Which FLIR Thermal Camera Resolution is Right for You?
Maybe you’re simply looking to replace your old-school IR thermometer with a serious thermal
imaging tool. Perhaps you need a camera that meets RESNET resolution standards and gives
you a wider field of view to scan larger areas. Or higher resolutions for greater image detail and
temperature accuracy that helps tell the story even better. Whatever your infrared inspection
program or business calls for, FLIR offers the best choice of resolutions, features, and
innovations to create the right mix and the right fit.
60 × 60 (3,600 Pixels)
12.5° × 12.5° FOV
Visit ww w.flir.com, or call 866.477.3687
*The the rmal images s hown a re fo r illustr ati ve pur poses only, and may no t have b een t aken by the camera s erie s depi cte d.
100 × 100 (10,000 Pixels)
21° × 21° FOV
140 × 140 (19,600 Pixels)
29° × 29° FOV
E30 & E40
160 × 120 (19,200 Pixels)
25° × 19° FOV (Standard)*
*Optional lenses available. See specifications for details.
240 × 180 (43,200 Pixels)
25° × 19° FOV (Standard)*
E60, T420 & T440
320 × 240 (76,800 Pixels)
25° × 19° FOV (Standard)*
T620 & T640
640 × 480 (307,200 Pixels)
25° × 19° FOV (Standard)*