Spot IR Thermometers
The TG54 and TG56 Spot IR (Infrared) Thermometers provide non-
contact sur face temperature readings so you can quickly and easily take
measurements in places that are out of reach. Providing a distance -to-spot
ratio of up to 30:1, the TG54 and TG56 can measure smaller targets from
a safer distance. New mode options give you control to view your current
reading and last two temperature readings simultaneously. The TG54 and
TG56 are built with a color screen that makes it easy to navigate and select
settings, plus adds visibility and efficiency to the advanced feature set. The
TG54 and TG56 are your go-to, pocket-sized devices for efficient temperature
Measure high and low.
Easily take measurements in hard-to-reach spots from farther away
• Take non-contact surface temperature measurements with IR
(infrared) sensor
• 24:1 or 30:1 spot ratio to measure smaller targets from a safer distance
TG54 and TG56 fe ature po werful L ED worklig hts
Easil y identi fy measur ement loca tion wit h built-i n laser
• Easily identify measurement location with built-in laser targeting
Simple to use.
Color display, easy to navigate
• Graphical menu structure allows easy access to settings
• Easy emissivity selection with predetermined levels and custom adjustment
• Stunning visual high and low alarms
Convenient and rugged design.
Portable, compact size
• Rugged, industrial design that can withstand a three meter drop
• Bright worklight to help you see your target in poor lighting conditions
• Tool-less battery compartment

Spot IR Specifications TG54 TG56
Distance to Spot Ratio (D:S) 24:1 30:1
Range -30˚C to 650˚C (-22°F to 1202° F)
Basic Accuracy ±1˚C/1.8°F or 1% of Reading
Emissivity Adjustable with 4 presets and custom option
Resolution 0.1 ˚C / 0.1˚ F
Response ≤150 Milliseconds
Spectral Response 5 to 14 microns
Thermocouple (TC) Input Specifications
Input Type - K
Input Range - -30˚C to 650˚C (-22°F to 1202° F)
Input Basic Accuracy - '±1˚C/1.8 °F or 1% of Reading
Measurement Resolution - 0.1 ˚C / 0.1˚ F
Included Type K Thermocouple Probe Range - -30 ˚C to 300˚C (-22°F to 1202°F)
Max / Min Yes
Differential (MAX-MIN) Yes
AVG (6k pts running average) Yes
TC / IR Differential Mode - Yes
Alarm High / Low
Alarm Alert Color (Red / Blue) indication
Display (w x h) 1.45” TFT LCD (128 x 128 pixels)
Laser Orientation Single laser pointer to center of measurement spot, Class 1
Warranty* 5 Ye ar
IP Rating Designed for IP56 Drop Test Designed for 3m
Continuous Run Time 8hrs Maximum
Power Source 3 x AA A alkaline
Auto Power Off Yes with Pre- set adjustment level and Disable option
Certifications CE / FDA Laser
Includes Wrist Strap Lanyard, Quick Start Guide, User Manual (CD), 3 x AAA Batteries, ( TG56 adds General Purpose Type K Thermocouple)
Ordering Information UPC EAN
TG54 793950400548 0793950400548
TG56 793950400562 0793950400562
TA60 Thermocouple Probe with Adapter 793950377604 0793950377604
TG56 feat ures therm ocouple Type K i nput
FLIR S ystems, Inc.
9 Townsend West
Nashua, NH 03063
PH: +1 866.477.3687
FLIR Systems
Luxemburgstraat 2
232 1 Meer
PH : +32 (0) 3665 5100
Equipment described herein may require US Government authorization for
expo rt purpos es. Diver sion contr ary to US law is p rohibited . Imagery f or
illust ration pur poses only. S pecifica tions are sub ject to chan ge without
notic e. ©2015 FL IR System s, Inc. All ri ghts rese rved. (Upd ated 08/1 2/15)
Corporate Headquar ters
FLIR S ystems, Inc.
27700 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070
PH: +1 866.477.3687
FLIR S ystems UK
2 Kings Hill Av. - Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4 AQ
United Kingdom
Tel. : +44 (0)1732 220 011
Fax : +4 4 (0)1732 843 70 7
E-mail : flir@flir.com