FLIR T420 & T440
High Performance Infrared Camera With on-board
Visual Camera, Thermal Fusion, Touch Screen,
Wi-Fi Connectivity, & Interchangeable Lens,
Plus MSX™ Image Enhancement & FOV Match
Get maximum fl exibility and effi ciency out of 320 x 240
thermal imaging from our new T400 line:
Superior Thermal Imaging – Sharp thermal resolution
at 76,800 pixels for solid accuracy from farther away
New! MSX™ Enhancement – Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging
adds visible spectrum defi nition to IR images in real time for
extraordinary thermal detail that instantly highlights and orients
problem locations (T440 only)
New! Field of View (FOV) Match – Now you have the option to
automatically match the visible camera fi eld of view to the IR FOV
for better documentation
Wi-Fi Connectivity – Send images and data to smart phones and
tablets (ie. iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® , or Android™) to share images
and critical information quickly using FLIR Tools Mobile app
Accurate Temperature Measurements – Accuracy calibrated
within +/– 2°C or +/– 2% of reading
High Temperature Range – measuring up to 2192°F (1200°C)
targeting electrical and industrial applications (T440 model)
Scalable P-i-P and Thermal Fusion – Blend thermal with visible
light images on-screen; includes picture-in-picture window sizing
Multiple Measurements – Add up to 5 box areas and 5 moveable
spots using the touchscreen to gather more detailed information
METERLiNK® – Wirelessly transmit vital diagnostic data from
clamp and moisture meters directly to the camera for annotating
thermal images to further support fi ndings and decisions
Annotation – Add voice comments via Bluetooth headset and text
notes from the touchscreen keypad; New! T440 has image sketch
feature to draw circles and pointers on IR/Visual stored images
InstantReport – Create PDF document directly from the camera
Includes – SD Memory Card, 100-260V AC adaptor/charger, two
Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, 2-bay battery charger, power supply
(with multi-plugs), FLIR Tools software, USB cable, video cable, sun
shield, Bluetooth® headset, lens cap, neckstrap, and hard case
Built -in 3.1MP Digi tal Camera, LED
Lamp, La ser Pointer, Fine Focus
Adjus t, and Auto f ocus & Im age
Capt ure Butt on. 120° Rot ati ng
Lens with 8X C ont inuou s Zoom
Ther mal Fus ion is an
Infr ared image shown a bove,
below or within t empe rat ure
interval blended onto a
digital im age
Wireless METERLiNK
Communication via
Bluetoo th
Wi-Fi Connectivity
Original IR Ima ge on th e Lef t and with MS X™
Enhancemen t on the Right i mage (available on
T44 0 mo d el)

Utility Marke t — Uti lities worldw ide use inf rared cameras t o
loca te pr oblems or to detect ho t spots and o ther prob lems
befo re th ey turn int o cos tly failu res an d product ion
down time or dangerou s elec tri cal fi res.
Elect ric al Insp ect ions — W ith FLIR thermal im aging c amer as
elec tri cal contr act ors c an scan elec tri cal cabinets/panel s
and com ponents f or a non -co ntact vi ew of co ndit ions.
Imaging Specifi cations
Temperature range -4°F to 1202°F (-20°C to 650°C) -4°F to 2192°F (-20°C to 1200°C)
Zoom 4X Continuous 8X Continuous
LCD Image Sket ch — Draw on stored images right on touchscreen
Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) — IR image with enhanced de tail present ation
Measurement Preset s — Presets for s tandard measurements
Profi le Measurement Analysis — Shows a live graph of temperatures across a
Frame Rate 60Hz
Field of view/Minimum focus distance/FOV Match 25° x 19° / 1.31ft (0.4m) / Field of View Match where Digit al Image FOV adapts to the IR lens
Focus Manual/Automatic
Thermal sensitivity (N.E.T.D) <0.045°C at 30°C
Detector Type - Fo cal plane arr ay (FPA) uncooled m icro bolometer 320 x 240 pixels
Spectral range 7.5 to 13μm
Display Built -in t ouch-screen 3.5" color LCD
Image modes Thermal/Visual/Fusion/P-i-P and Thumbnail Gallery
Image Storage 1000 radiome tric JPEG images (SD card memory)
Image annotation Voice (60 sec); text comments, Sketch, image markers on IR
Periodic image st orage 7 seconds to 24 hours (IR) and 14 seconds t o 24 hours(IR and visual)
Lens 25° (optional 6°, 15°, 45°, 90°, Close up 100, 50μm lenses available)
Video Lamp Bright LED lamp
Laser Classifi cation/Type Class 2/Semiconductor AlGalnP Diode Laser: 1mW/635nm (red)
Set-up controls Mode selector, color palet tes, confi gure info t o be shown in image, local adap tation o f units,
Measurement modes 5 Spot met ers, 5 Box areas, Isotherm, Auto hot/cold spot, Delta T
Measurement correction Refl ected ambien t temperature & emissiv it y cor rec tion
Video Recor ding in Camera and Video Streaming Non-radiometric IR-video recor ding (MPEG-4 to memory card), Radiometric IR-video streaming
Instant Repor t Create a Thermographic Inspection report directly in the camera
Batter y Type/operating time Li-lon/ >4 hours, Display shows batter y status
Charging sy stem In camera AC adapter/2 bay charging sys tem
Shock / Vibra tion 25G, IEC 60068-2-29 / 2G, IEC 60068-2-6
Dimensions/Weight 4.2x7.9x4.9" (106x201x125mm)/1.94lbs (0.88kg), including battery
2-5-10 Warrant y When the camera is regist ered within 60 days: 2 years on Parts/Labor for t he Camera;
line on the image
language, date and time format s, and image gallery
(Full dynamic to PC using USB or Wi-Fi), and Non-radiometric IR-video streaming (MPEG-4 using
Wi-Fi and uncompr essed colorized video using USB)
5 years of Coverage on Batteries; 10 years of Protection on the IR De tector
Ordering Information
62101-0101 .......................................FLIR T420 Thermal Imaging InfraRed C amer a (320x240)
62101-0301 ......................................FLIR T440 Thermal Imaging InfraRed Camer a (320x240)
1196 39 8 ............................................ Li-Ion Rechargeable Batter y
1910490 ...........................................Cigar et te Lighter Adapter Kit, 12VDC (1.2m cable)
T197650 ............................................2-Bay Battery Charger including Power Suppl y (multi plugs)
T911048 ............................................ Camera Pouch Case
T197717 ............................................ FLIR Repor ter Prof essional
4114887 ............................................FLIR ThermaTrak™
ITC LEVEL I .........................................ITC Level I Certifi cation Training per attendee
PH: +1 877.239.8324 | FAX+1 603.324.7864 | www.extech.com/tseries
Equipment descr ibed herein may re quir e US Government au thoriza tion for ex por t pur pose s. Diversi on con tra ry to US law is prohibited. Imagery used fo r
illus tratio n purp oses o nly. Specifi cations a re sub ject to change wi thout not ice. ©2 012 FLIR Syst ems, In c. All ri ght s reserved. 3300 (Re v. 04/12)
10-Year Detecto r
5-Year Batter y
2-Year Part s & Labo r
www.fl ir.com