Unclean dishes
Water leaking
D[shDrawe¢ _wiII
not open
Power failure
during cyde.
Wash program unsuitable Refer to the wash programs section for a
for the load. suitable wash prograrn, or the soils were
too heavily baked on and dishes may need
Spray arm unable to rotate. Ensure no items are obstructing the spray
DishDrawer' overloaded/ Refer to the section on loading.
Filter plate/drain filter is Refer to the'User maintenance instructions'
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Detergent put in the wrong Detergent rnust be placed in the large
Excess food not removed Scrape all food scraps off dinnerware prior to
from dinnerware prior to loading.
Unsuitable detergent, Use recommendecl brands of dishwasher
Not enough detergent, Refer to the detergent section or the
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Spray arrn holes are blocked. Clean the spray arm.
Filter plate/drain filter is Clean the filter plate and drain filter.
Mega rack incorrectly Refer to the accessories section for correct
installed installation
Insufficient salt in the Ensure there is enough salt in the water
water softener (DD605H or softener and/or increase the water
DS60SH). softener setting.
Incorrect arnount of Refer to the detergent section or consuK the
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Too much egg in the wash increase the amount of detergent.
Rinse agent setting too high Decrease the rinse agent setting.
Drain hose disconnected Reconnect the drain hose to the waste pipe.
Supply inlet hose not Ensure the inlet hose is connected securely.
Other leaks. Turn water and power supplies to the
DishDrawer' off. Call your dealer or
Authorized Service Agent.
ChildJock function is on or Turn Lock off Hold down the _/O/@
the Closed Drawer opton is button until theO/_symbol disappears frorn
on, or both. the LCD screen or the light above thee/@
/_ button disappears and/or press the
button to open the DishDrawed'.
Wait until power resumes, cycle will restart in
sarne part of wash program.