Fluke 125 Service Guide

Foundation™ Fieldbus:
2 wires + shielding
Device 1 Device 2 Device n-1 Device n
DC Power
Power Supply
Control Room
Factory Floor
Sh Sh
System and Diagnostic Basics
The current trend in factory automation is to replace traditional control schemes in which each device has its own control wiring with bus systems that link a number of devices via the same cable. One benefit of bus networks is that they require far fewer cables and wires to connect devices to controllers. One of the most popular and widely used of these bus systems is Foundation Fieldbus.
Application Note
Figure 1: Basic structure of a Fieldbus set-up.
Developed and administered by the Fieldbus Foundation, which was formed by a group of manu­facturers of factory automation equipment, sensors and actuators, Fieldbus includes two different protocols to meet different needs within the factory automation environment. The two use differ­ent physical media and commu­nication speeds.
The first protocol is H1, which operates at 31.25 kb/s and gen­erally connects to field devices – sensors, actuators, valves, control lights, I/O devices, etc. – and allows for two-way com­munication between devices and a controller. H1 provides both communications and power over a two-wire system. Standard, shielded twisted-pair wiring is recommended to reduce noise interference on the network.
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The second protocol is HSE (High-speed Ethernet) protocol. It operates at 100 Mb/s and typically connects high-speed controllers such as PLCs, multiple H1 subsystems (through a linking device), data servers and work­stations. This application note focuses on the H1 protocol.
Network structure
The basic structure of a H1 Fieldbus network is shown in Figure 1.
The network comprises the main network cable, which interconnects a series of junction boxes or couplers. The couplers allow the devices and the con­troller to be connected to the main cable or trunk. In general, the shorter cables between junc­tion boxes and device are called spurs.
Junction boxes can be built to connect single or multiple devices to the trunk. If each device has a dedicated junction box the topol­ogy is called a spur topology. If multiple devices are connected to the same junction box, the arrangement is typically called a chicken foot or a tree topol- ogy. Most common are mixed networks with both spur and tree topologies, as in Figure 1.
While it is theoretically pos­sible to route the trunk directly from device to device without using junction boxes, the foun­dation recommends against it. Such a topology (called a daisy chain) requires an interruption of the trunk every time a device is removed or added to the net­work.
Fieldbus’ technology imposes limitations on the size of a net
Data Signal Amplitude ( V
DC-supply voltage
Bias Voltage ( V
0 V
e.g. 800 mV
e.g. 24 V
work. The maximum length of all the wiring in a trunk and its spurs added together is 1900 m (approx. 6250 ft) per section. If more length is required, one can add a section using a repeater. A repeater takes the place of a device, but adding it allows for another 1900 m of cable. A net­work may use as many as four repeaters for a total length of 9500 m (31000 ft.).
Note that the shielding is con­nected to earth-ground at only one point in the entire system, and that is important. Grounding the shielding at multiple places can induce stray voltages and currents in the shielding, which can interfere with data commu­nications.
The maximum number of connected field bus devices per section is 32.
As shown in Figure 1, a DC power source is required to pro­vide DC supply or bias voltage. If the DC power source were con­nected directly to the trunk, it would create a short circuit for the AC signals. Consequently, a network must have a Fieldbus compliant power supply, which is a DC source plus a dedicated filter arrangement. The filter lets DC current pass with minimal losses but creates high imped-
ance for the AC signal coming from the network side.
The trunk, then, is a transmis­sion line, on which the propa­gated speed of AC signals plays an important role. Thus, the trunk must be properly terminated at each end (and only there) for AC signals. Termination is accom­plished using a resistor with impedance equal to the charac­teristic impedance of the cable, usually 100±20 Ω. Given that the network also carries a DC sup­ply voltage, the terminators must have a series capacitor to prevent any DC current from flowing there.
Diagnostic basics
Certain basic diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures can be performed on an H1 Fieldbus network using a Fluke Scopeme­ter. In the following section, we’ll discuss the basics of some of these. More details can be found in a dedicated Application Note ‘Using a Fluke ScopeMeter 125 to troubleshoot Fieldbus Installa­tions’.
Detecting reflections
So-called reflections on a net­work affect communications. In the following example, a reflec­tion is explained for a network that is short circuited at one end.
However, it is important to under­stand that any anomaly, including short circuits and poor termina­tions, will create reflections.
Consider what will happen when a step voltage is applied to one end of a long cable in which the other end is short-circuited. Initially, the applied voltage will encounter the cable’s impedance and will build up a voltage level between the conductors. This step voltage will travel through the cable at a speed determined by the type and construction of the cable. For cables used in H1 Field­bus networks, that speed is about two-thirds the speed of light in a vacuum: 2/3 x 3 x 10
m/s, or approx. 660 x 106 ft/s.
m/s = 2 x
When the step voltage reaches the short circuit, the voltage level will suddenly change to zero. This change may be viewed as a step-voltage of opposite polar­ity, back to zero, because there can be no voltage across a short circuit. At that point, the voltage level anywhere else along the line is still the voltage level originally applied.
Next, this new opposite­polarity step voltage travels back toward the voltage source. Only once it has made the round trip (has been reflected back), will the short circuit at the other end be apparent on the input side. But the reflecting process does take a certain amount of time. How much time it takes will depend upon the length of the cable. Travel time in one direction will be the cable length divided by the speed of the signal.
Figure 2: The voltage on the Fieldbus includes a DC-supply voltage and the actual bus signal.
For the maximum length of an H1 Fieldbus section, the time, t, is
t = {1900 m ÷ (2 x 108m/s)} = 9.5 µs.
The amount of time it would take a step voltage to travel down a maximum-length trunk and back
is thus 2 x 9.5 µs = 19 µs.
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