cables with spade lugs.
Set includes two 4 ft. (122 cm) cables and one 2 ft. (61 cm) cable. Each cable includes two conductors and a shield lead. Shield lead has a banana plug connector.

Rack Mount Kit

The rack mount kit provides all the hardware necessary to mount the 57LFC. Rack mount instructions are included with each kit.

Shielded IEEE-488 Cables (Y8021, Y8022, and Y8023)

Shielded IEEE-488 cables are available in two lengths (See Table 1-1). The cables attach the calibrator to any other IEEE-488 device. Each cable has double 24-pin connectors at both ends to allow stacking. Metric threaded mounting screws are provided with each connector. Figure 4-2 in Chapter 4 shows the pinout for the IEEE-488 connector.
Introduction and Specifications
Contacting Fluke 1

Contacting Fluke

All Calibrators delivered to the Navy, contractors and subcontractors for the RTCASS program will be repaired and calibrated at the Fluke Technical Support Center in Everett, Washington. Contact Fluke Technical Support at 1-888-993-5853 or by sending a fax to 1-425-446-6390. The address for the Fluke Technical Support
Center address is:
Fluke Technical Support Center 1420 75th ST SW Everett, WA 98203-6256 U. S. A.
Once full production is started the following service centers will also maintain and calibrate the Calibrator in Europe.
Customer Support Services Science Park Eindhoven 5108 5692 EC Son Netherlands
and in Asia,
Customer Support Services Heinrich Hertz Straße 11 D-34123 Kassel Germany
Service Center 83 Clemenceau Avenue #15-15/06 Ue Square 239920 Singapore
Service Manual


General Specifications

Factory set IEEE488 address ....... 4
Warm-up Time ...............................Twice the time since last warmed up, to a maximum of 30 minutes
Temperature Performance............ Operating: 0 to 50 °C
Temperature Coefficient............... Temperature Coefficient for temperatures outside tcal ±5 °C is 10% of
Relative Humidity
Safety .............................................Designed to comply with IEC 61010-1 2000-1; ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994;
Analog Low Isolation .................... 20 V
EMC ................................................Designed to comply with IEC 61326-1 2000-11 (EMC) Class A Criteria
Line Power
Settling Time.................................. 3 to 10 seconds, similar to 5700A.
Chassis Dimensions, H x W x D ... 178 mm x 432 mm x 457 mm (7 in x 17 in x 18 in) maximum
Weight ............................................ Less than 18.15 kg (40 pounds)
Electrical/Signal Interface............. Fluke 5700A/LP equivalent signal interface, AC Mains, IEEE-488, and
Cooling........................................... 1.42 cubic meters (50 cubic feet) per minute
The 57LFC System Calibrators are verified and calibrated at the factory prior to shipment to ensure they meet the accuracy standards required for all certified calibration laboratories. By calibrating to the specifications in this chapter, you can maintain the high performance level throughout the life of your calibrator.
Specifications are valid after a warm-up period of twice the time the calibrator has been turned off, up to a maximum of 30 minutes. For example, if the calibrator has been turned off for five minutes, the warm-up period is ten minutes.
To ensure the validity of the specifications, a dc zeros calibration must be performed at least every 15 days. If more than 15 days elapse without a dc zeros calibration a warning message appears. This procedure does not require any external equipment or connections and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Calibration: 15 to 37.7 °C Storage: -40 to 75 °C
the 1-year spec per °C.
Operating: ................................... <95% to 43 °C (non-condensing), <40% to 50 °C.
Storage:....................................... <95%, non-condensing
Operating: ...................................3,050 m (10,000 ft) maximum
Non-operating: ........................... 12,200 m (40,000 ft) maximum
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92
Line Voltage (selectable): ........... 100 V, 120 V, 208 V, and 230 V
Line Frequency: .......................... 47 to 63 Hz
Line Voltage Variation: ................±7% about line voltage setting
Maximum VA: ............................. 200
RS-232 connectors, AC power switch, and Line Voltage selection all on front panel
Internal damage may occur if excessive external power is applied to the binding posts while the instrument is operating in current, voltage, or ohms. In voltage and current, exceeding 30 V may cause damage. In ohms, do not exceed the maximum specified current.
Introduction and Specifications
Specifications 1

Accuracy Specifications

DC Voltage Accuracy
0 mV to 220 mV 0.004% 3 µV 0.1 µV
Absolute Uncertainty,
tcal ±5 °C
±(% output + V) 1 Year
50 output impedance
0 V to 2.2 V 0.0025% 3 µV 1 µV 50 mA
0 V to 11 V 0.0025% 30 µV 10 µV 50 mA
0 V to 22 V 0.0025% 30 µV 10 µV 50 mA
0 V to 220 V 0.004% 300 µV 100 µV 20 mA
[1] Remote sensing provided on all but 220 mV range. Note: minimum output 0 V for all ranges.
Maximum Burden
DC Current Accuracy
0 µA to 220 µA 0.05% 0.02 µA
Absolute Uncertainty,
tcal ±5°
(% of output + A) 1 year
1 ηA
0 mA to 2.2 mA 0.05% 0.05 µA 0.01 µA 10 V 400 µH
0 mA to 22 mA 0.05% 0.25 µA 0.1 µA 10 V 400 µH
0 mA to 220 mA 0.05% 2.5 µA 1 µA 10 V 400 µH
0 A to 2.2 A 0.07% 40 µA 10 µA 4 V 400 µH
Maximum Inductive
10 V 400 µH
Resistance Accuracy
Absolute Uncertainty of
Nominal Resistance
0 0.001 1 0.001
1.9 0.002 10 0.004 19 0.008 100 0.01 190 0.02 1 k 0.1
1.9 k 0.2 10 k 1 19 k 2 100 k 10 190 k 20 1 M 100
1.9 M 200 10 M 4 k 19 M 10 k
[1] Discrete resistors with characterized values stored in non-volatile memory. Specifications apply to the characterized value using 4-wire connections. [2] Active two-wire compensation may be selected for values up to 190 k. Active compensation is 11 mA load and 2 V burden minimum.
Characterized Value,
tcal ± 5 °C
± () 1 Year
Full Specification
Maximum Peak
8 mA to 200 mA 220 mA 0.001
8 mA to 100 mA 220 mA 0.001
8 mA to 100 mA 220 mA 0.001
8 mA to 11 mA 220 mA 0.001
8 mA to 11 mA 160 mA 0.001
8 mA to 11 mA 70 mA 0.001
8 mA to 11 mA 50 mA 0.001
1 mA to 2 mA 22 mA 0.010
1 mA to 1.5 mA 16 mA 0.010
0.1 mA to 0.5 mA 3 mA 0.100
0.05 mA to 0.25 mA 1.6 mA 0.200
0.01 mA to 0.1 mA 0.3 mA 1.000
5 µA to 50 µA 0.16 mA 2.000
5 µA to 20 µA 30 µA NA
2.5 µA to 10 µA 16 µA NA
0.5 µA to 2 µA 3 µA NA
0.25 µA to 1 µA 1.6 µA NA
Two-Wire Active
Adder (ohms)
Service Manual
AC Voltage Accuracy
Ranges Frequency
10 mV to 22 mV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 20 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.08% 20 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.25% 20 µV
Absolute Uncertainty,
tcal ±5 °C
± (% output + V) 1 year
1 µV
[1] [2]
50 output impedance
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.5% 50 µV
22 mV to 220 mV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 50 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.05% 50 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.25% 50 µV
1 µV
50 output impedance
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.4% 200 µV
0.22 V to 2.2 V
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.1% 250 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.05% 100 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.1% 320 µV
10 µV 50 mA
50 to 100 kHz 0.25% 2000 µV
2.2 V to 22 V
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.1% 1 mV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.05% 1 mV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.1% 1 mV
100 µV 50 mA
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.25% 2 mV
22 V to 220 V
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.1% 10 mV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.05% 10 mV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.25% 20 mV
1 mV 20 mA
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.5% 50 mV
[1] Remote sensing provided on all but 22 mV and 220 mV ranges. Maximum output current is reduced by 50% above 40 °C. Maximum load capacitance
is 500 pF.
[2] V x Hz limited to 11.8e6.
Note: Frequency uncertainty is specified to be 0.01% of frequency setting.
Introduction and Specifications
Specifications 1
AC Voltage Distortion
Max Distortion and noise
Ranges Frequency
10 mV to 22 mV
22 mV to 220 mV
0.22 V to 2.2 V
2.2 V to 22 V
22 V to 220 V
[1] For larger resistive loads, multiply uncertainty specifications by (actual load/maximum full load for accuracy)2.
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 90 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.035% 90 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.15% 90 µV
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.25% 90 µV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 90 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.035% 90 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.15% 90 µV
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.20% 90 µV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 200 µV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.035% 200 µV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.15% 200 µV
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.20% 200 µV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 2 mV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.035% 2 mV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.2% 2 mV
50 kHz to 100 kHz 0.5% 2 mV
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.15% 10 mV
45 Hz to 20 kHz 0.05% 10 mV
20 kHz to 50 kHz 0.8% 10 mV
50 kHz to 100 kHz 1.0% 10 mV
10 Hz to 10 MHz Bandwidth
±(% output + V)
Service Manual
AC Current Accuracy
10 Hz to 20 Hz
20 Hz to 45 Hz
30 µA to 220 µA
45 Hz to 1 kHz
1 kHz to 5 kHz
5 kHz to 10 kHz
10 Hz to 20 Hz
20 Hz to 45 Hz
0.22 mA to 2.2 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz
1 kHz to 5 kHz
5 kHz to 10 kHz
10 Hz to 20 Hz
20 Hz to 45 Hz
2.2 mA to 22 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz
1 kHz to 5 kHz
5 kHz to 10 kHz
10 kHz to 20 kHz
10 Hz to 20 Hz
20 Hz to 45 Hz
22 mA to 220 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz
1 kHz to 5 kHz
5 kHz to 10 kHz
10 kHz to 20 kHz
0.22 A to 2.2 A
10 Hz to 45 Hz
45 Hz to 1 kHz
1 kHz to 5 kHz
5 kHz to 10 kHz
[1] 400 µH with inductive compensation ON.
[2] See AC Current Compliance Adder and Distortion Table for impact of compliance voltage on specification.
[3] I-guard, (as on the 5700A rear panel), required when sourcing low-level currents through a long cable.
Note: Frequency uncertainty is specified to be 0.01% of frequency setting.
Absolute Uncertainty,
tcal ±5 °C
±(% of output + A) 1 year
0.3% 0.2 µA
0.15% 0.2 µA
0.125% 0.2 µA
0.01 µA 7 V 50 µH
0.4% 0.3 µA
1.5% 0.4 µA
0.2% 0.3 µA
0.15% 0.3 µA
0.1% 0.3 µA
0.1 µA 7 V 50 µH
0.2% 0.3 µA
0.8% 0.5 µA
0.2% 3 µA
0.1% 3 µA
0.1% 3 µA
0.2% 3 µA
1 µA 7 V 50 µH
0.4% 5 µA
0.8% 5 µA
0.18% 30 µA
0.1% 30 µA
0.1% 30 µA
0.3% 50 µA
10 µA 7 V 50 µH
0.4% 100 µA
0.8% 200 µA
0.18% 300 µA 100 µA 4 V 2.5 µH
0.1% 300 µA
1% 3000 µA
5% 5000 µA
Voltage (rms)
Introduction and Specifications
Specifications 1
AC Current Distortion
Maximum Resistive
Ranges Frequency
Load For Full
10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15% 0.5 µA
20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.1% 0.5 µA
30 µA to 220 µA
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.05% 0.5 µA
20 k
1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.5% 0.5 µA
5 kHz to 10 kHz
1.0% 0.5 µA
10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15% 1.5 µA
20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.06% 1.5 µA
10 k
0.22 mA to 2.2 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.05% 1.5 µA
1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.5% 1.5 µA
5 kHz to 10 kHz
1.0% 1.5 µA
10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15% 5 µA
20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.05% 5 µA
2.2 mA to 22 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.07% 5 µA
1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.3% 5 µA
3.18 k
5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.7% 5 µA
10 kHz to 20 kHz
1.0% 5 µA
10 Hz to 20 Hz 0.15% 50 µA
20 Hz to 45 Hz 0.05% 50 µA
22 mA to 220 mA
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.07% 50 µA
1 kHz to 5 kHz 0.30% 50 µA
5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.70% 50 µA
10 kHz to 20 kHz
1.0% 50 µA
10 Hz to 45 Hz 0.2% 500 µA
0.22 A to 2.2 A
[1] For larger resistive loads, multiply uncertainty specifications by actual load/maximum full load for accuracy.
Note: Current times Load cannot exceed the maximum compliance voltage.
45 Hz to 1 kHz 0.07% 500 µA
1 kHz to 5 kHz 1.0% 500 µA
5 Hz to 10 kHz
2.0% 500 µA
Max Distortion & Noise
10 Hz to 50 kHz BW
<0.5V Burden
±(%output + A)
Service Manual
1-12 2-1
Chapter 2

Theory of Operation

Title Page
Introduction........................................................................................................ 2-3
A1 LED PCA..................................................................................................... 2-5
A3 Motherboard PCA........................................................................................ 2-5
Relay Control and Switch Matrix.................................................................. 2-5
LED Control and Output Cables ................................................................... 2-10
Signal Buses .................................................................................................. 2-10
Low Volt Buffer ............................................................................................ 2-10
In-guard Power Supplies ............................................................................... 2-10
Outguard Power Supplies.............................................................................. 2-11
Miscellaneous Circuits .................................................................................. 2-11
Troubleshooting Test Points.......................................................................... 2-12
List of Fuses .................................................................................................. 2-13
A5 Ohms PCA ................................................................................................... 2-13
Precision Resistor Networks.......................................................................... 2-14
Relay Switch Matrix and Control.................................................................. 2-14
Other Control Circuits................................................................................... 2-26
Guard Circuits ............................................................................................... 2-26
Compensation Circuits .................................................................................. 2-27
Monitor...................................................................................................... 2-27
Diagnostics................................................................................................ 2-29
A6 Digital Synthesis PCA ................................................................................. 2-33
Precision, Dual Tracking, +/-7 V References................................................ 2-33
Precision, 28bit, PWM, Dual DAC's ............................................................. 2-33
DC Voltage Operation................................................................................... 2-34
DDS Waveform Generation .......................................................................... 2-34
AC Voltage Operation................................................................................... 2-35
DC Current Operation ................................................................................... 2-35
AC Current Operation ................................................................................... 2-35
Thermocouple Temperature Measurement.................................................... 2-35
Iso-thermal Block Reference Junction Temperature Measurement .............. 2-36
Thermocouple Voltage Measurement: .......................................................... 2-36
Thermocouple Temperature Simulation........................................................ 2-36
Analog to Digital Converter .......................................................................... 2-36
Fault Detection .............................................................................................. 2-36
Digital Control............................................................................................... 2-37
A7 Current PCA................................................................................................. 2-37
Service Manual
Detailed Hardware Description of DC/AC Current....................................... 2-40
Low Current Output Amplifier...................................................................... 2-40
Mid-Current Output Amplifier ...................................................................... 2-41
High Current Output Amplifier ..................................................................... 2-42
High Current Amplifier Power Supplies (Mongo Supplies) ......................... 2-43
A8 High Voltage PCA ....................................................................................... 2-44
Detailed Hardware Description of the 22 V Amplifier ................................. 2-46
Detailed Description of the 220 V Amplifier ................................................ 2-47
Detailed Hardware Description of the High Voltage Regulator.................... 2-49
Heat Sink Temperature Measurement ........................................................... 2-51
Digital Interface and Control......................................................................... 2-51
A9 Out-Guard CPU PCA................................................................................... 2-52
Real Time Clock Memory............................................................................. 2-52
IEEE-488 Interface........................................................................................ 2-52
+ 178 hidden pages