Size: 4.25” X 16.5” Color: 1C + 1C English (US)_Front
7+ 2+
EQUIPMENT: 10 special PHASE 10® DICE and one scorepad.
OBJECT: Win the game by being the first to get through the 10 Phases with
the highest overall score.
THE PHASE 10® DICE: Six of the dice contain all the higher numbers. Each of
the dice are numbered 5,6,7,8,9,10 in the various four colors. The other four
dice contains all the low numbers and the Wild (W) faces. Each of these dice
are numbered with 1,2,3,4 and W. The W is in the four various colors.
PLAY: To see who plays first, each player rolls one of the dice numbered 5 to
10. The player with the highest roll plays first, and so on, down to the player
with the lowest roll, who plays last.
Each player takes a separate column on the scorepad. The player with the
first turn uses the left-most column, the next player uses the next column,
and so on, so that turns pass in order from one player’s column to the next.
Each player’s name is written at the top of the player’s column. When each
player has had a turn, the first player begins the next turn, and so on.
In a turn, the player starts by rolling all ten dice. The player may then set
aside any die the player wishes to keep. The player makes a second roll with
the remaining dice. The player may set aside some of these dice, adding them
to those already set aside. The player may also take back some of the dice
previously set aside. Then the player may make a third and final roll with any
dice the player wishes to roll. The player then takes the score, if any, and
ends the turn.
SCOREPAD TERMS: Sets, Runs and All One Color are explained as follows.
SETS: A set is made by several dice with all the same number. For example,
three 10’s make a set of three. One or more Wild (W) dice may be used in
place of natural numbers. For example, 10, W, W makes a set of three 10’s.
RUNS: A run is made by several dice with all consecutive numbers. For
example, 7, 8, 9, 10 makes a run of four. One or more Wild (W) dice may be
used in place of natural numbers. For example, 6, W, W, 9 makes a run of four.
ALL ONE COLOR: The dice needed must all be the same color. A Wild (W) of a
different color may not be used in completing this score. For example, 2, 4,
W, 5, 8, 9, 10 all orange make 7 all one color.
THE PHASES: In a player’s scoring column are ten scoring spaces. Each one of
these is a Phase. For example, the first one (Phase 1) is labeled “2 sets of 3,”
meaning that the player must, in the turn, end up with three of one number
and three of another number, or two sets of three of the same number.
Throughout play the player must always do the ten Phases in order, starting
with Phase 1 and working up through Phase 10®. If a player fails to make
a Phase in a turn (which will almost always happen to all players at some
point), then the player ends the turn without making a score. The player will
have to try and complete that Phase again next turn.
SCORING: At the end of the turn, the player scores points for the Phase the
player is working on, only if the player makes that Phase. The score is the
total of all the dice used to make that Phase. Dice not needed for the Phase
are not scored. Also any Wilds (W’s) used in the Phase score zero points each.
For example, the player is in Phase 1 and ends up with 8,8,8 and 10, W, W. The
player’s score is 8+8+8+10, or 34. The player enters 34 in the space for “2
sets of 3.”
STRATEGY HINT: if a player completes a Phase in one or two rolls, the player
may want to keep rolling the rest of the turn, to try to replace any Wilds
(W’s) in the Phase with natural numbers, since natural numbers score their
value instead of zero.
Note that as each Phase is completed, the score is totaled, so that
the player always know their total score in the game, as of that
particular Phase.
Size: 4.25” X 16.5” Color: 1C + 1C English (US)_Back
FIVE PHASE BONUS: After Phase 5, the game is half over. If the player’s total
at this point is over 220 (221 or more), then the player is awarded a bonus of
40 points, which is then added to the score.
FIRST FINISH BONUS: The first player to finish the game gets to add 40
points to his/her score. Other players finishing Phase 10® later in the same
turn qualify for this 40 point bonus, too.
ENDING THE GAME: The first player to complete Phase 10® causes the end of
normal game play. At this point, each of the remaining players gets one last
try at completing all their remaining Phases. For example, player B has just
completed Phase 10®, while player A is still on Phase 7. Now, player A gets a
normal turn of three rolls to complete Phase 7. If unsuccessful, player A is
finished and player A’s current total score becomes player A’s final score.
However, if successful, player A adds the Phase 7 score to his/her score, and
gets another turn, to try and make Phase 8, and so on, until player A finally
fails to make the next Phase, or finishes Phase 10®.
THE WINNER: When each player’s score is final, the player with the highest
Grand Total is the winner.
SOLITAIRE PLAY: You can play solitaire, and see how high a score you can get.
All rules remain the same except you must keep track of each time you fail
to make a Phase. At the end of the game, you must subtract 5 points off
of your final score for each failure to make the Phase. Also, to get your 40
point First Finish Bonus, you must make Phase 10® on your first try.
HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE: The highest possible score is 649. Please write use
at the address below if you make a score over 600 (requires the signature
of at least one witness, other than player).
@2011 Mattel. All Rights Reserved. Tous droits réservés.
Mattel Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2. You may call us free at/ Composez sans frais le 1-800524-8697. Mattel Europa, B.V., Gondel 1, 1186 MJ Amstelveen, Nederland. Mattel U.K. Ltd., Vanwall
Business Park, Maidenhead SL6 4UB. Helpline 01628 500303. Mattel France, 27/33 rue d’Antony, BP60145,
94523 Rungis Cedex N° Cristal 0969 36 99 99 (Numéro non surtaxé) ou www.allomattel.com Mattel, Inc.
636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora, NY 14052, U.S.A. Consumer Relations 1-800-524-8697.
The PHASE 10 trademark outside the United States is owned by Mattel, Inc.
À l’extérieur des États-Unis, la marque de commerce PHASE 10 est la propriété de Mattel, Inc.
© Kenneth R. Johnson 1982. All rights reserved.
Phase 10 is a registered trademark of Kenneth R. Johnson.
Phase 10 Dice created by: Garret J. Donner and Michael S. Steer
Le jeu de dés Phase 10 a été créé par : Garret J. Donner et Michael S. Steer