£1ectrk Sho<k Hazard
outlined in this User Guide before operating this appliance,
pages 11-13,
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury
to persons_
Pease Note: Iu o )tain maxim rn efficiency, your Ecosrnart washer has the ability to earn and
adapt to theloca envronnent This may takesevera was_cyces, thereloe nax n nenegy
effcen{ymaynotbeachieved_ _t a _ur/be of wash yc[es /ave been or_pbted. T_s
usuaytakes about _ cy{es.
Page 40 - 67
Asan ENERGYSTAR_Partne_ Fbher & Paykel Lim ted has determined
that this product meets ENERGYS]7\R_'gu de[ nes _or energy effc ency

IF_staHatio_ I_sstructiens
Important Safety Insbuctiet'_s
Mow to get Stated
Mowyo I,osr]alWorks
I d ock
The\iVosh Pogess I qhts
The \i%sh Cycles V%sh (3 xbr_s
Sofier/e Rnse, Soak, Time Save
W,)ter [ eve[
Spn [Iod, O_lay Start, Clothes (are Safeguards
Cus_onzng tseWash Cy(<, Favoi_e Cy([e
\/V{_shlr_gBsky te r/s,\,l\i<>shr/c; Woo er/s, Cod \i\/<>te Was _ng
Before V%uWash
Fabk: Softener
Optior_ Adj stment Mode
O.t of BaBnce Recovery Routine
Alto Water FIN[eve[
Ind of £yce [._eeps
Volurr/e of Water used in the Showe Rinse
£ontrolled (:old
Caring for your Ecesmart
Care and (lea ling
Podu(ts that r_ipht Dar/ape yor Ecosr_at
If your Ecesmart Beeps for Help
Operating Problems
WaslB Problems

Congratulations on p:.rchasing an<w Fis_er& Paykd was_n 9 r_acfine \/V__are very proud of
o rvvas_rsar/dtrus:t_eywillservuyo we for rnany years.
At Fisher & Paykel we aim to provide ir novative produ_ ts tsat are sir/pie to ise ergonorr%: ard
enegy efficient, T _ousands of tonr_es of wash r:g arid 70 yeas of laundry experier_(:e have been
prog a n ned nto your wasting machine to hep give yo the )est poss be pe/for nar/(e,
We hope you enjoy yo:r new wasting r _achir/e,
we/ave ce ta ny er/}oyec[@signing it,
It is mportant that the User Gude shoud be reta ned with the appliance _or _uture
_efe_ence Should the app:iance be sod or bansfer_ed to another owne_, always ensure
that the User Gu de is :eft with the app{iance in order that the new ow _er ca fam:a ze
themselves wth the app ante asd the reevant wanr_gs

sta : to structo s
Before you begin - read these instructions completely and carefully.
E_ectHc Shock Hazard
oudined in this User Guide before operat[_'_g this appliance,
pages 11 - 'l 3.
Failul'e to do so can result in death, elec'tri_" shock, fire or injury
to persons,
Obselve al governing codes and ordinances
nsta tation requirements
Locat on
Your washer Y/ stbe nstalled :)n firm flood _gto m _/ nizevibraden d_ r/gspil_cycles
(:)ncretefo:_ringishest, bltwood base ssufficentpt_vidingthefoor slpportr]eetsF:HA
YouI was _ershould 1/o1:be insta ed on rugs or exposed to t_e wear _er.
Wate_ _/°_mpe_atu_e
Youi cod water should r_ot exceed 9SF (35'C) or yo_t hot water exceed I SOF: (6SC)
Temperatules above ths may dar _aoe yb_r washe
Shut Off Valves
Beth hot arid cod shut off valves (faucets) s _e_r./be available n the aur_dy area
V\/,£ermayhedra led i_toastar/dpipeorsett b. Thestandppe -r/istbe 11/2" (38 r} r})
r}n n n ild:c_tier diar _eter and n_st be open to the atmosp _ere.
Eiectr cat
T_sapplia_c< _r ust besupplk,dwthll0V 120V, d}OHz_*ect cal supply and cor_l ected to an
_dividual, properly grou/_ded hranck/circuit, pro:ected by a 15 or 20 amp cr{ut breaker or tree
deay fuse.

sta i_ton sty <to s
kid(I alance
e ghl
'v%'_she_nd of hoe
Standpipe Iqeigl-!l
i l " 33 I/2"TO78"
Allow for
adiustlt)l //
/ ..............
Width 25i/2 " (650rnrn)
H_-ight to top of con ,o/_ 40' 41 s/4' ( 1020 l(%0/r:m)
Height lid ol')eu _i_" 5(;_/4 "(1400 Z4Or_r)
Jl}If't W/t@_ /OI@SSHle
Max / SOI')si,{/MRO
Min 5 psi (4kPa)

rsta ato rstr ctors
Step 1
Remove Botom I>acke_
l oRenoveo te pa_kaon d.
2oTil t_e r/achine ha( kwa ds and walk the r _achine off
the hot or/pa_ke The plast( bot or] packe _an _ow
be re noved.
Operating the machine when the bottom packer is
inplace can result indamage to the machine_
Step 2
Bemov ng Basket Packe_" a_d Accesso_ es
1° I/t tlne d al_d er _ove ca dboard basket pa<ker fro//
the top of thewashe basket.
2°Keepthebo_onpacke and basket packer _ as<
they are requi ed fo futAe t/ansi
3 Re hove _oses, accessores and nstallat on pack
[he nstallat on pack conta ns the [ollow rig:
4 mbbe ins_-tsfor the _woling fe_t
o S<Janbosegude
Basket pa :l<et
Step 3
Dram Hose
1oCarefullypl thedrair/hoseou for_t//ebackof
thewashe bypulli/gtbeexposedpatofthe _ose
dowr, wads and then o t,
£oThe _ose guide is used to guide t_e da __ose ove the
tubo sandpp< kMUSF )efitt<dtothedan _ose
I%,p <went sip ton ng the dan bose should not extend
mote than ;/4'(20rw/) froF/tie end of the g/ de
If necessary, thed/ah_ _osecanbetr r_pedtolengd
so Hate the drain hos< n the aundy tub o Kandp pe
Inr/ulti-storeyapat'r_e/tso/anyupperfoo nstallaton
the mac:bnt, should be hsta ed on a drained foot.
(heck that the tubotstandppe sfteefom ntor
other obstt/(dons )elate o )etat ng the wasr_e.
in basement ns:alatior_ do _ot ex(eed a standp pe
tpght of (78']

InstaIIati o n Inst ruc-tions
1o nsa w;e with the l:raig it er/d (with fiket)
fited to the faAcets
2_lr/sta elbow ends on o was _ng nac_ne(net
vavesae naredor/the )ackofthe nachne
hot, C cold)
Note: If t_ere is a c:oldwater slpp 7 on}/, an inet
valvecap(avalabefooRshe &Pa}/kd)'v_USY
Be <or/netted to t_e hot valve. T_e <ap prevents
ware bakingfror_the sotvave
Leveling the Washer
Ins< tthelol rlbb<r ove /9feetinsets stothe
feet on t_ base of the washe. (See diaq a n 1).
I Faucet
end of
2 V,¢_sh@r
,::!:]]::_ _ut'te_inse_t r_',
f 1)agram _ I
end of
2oMove the w_she into ts fina positon. We._ _g<:s
q m
a minimumdearar<eof ]"(2ram) on <_ac_skh:for
easeof installador_.(Su<_di _gram3}.
s Turn on wate and < _<:k_os- cosnoct ons fo h'aks
(]heck tha t_ere ae no kinks-_ t_e hoses
4,t isIM:<)F/]_NT to <ve tb<_"was _ rto ens_
pro>< p_rfo nanc_ durir_gsp°_.
Adj/st l:h_:,feet by uns<:rowir_ ]/scr<wving to hake
s/A/eth_ w_she/is[eve[an(t(:arw/ol ro(k.
5, Use file w_lls and ad]a<er¢ counl:e to)s as_ sight
guide to c_eck to see if vwshe/-ap >ears evd
/:<<_d]us:tb, feet if necessary.
6°()[:x,r_the id md check the w_shet basket to see
that it sits si<hl:lyforwad ofcente (See di%ar_ 3)
",'25 him /" 25rnm)
-[7 T-
D agram 2
iF1(OMe(t (}O{fe(t
_d]ustment _djustment
Diagram 3

rsta ato rstr ctors
8°Cos _ the id \/is 4slly(:t <_'(:kt_at tile id _nd topd(_ck _re aligned, f not ali<:ln_d, _d]/st t_e fi,ut
aga_nti the id _nd topdeck match
Wind !eP foo,_down
Topde(:k lid
',Nir_d diJ-¢ fi)ot dov,,h
Step 6
1,Tin fa o_,ts on Check for <_,aks,noise, vibrat on, correct watur tempe/atures and prop_ r
op_rat o/ in spn. C _o(:k that th<_,d ocks du °_gspir_
2°Tu-__ot _nd coldware _u /_ (,If ,_/n vvas _er s -_ot in use
Special Instructions
1 Th<",Jashe r_aygvewaningsgnalsvv_en owwate pessue, o dranpobemsa_
(_°_counte_d See'f your cosnartbe-psfo he)(page 32).
if fit_e _elp is °__tdedconcerning this appliance, ere to S(_rvice,page:_ B3

sta : tor rstrud:tors
Speca Requirements for Acove or Closet Installation
The T/-_ r/ //ver/tibtoncea-an(>, )etweent_evvas_er _r/dadacent',u_LIsorothersurl_ces s:
l"(25ru9 nn r/ur_etsersd( aqdfrent
3"(7 ram) n°_ r/ur_rea
(ens der_tkx_ r/ust b_ given t _ pmvidi-_g
adeqttate ciearar/_( for r/stallat on and servc -v._.
Th<:"rr/n rn Art/vert cal spa(x{ requ ed from foe
toove }_,adshelves, ca)inets, ceingsetcis 9"
(oset doo/s must >e oAvered or ot _erw{se
vet/ ilated aid have at east 60 sq late in(hes o)er_
area for a was }er ony, or f tile (: oset (:o/¢a ns boh
a washer and dye_, doos mus contan at least 120
sq are nches of oper/aea equallydist/ )u_ed.
Do not install this appliance in a closet with a solid door.
i ON/eled doo[
iO Sq In
_: 8g Sq C/_
60 S( It'
(588 So cm)
Mobile Home Installat on
°y_aation n stconferntotheSrANDA:/DFO:/iVO_ I OMIS AN IA]lg] _r_d qATKDNAI
i\4081/I )M CONSTRUCTK}N & SAFI TY SI-ANDARD ACT OF ]074 (/I _ o>;.
Grounding Instructions
Ths applianc< must b<_grounded n the event of ma funcqon o beak down, gro i _ding will
educe the [skofee(ticsho(kbyprovidingapa_hofleastresstanc< _foree(:rccurent,T_<_
ap )liance i'_equ pped wt_ a cold t_at has an eq Apment ground n j condud:or and a g ound ng
pk_gThe _k_g must be pugged into an approp ate outlet t_at is propely ins:aed and
gro nded in acco dance wits all local codes and ord naraes
Improper connection of an equipment-grounding conductor can _esult in a Hsk of electric shock,
Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whethe_ the appliance is
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance o--if it wil[ not Fitthe outlet, have a proper
outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Specficaton subed}......to change wt_out notc< :,.
I 0

Irr [ orta r Safety Ir :tru<-rior
Read all safety information before using
Many washers are ocated near a gas dyer or a water heater fl"te home
Fire Hazard
For your safety the i`nformation in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk offke or explosion or to preve`nt
property damage, perso`nal i,njury or loss of Iifeo
Do `not store or use gasol[,ne or other flammable vapors a`nd
liquids in the vid`nity o[ this or a,ny other appIia,nce,
hnstaIIatio`n a,nd service must be performed by a qualified
i`nstaIler, service age,ncy or the gas supplier,
What to do if you smell gas
= DO NOT ty to Ight any ap )liance
= DO NO-r to Act_an elecl:r ca swiich; do not use any phone _yo b Idng
° tea the oo`n, bAi ding or area of all ocx: @ants
I `n `ned _tdy call yoA gas s Ipplier fron your _eig _bor s phone.
Fo[ow the _as sup) e s ir/str_ctions
If you cannot each your gas suppie, ca[[ the fire depatr _ent.
Water Heater Safety
Unde cetancondiio/sklydogengas nay bepodu<edin _wate/heate tha_ _asr/o_been
used fo two weeks or r _ore.
if the hot ware has not been used for two weeks or note, p ever t the possibility of da nage or
nluybyt]r_r_gor_allhorwate faucets and aHowing the `nto run k) sevea `nr/ tes )e[oe
us_g any e ect (a[ app an(:e wfich is conr/ected to t_e hot ware sys e `n. T_s will aow any
_yd ogen gas to escape S _cethegas sfar_r_able donotsr_okeo us< an openfiar_eor
appl ante dur_g t% process

po ta t sty" cto s
£mectri¢ Shock Hazard
Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide°
Failure to do so can result in death, electric shock, fire or injury
to persons_
Safety Precautions:
Reada nstuctonsbefoeusingt_oapp_mco.
= Use this apparce only for ts intended purpose as descibed r_ ths Use G de
Tfiswashe r_us bepo)e y nstalled _r_d orated n _ccodan(ewththelr/sta atinr_
I _st uctons hefoe t is Ised
Prope ygroAndtoconk>rnwtha 9overn _g(:odesandodinances
Folowdetais st_elnstaUatonlsstuctons.
Do not r/stallo storewashe wheeitwll )e exposed to ter ]per _l:ures )e ow freezing or
ex )osed to t_e w_ ather.
(onned to a poperly a_ed, potected and sized power suppy c cuit to avoid eect cal
Conned: toadeq ae p nbi/_ganddanfadtesasdescibed nthe nsl:aatior_lnstu<tons
Tun offwate/fa_c:ets whe_ t_ washer s not in useto reeve pressure on _oses and valves and
to n _ r/ze eakagesifahoseorvavesho_dbreakorr pt.re.
Do not epairo re)lacea Wpartoftheapp ar/ceoratter/ptar/ysevcngu_essspecficaly
recamlnendedint_s(s_rGuideo inp blisheduser epa instrActinr_st_atyouunderstand,
and have sklls to carry ott.
Whend,ax)r//_ed:ir/gthea)par/cepAIbythep grathe than the cordo ]un(tionofcordto
avod damage to the cord orjur/(tion of the cord and p Ig.
Make site that the cod is orated so that i1:wi tot be stepped on tripped over or oth_/w s__
sub;err to dar rage or stress.
Keep all la lndry aids (s Ac _as de e gents, bleac_,fabricsnflene,etc.)ou_ofthe each of
c_den, pe_raby _alockedcabir_et. ()>seveal wa _ngson conl:a _e/lahdstoavoid
personal injury
Do not tar/l:x r wth the conl:n>ls
Keep the aea aro And/unden/eath your appliance free froth the acctln/tl[at or/of cornb st hie
mater aB, scs as lira1:,pa )er, ags, c semicals, etc.
Keeptb< foo aro ndyou appliance c ean ar_d dry to ted ceth_ _possbi tyolslippng
Newer reach nto the washer if the bask_,t or agitato s movir]g
/ 2

Irr portar t S fety Ir stru<tior s
Beforeoading, unloading or adding dott es, pess START/PAUSEand wait unt the r_ac_inehas
oomph dy sopped before,opening the id.
Cos_ su>ervisonisnecessaryifthisappian<eisusedbyo nearchidre_ Do no alowc_ilden
to play ir side, or wi_ ths applianc<_or _ry disca ded appbsnc<
o Dispose of discarded ap >liancesand shipp{n//pa<k ng mate his pope y. Beforedisca ding a
washer, o re noving fror_ service, r<move the was _erid
o Do not leave t_e washer id Lipduring the cycle. Ttis wi sop t_e spin acton and pr<vent
cornp{etion of the cyce Io esturt, close id and press START/PAUSE
o Do r_o wash or dry art ces that _ve >een cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, o spotted with
comb Astble or explos ve substances (s/oh aswax, oil, paint, gasoline, deg <asers,dy d<,aning
solvents, keros_ne,utc) whk:_ nay ignite or ex >lode. Do no: 4_ddthese su >stancesto t_e wash
wate. Do not use these substar/<_s aound yoA/was_er and/or dye during opeadon, as t_ey
gveoffvapos hat could ignite orexpode
The aundypocesscar/reducethefla_e/etardancyoffabrics, oavoidsu<_a es/ t, the
ga r _ent nal_ufac ure's careinst uct ons sbcxd )e fd owed very car_f/ ly
o Dono mixc_loinebleac_withamr_oniaoracds c_asvinegarand/o r_st/emove_ Mixing
can prod/ce a toxic gasw%_ nay cause death.
N_ve/cinb on or stand on the washe top o Ikt.
o Do no:was_fibegassartdes in you waste.Skin it{ration could resut fror_the enain{ng
patidestha may be picked/pbydothingduir_gs_bsequentwashe use
o Iu r_ini nz the poss biliry of _,lectic shock, ur_plugthis a>plbr_cefron the powe supply or
disconl_e(:t the wash<r a the ho Jse _oJddistrib _don panel by en/oving the fuse or swit< _ing
oflthecirc4t xeake beforeatte'nptingany naintenanceorceanng.
Not_: Pressng the POWERb tton does NOT disconnect t_e app ancefror_the powe supply,
even thoug _the Ights ae out
Do r_otoperate ths appliance if it isda naged, nalfJnct oning, part aly disasser_bed or _as
nssng o boker_ pats ir_dudng a damaged cord o pi g
Do rio op<ral:eths appl ante if the Id _as been incorrectly f tt_,d
o If you are usin/an extens on cod or a potable ded:r ca{outlet device (eg n/I t socket oltet
box), ens/re that t s post on_d so that t does not or]e nto (onta<t wth water o mois:ure

How To Get ,_::>_ rt ed
= Removu the fabric soft_ne dispenser.
= :_/a__k_ad even y a o J-_d the agitato.
° Foow the nst uctons on th<_deter _ent package
Use tt_e mark or_ t_e ag taro, nearest to the top of
the clothes, asaguidetothe(orectano ntof
(fete gent to use,
Pour t_ _,detergent down t_e center of the
agitator sten.
/_eplacethefabicsoftenerdispense astbsstops
aFti(lesfa _gdownthecente oft_eagtato
B. Beach
ifyo wsh to usebk!_ach:
= Use half the econmended dose of >l(ach.
= D/ute )leach a_d pou <a_efu//y down the
inne surface oft_ea(!itatorsten, nlinewith
t_e lins (/_(,fe t( _ ea<:}hpage }_}}.
Select the Softener Rir/se Opt on. T/s wll
ensue t_at any/esic_a //es¢,_ sw_/ceased
okF of your washe
_a_# Pro_e_
Q==o; i i _[)i ol ..................i i¢)i i_i........
Permale#t W##: f;e/:eate Heavy
P:ess _/as#a#Ies D#ty
S ..........

G Fabrc Softener
fyou wsh to use fabrk: softe/e, )lace it
n the disper se_ or/tie top of t_ ag tarot
See(: t_eSoPenerl_ns< opt on so t sat
tie softener wiII be disFx nsed correctly
nto the final nse. (/%[-r to fabc
softene page 19 and 2_3).
OpHo_s \_
Dr Powe_
Tur°_ ye I cosr/ad: en )y pressi-_g t_e POWER xl:on
E Wash Cycle
o (bse the lid _ndpressyourchos_'nvwshcych:
R Wash Opt ons
Seectthevvas_temperatureandot_er'/v_shoptons (Refe to )_ges ' S_
0 Fsst
0 Warm 0 ¢@d 0 &_,_a_ 0 3fir
[_ash Water
T_mp L_wt
I 1
-G l
Pre START/PALSEto start t/_ _nac_ne
_[you wish to stop you_ Ecosma_t
Watunild< nachne _asfuysto)ped, andt/_ lidlo<k ghl:isoff, befo< open / g the lid,
For best fab_c a_d color care _emove you_ clothes as soon as the cycle has finished

AbottYourEcosm rt
How Ecosmart Works
TneFsher&PaykelEcosr]at's'2in 'was_systepgvesyouthebestol x)thwords. Usbga
co r/ )ir at or_ of front oade and to)loade was_syster_s, heEcosr/artgvesex(eptonalwasb
rest@s w_e using up to %0% ess ho_ wate% and, at th< sam< tne, taking bette care ofyo
( ot _esthan a (onventiona top oad was/el.
Phase 1 - Eco Active Wash
Font Loade_ Type Was_'_
The Ecos hart fis tse bow, at the selected
tetr/)_ at re, wth ust enough water so that the
cothes ae 100% sat rated
This sr/al amou-_tof sudsyvva_eris doubted throug_
the clothes, Lipthe spocial y dosk_nod potal _r_dback
onto thecot_eswithawaterfa effi(t.
The c }etr/cal actio/provided by s sl/a arr/o. °}tof ware-,
co nbir/ed wt_ dete-<}pr/t, apidy targ_,tssoil and stains
at fiber evd, boosting so emoval and accder_ting the
Phase 2 -Top Loader Type Wash
Aflor4mns:<s, your cos'nartwllflwkh}ust<_noug_
cooer water to susp_nd tp soil n so it on. Ag tat on
will then b(gn, r/ov ng so away for_ t_e c othes.
Be(:aAseof tsheadsat, thewash eq/ esless
agitation than a onventiona top oader wash
Unque Fishe_& Paykel Showe_ Rnse
_CEE,MaKh 2002
I )
Sh}we Sr.)r Sx)wer Sr.)r Spi/

AbQL t i}!OtJY [7(05 ]'] _r((
Lid Lock
Yo Fcosr]at _asa id ockThisens_ <_sth( idcannot be
opened duing hazadous parts of the cycle,providir_g added
saf_4:yk_ you and yo4/fami y.
The id ock light (above th, ,la 1/pa i <:bulto/b <or]]_., or/
vvh_n t_ lid isocked to te you whe_ you (ar_no: opon the id S_art
if the id ock light isflashing the id ock is in the >ro_<ssof o(:kin(; or unlocking (ix:_.while th_
r_achine coasts down or start/pause' has been >ressed) Duing t_is ,lacj_ t_e lid stiNcannot
Keep ch Idren away f_om the machine during the fill and agitate stage of the cyce, especia y
when using Ihot water, as the Id ca be opened and the macbi _e wll not stop
if the idisleftopon, the r/a(:hinevq beunabloto ocka_dtf( cydovq >e _alted T/_
r_a<ti/m will beep an4 the id ock light willflas_ _nd t_ lid is _losed _nd t_
' /
START/PAt.SEbutton is press<_'d
Was" Cyce, rd(}i:tors
_" (_
The Wash Progress Lights
The vwsh p o_ ess i(j _tss_ow sll the tasksyour Icos marl:will corY/pet d/ing th__wush (:y(:e.
Asach t_sk is co nple ed aIi;:hl: f:oes or, soyo_ can tell a a glance _ow fi;r the _ycl_ _asto go,
Advanc ng the Wash Cycle
To s}orl:en t}e was} trne, to ihse and spin ony, or to spn oily:
1, Sel((:t the wash cy(:le.
2 [>tessADVANCE r<p<ated y until only the ig_t
rmr _berof lights rer _anor_.
Note: The wash consists of two parts The first
a'r/be light s esser/tia ¢o a washes except
Per nanent Press, the e_o e, yo can only advar/ce
thro g_t_egreen g_ts not thear_ber
Wash Rins_ Spin
W_sfiaflles D_ty

Wash< y :les........ nd Option:
EcoActive Wash 4 rain 4 rain 4 rain 4 rain
Ag tare Tree' /2 mi_ 9 rain 6 rain 3rain 0 _ il
W_>s_Actio_ HeavyDuty Reguiu Delicute Delkute Reclubr
Wash T_mp \,v,_rm \,v,_rm w_,tm!co!d w_,tm!co!d \,w_r!_t!cok:l
Rinse cold cold sprcsyri!'se sr::rcsylinse sprcsylil_se
Sps S_:seed Fa_t Fa_t Slow '7_:-cuIt .....-r_ Slow
Sp_ Time d rrtin d rrtin 4 rrtin 6 rrtin 2 rrtht
Does notin<:l d<_fi tir_es
The Wash Cycles
HEAVYDUTY Fol heavilysoiled and i/eavy duty %brits
REGULAR Formedium t<:,lightly soiled co_ctolis,lil_ens,work _l_dpby d )files
DELICATE Foriingelie _nd speci_l c_e ff_bits with iigh_soii
WOOLWASHABLES SpecP/liydesiglted -'orI_ormcdiysoiled I<!'its8_ndm_/chhtew_sh_d'>lewoolle/ts
S!/OWei SI'}OWei _. ÷
rinse linse _oid w_lm!coid cold
deep linse d,,,-,I}Iit_se deep Ihise
AI"ore tl_x]itionul wash fol syrthetic:s, blends,4nd/o/deliote fc¢blicswith
r/o_m4isoft_nd clo_huswhich vvrhikir,, _sily
Wash Opt ons
Whe_ yol press POWERto tin on your cos r_at it wil aul:or/at cally sie(t a:
REGULARwash cycle
o WARM was_ te r_peature
AUTO w,_te levd a_t_
o FASTspin s>eed o _
lath of these was_ optkx s <anbe ateed to sui: o sa_,_ o _ o m_it_
your wash -_eeds The fo owing pages <'x>la _#ac_ o s_a£...........s÷,wa_,_, o _a_ o s_
of the wash options and _ow to use t_er_
(_,-_ light ison
( o) g/t s off
°[b select Wash Optio_ss
1, Select wash cycle
2°Use t_<, up o down arows o the opQons b4ttor/,
toseectthewashoptonsyo want rouse,
0 O CNd 0 L_ 0 H_I_I
Iqote:Tv,/o Iiglxs are used to
SHOW w-/rrY_/130 _,113J ,141P!/COIC_
",Y_S{i _@R!}Oef _,(H @S

Wash (}ycles and Options
Softener Rinse
We r<,cor /r /end thu _.se of sofi_n<_r dye she,'ts br'c_use
qcd fabric softener has been known to cause an unpbasa ¢
build up nsde was_ng mac fines (Refo to Scud pagu 25)
dse the SOFTENER RINSE option:
f you us<_liquid fabric soften/_
Ifyou use beach
This opl:ion changes the dns< to includ< _s spay and de,p
t rise, so that th< lab< sofle-_<w ,\ b< d.)<n d _o <_dy,
and ther_achinesur_pw b(!thooA(:lhlych,_r/edof)h,a(h.
Sore< wass loads are better was _ed using a cycle with a
deep rinse. Fo instance, garrr/erd:s that _ave a lot of sand or
sawdt/s: in them, or garn/ents w_ere th ,_coot st trills. For
these oads select the SOFTENER RINSE opton as ths will
changet_ _r d,eto _cludea(/_epr _s__.
d _
0 H_#
0 B@l'm
0 C;Nd
0 Cold
W_e/you select SOAK your Fc(}smart will stop at t_e end of
wash aid soak for 2 hours befoe cot _peting the rnse and
spin During soak your washe wll agitate _o a fi_w seconds
every n n/re.
Time Saver
TIME SAVER allowsyo tosto/tent_ewashcycefo/ g_tv
so edcot_es, Seectngttff optonredu es the wash and
spin tit ]es
Tirn _S_vei c_r/b_ tur°_ed on or off at any dr_e dur -_(:t_e
0 H_t
(h i 0 @;d

Wash Cycles and Op-dons
Water Levels
A_to Wate_ Level
Yo I cosmart (:an autor_atcaliy s(,ect t_e app op [ate
wate/eve fo the oad
1, Hac< your cot _es[r_the mar:hine, and pr<ssPower.
2oSe<,(t vv_sh(yale (see<:tAuto water eve[ f not
D.Iring fi[[ the rna(:hine wi paise oc(:asionaHyto sense
the ware levek T_e machir_ewil check if th< water
leve iscorrect by using aseries of two dif% ere agitate
sl:rokes.(T% may take overa r _inut_,).if it detects t_at
thu water level isnot enough l:wilifiliwt_ noewater
and ru (:heck t_e k,ve[
= When washing an unusua bad eg large bulky
garments, plows, we recommend yo4 manua ly
seect the water eve and select the De care cycle
= Ma _laliy se <'ct th,' water levd if them s air<'adywater
in tie rna(:h he.
o Fo a large bulky load,o lage single itep (eg
co n{o ter) p/s_ the load dowr_ affe the first fi
Manual Water Level Select on
The agitato _as five eves marked on ts stern that <:an
beused o _elpyousee(:tt/,ecore(twae/ eves
See(:t the orret water evel By using the hark neaet
to the top of the cothes
= fhelevesr_akedo/theagtato do not co respor_d
exacty to the eve[ of water fhey pdicate the eve of
dy clothes s itab< for the ware leve
= YourEcosr/art nayo, casionalyaddwaterdu r_g
agitation Tssisto naintant_ewate level d/ e to t /e
rdeaeofairtapp_d r_thega pents.
= (}u_ of balance oads, l:a _giing or s )las _o\!e can be
(aus< d by se e(ting a water evd t_at is too _g_
0 Warm
0 C_ld
\ ii
0 t@,5,_
0 M_,t,_ 0 ,get_,
0 L_" 0 'l%ld

Wash Cy..le and (}ptions
Spin HoM
Usu the SPN HOLD opliion to
Removedrpdyga r/enl:sfor_amixedloadbefoetse
wash goes r,to s>in
M n nize wrinklir/g tidal: is ca ised when clo t es are eft
sttn 9 stsemacfineattheendoftse(ycle
When SPIN HOLD is selected, your Ecosma t will pause at
t se end of rinse, beepanttsespin 9hl:w flashtotel
you that t s watnj for anothe insl:r icl:ion Press START/
PAUSE to begn the sPn.
Delay Start
Delay Satw debyth( sl:a l: of the wash cycle fo
I (l, J_Or o f_)urs,
PressDELAYSTARTonce for a dday of 1 hour Pressagain
fo 3 so/ s atfidtirsefo 9) so s(andaga storetumto
-so ,ab.
()nee you press Delay Stair your Ecosr sart wil begin th<
deay p<rod, you do r/o_ have to )r<ss Star/Paise.
B< ca eful f usir, g Deay Stair for non co o fusl: (Iothes as
dyesrsay uniftheclo:hesaredan).
%. I(:osmal:wil sot >eep at the end of tse :yale f
)day Stal: s selected.
CLothes Care Safeguards
roavoc_ac(denayd_/sag sgyo¢ (:ots_s,t/ere _re sfew op ions that your _co. n<_rt vlnot
_((ept For _xa_pl_:, yo can-sot ee(t r_ot wass on De care, Pe-T_nent/::_r_ss o Wool cycl(