IMPORTANT! Before first-time
use, completely darken the drawing
screen with one of the magnetic
stampers. Slide the eraser lever
from side to side to clear the
drawing screen. Repeat this
• Use the magnetic stampers
to make squares, circles,
triangles and flowers!
• Use the drawing pen to create
your own drawings, play
games or write messages.
procedure several times to enable
the drawing screen to create the
clearest, darkest images.
IMPORTANT! To avoid damage to the drawing screen:
• Do not leave the magnetic stampers on the drawing screen
for extended periods of time.
• Do not use regular pencils, pens, crayons, or markers.
• Keep this toy away from extreme heat sources such as
ovens, heaters and radiators.
Visit us on line at www.service.fisher-price.com.
Call Fisher-Price® Consumer Relations, toll-free at
1-800-432-5437, M-F 9AM-7PM/Sat 11AM-5PM (EST).
Hearing-impaired consumers using TTY/TDD
equipment, please call 1-800-382-7470.
Write to us at: Fisher-Price® Consumer Relations,
636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora, New York 14052.
For countries outside the United States:
CANADA: Questions? 1-800-432-5437. Mattel Canada Inc., 6155 Freemont Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2; www.service.mattel.com.
GREAT BRITAIN: Mattel UK Ltd, Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead SL6 4UB. Helpline: 01628 500303. www.service.mattel.com/uk
AUSTRALIA: Mattel Australia Pty. Ltd., 658 Church Street, Locked Bag #870, Richmond, Victoria 3121 Australia. Consumer Advisory Service 1300 135 312.
NEW ZEALAND: 16-18 William Pickering Drive, Albany 1331, Auckland.
ASIA: Mattel East Asia Ltd, Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, HK, China.
• To erase the drawing screen,
slide the eraser lever slowly
from side to side.
Do not apply heavy pressure or force to
the drawing screen. Heavy pressure is not
necessary and could damage the drawing
screen. A light touch makes a dark line.
• To copy a drawing on to the
screen, place the drawing on
the screen and trace over it
with the drawing pen.
Use only the drawing pen
or stampers included. Do not
use any other object on the
drawing screen.
Fisher-Price, Inc., a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc., East Aurora, New York 14052, U.S.A.
©2008 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
® and ™ designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc.