Thank you for choosing the Fishman SBT. Although it is a very simple and basic passive pickup, the SBT will reproduce the full, natural response of your instrument. Please follow the
installation instructions carefully. Special attention should also be paid to the PLUGGING IN
section to ensure the best sound from your pickup. If you have any questions, please contact
CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt aatt 997788--998888--99666655 oorr tteecchh@@ffiisshhmmaann..ccoomm
The SBT Series pickups are economical "stick on" style pickups that can be mounted on any type
of acoustic stringed instrument equipped with a flat soundboard. All three models are crafted to
sense the microvibrations of a soundboard. Each is a practical alternative to more expensive
bridge mounted units that require the services of a repairman for installation.
The Model SBT-C is recommended for easy installation on classical guitars, steel string guitars,
dulcimers and similar stringed instruments. The Model SBT-E features the Fishman
Switchjack™ and is recommended when a permanent installation is desired. The Model SBT-HP
is specifically for harp and piano.
SBT-C Pickup with 1/8" Shielded Jack
(3) Double-sided Adhesive Pads
Adhesive-backed Jack Holder
Felt-covered Strain Relief Clip
10' Instrument Cable
The model SBT-C may be mounted onto a classical guitar, a steel string guitar, a dulcimer and
similar stringed instruments. The installation may be performed either on the outside of the instrument or inside the soundhole where the transducer will be out of harm's way. In instruments with
small soundholes, dulcimers, for example, internal installation may not be practical.
As a general rule, the transducer should be mounted over a freely vibrating location and not over
a "dead" structural brace. The exact location for best results should be determined by experimentation.
SBT Series - SoundBoard Transducer
SBT Series - SoundBoard Transducer