£_ectric Shock Hazard
outJined in this User Guide before operating this appliance,
pages 11 - 13.
Failure to do so can result in death, e[ectdc shock, fire or injury
to personso
PleaseNote: lo obtain maximum efficiency, your/¢osrrl(;rl" washer hasthe ability to learn and
adapt to the local environment. This may take several wash cycles,therei%re maximum enercty
efficier_cy may not be achieved until a number of wash cycles have beerscompleted This
usually takes about 5 cycles
Engmi_h7!i- _! p_'_:_ 3_:4 :!i!{
Franqais Page 40 - 67
Asan ENERGYSTAR_*Partner Fisher & Payke[ Limited has determined
that this product meets ENERGYSTAR_*guidelines for energy efficiency.

Installation _nstructions
Important Safety _nstructions
How to get Started
About your Fcosmay£ _'_
How Idosm_;rtTM Works
I kt Lock
Wash Cycles and Options
The WashProgress Lights
The WashCycles,WashOptions
Softener Rinse,Soak,Time Saver
Water ievels
Spin Hold, Delay Start, Clothes Care Safeguards
Customizing the Wash(}yde, Favorite Cycle
Washing Bulky Items, VV_;shingWoollens, Cold VV_;terWashing
Befo re You Wa sh
Sortin(t and l oadinc
Fabric Softener
Changing 9re=Set Options
Option Adjustment Mode
Out of BalanceRecovery Routine
Auto VV{}terFill level
End of Cycle Beeps
De;auk RinseOptions
Volume of Water used in the Shower Rinse
Controlled Cold
Cadng for Your Fcosm_srt_'_
Careand Cleaning
Products that Might DamageYour Fcosmt;rtTM
Fd:osmtS_*'Sounds and Beeps
Automatic tint System
If Your F_osm_sr£_''_Beeps for Help
Operating Problems
Wash Problems
Limited Warranty

It isimportant that the UserGuide should be retained with the appliance for future
reference_ Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner', always ensure
that the User Guide is left with the appliance in order that the new owner can familiarize
themselves with the appliance and the relevant warnings,

nsta at n tr, ct o
+"° _ C q..... i
Before you begin - read these instructions completely and carefu[[yo
Electric Shock Hazard
outlined in this User Guide before operating this app[iance_
pages 11 - 13.
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury
to persons°
Observe all governing codes and ordinances,
Installation Requirements
Your washer must be installed orsfirm floorinc_to minimize vibration during] spin cycles Concrete
flooring is best, but wood baseis sufficient provkting the floor support meets FHAstandards
Your washer shoukt not be installed on rugs or exposed to the weather
Your cokt water should not exceed %°F (35°C) or your hot water exceed 150°F(dS°C)
femperatures above this may dama<]eyour washer
Shut Off Valves
Both hot and cold shut off valves (faucets) should be available in the laundry area
Water may be drained into a standpipe or settub The standpipe must be ]/i'(38mm) minimum
interior diameter and must be open to the atmosphere
This appliance must be supplied with ]IOV ]2(7%60Hzelectrical supply and connected to an
indivktual, properly firounded branch circuit, protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit breakeror time
delay fuse

iI ii
/ /
Depth 25_S'(650mm)
Width 29 !,S'(650rY_rn)
Height to top of console 40' 4164'(1020 1060IT]IT/)
Height lid open 5<:' 96!q'(1400 1440rY_m)

nsta ato nstr, ct o
Step 1
Remove Bottom Packer
Remove outer packagin9
Tilt the machine backwards and walk the machine off the bottom
packer The plastic bottom packer can now beremoved
Operating the machine when the bottom packer is
in place can result in damage to the machine,
Step 2
Removing Tub Packer and AccessoFies
1 [ii;/the lid and remove cardboard tub packer from
the top of the washer tub
2 Keep the bottom packer and tub packer in case
they are required for future transit
s Remove hoses,accessories and installation pack
/ /
/ //
, /
_.... //

nsta ato ,, ct o
Step 4
In_et Hoses
1 Install hoses with the straight end (with filters)
fitted to the faucets
2 hstall elbow ends onto washing machine (inlet
valvesare marked on the back of the machine
H=hot, C- cold) Ensurethe hot is connected to the
hot, and the cold isconnected to the cold
Ifthere is a cold water supply only, an inlet valve
cap (available from Fisher& Paykel)MU%Tbe
connected to the hot valve The cap prevents
water leaking from the hot valve However, we
recommend this product isconnected to both hot
and cokt water
Step .5
Leveling the Washe_
'1 Unscrew the i%etsothe machine is NOT sitting on
the corner cabinets, then fit the rubber leveling
inserts (reef to diagram 1)
"( of
o S!
ii ii
Fh f7 h
:::j::::::: I',/t i
/' (}'_) ' (}"_)
2 Move the washer into its final position We suggest
aminimum clearance of 1"(2r_mm)on each side lot
easeof i/]stallation (%eediagram 2)
s Turn orswater and check hose connections for
leaks Check that there are no kinks in the hoses
4 It is IMPORV\N] to level the washerto ensure
proper performance during spin
Adjust the f{,et by imscrewingiscrewing to make
surethe washer is leveland cannot rock
s Usethe walls and adjacent counter tops asa sight
guide to check to see if washer appears level
Readjustthe feet if necessary
6 Open the Ikt and check the washer tub to seethat
it sits slightly lorward of centre (%eediagram _)
iIIiii I T
D a_.:_¢_t 2
D ag"aK 3

Special Requirements for Alcove or Closet Installation
The minimum ventilatior_ clearance between the washer and adjacer¢ walls or other surfaces is
1"(25ram) minimum either skte and front
_"(75mm} minimum rear
Consideration must be giver] to providing
adequate clearance for installatior_ and servking.
The minimum vertical space required from floor
to overhead shelves, cabinets, ceilings etc is59"
Closet doors must be Iouvered or otherwise
ventilated and have at least (tOsquare inches open
area for a washer only, or if the closet contair_sboth
awasher and dryer, doors must contain at least ] 20
squaro inchos of open aroa _,qually distributed

! iafety nstr, ct ons
Read all Safety Information Before Using
Many washers are located near a gas dryer or a water heater in the home,
Fire Hazard
For your safety the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to prevent
property damage, personal injury or loss of life,
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance,
Installation and service must be performed by a qualified
installer, service agency or the gas supp[iero
What to do if You Smell Gas
o DO NOTtry to Iktht any appliance
o DO NOTtouch an electrical switch; do not useany phor_eits your buikJirsc_.
o Clearthe room, k>uildir_c_or area of all occuparcs
o Immediately call your 0as supplier from your nekthbor's phone
Follow the dtassuppliers instructior_s
ff you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire ctepartment
Water Heater Safety
Under certain condiSons Hydro(ten {tas may be produced in awater heater that hasnot beers
used lot two weeks or more
If the hot water has not been used for two weeksor more, prevent the possibility of damage or
injury bytl4ming on all hot water faucets and allowing them to n4nfor several minutes beh)re
using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This will allow any
hydrogen gas to escape _}irscethe gas isflammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or
appliance durin<] this process

£_ectric Shock Nazard
Follow the safety p_ecautions outlined in this User Guide°
Failure to do so can result in death, ÷[÷ctdc shock, fire or injury
to pe_sonso
Safety Precautions:
o Readall instructions before usinc_the appliance
o Usethis appbnce only for its intended purpose as described in this UserGukte
o This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Instalbdon
Instructions before it is used
o Properly ground to conform with allgoverning codes and ordinances
Follow details in the Insta%tion Instructions
o Do not install or store washer where it will be exposed to temperatures below freezing or
exposed to the weather
o Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized power supply circuit to avokt electrical
o Connect to adequate plumbing and drain facilities asdescribed in the Instalbtior_ Instructions
o Turn off water faucets when the washer is not in useto relieve pressure on hosesand valves and
to minimize leakages if ahose or valve shoukSbreak or rupture
o Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing unless specifically
recommended in this UserOukSeor in published user repair instructions that you understand,
and have skills to carry out
o When disconnectin(t the appliance pull by the pluo rather than the cord or junction of cord to
avoid damacte to the cord or junction of the cord and plug.
o Make surethat the cord is located sothat it will not be stepped on, tripped over or otherwise
subject to damage or stress
o Keepall laundry aids (such as detergents, bleach, fabric softener, etc) out of the reach of
children, preferably in a locked cabinet Observe all warnings on container labelsto avoid
personal injury
o Do not tamper with the controls
o Keepthe area arol4r_d/14r_derneathyour appliance free from the accumulatior_ of combustible
materials, such as lint, paper, rags,chemicals, etc
o Keepthe floor around your appliance clean and dry to reduce the possibility of slipping.
o Never reach into the washer if the tub or agitator is moving

mportant : afety nstr, ct on]
o Before loading, unloading or adding clothes, press START/PAUSEand wait until the machine has
completely stopped before openin9 the lid
Closesl@ervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or near chiktrer_ Do not allow chiktren
to play inskte, or on, or with this appliance or any discarded appliance
Dispose of discarded appliances and shippin(_/packin(_ materials properly Before ctiscardin<]a
washer, or removin(_ from service, remove the washer Ikt
o Do not leave the washer Ikt up durir_(-_the cycle The machine will not functior_ fb start, close Ikt
and pressSTART/PAUSE
o Do not wash or dry articles that have beerscleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with
combustible or explosive substances (suchas wax, oil, paint, (_asoline,de(_reasers,dry cleaninf_
solver ts, kerosene, etc.) which may i_nite or explode Do not add these sl_bstancesto the wash
water Do not use these substances around your washer and/or dryer durir_c_operation, asthey
{tive off vapors that could i(_nite or explode
The laundry process can reduce the flame retardancy of fabrics. ]o avoid such a result, the
garment manl4facturer's care instrl4ctions should be followed very carefully
o Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acid such as vinegar and/or rust remover Mixing
can produce a toxic gas which may cause death
o Never climb on or stand on the washer top or lid
Do not wash fibreglass articles in your washer. Skin irritation could result from the remaininc t
particles that may be picked up by clothing durir_g subsequent washer use
o fo minimize the possibility of electric shock, unplu(_this appliance from the power supply or
disconnect the washer at the household distributior_ panel by removinf_ the fuse or switchin<]
off the circuit breaker beiore attempting an}i maintenance or cleaning.
Note: Pressing the POWERbuttor_ does NOTctisconr_ectthe appliance from the power supply,
ever] though the lights are out
Do not operate this appliance if it is damaged, malfw]ctiorg]g, partially disassembled or has
missing or broken parts, incll_dir_ga damaged cord or plug.
Do not operate this appliance if the Ikt has been incorrectly fitted
If you are using an extension cord or a portable electrical outlet device (eg mulitsocket outlet
box), ensure that it is positioned so that it does not come into contact with water or moisture
Do not wash a total textile load (dry weight) of more thai] 7 kilograms in this washer
SAMlieTIliqlieSlieIiiNSTIRUCTIii0 NS
] 3

t/ow To . et .: tarted
(_ 4.. (_ 4 .... i I
Place load evenly around the agitator
rPon'twrap large items such as sheets around the agitator
o Remove the fabric softener ctispenser
A° Detergent
Follow the instructior_s on the deterger¢ packaqe
o Usethe mark on the aqitator, nearest to the top of the
clothes, asa quicte to the correct amount of deterqer_t
to Hse
Pour the detergent down the center of the agitator stem
o Replacethe fabric softener ctispenser,as this stops
articles failing down the center of the agitator
_eCOST aFt Dr
o :o O; ..................................0 0 O:.......
W_sh f_i_s_ Spin
If you wish to use bleach:
Use hail the recommended doseof bleach
Dilute bleach and pour carefully down the
inner surface of the agitator stem in line with
the fins (Refi,r to Bleach page 2)
<}electthe %fiener RinseOption This wi[[
ensure that any residual bleach is well cleared
out of your washer
Smal't T_¢h @¢les
Psrm_nt Woo[ Delicate H_avy
Press Washabfes Duty
_- Tim_
xh S_ak

C°Fabric Softener
Ifyou wish to use fabric softener, place it it] the
dispenser on the top of the agitator
Select the f,oftener Rinse option so that the
softener will be dispensed correctly into the final
rinse (Referto fabric softener page 19and 2r_)
D° Power
Tim] your ,:co.rs_crl on bv pressinq the POWERbutton
E°Wash Cycle
Close the lidand pressyour chosen wash cycle
F,Wash Options
Select the wash temperature and other wash options. (Referto papes 18 z )
0 fli_h 0 t@d O _hr
0 t_fed 0 $1o_;_ 0 3h_"
0 Low 0 I@lff 0 lhr
O Soak
Wa,,r l ]
G. Sta rt
PressSTART/PAUSEto start the machine
If you wish to stop your F_osmart _'
o VVaituntil the machine hasfully stopped, and the lid lock lioht is off, before oper_inq the lid.
For best fabric and color care remove your clothes as soon as the cycle has finished

Abo Yo r Ecosrnart''J'
How Ecosma rtTM Works
The Fishor P_PaykolEcosmart's'2 in 1'wash systom gives you the bost of both worlds Usinq a
combination of front loader and top Goaderwash systems, the/qosm_rF "_gives exceptional wash
results wNle usin9 up to 50% less hot wateP<,and, at the same time taking better care of your
clothes thai] a conventional top load washer
Phase 1 - Eco Active T_v_Wash
F_ont Loade_ Type Wash
The/qosmt;r/-T_'fills the bowl, at the selected
temperature, with just enough water sothat the clothes
are 100% saturated
This small amount of sudsy water iscirculated through
the clothes, up the specially designed portal and back
onto the clothes in a waterfall effect
The chemical action provided by a small amount of
water, combined with detergent, rapidly targets soil
and stainsat fiber level, boosting soil removal and
accelerating the wash process
Phase 2 - %p Loader Type Wash
Afi('r 4 minutos, your P,osmt;rF" will fill with just enouqh
cooler water to suspend the soil in solution. Agitation
win then begin, moving soil away from the clothes
Becauseof its head start, the wash requires lessagitation
than a cor_ver_tionaltop loader wash
Unique Fisher & Paykel Shower Rinse
<71(>%17 <})h <71(>%17r <7)h <71(>%17r <7)h
,/ /i
_CEE,March 2002

Abo Yo r Ecosm art n,,A
Lid Lock o gh,
?o_r ,-cesri_;rl hasa lict lock.This ensures the lid cannot be o _t_
opened during the cycle, provkting added safetyfor you and o _
The lid lock light {above the start/pause button} comes on
when the Ikt is Io_ked to tall you when you cannot open the Ikt sfan
Ifthe lid lock light is flashing the lid lock is in the process of locking or unlocking (ie while the
machine coasts down or start/pause has been pressed} During this stage the lid still cannot
be lifted
Ifthe lid isleft open,the machinewill be unableto lockand thecyclewill behalted ] he
machinewill beepandthe lid locklight will flashuntilthe lid is dosedandthe START/PAUSE
button is pressed.
Do not put anything down the slot in the top deck of your machine°
Do not try to disable the lid [ocko
Wash Cyces and Opt ons
The Wash Progress Lights
The wash progress lights show all the tasksyour £cosn'_;rS"will complete durino the wash cycle
Aseach task is completed a light goes out, so you can tell at a gbnce how far the cycle has to go
Advancing the Wash Cycle
fo shorten the wash time, to rinseand spin only, or to spin only
1 Select the wash cycle
2 PressADVANCErepeatedly until only the required number of lights remain on.
s PressSTART/PAUSE _,@shProgress
The wash consists of two parts The first amber
light is essential for all washes except Permanent
Press,therel'ore, you can only advance through
the green lights, not the amber
_x/asfl Rfnse Spi_
WOOl DeNtate Heavy
Wasflafl@s Duty

Wash Cyc es dnd Options
EcoActive Wash_; 4 rain 4 rain 4 IT]in 4 rnin
AgitateTime u 12 r@n 9 rain 6 inin 3rain 9 rain
Wash Action HeavyDuty Regular Delicate Delicate Regular
w_hT_?mr_ .... wa_'] wa_'] ......wa_']ico_d.......watn'_i_:o_dwatnV_:o_d
Rinse cold cNd sprayrinse spray rinse sprayrinse
Spi_sSpeed Fast Fast Slow Medium Slow
Spin Time (i rain (i rain 4 rain (i rain 2 rain
Does not include fill times
The Wash Cydes
HEAVYDUTY Forheavily soiledand heavyduty/abrics_
REGULAR Formedium to lightly soiled cottons, linens,work and play c[othes_
DELICATE Forlingerie and specialcarefabricswith light soil
WOOLWASHABLES Speciallydesigned for normally soiled knits and machine washablewooHens_
shower shower + + +
rinse rinse cold cok/ cold
deep rinse <deeprinse deep rinse
Amore traditional wash for synthetics, blends,and/or delicate fabrics with
normal soil and clothes which wrinkle easily
Wash Options
When you press POWERto turn on your Rosmc;rN%itwill automatically select a
REGULARwash cycle
o WARMwash temperature
AUTO water level Aufo
o FASTspin speed
Eachof these wash optioris can be akered to suit your ,_H_ m o HJ_h
wash needs flhe following pages explain each of the o s_,_k _,,_ o p,_
o o cmd o _,'
wash optior sand how to usethem ..........
W-_the following diagrams:
(6_:-) light ison
(o) light isoff @u_ns
To select Wash Options
1 Selectwash cycle
2 Usethe up or down arrows, or the options button,
to select the wash options you want to use
Wash Wafer
Temp Level
N<t, /,/< I ts s:, R
"JOY? ,ql I'1 ,' O[ / ( ,ql" /C(>
0 Fast
0 S,'ow
0 H_t'd

Wash Cyces and Opt ons
Softener Rinse
We recommend the useof softener dryer sheets because
() TTme
0 W_fm
0 8dd
liqukt fabric softener has been known to cause an unpleasant
buikt up inside washing machines (Referto <}crudpage 2r_)
o Ifyou use Iiqukt fabnc softener
o ffyou use bleach
This option changes the rinse to include aspray and deep rinse,so that the fabdc softener will
be dispensed correctly, and the machine sump will be thoroughly cleaned of bleach
Some wash loads are better washed using acycle with adeep rinse. For instance, garments that
havea lot of sand or sawdust in them, or garments where the color still rl4ns Forthese loads
select the SOFTENERRINSEoption, asthis will change the rinse to include a deep rinse
0 H_
0 [@rm
0 Odd
When you select SOAKyour/dosmcrS _'will stop at the
end of wash and soakRot2 hours before completing the
rinseand spin During soak your washer will agitate lot a
few seconds ever}i minute
Time Saver
TIME SAVERallows you to shorten the wash cycle for
lightly soiled clothes. Selectinq this option reduces the
wash and spin times
Time Savercarsbe turned orsor off at any time during
the cycle
0 Her
0 0 corn

Wash Cyces and Opt o
Water Levels
Auto Wate_ Leve_
Your Fcosmsr; _'can automatically select the appropriate
water levelfor the load
1 Placeyour clothes in the machine, and press Power
2 Select wash cycle (select Auto water level if not
automatically selected)
During fill the machine will pause occasiorially to sense
the water levd The machine will check if the water
level iscorrect by using a series of two different agitate
strokes (This may take over a minute). If it detects that
the water level is not enough, it will fill with more water
and recheck the level
o When washing an unusual load eg, large bulky
garments, pillows, we recommend you manually select
the water level and select the Delicate cycle,
Manually select the water level if there is already water in
the machine
For a large bulky load,or large single item (eg.comforter)
push the load down after the first fill
0 Ho_
0 W_rm
0 Cdff
ii "i
0 H@h
0 Med
0 L_w
0 F_st
0 SPew
0 Hdd
Ma_sua_ Wate_ Leve_ Selection
The agitator hasfive levels marked or its stem that car]
be used to help you select the correct water levels
<}electthe correct water level by using the mark nearest
to the top of the clothes
The levels marked on the agitator do not correspond
exactly to the level of water. They indicate the levelof
dry clothes suitable for the water level
o Your tkosrr/_;r/-T_'may occasionally add water during
a(_itation This isto maintain the water level due to the
release of air trapped in the garments
o Out of balance loads, tangling or splashover can be
caused by selecting a water level that istoo high

Wash £7ces and Opt or s
Spin HoM
Use the SPIN HOLD option to:
o Remove drip dry garments from a mixed load before the
wash goes into spin
o Minimize wrinkling that iscaused when clothes are left
sitting in the machine at the end of the cycle
When SPINHOLD is selected, your Rosm(;rN"_will pause
at the end of rinse,Deepand the spin light will flash to
tell you that it is waitinDfor another instruction Press
START/PAUSEto begin the spin
Delay Start
Delay Start will delay the start of the wash cycle for
1,Bor 9 hours
PressDELAYSTARTonce for a delay of I hour. Press
again for ? hours, a third time for 9 hours (and adair] to
return to normab
Once you press Delay Start your r(osm(;rt TM will Degin
the delay period, you do not have to press Start/Pause
Becareful if using Delay Start for non colorfast clothes as
dyes may run/the clothes are damp
Your/:(osm(;rl _' will not Deep at the end of the cycle if
Delay Start isselected
0 ghr
Cbthes Care Safeguards
b avokt acddentally damaDing your clothes, there are a f(_woptions that your Ecosm(;rt_''will
not accept Forexample, pu cannot select a hot wash or] Delicate or WoN cycles