Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer DD605, DishDrawer DS605, DishDrawer DD60S-H, DishDrawer DS605-H User Manual

Safety alnd walrrlnings
COlB'_IIOIIS (Intt!{]_ated and Pr(_fi_'}ish_:,d no LCD) COIB'{IFdS (P_efinished modds with LCD)
Wash ipllogllam chart Callilngfelt you irdilrsirserwaire
Dislhwaslhell standallds test Accessories
Watell softe/"_ell
IRinseagent dislpensell
Olptioln ad,iustments
Usel maintenance ilrsstl!Jlctiollss
Walrlranty and service
8 10 11 12 13 14 16 18
20 22 23 26 29 31 94
subl#ct t',>chc;nq# (,_,(;fly _im#.h_r c ;rrent de_]ils ,'{_out mod#/ c]ndsp#cih ution ovc_ilubi/hy inyour country, pl#_se go to our websit_' www fisherpc_yMLcom or com_;ctyour bco/ fisher & Puyh'/ ch,o/_,r.
Safety and walrnilr gs
'four DishDrawer has been carefully designed to operate safely during normal dishwash ng procedures Please keep the following guidelines in mind when you are using your
DishDrawer °. Please read aJJinstructions before operating the DishDrawe¢'.
The information in d_ismanual must be followed to rninknize the risk of fire or explosion or to
prevent' property damage, persona] idury or loss of fife.
Use g_e DishDrawer ®only for its intended function as described in this User Cure. Use only detergen_s or rinse agent recommended for use in a domesdc Dishwasher and keep them out of reach of children. Check that the detergent dispenser is empty after the completion of each wash program. When loading items to be washed, locate sharp items so g_at theyare not likely to damage the lid seal and load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the risk of cut type injuries. Do not touch the heater plate during or immediately after ase. Do not operate your DishDrawer '_anfess all the enclosure panels are properly in place. Do not tamper with the controls.
Do not abuse, sit on, stand in or on @e drawer or dish rack of @e DishDrawer't The cup racks are dedgned to support cups, glasses and kitchen atensiM When g_e cup racks
are in the DishDraweP ° do not lean on or use the cup racks to support year bo_, weight
To reduce the risk of inju@; do not allow children to play in or on the DishDrawer ®.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water heater system that has not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system
has not been used for such a period, before using the dishwasher, tam on all hot water taps and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This willrelease arty accamulated hy@ogen
gas. As gas is flammable, do not smoke or use art open flame daring this time. Remove g_e door to the washing compartment when removing an aM dishwasher from service or discarding it. Dishwasher detergents are alkaline. They can be dangerous if swallowed Avoid contact with skin and eyes, keep chiMren and infirm person(s) away &am the dishwasher when the drawer is opened.
Safety and walmings
This DishDrower '_must be instaNed and located in accordance with the installation Instructions before it is used. if you did not receive Ins taHadon Instruction sheets with your DishDrawer% you
con order ffmm by calling your Authorized Service Agent or from the Fisher & Poykel website,
Installation and serw'ce must be performed by a qua#fled technician. if the power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a dealer or Authorized Service Center or a similar qualified trades person in order to avoid a hazard_ Ensure the DishDrawer _is secured to adjacent cabinetry using fl'_e brackets provided Failure to do so may result in an unstable producs which may cause damage or injury. Do not operate this appliance if it is damaged, mMfunctioning, partially disassembled or has
missing or broken pares, including a damaged power supply cord or plug. Do not store or use petrol, or other flammable ,vapors and liquids in the vicinity of the
Dish Dra wer'L Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized power supply circuit' to ovum electrical overload.
Make sure fl'mt the power supply cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over or
otherwise subject to damage or stress. Do not instafl or store the DishDrower '_where it will be exposed to _emperatures below freezing or exposed to weather. Do not use an extension cord or o portable electrical outlet device (e.g. multiosocket outlet box) to connect the DishDrawer ®to the power supply. This appliance must be grounded, in the event era malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a paff_ of least resistance for electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment.grounding conductor attd a grounding
plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded
in accordance with aft local codes and ordinances. Improper connection of the equipment. grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt' as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Maintenance Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any serddng unless specifically recommended in this User Guide. We recommend that' you call an Au thorized Service Agent.
Keep the floor around your appflance clean attd dry to reduce the possibility of slipping. Keep the area around/underneath your appliance flee &ore the accumulation of combustible materials, such as lint, paper, rags and chemicals. When cleaning the underside of ffm filter plate, care must be taken on the sharp outer edge to avoid the risk of cut type injuries.
Safety and warnings EZ}
Under no circumstances should you open the drawer whilst the DLshDraweP_isin operation.
AIways press the @!W[button to pause and wait andl you hear flre three addidonM beeps before
opening the drawer.
The DishDrawer must be used with the motor assembly, filter plate, drm'n filter and spray arm in
When disconnecting the appliance puff the plug rather than the power supply cord or junction of cord to ovoid damage. Take care when loading the DishDrawer ¢°not to load dishware items so they prevent the lid from
properly sealing with the drawer. Items should be placed so they do trot protrude above and/or
forced into the drawer, otherwise a service call may result. HousehoM appliances are trot intended to be played with by children. ChiLdren or persons with a disability which limits their ability to use the appliance, shouM hove a responsible person instruct them in its use. The instructor shouM be satisfied that they can then use the appliance without danger to themselves or their surroundings. Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or near children. Do trot aflow chiMren to play inside, on or with this appliance or any discarded appflance. If a Dishwasher cleaner is used_ we wouM strongly recommend a wash program with detergent should be run immediately afterward_ _o prevent any damage to the Di@Drawer _. The DishDraweP °is desoned for washing normM househoM utensils. Items that are contaminated by petrol, paint, steel or iron debris, corrosive, acMic or alkaline chemicals ore not
to be washed in the DishDrawer ®. if the DishDrawer _is trot being used for long periods of time, turn the electricity and water supply
to the DishDtaweF _off. Do trot pour detergent or Hnse agent into the salt reservoir. The detergent or Hnse agent win
destroy the water softener.
C©IIBtlIP©/IS (In_egl_a_ed and Prefinished no LCD)
If you have a double DishDrawer ', each drawer has its own controB and can run independently of the other.
Power button 0
The O button turns the DishDrawer ° on or off. Opening
the drawer will automatically turn the DishDrawer ° on for 30 seconds. To end a wash program in mid cycle, press
the _ button Any water in the DbhDrawer ° will be
pumped out
@ @
Start/Pause button I_,_lw
The _ittl button starts a wash program Press the _/H
button to pause or restart the DishDrawer ° during a wash program. When paused, wait for three beeps before
opening the drawer. Forcing the drawer open while in mid cycle may cause damage or injury.
Delay Start
The _i]JJ button also sets the Dday Start feature which can delay the start of a wash program
from 1to 12 hours.
To activate Delay Start
1 Press and hold the _/j[ button until the light above the _*][ button turns orange (or purple,
depending on your model).
2 Continue holding the _ttt_ button down until the desired delay time has been reached The
DishDrawer ° will emit audible'beeps' as you hold the _/H button down, each beep indicates another hour dday.
s The DishDrawer ° will start once the delay time has elapsed and the drawer is dosed.
To cancel Delay Start
Lock button _/@ (optional)
The _/_ button activates/deactivates the KeyJockor the ChfldJockfunctions.
The KeyJock feature disables all the buttons on the DishDrawe¢' To activate, press and holcJ the _/@ button until you hear one beep (3 seconds). The light
above the _/@ button is lit when Keylock is activated.
To cancel the Keylock feature, press and hold the _/@ button until the light above the _/@
button disappears,
Col_tll_©lls (Integl_ated and P_efinished no LCD)
The ChiJdJockfeature locks the drawer and disables all the buttons on the integrated badge. Toactivate, pressand hokJ the _/@ button until you heartwo beeps (5seconds). The light
above the _/@ button islit when ChiJdJockisactivated.
Tocancelthe ChiJdJockfeature, pressand hold the _/@ button until the light above the
_/@ button disappears.
Wash program selector
Press the _ button to select a wash program. The DishDrawer ° will remember the last program used,
Eco button _ (optional}
Pressthe _ button if you would like the wash program to use lessenergy, The red ECOlight will indicate the feature ison. Ifyour dishes areheavily soiled or you require enhanced dry
performance, we do not recommend ECOprogrammes.
Power failure
Ifthe DishDrawer isoperating and apower failure occurs, it will stop. The DishDrawer' may be unable to be opened during this time When the power supply isresumed, the DishDrawe¢' will restart in the same part of the wash program,
COIIBtlIPOJIS(Prefinishedmodelswi_h LCD)
If you have a double DishDrawe#', each drawer has its own control panel and can run
Time remaining
(Delay Start)
Wash program progress symbol I
Delay Start symbol
bu ton (@/ @ Lo<kbu*,on
4 Start/Pause
-_ bu_ton
Electronic display ......................................................................................................................................
Power Button O
The O button turns the DishDrawe, _'' _,,.,nor off. Opening the drawer will automatically turn the
DishDrawer ° on for 30 seconds To end a wash program in mid cycle, press the @ button. Any water in the DishDrawer' will be pumped out.
Start/Pause Button _/'JJ_
The _[JJ button starts a wash program Press the _,/H button to pause or restart the
DishDrawer ° during a wash program. When paused, wait for three beeps before opening the drawer. Forcing the drawer open while in mid cycle may cause damage or injury.
1 2 S
Delay Start
The _/1_ button also sets the Delay Start feature which can delay the start of a wash program
from 1to 12 hours
To activate Delay Start
Press and hold the _/_ button until the delay symbol G appears on the electronic display. Continue holding the _tH button down until the desired delay time has been reached.
The OishDrawer ° will start once the delay time has elapsed and the drawer is closed.
To cancel Delay Start
Lock Button _ (optional)
The _ button activates/deactivates the Keylock or the Childlock functions,
The Keylock feature disables all the buttons on the control panel To activate, press and hold the _ button until you hear one beep (3 seconds). The _ symbol
appears in the electronic display when the Keylock feature is activated.
The ChiidJock feature locks the drawer and disables all the buttons on the control pan& To activate, press and hold the @ button until you hear two beeps (5 seconds). The @ symbol
appears in the dectronic display when the ChiEdlock feature is activated.
To cancel the Childlock feature, press and hold the @ button until you hear one beep and the
symbol disappears from the electronic display.
Wash program selector
Press the _ button to select a wash program. The DishDrawer C'will remember the last program used,
Eco button _ (optional}
Press the _ button if you would like the wash program to use less energy. The red ECO light will indicate the feature is on, If your dishes are heavily soiled or you require enhanced dry
performance, we do not recommend ECO programmes
Wash program progress symbols Asthe wash program adw_ncesthrough the cycle, the following symbols will appear in the electronic display to indicate the progression, When a wash program hasstarted, the electronic display also will count down the time remaining in one minute increments,
Dirty PreWash MainWash Post Rinse Drying Clean
Power failure Ifthe DishDrawed' isoperating and a power failure occurs, it will stop.The DishDrawer° may be
unable to be opened during this time. When the power supply isresumed, the DishDraweff' will restart in the same part of the wash program.
1 Load dishes
Remove all food scraps and load the dishes, 2 Add detergent :5 Check rinse agent 4 P_ess the O button 5 Select a wash program
The length of the wash program will appear
on the electronic display (Prefinished models
only). 6 Select e_ {optional) 7 Check
Ensure there is nothing obstructing the
spray arm, The drain filter must be level with
the filter plate.
Start Close the drawer and press the _/'11_button,
Finish The DishDrawe¢' will beep six times to
indicate the end of the wash program, At the end of the wash program the drying fan
will continue to run for a set time or until the drawer is opened The fan assists with drying
and uses negligible amounts of energy It is normal for some water to remain in the
drain filter area after the wash program is complete.
DD605 only; At the end of a wash programme you may find both drawers draining simultaneously, This is normal,
R \ :
S \
Wash p 'og am chart
Heavy Normal Fast De,kate Rinse
Dishes with Light!y soiled dnd Prevents odours dnd
pots, pdns rind normdl soils dishes, hedt sensitive soils drying on dishes,
dishes, for optimum
pre wash 1 pre wash 1 pre wash pre wash pre wash 2 pre wash 2
main washlS0°F main wash140°F main wash130°F main wash120°F post rinse 1 post rinse post rinse post rinse
post rinse 2
final rinse 163°F final rinse 140°F final rinse 120°F final rinse 130°F drying phase drying phase
Normal Fast De_icate
NomTdl soiled Lightly soiled, non Lightly soiled, dishes for non greasy and
optimum energy hedt sensitive
pre wash 1 pre wash pre wash pre wash 2 main wash150°F main wash130°F mainwashllS°F main wash l lS°F
post rinse 1 post rinse post rinse post rinse post rinse 2
final rinse 150°F final rinse 130°F final rinse 115°F final rinse 120°F drying phase drying phase
Wash times can vary depending on the incoming water temperature, ambient conditions, type
of dish load and whether the drawer has been opened during the wash, Wash times are only
APPROXIMATE on the Electronic Display and based on 120'_Fincoming water,
Ca d n g lit u Ird in n elrwa ire
The combination of high temperatures and dishwasher detergent may cause damage to some
items if they are washed in the DishDrawe¢ _ Remember, if in any doubt about any aspect
concerning items washed in the DishDrawer% follow the instructions from the manufacturer of
the items, or wash the item by hand.
Cutlery & silverware
All cutlery and silverware should be rinsed immediately after use to prevent tarnishing caused by
some foods. The Rinse wash program is useful for this. Silver items should not come into contact
with stainless steel, eg other cutlery. Mixing these items can cause staining Remove silver cutlery
from the DishDrawe¢' and hand dry it immediately after the program has finished.
Aluminium can be dulled by dishwasher detergent. The degree of change depends on the
quality of the product.
Other rneta_s
Iron and cast iron objects can rust and stain other items. Copper, pewter and brass tend to stain.
Wooden items are generally sensitive to heat and water. Regular use in the dishwasher may
cause deterioration over time If in doubt, wash by hand.
Most everyday glassware is dishwasher safe Crystal, very fine and antique glassware may etch
that is, become opaque. You may prefer to wash these items by hand.
Some plastic may change shape or colour with hot water. Check manufacturer's instructions
about washing plastic items. Washable plastic items should be weighed down so they do not
flip over and fill with water or fall through the basket during the wash.
Decorated items
Most modern china patterns are Dishwasher safe. Antique items, those with a pattern painted
over the glaze, gold rims or hand painted china may be more sensitive to machine washing. If in
doubt, wash by hand.
Glued items
Certain adhesives are softened or dissolved in machine washing. If in doubt wash by hand.
Vacation time
If the DishDrawer ° is not going to be used for some time, we recommend you ensure the baskets
are empty. Leave the inside of the DishDrawer ° clean. Leave the drawers ajar to allow air to
circulate. Turn off both the power and water supply to the DishDrawer%
Dis I1_wasI1_er standaIrdst est [Z]]I_]
The DishDrawer"s are tested to various standards for both wash and dry performance. The following are loading pattern diagrarns, detergent quantities and rinse agent quantities used
for the DishDrawer'.
Wash Program Norrna[
Detergent Quantities Sg (pre wash) per drawer
"10g(main wash) per drawer
Rinse Agent Setting 4
Water Softener Setting
(for DD60S-H and DS605-H models only)
Adjust the water softener to match the water hardness. Refer to the water softener and
Recon _mended Loading Pattern
_OL_ (J[_We Bottom drawer
2 3 4 S (5
Theinsertsandrackscanbeadded or removed to
suit your individual needs. If you have the double
DishDrawer ° model, some of the accessories are
interchangeable between the two drawers For
example you can combine the two Mega Racks into
one drawer and wash aH cups and glasses, leaving
the other drawer for plates and larger items,
The basket holds some of the accessories in place
and keeps dishes away from the spray arm,
boDrain filter access panel
The drain filter accesspanel isdesigned to snap
onto the basket over the drain filter This prevents
objects from touching the base of the DishDrawe¢'
and stopping the rotation of the sprayarm, while
still giving accessto the drain filter.
coMega rack
The Mega rack isdesigned to hold
glasses,cups and small plates.
do Plate insert
The plate insert supports plates and
How to install the Mega rack
To install the Mega rack, place the outer
legs of the rack on top of the basket,
and clip the Mega rack to the side of the
basket When the Mega rack is correctly
installed it should not feel loose in the
Cup racks
Cups, glasses and kitchen utensils can be placed on the _!_
left and right hand side of the cup racks.
For best performance ensure there are no large items "_
below, blocking the wash water from reaching the cup '_.¢c_'_'_.a<_,_j
Wine glasses can be supported on the cup racks if used in
conjunction with the Mega rack.
There are stops on the cup rack "coprevent cups from
touching the DishDrawe¢' wall This will maximize the dry
and wash performance.
Cutlery basket
Cutlery, small kitchen utensils and some plastic lids are best
placed into the cutlery basket.
For best wash performance, we recommend loading cutlery
with handles pointing down and sharp utensils with their
handles facing up, to reduce the risk of injury.
Mix spoons, knives and "Forkswithin each section, to stop
cutler), nesting together and to ensure the water circulates
Keep stainless steel from touching silver cutlery to avoid
Small items, like plastic lids, can be placed under the anti-
nesting grid, This will prevent them from being displaced by
wash water and failing to the bottom, where they may stop
the spray arm rotation.
How to load your DishDrawer ®
Note: The basket and its inserts are not designed to be lifted out of the DishDrawer' while
loaded with dishes,
IL©adi ng
Overcrowded and wash water will not
reach some of the dinnerware_
Cups glasses and bowls must have their openings facing down
The plates are nesting together and wash
Ensure cutlet'},, are not nesting or stuck
together, They need to be evenly spread out
Ensure dishware items are not "forced
into or protrude out of the drawer as it
may prevent the lid from properly sealing
which could result in a service call
Locate sharp items safely to prevent
injuring the user and damaging the lid
Check the bottom of the cutlery basket to ensure sharp or pointed items have not come through as they may stop spray arm
Ensure cutlery has not fallen through the basket and stopped the spray arm from rotating, The large bowl is blocking wash water reaching the cup racks,
Large utensils should be on cup racks so they do not become dislodged and stop the spray arm from rotating Sharp or pointed items must be placed horizontally or with sharp edges/points facing down to avoid risk of injury,
©etergent dispenser
Only use powdered detergent recommended for domesdc automatic dishwashers in the
detergent dispenser. Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline and can be dangerous if swallowed.
AvoM contact with skin and eyes.
Keep children and infirm persons away from the DishDrawer ® when the drawer is open. Check that the detergent receptacle is empty after completion
Do not place dishwasher tablets in the detergent dispenser
Detergent and dishwasher tablets shouM not be in direct contact with dishes or cutlery, Liquid detergents are not suitable to be used in
the DishDrawer% Hand washing liquids, soap, laundry detergents
or disinfectants will damage the DishOrawePt
Filling the detergent dispenser
1 Press the latch down and the door will open.
2 Pour in detergent. No detergent is needed "Forthe Rinse
s After filling the main wash compartment, close the dispenser
door until it clicks shut. The detergent will automatically be released into the DishDrawe¢' during the wash program
Closeddelergent dispenser
Open delergenl dispenser
a PreWash Compartment,
log / 2 teaspoon capacity
b Main Wash Compartment,
30g / 6 teaspoon capacity
_" Detergent Dispenser Latch d Rinse Agent Indicator Light e Rinse Agent Plug
Det eIrgent d islipen se lit [Zii} }il
The detergent quantities recommended below are for individual drawers
Hard (>150ppm or >9gpg) Medium (t00-150ppm or 6-ggpg) Soft (<lOOppm or <6gpg)
Heavy Normal
Delicate Fast
2 6 2 4
1 3 "l 2
1 1
No detergent is required in the pro wash compartment for the fast wash program.
Hard water situations if you live in a hard water situation, we
recommend the installation of a household water softener to improve the water quality,
detergent effectiveness and prevent the build-up of calcium deposits on dishes and
in the DishDrawe¢'.
Soft water situations If you live in an area of naturally soft water
or your household water is softened, avoid using too much detergent in your DishDrawer'. An excess amount of detergent is very aggressive on glassware and may cause irreversible etching.
Certain brands of dishwasher detergent contain varying quantities of phosphates, which help soften water. We suggest you use a detergent with high phosphate content to improve the wash. The detergent compartments need to be completely FULL and rinse agent is used with its setting fixed
at 5,
We recommend the use of a dishwasher cleaner/descaler whenever you notice
a buildup of calcium deposits in your DishDrawer°.
After you have used the dishwasher cleaner/descaler you must run another wash program with detergent to prevent damage to the DishDrawer ®.
Etching is a chemical deterioration that occurs on the surface of glassware when it is subjected to high temperatures, too much detergent and/or soft water situations. Etching is caused by a combination of very hot water, which causes the detergent to become very aggressive, but because the
water is soft, there are no water hardness mineral ions for the detergent to bind to,
so it extracts mineral ions directly from the glass.
Etching looks like rainbow<oJored film, as the glass is subjected to further washing the surface win eventually appear opaque. This type of etching is irreversible
To prevent further etching from occurring on glassware, use less detergent (follow the recommended detergent quantities in the
User Guide for soft water situatiorls), and ensure the dishwasher is not overloaded,
so water can reach all the dishes during the
Watelr softenelr (©S605=H, ©©605=H models oMy}
Setting up the water softener
Using hard water (above 100ppm) for dishwashing can be detrimental to the performance of your DishDrawer< Glasses will become opaque and dishes will become spotted or covered in a
white film, Determine the water hardness in your _oca[ area
Yeur local water company wiJl be able to provide you with information, identify the setting you require for your DishDrawe¢' from the water hardness table below. For example, if your water hardness is 500ppm, then the water softener setting on your DishDrawep' should be fouc Refer to Option Adjustments section to adjust the water softener so that the setting corresponds to
0 1 2 3
450-550 550-625
Note: If },,our water hardness is above 625ppm, we highly recommend you completely fill the
detergent compartment for all programs except Rinse and the rinse agent setting be at 5. If your water hardness is above 625ppm, the performance of your DishDrawer ° will decline,
You may hear some unusual noises when the water softener is in operation, this is normal
How to fill the salt reservoir
Open the DishDrawer< Unscrew the salt reservoir plug by turning counter
clockwise Place the salt into the salt container and pour the
contents into the sal'r reservoir The salt reservoir can hold just over one pound/O 5 kg of salt
Fit the cap tightly back into its original position If you do not wash your dishes immediately after filling the salt reservoir, run a rinse program to remove any salt water or spilt granules.
Note: When filling the salt dispenser, you may notce water
being displaced from the water softener overflow.
WatellF s©ftelr"}ellr (©S_O,%H,DD60,%H mode_s on_y)
The water softener must aM,'aysbe hTledwith granular salt made espeddly for dishwasher water
softening systems. We do not recommend the use of cooking salt I_e ruble salt, rock salt or
pellets as they may contain impun'ties that _4llimpair or diminish the life of the water soPtener.
The salt reservoir
Water softening can only take place when there is salt in the reservoir.The salt reservoir must
be filled prior to using the DishDrawer ° and whenever the salt reservoir indicator light is red,
Salt indicator light
If the salt indicator light is red, the salt reservoir is empty. If the salt indicator light is black, there is enough salt in the reservoir for the wash program that has been selected, Prefinished Models: The electronic display will also indicate when the salt reservoir is empty by
displaying the salt _ symbol,
a Saltlndlcalor light b Salt Reservoir cap
Do not pour detergent or rinse agent into the salt reservo_Z Detergent and rinse agent will destroy
'the V¢Oterso'_tene_
Salt only
NO Detergent NO Rinse Agent
Rinse agent diSllt enselr
We highly recommend the regular use of liquid rinse agent to give the best drying results. Rinse agent gives a streak free, sparkling clean look to glass and chinaware, in addition it
prevents metal from tarnishing. The rinse agent dispenser is on the inside of the drawer, located underneath the detergent dispenser. The dispenser holds approximately 1.7fl oz (50 mE)of rinse
Filling the rinse agent dispenser
1 Turn the plug counter--clockwise and remove. 2 Pour the rinse agent into the circular opening. s Take care not to spill rinse agent into the
DishDrawer °, Any spiJlages must be wiped up to prevent excess foaming. Failure to wipe rinse agent spiJJages may result in a service call which will not be covered by warranty.
4 Fit the plug back into the original position.
How much rinse agent to use
The regulator may need adjusting to suit your water conditions The lowest setting is'l' and
the highest is 'St Refer to Option Adjustments section to adjust the rinse agent setting. If there is excessive foam at the end of the wash, reduce the setting. If dishes are wet or streaky after
Rinse agent indicator light
If the rinse agent indicator light is red, refill the dispenser If the rinse agent indicator light is dimly lit or not lit at all, there is enough rinse agent for the wash.
Note: Lighter colored rinse agents will not dim the indicator light as effectively as darker colored rinse agents When the rinse agent is being dispensed, you may notice some unusual noises during the wash
this is normal.
Option adjustments
The following options can be adjusted to suit your preferences.
Rinse Agent setting Reduce the Rinse agent setting if there is excess foam after a wash program Increase the Rinse agent setting if dishes are wet or streaky after a wash program.
Water Softener setting (DS605H and DD6O5H on[y) Refer to the Water Softener section.
Auto Power setting By default, DishDrawe¢' will automatically turn on whenever the drawer is opened Washing will not start until the drawer is dosed and the _iH button has been pressed. If you do not want the DishDrawer" to turn on automadcally, this feature can be turned off.
End of VVash Program Beeps By default, DishDrawer ° wiJJ beep six times at the end of a wash program. This feature can be
turned off.
Closed Drawer option
The Closed Drawer opBon will lock the DishDrawer" when the drawer is closed. When you wish
to open the drawer, press the 0 button When the drawer is fully dosed again, the lid will automatically come down after 30 seconds and lock.
If the Lock feature is used in conjunction with the Closed Drawer Option, pressing the 0 button will not unlock the drawer. The Lock feature must be turned off to enable DishDrawer ° to be
Note: this option is highly recommended if the DishDrawer is to be used in motor homes.
Clean Dish Indicator option (Prefinished models with LCD only} By default, DishDrawer ° is programmed with the Clean Dish Indicator option off. When the
Clean Dish Indicator option is on, the _0 symbol will remain in the electronic display after a wash program has finished to indicate the dishes are dean. When you have unloaded all the dishes, press the @ button to return to normal operating mode.
This option might be useful when dishes have been [eft in DishDrawer" and you cannot
remember if they have been washed or in situations where household members regularly remove only a few clean dishes without emptying the drawer.
We do not recommend the Clean Dish indicator option be used in conjunction with the Closed Drawer option.
Rinse Agent Water Softener Auto Power setting setting option
End of Wash Program Beeps Closed Drawer
option option::
Enter Option Adjstment Mode
Press the 0 button to turn power on, Open DishDrawer,
Press and hold the _ and @_/_ buttons for 5 seconds until one long beep sounds,
Fhe current setting is shown on the wash program selector in red lights f four red lights are lit, the option se ected setting is set to four, Press the @_/_ button to increase
Press the _ button to tun] the selected option or] or off,
Press the 0 button to save the change.
sett ng set to four isett ng set to four .... .....................
Off Off
1 Non-water softener models - the water softener setting does not appear in the sequence of options 2 The option sequence w start agan from the Rinse Agent setting,
RinseAgent Softener AutoPower
setting settings option
PresstheO buttontoturnpoweron.OpenDishDrawer
End of
Was h
Program Closed Beeps Drawer
option option
Press and hold the _ and @ buttons for 5 seconds untl one long beep sounds.
[he current sett ng is shown on the wash program selector in red lights. If four red lights are lit, the option se ected setting s set to four.
Press the _ button to increase the setting.
re: Press the O button to save the change.
R nse Agent settng set to fou
Press the _ button to turn the selected option on or off.
%On OOn
Non-water softener models - the water softener setting does not appear in the sequence of options. The option sequence will start again from the Rinse Agent setting.
Clean Dish
User maintenar" ce instlructions
Clea[fing the surfaces
We do not recommend @e use of @e following cleaning ai_s on your DishDraweF _as they may damage the surfaces:
Plastic or staiMess steel scoan'ng pads
Abradve, solvent, household deaners Add or alkaline deaners
Hand washing liquids or soap Laundry detergents or didnfec_ants
Proprietary 'Stainless 5teeF cleaners or po/i@es as these may damage the protective coating
1 Wipe with a clean damp clotk Take care not to wet the control panel,
2 D_y with a dean lint--flee cloth,
Uselr maintenance instlructions
Cleaning the drain tinter, spray arm and
We recommend that the drain filter is cleaned whenever there is evidence of food particles.
The spray arm and filter plate may need cleaning
about once a month in normal use or more often should the need arise,
If a dishwasher cJeaner/descaJer is used, you must run a wash program with detergent immediately afterward to prevent any damage to your
DishDrawer °,
Internal parts of the DishDrawer a Spray arm b Filter plate
c Drain fiker
TheL?_'shDraweP°must be used wi@ the fi'lter plate, drMn #'lterand spray arm correctly in piece.
C_eaning the drain filter
1 Lift up the drain filter access panel on the basket
(if fitted),
2 Lift and remove the drain filter s Empty, rinse dean under running water and
replace back into the allocated space.
4 Ensure the drain filter is flush with the filter plate,
Uselr maintenallr"sce ilIL st NctioIIL S
Cleaning the spray arm and filter p[ate Ensure the DishDrawer" is coo[ before you start cleaning and follow the instructions for
removing the drain filter and spray arm.
Remove the basket carefully. Lift from the back _ _I end first to prevent knocking the detergent and rinse agent dispenser
Lift the spray arm and shake any foreign material out
Rinse the spray arm dean under running water and wipe the with a damp cloth.
In the center of the filter plate there are two rings. Hold the center ring still and turn the outer ring counter--clockwise, about a 1/8 turn. This will release the filter plate, Lift the filter plate out. When cleaning the underside of the filter plate, take care handling the sharp outer edge to avoid
the risk of cuts. Remove any foreign material, wash in hot soapy
water and rinse thoroughly in clean water The a heater plate can be wiped with a damp cloth. Replace the filter plate so it lies flat in the base of
the drawer ensuring the filter plate is fully locked into position with the center ring.
To lock the filter plate into position, ensure the
lines align with each other (refer to the diagram for the correct position). The filter plate must not
be able to move about freely. Replace the spray arm back onto the impeller, d
Replace the basket, lowering the front edge of the basket into position first.
Note: Where there is broken crockery or glass in the drawer, it must be carefully removed to prevent damage to the DishDrawe¢'.
Correct tocking position of filter plate with motor assembly
a Outer Ring b Impeller c Correct Alignment marks d Center Ring
Unclean dishes
Water leaking
D[shDrawe¢ _wiII not open
Power failure during cyde.
Wash program unsuitable Refer to the wash programs section for a for the load. suitable wash prograrn, or the soils were
too heavily baked on and dishes may need
Spray arm unable to rotate. Ensure no items are obstructing the spray
DishDrawer' overloaded/ Refer to the section on loading.
Filter plate/drain filter is Refer to the'User maintenance instructions'
....!:!!t::t_t!Y !_t_ec! ,..............................._tq_!tr_:
Detergent put in the wrong Detergent rnust be placed in the large
Excess food not removed Scrape all food scraps off dinnerware prior to
from dinnerware prior to loading.
Unsuitable detergent, Use recommendecl brands of dishwasher
Not enough detergent, Refer to the detergent section or the
ge_e_ge!__r!_'!_'_ _:r:'÷!F!_k_F_!°l!_...................................
Spray arrn holes are blocked. Clean the spray arm.
Filter plate/drain filter is Clean the filter plate and drain filter. blocked.
Mega rack incorrectly Refer to the accessories section for correct installed installation
Insufficient salt in the Ensure there is enough salt in the water
water softener (DD605H or softener and/or increase the water
DS60SH). softener setting.
Incorrect arnount of Refer to the detergent section or consuK the
....c!tt_!rgfi!_:....................................................... .....................
Too much egg in the wash increase the amount of detergent.
load. Rinse agent setting too high Decrease the rinse agent setting.
Drain hose disconnected Reconnect the drain hose to the waste pipe.
Supply inlet hose not Ensure the inlet hose is connected securely.
Other leaks. Turn water and power supplies to the
DishDrawer' off. Call your dealer or Authorized Service Agent.
ChildJock function is on or Turn Lock off Hold down the _/O/@ the Closed Drawer opton is button until theO/_symbol disappears frorn
on, or both. the LCD screen or the light above thee/@
/_ button disappears and/or press the button to open the DishDrawed'.
Wait until power resumes, cycle will restart in sarne part of wash program.
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