,it:)o,,rta:;t Safet7 st r ctio s
Fire Hazard
Only dry fabrics that have been washed with water,
Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam rubber or
similarly textured rubbeP[[ke ma'tedals. Dry on the Air Dry cycle.
Aclothes dryer produces combustibb lint and must be
exhausted outdoors_ Take care to prevent the accumulation of
lint around the exhaust opening and in the surrounding area,
Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static
unless recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or
persona_ injury,
To Reduce the Risk of Fire in aTumble Dryer the Following Should
be Observed:
Do not place items in a turnbie cJryerthat have previ,.:xJsiybeen cieaneci in, washecJin, suakeci
in, or pot cJeahedwith fiarnmabie iiquids or oiids Ti_eyare a fire or expiosio!/i_azard Hkihiy
flammable ubstances comrn(miy used in domestic environments include acetone, denatured
akohoi, riasoJine,kerosene, ome brands of spot remuver and dry cleahir_g solvents, turpentine,
waxes, wax remuvers, vegetable oii, fisi_ oii, massageoii, ahd cooking oii
Do not ieave i_ot oii affix<ted items in a piie or stack TNs can prevent i_eatfrom escaping and
can create afire hazard. Oiiaffected item can igrfite spontaneob !y,especiaiiy wi_en exposed to
heat sources suci_asatumbie dryer ]i_e items become warm causinri an oxidation reaction in
the oii Tibiaoxidation creates heat if ti_e heat cannot escape ti_e item can become hot enougi_
to catch fire
Do not use i_eatto dry items containing rubbe< foam r_Jbber,plastic or simiiar materiai, (uch a
padded bras, bati_ mats, furl, bib, baby pant, pia tic bags,piiiows etc), a these matedai might
meit or bum Some rubber rnatedai wi_en i_eated can under certain circum tances produce fire
by spontaneuus combustiuh Dry orfiy on ti_eAIR DRYcycie
Urfiess pecificaiiy recomrnended by their ma!mfacturer, do not ue fabric oftener or imiiar
products in a tumble dryer
Do not tore or use gasoii!/e or oti_er fiammabie gasesand iiq_iids nearti_isor any oliver appiiance
Keepthe areaaround and underneath your dryer free from tile accumuiatioh of combu tibie
matedais uci_ as iint, paper, rags,ci_emkais etc
Do not store any items ti_at may bum or meit (such a papermatedais, pia tics or pia tic
cohtainers etc) next to the dryer
i:mpty the iint bucket before the iint reaches the top of the tran parent ection (u uaiiy once
a week)