FLIR Photon, A320, A325 Manual Book

IR Automation Guidebook:
Temperature Monitoring and Control with IR Cameras
IR Automation Guidebook:
Temperature Monitoring and Control with IR Cameras
Published by FLIR Systems Incorporated This booklet may not be reproduced in any form without the permission in writing from FLIR Systems Incorporated. • 1 800 GO-INFRA © Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
USA, Canada and Latin America
FLIR Systems Incorporated
America’s Main Oce, USA Boston, MA 1-800-GO-INFRA (464-6372) or 1-978-901-8000
Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa
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International Main Oce, Sweden Tel: +32 3 287 87 10
Preface iv
Chapter 1
Typical Monitoring and Control Applications 1
Chapter 2
Remote IR Monitoring 5
Chapter 3
Temperature Measurement for Automated Processes 17
Chapter 4
Combining Machine Vision and Temperature Measurement 25
Chapter 5
Real-Time Control Issues 32
Appendix A
Glossary 40
Appendix B
Thermographic Measurement Techniques 43
Appendix C
History and Theory of Infrared Technology 45
Appendix D
Command Syntax Examples for A320 Resource Socket Services 58
Appendix E
Quick Summary of FLIR IR Cameras
Inside Back Cover
Manufacturing and process engineers are under constant pressure to make production systems and processes more
ecient and less costly. Frequently, their
solutions use automation techniques to
improve throughput and product quality. Automated IR (infrared) radiation imaging oers the potential for improving a host of industrial production applications,
including process monitoring and
control, quality assurance, asset management, and machine condition
This handbook is intended to help those
considering the creation or improvement
of production automation or monitoring
systems with IR cameras. Numerous
application examples will be presented
with explanations of how these IR vision
systems can best be implemented.
Some of the major topics that will be
covered include:
Integration of IR cameras into automation systems
Data communications interfaces Command and control of
thermographic cameras Principles of thermographic
measurements Interfacing with a PC or PLC controller Standard software packages for IR
camera systems
These complex matters require attention
to many details; therefore, this handbook cannot answer every question a system designer will have about the use of
IR cameras in automated systems. It
is meant to serve only as a roadmap
through the major issues that must be
faced in IR vision system design.
Typical Monitoring and
Control Applications
Typical Monitoring and
Control Applications
Temperature Measurements with IR Cameras
Infrared (IR) radiation is not detectable by the human eye, but an IR camera can convert it into a visual image that depicts thermal variations across an object or scene. IR covers a portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum from
approximately 900 to 14,000 nanometers (0.9–14 µm). IR is emitted by all objects at temperatures above absolute zero, and
the amount of radiation increases with
temperature. A properly calibrated IR
camera can capture thermographic images
of target objects and can provide accurate non-contact temperature measurements of those objects. These quantitative measurements can be used in a variety of
monitoring and control applications.
In contrast, other types of IR imagers provide only relative temperature
dierences across an object or scene.
Hence, they are used to make qualitative assessments of the target objects,
primarily in monitoring applications where thermal images are interpreted
based on temperature contrast. One
example is to identify image areas that
correlate to physical anomalies, such as construction or sub-surface details, liquid levels, etc.
In some cases, an IR camera is justiably
referred to as a smart sensor. In these
cases the IR camera has built-in logic
and analytics that allows the comparison
of measured temperatures with user-
supplied temperature data. It also has a
digital I/O interface so that a dierential
temperature can be used for alarm and
control functions. In addition, a smart
IR camera is a calibrated thermographic
instrument capable of accurate non-
contact temperature measurements.
IR cameras with these capabilities operate much like other types of smart
temperature sensors. They have fast, high-resolution A/D (Analog to Digital) converters that sample incoming data, pass it through a calibration function, and provide temperature readouts. They may also have other communication interfaces that provide an output stream of analog
or digital data. This allows thermographic images and temperature data to be transmitted to remote locations for process monitoring and control.
Generally, smart IR cameras are used in quantitative applications that
require accurate measurements of the temperature dierence between a target object and its surroundings. Since temperature changes in most processes
are relatively slow, the near-real-time data
communications of smart IR cameras are adequate for many process control loops
and machine vision systems.
Automation Applications
Typical automated applications using IR cameras for process temperature monitoring and control include:
Continuous casting, extrusion, and roll
forming Discrete parts manufacturing Production where contact temperature
measurements pose problems Inspection and quality control Packaging production and operations
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Environmental, machine, and safety
monitoring Temperature monitoring as a proxy for
other variables
The examples below demonstrate a wide
range of applications that can be served
with IR cameras. Potential applications are limited only by the imagination of the system designer.
Plywood Mill Machine Monitoring
Problem: Steam from open vats of hot water obscures the machinery operator’s view of the logs as they are maneuvered for proper alignment in the log vat.
Solution: An IR camera can present an
image to the operator that makes the
cloud of steam virtually transparent,
thereby allowing logs to be properly
aligned in the log vat. This example of a qualitative application is illustrated in Figure 1.
Production Testing of Car Seat Heaters
Problem: Using contact temperature
sensors to assure proper operation of optional car seat heaters slows down production and is inaccurate if sensors are not properly placed.
Solution: An IR camera can detect
thermal radiation from the heater
elements inside the seats and provide an accurate non-contact temperature
This quantitative measurement can be
made with a camera that is permanently
mounted on a xture that is swung
into measurement position when the car reaches a designated point
on the assembly line. A monitor near that position provides an image with a temperature scale that reveals the
temperature of the car seat heater
elements, as shown in Figure 2.
The Problem
• Operatorscannotseethroughthesteam cloudcausedbycondensationincoolerair temperatures.
The Solution
• IRoersanotherpairof“eyes”tosee throughthesteamintothelogvatfor properlogalignment.
Figure 1. Plywood mill application
Typical Monitoring and Control Applications
Packaging Operations
Problem: On a high-speed packaging line, ecient methods for non­destructive testing of a glued box seal are scarce, and most tend to be very cumbersome. In addition, the glue
application method has a good deal of
variability that must be monitored and
recorded with statistical quality control routines.
Solution: Since the glue is heated prior
to application, its temperature and
The Problem
• Optionalfeaturesinvehiclescannotbe inspectedwithoutsometypeofcontact.
• Thisslowsdownproduction.
• 100%inspectionistedious.
The Solution
• AnIRcameracanbepermanentlymountedto inspecttheseitems.
• AnIRcameracanbeusedinanon-contact method.
Figure 2. Production testing of car seat heater elements
The Problem
• Detectincorrectlysealedboxes.
• Removefailedunitsfromtheline.
• Generateanalarmiftoomanyboxesfail.
• Logstatisticaldataofpass/fail.
The Solution
• Captureathermalimageofthebox.
• Detectpresenceofgluespots.
• Pass/failoneachbox.
• Logstatistics.
Figure 3. Machine vision box seal quality control
Chapter 1
locations on the box lid can be monitored
with an IR camera. Moreover, the image can be digitized in a way that allows this
information to be stored in a statistical quality control database for trend analysis and equipment monitoring as shown in
Figure 3.
This is an example of using dierential temperature as a proxy for another
variable. In this case, temperature
replaces mechanical methods of inspection/testing.
The automation examples presented
in this chapter have barely scratched
the surface of the application space
that smart IR cameras can serve. In the following chapters, more detailed
examples will be presented along with practical information on the implementation of automated systems
that exploit the advantages of IR cameras. These chapters are organized according
to the major types of applications that typically use IR cameras:
Remote thermographic monitoring
Non-contact temperature
measurement for automated processes
Combining IR machine vision with
temperature measurement
Real-time control and monitoring –
issues and answers
Remote IR MonitoringChapter 
Remote IR Monitoring
Infrared radiation is emitted by all objects
at temperatures above absolute zero
and is detectable by IR cameras. Since
these cameras have various means of
communicating thermographic images
and temperatures to remote locations,
they are ideal for remote and unattended
monitoring. Moreover, smart IR cameras (those with built-in logic, analytics, and data communications), can compare
the temperatures obtained from their
thermographic images with user-dened
settings. This allows the camera to output a digital signal for alarm and
control purposes, while also providing live images.
IR Camera Operation
IR camera construction is similar to
a digital video camera. The main
components are a lens that focuses IR
onto a detector, plus electronics and
software for processing and displaying thermographic images and temperatures
on an LCD or CRT monitor (Figure 1). Instead of a charge coupled device that video and digital still cameras use,
the IR camera detector is a focal plane
array (FPA) of micrometer size pixels made of various materials sensitive to
IR wavelengths. FPA resolution ranges from about 80×80 pixels up to 1024×1024 pixels. In some IR cameras, the video
processing electronics include the logic and analytical functions mentioned
earlier. Camera rmware allows the user to focus on a specic area of the FPA or use the entire detector area for calculating minimum, maximum, and average temperatures. Typically,
temperature measurement precision is ±°C or better.
The camera lens and distance to the
target object results in a eld of view (FOV) that determines the spot size covered by each pixel. The pixel’s analog
output represents the intensity of heat
energy received from the spot it covers on the target object. In FLIR IR cameras, the A/D converters that digitize the pixel output have resolutions that range from 8 bits (28 or 0–255 pixels) up to 14 bits (214 or 0–16383 pixels). The thermographic
image seen on the monitor screen is the result of a microprocessor mapping
these pixel output values to a color or gray scale scheme representing relative temperatures. In addition, radiometric
information associated with the heat energy impinging on a pixel is stored for use in calculating the precise
temperature of the spot covered by
that pixel.
Video Processing Electronics
Detector Cooling
User Interface
User Control
Video Output
Digital Output
Synchronization In/Out
System Status
Figure 1. Simplied block diagram of an IR camera
Chapter 
Hence, IR cameras with these capabilities
operate much like other types of smart temperature sensors. Their calibrated
outputs can be accessed via one or more
communication interfaces and monitored
at a remote location. Images saved from
these cameras are fully radiometric1 and
can be analyzed o-line with standard software packages, such as those available from FLIR.
Important Criteria in Remote Monitoring Systems
When considering an IR camera for a
remote monitoring system, some of the important variables to consider are:
Spot size – the smallest feature in a
scene that can be measured
FOV (Field of View) – the area that the
camera sees
Working distance – distance from the
front of the camera lens to the nearest target object
Depth of eld – the maximum depth of
a scene that stays in focus
Resolution – the number of pixels and • size of the sensor’s active area
NETD (Noise Equivalent Temperature • Dierence) – the lowest level of heat
energy that can be measured
Spectral sensitivity – portion of
the IR spectrum that the camera is
sensitive to Temperature measurement range,
precision, and repeatability – a function of overall camera design
1 Radiometry is a measure of how much energy is
radiating from an object, as opposed to thermography,
which is a measure of how hot an object is; the two are related but not the same.
Another fundamental consideration is which portion of a camera’s FOV
contains the critical information required for monitoring purposes. The
objects within the FOV must provide an
accurate indication of the situation being
monitored, based on the temperature
of those objects. Depending on the
situation, the target objects may need
to be in the same position consistently
within the camera’s FOV. Other application variables related to the
monitored scene include:
Emissivity of the target objects• Reected temperatures within the FOV• Atmospheric temperature and
These topics will be covered in more
detail in a subsequent chapter.
Remote Asset Monitoring
One type of application where IR cameras are very useful is in remote monitoring of property, inventory, and other assets to help prevent loss and improve safety. Frequently, this involves storage facilities,
such as warehouses or open areas for bulk materials. The following example
can serve as a general model for setting
up an IR camera monitoring system for this type of application.
Hazardous Waste Storage Monitoring. In this application barrels of chemical waste
products are stored in a covered facility,
but one in which they cannot be totally
protected from moisture. Thus, there is
the possibility of leaks or barrel contents becoming contaminated by air and
moisture, causing a rise in temperature due to a chemical reaction. Ultimately, there is a risk of re, or even an explosion.
Remote IR Monitoring
While visible light cameras might be used in such an application, there often is a line-of-sight problem where many of the barrels cannot be seen, even with
multiple cameras positioned throughout
the storage area. In addition, smoke or ames would have to be present before a visible light camera could detect a
problem. This might be too late for
preventative measures to be taken. In contrast, stand-alone IR cameras
monitoring the facility can detect a
temperature rise within their FOV before re occurs (Figures 2a and 2b).
Depending on the camera manufacturer, several monitoring options are available. For instance, the FLIR A320 camera allows a threshold temperature value to
be set internally for alarm purposes. In
addition, the camera’s logic and clock functions can be congured so that a rise
in temperature must be maintained for a certain period of time before an alarm is sent. This allows the system to ignore a
temporary temperature rise in a camera’s FOV caused by a forklift entering the area
to add or remove barrels. Furthermore,
a hysteresis function can also be used to
prevent an alarm from turning o until
the detected temperature falls well below
the setpoint (Figure 3).
Cameras with a digital I/O interface typically provide an OFF/ON type of
output for alarm purposes. The digital
I/O output is either o or on; when on, it is typically a DC voltage or current. For example, the digital I/O output from a FLIR A320 camera is 10–30VDC for loads of 100mA or less. Typically, the digital I/O output is sent to a PLC (Programble Logic Controller) that controls the portion
of an alarm system associated with the monitored area.
A good way to set up the alarm system is to have all cameras congured so they have a high level digital output when the
temperature is below the alarm condition
that holds a PLC in its non-alarm state.
When the alarm setpoint temperature is
detected, the camera’s digital I/O output goes low (typically zero volts) after an appropriate time delay, causing the PLC
Figure 2a. IR image of a hazardous waste storage area showing two spot temperature readings (26.4°F and 16.8°F) that are in the safe range, plus one reading (98.8°F) that is abnormally high.
Figure 2b. A subsequent image of the same area shows that the abnormal reading in 2a has increased further, causing an alarm to go o.
Chapter 
to go into its alarm state. This creates a
fail-safe system. If power to the camera is lost, then there is no high level output to the PLC, which treats that event just as if a temperature had reached the setpoint,
thereby causing an alarm. This alerts
personnel that they have either lost the
monitoring function or there is indeed a temperature rise.
Image monitoring. Receiving a warning
based on temperature measurements is
very useful, but the real power of IR­based asset monitoring is in the camera’s
image processing capabilities. Control
room personnel can get live images from IR cameras that visible light cameras
and other temperature detectors
cannot provide. Again, cameras vary by manufacturer, but the most versatile ones oer a variety of data communication
formats for sending thermographic
images to remote locations. Increasingly, web-enabled cameras are used to allow
monitoring from any location where a PC
is available.
Figure 4 illustrates a system using the FLIR A320’s Ethernet and TCP/IP
communication protocols in conjunction with its alarm setpoint capabilities. The Ethernet portion of the system allows
cable runs of up to 100 meters in length.
By communicating a digital alarm directly
to the PLC, it can immediately activate a visual and/or audible alarm. The visual
alarm can appear on an annunciator panel telling the operator where the alarm originated; the operator then goes
to the PC to look at live image(s) of that
location. Images and temperature data can be stored for future reference and analysis.
A320 cameras can also be congured to
automatically send temperature data
and images to a PC via e-mail (SMTP) or FTP protocol whenever the temperature setpoint is reached, thereby creating a record for subsequent review.
Threshold T e mperature (Warning On)
Wa rning O T e mperature
O Te mp = On Te mp – Deadband
Also known as deadband
• Can be thought of as another threshold setting – where the smart sensor resets the alarm that was generated when the original setpoint was compromised
Used to prevent signal “chatter
Figure 3. Hysteresis is an important signal processing characteristic of smart IR cameras, which makes monitoring and control functions much more eective.
Remote IR Monitoring
In conjunction with a host controller
running FLIR’s IR MONITOR (or other suitable software), temperature data can be captured for trend analysis. The A320
can also supply a digital compression
of the camera’s analog video signal, which can be sent as MPEG-4 streaming digital video over an Ethernet link to a PC monitor. IR MONITOR can be used to set up temperature measurements, image capture, and camera display functions.
This application allows the PC to display up to nine camera images at a time and switch between additional camera
groups as needed. The FLIR IP CONFIG
software can be used to set up each
camera’s IP address.
After the cameras are congured, the
PC used for monitoring does not need to remain on the network continually. By using the FTP and SMTP protocols
within the camera, the user can receive radiometric images upon alarm events or on a time based schedule. Also, any
available PC with a web browser can be used to access the cameras web server for live video and basic control. This web
interface is password protected.
Most IR cameras have an analog video output in a PAL or NTSC format. Therefore, another image monitoring
possibility is to use a TV monitor to
display thermographic video. A single
control room monitor can be used with
a switch to view live images from each
camera sequentially. When the cameras
are properly congured, control room personnel can view scaled temperature readings for any point or area (minimum, maximum, and average) in that image. (See color scales in the screen capture images depicted in Figure 2.) Not only
will the operator know when there
is excessive heat, he or she can see
where it is.
Another example of the innovative functions available in camera rmware
or external software is a feature called
Figure 4. An example of one type of system conguration for remote IR camera monitoring. The system uses a digital alarm output for annunciating an over-temperature condition and transmits streaming MPEG-4 compressed video that allows the scene to be viewed on a PC monitor.
Use Digital Out on each camera to ALARM on AREA MAX
Use the cameras web interface to congure multiple cameras. Set up one AREA in each camera.
Chapter 
image masking. This enables the user
to pre-select specic areas of interest
for analysis of temperature data. This
is illustrated in Figure 5, which shows
continuous monitoring of substation hotspots that indicate problem areas.
A similar type of pattern recognition
software can be used for automated inspection in metal soldering and welding and in laser welding of plastic parts. IR cameras can see heat
conducting through the nished parts
to check the temperature of the areas where parts are joined together against
a stored value. In addition, the software
can learn a weld path to make sure this
path is correct, which is accomplished by programming the specic pixels in
an image to be used by the software for
this purpose. Alternatively, the program
developer can save an image of a “perfect” part and then have the software look for minimum, maximum, or delta values that tells the equipment operator
if a part passes inspection. The car seat
heater inspection described in Chapter 1 can be an example of this, and the same
principle is used in the inspection of car window heater elements by applying power to them and looking at their thermographic image.
Power over Ethernet. It should be noted
that a camera with Ethernet connectivity can be powered from a variety of sources, depending on its design. Typically, a
connection for an external DC supply is
used, or where available, the camera is powered via PoE (Power over Ethernet).
PoE uses a power supply connected to the network with spare signal leads not
Figure 5. Masking functionality of the FLIR A320 IR camera, which is also available in some third party software programs.
Remote IR Monitoring
otherwise used in 10/100baseT Ethernet systems. Various PoE congurations are possible. Figure 6 depicts one in which
the power source is located at one end
of the network. (Gigabit Ethernet uses all available data pairs, so PoE is not possible with these systems.)
PoE eliminates the need for a separate power source and conduit run for each camera on the network. The only additional cost is for some minor electrical hardware associated with PoE.
Many applications encompass areas that exceed the maximum Ethernet cable
run of 100m. In those cases, there are wireless and beroptic converter options that provide o-the-shelf solutions for communicating over much greater
distances. These are frequently used in the bulk material storage applications described below.
Additional Asset Monitoring Situations
Bulk Material Storage. Many bulk materials are stored in open yards where air and moisture can help promote decomposition and other exothermic reactions that raise the temperature of the pile. This brings with it the threat
of re, direct monetary loss, and safety issues for personnel. In addition, there
is the risk of consequential damages
caused by res, including loss of nearby property, water damage resulting from re-ghting, and production shutdowns.
Materials that are especially prone to spontaneous combustion include organic
wastes (compost, etc.), scrap paper for recycling, wood, coal, and various inorganic chemicals, such as cement and chlorine hydrates. Even in the absence of spontaneous combustion, many bulk materials like plastics pose a re hazard due to sparks or other external
ignition sources.
Spare Pair
Signal Pair
Signal Pair
Spare Pair
Power Sourcing
Equipment (PSE)
Device (PD)
Figure 6. Schematic depicting spare-pair PoE delivery using the endpoint PSE arrangement.
Chapter 
In most cases, prevention is less costly than a cure, and the best prevention is
continuous monitoring of the materials. The cost of an automated temperature monitoring system using IR cameras is
a modest and worthwhile investment.
System design can take the same form as
the one described earlier for hazardous waste barrels. Cameras are congured
to generate a direct alarm output to an
operator when user-dened maximum
temperature thresholds are exceeded.
Audible and visual alarms in a control room draw the operator’s attention to a possible spontaneous re development. Various types of software have been developed to isolate trouble spots, such as the waste pile zone monitoring system depicted in Figure 7.
Although self-ignition usually starts within the bottom layers of a stock pile,
continuous monitoring of the surface
reveals hot spots at an early stage (Figure
8), so measures can be taken to prevent a major re from breaking out. Large
storage yards generally require multiple
cameras for total coverage, with the cameras mounted on metal masts above
the stock piles. This calls for cameras with housings and other features designed
for reliable operation in harsh industrial
Critical Vessel Monitoring (CVM). There
are several applications where the temperature of a vessel and its contents are critical. The vessels could be used for chemical reactions, liquid heating, or merely storage. For large vessels,
the use of contact temperature sensors
poses problems. One reason could be non-uniform temperatures throughout a vessel and across its surface. This would
require a large number of contact type
sensors, whose installations can become
quite costly.
For most CVM applications, a few IR cameras can image nearly 100% of a vessels surface (Figure 9). Moreover, they
can measure the surface temperature of the CVM to trend and predict when the internal refractory will break down and compromise the mechanical integrity of
the system. If specic regions of interest (ROIs) must be focused on, IR camera rmware (or external PC software) allows
the selection of spot temperature points or areas for measurement.
Again, some variation of the systems
described earlier can be used. Depending
Figure 7. Control room for waste pile processing, and screen capture of the zone monitoring layout, which uses a FLIR IR camera on a pan-tilt mount for re hazard warning.
Remote IR Monitoring
Figure 8. Visible light and IR images of a coal pile – the thermographic image clearly identies a hot spot that is a re about to erupt.
on the application environment, an
explosion proof housing for the camera
may be a requirement. HMI (human­machine interface) software, such as SCADACAM iAlert from Pivotal Vision, can be used to provide a monitoring overview. This has the ability to combine
all of the camera images into a single spatial representation of the monitored
area – in this case, a attened-out view of the vessel. This view can be updated continuously for a near-real-time
thermographic representation.
Electrical Substation Monitoring. Reliable operation of substations is crucial for
uninterrupted electrical service. Besides lightning strikes and large overloads,
aging equipment and connections are a major cause of infrastructure failures
and service interruptions. Many of these failures can be avoided with eective preventative maintenance monitoring. Often, the temperatures of transformers, breakers, connections, etc. will begin to
creep up before a catastrophic failure occurs. Detection of these temperature increases with IR cameras allows
preventative maintenance operations
Figure 9. CVM monitoring example showing camera locations, network connections, and PC.
1 Computer 2 CAT-6 Ethernet cable with RJ45
3 Industrial Ethernet switch with PoE 4 ThermoVision™ A320 cameras 5 Industrial process to be monitored,
e.g., a gasier
Chapter 
before an unplanned outage happens.
(See Figure 10.)
The cameras can be installed on a pan/ tilt mounting mechanism to continually
survey large areas of a substation (Figure
11). A few cameras can provide real-time coverage of all the critical equipment
that should be monitored. In addition
to preventative maintenance functions, these cameras also serve as security
monitors for intrusion detection around the clock.
By combining the cameras’ Ethernet and/or wireless connectivity with a web-enabled operator interface, live
images can be transmitted to utility
control rooms miles away. In addition,
trending software can be used to detect dangerous temperature excursions and
notify maintenance personnel via email
and snapshot images of the aected equipment.
These features and functions are already in place at leading utility companies in
the U.S., such as Exel Energy’s “Substation
of the Future.” Companies such as
Exel consider IR monitoring a strategic
investment in automation, which is part of a common SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) platform
for maintenance and security operations.
The most advanced systems provide time-stamped 3-D thermal modeling of critical equipment and areas, plus temperature trending and analysis. A company-wide system of alerts provides alarms on high, low, dierential, and
ambient temperatures within or between
zones in real time.
The previous examples represent just a few applications that can benet from remote IR camera monitoring. A few
other applications where IR temperature monitoring is being used include:
Oil and gas industries (exploration • rigs, reneries, are gas ues, natural gas processing, pipelines, and storage facilities)
Electric utilities (power generation • plants, distribution lines, substations, and transformers)
Figure 10. Visible light and IR images of a substation showing a transformer with excessive temperature.
Remote IR Monitoring
Figure 11. Example pan/tilt mounting system.
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