The Wash ..... ......g c,
After using your/nt/Jfcfye wa ,her you may want to fine tune some o: the options to sut your
wash needs. Anything changed n ths Ad}ust Settings Menu is a permanent change, unles;
'Reset Defaul s is selected, ....seepga o 24,
To Access the Adjust Settings Menu:
1 Push the OPTIONS UP or OPTIONS DOWN bu ton, and hold dow/
_o 2 _eco/ds The Adjst Options Menu wll the/be disp ayed
2 Scro though the sc eens until the opt: on yot wish toadust s
shown Press Opt o _s UP or DOWN to scroll
s Pess ADJUSTs:o hghlight the option you wantThs opio_ w
be permanently se. o riser the option repea above steps.
J!(>!(: (:]O', fo S ((>'(S
$1 b Wash %rap Adjust = %rope ature of Wash Wate
The wash ter" pea u es can be ad,usted if you think they are too hot or too cod
Access the Adjust Sett ngs Menu (refi,r above)
Use tie ADJUST button 1o move the curso through the boxes to decease o/crease tie wash
tempeatue achmovement sapproxmateyl°l. PessHOMEo/cetheboxw h t:]e number
ofdegees you walt to cha/ge the wash tempeatt e to is hghlighted.
$2 b_,Auto Water Level Adjustment
If yot are not sa isfed with he wae evel that: your/nt_k'iy_ _'washer fills to on auto water evel,
you can/crease o decrease the fi eve that atto will seed.
Access the Adjust Sett ngs Menu (refi,r above)
Sco to the AUTOW£TER LEVEL sceen
Use the ADJUST }utton to move the curso through the boxes to decease o/crease the f
leve Theboxesonthele:tsideofthece/terpointdecreasethef eve an( those boxes on the
right inc ease the fill eveI.Then pess HOME.
Note: If you fi_e here s not; enough water _,'>the oad we ecom send you check by paus ng
the nach ne and push ng the clothes down oseehowmuchspaewaer sa thebottonof
the bowl.(otheso_tenfoatandyou washer can sense thewate under the clothes
$3 _*Default Rinse = Rinse Default Options
This menu changes the nse option that s automatically selected when you f st tu / yo r
machine o/.You may wish to cha/ge the type of inse selected for a lumber of easons. If you
haveaproblenw h impu ties nyourwae supply you may get:abette washifyouc]ange
the nseoptonto wodeep nseso aSpray?x )eepr /se
Access the Adtst Sett ngs Menu (re :er above),
Sco to he DEFAUt.T RINSE screen Seectthernseopt:onyo peter
Spray & }eep Spray r /se _ollowed by 1 deep rime
S /gle Deep Slot spn'ollowed by 1 deep inse
}ouble Deep 2 deep rnses
Showe S]owe rinse
You nach ne de'auks to a Shower inse Th s rinse al emately showers the clo t_es wt_ waer
aid sp /s them to emove the sudsy water. It s no desk;ned to be tsed witt,'.-_b c sofener as a
st'owe r /sedoes lot useadeep inseso cannot dispensefa)ricso",ene corecty.