Flow meters, applications assistance and technical support
C-SF45-A Series
Instruction Manual
P.N. C-SF99-B001
35 Green Mountain Dr
South Burlington, VT 05403
C-SF45-A series turbine f ow sensors measures the f ow of hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, #2 diesel fuel, and other light transmitting, non-corrosive liquids of similar viscosity. Typical fuel f ow applications include aircraft fuel monitoring systems; gasoline, diesel,
and gas turbine engine test stands; and industrial furnaces.
The transducers give repeatable signals on gasoline across a 100 to 1 f ow range down to 0.3
GPH. The higher viscosity of diesel fuel reduces signal repeatability at f ow rates below 2 GPH.
Pressure drops are very low compared to other turbine f ow sensors. The sensor’s bearing
system is rated for continuous operation at the upper end of the f ow range.
The sensor produces a current pulse signal from an opto-electronic pickup with a preamplif er.
Liquid enters the f ow chamber tangentially, follows a helical f ow path, and exits vertically,
thereby venting any entrained vapor bubbles. The rotational velocity of the liquid is directly proportional to f ow rate. A neutrally buoyant rotor spins with the liquid between V-jewel bearings.
Rotor movement is sensed when notches in the rotor interrupt an infrared light beam between
an LED and phototransistor.
The vapor venting design requires that the transducer be positioned with the wires pointing
up. Turbulence caused by valves or sharp elbows mounted close to the transducer inlet can
affect the sensor’s K-Factor and should be minimized.
Model Number C-SF45-A001 C-SF45-A002 C-SF45-A003
Flow Range,
Gasoline 0.3 - 30 GPH 0.6 - 60 GPH 2.0 - 80 GPH
#2 Diesel 2.0 - 30 GPH 3.0 - 60 GPH 8.0 - 80 GPH
Approximate K Factor
(Pulses/Gallon @ 16 GPH)
Gasoline 32,000 28,000 - 31,000 24,000
#2 Diesel 33,000 28,000 25,000
Pressure Drop
Gasoline 0.6 psi @ 15 GPH 1.2 psi @ 30 GPH 1.4 psi @ 40 GPH
2.4 psi @ 30 GPH 4.8 psi @ 60 GPH 5.8 psi @ 80 GPH
#2 Diesel 0.8 psi @ 15 GPH 1.5 psi @ 30 GPH 1.8 psi @ 40 GPH
3.0 psi @ 30 GPH 6.0 psi @ 60 GPH 7.2 psi @ 80 GPH
Repeatability ±0.5% @ 16 G ±0.5% @ 16 ±0.5% @ 16 GPH
Working Pressure 200 psi 200 psi 200 psi
Temperature Range -65° / 100°C -65° / 100°C -65° / 100°C
Bearing Life Expectancy 10,000 hr. min. 10,000 hr. min. 10,000 hr. min.
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