Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer DD24D Series, DishDrawer DD24S Series, DishDrawer DD60D Series, DishDrawer DD60S Series Service Manual

Service Manual
599735A - APRIL 2009
Brands Fisher & Paykel
Standard Product Codes Double Models Description – Markets
DD24DCB6 Double, Prefinished Black 88531 - US
DD24DCW6 Double, Prefinished White 88526 - US
DD24DCX6 Double, Prefinished Brushed Stainless 88527 - US
DD24DDFX6 Double, Designer, Brushed Stainless 88532 - US
DD24DI6 Double, Integrated 88529 - US
DD60DCB6 Double, Prefinished Black 80576 - NZ/AU
DD60DCHB6 Double, Prefinished Black, Water Softener 89227 - GB
DD60DCHW6 Double, Prefinished White, Water Softener 89240 - DK
DD60DCHX6 Double, Brushed Stainless, water softener 89225 - GB
89241 - DK 89234 - EU
DD60DCM6 Double, Iridium Stainless 80591 - NZ/AU
DD60DCW6 Double, Prefinished White 80588 - NZ/AU
DD60DCX6 Double, Brushed Stainless 80589 - NZ/AU
DD60DDFHX6 Double, Designer, Brushed Stainless, Water Softener 89228 - GB
89236 - EU 89243 - DK
DD60DDFM6 Double, Designer, Iridium 80592 - NZ/AU
DD60DDFX6 Double, Designer, Brushed Stainless 80593 - NZ/AU
DD60DI6 Double, Integrated 80590 - NZ/AU
DD60DIH6 Double, Integrated, Water Softener 89226 - GB
89235 - EU 89242 - DK
Standard Product Codes Single Models Description – Markets
DD24SCW6 Single, prefinished, white 88519 - US
DD24SCX6 Single, prefinished, Brushed Stainless 88520 - US
DD24SCB6 Single, prefinished, Black 88524 - US
DD24SI6 Single Integrated 88522 - US
DD24SDFX6 Single, designer, Brushed Stainless 88525 - US
DD60SCHW6 Single, Prefinished White, Water Softener 89229 - GB
89244 - DK
DD60SCHX6 Single, Brushed Stainless, Water Softener 89230 - GB
89237 - EU 89245 -DK
DD60SIH6 Single, Integrated, Water Softener 89231 - GB
89238 - EU 89246 - DK
DD60SCHB6 Single, Prefinished Black, Water Softener 89232 - GB
DD60SDFHX6 Single, Designer, Brushed Stainless, Water Softener 89233 - GB
89239 - EU 89247 - DK
DD60SCHLI6 Single, Integrated, Long Door 89248 - DK
DD60SDFM6 Single, Designer, Iridium Stainless 80601 - NZ/AU
DD60SDFX6 Single Designer, Brushed Stainless 80602 - NZ/AU
DD60SI6 Single, Integrated 80596 - NZ/AU
DD60SCB6 Single, Prefinished Black 80583 - NZ/AU
DD60SLX6 Single, Brushed Stainless 80597 - NZ/AU
DD60SCM6 Single, Iridium Stainless 80600 - NZ/AU
DD60SLFX6 Single, Long Door 80603 - NZ/AU
DD60SCHW6 Single, Water Softener, Prefinished White 89173 -TW
DD60SCHX6 Single, Water Softener, Brushed Stainless 89174 - TW
DD60SIH6 Single , Water Softener, Integrated 89175 - TW
Tall Tub Product Codes Double Models Description – Markets
DD24DDFTX6 Double Designer, Brushed Stainless Tall Tub 88502 - US DD24DTI6 Double Integrated, Tall Tub 88504 - US DD24DCCTX6 Double Curved Door, Curved Handle, Tall Tub 88518 - US DD24DCTX6 Double, Brushed Stainless, Tall Tub 88511 - US DD24DCHTX6 Double, Brushed Stainless, Water Softener 88528 - US DD24DHTI6 Double, Integrated, Water Softener 88530 - US DD24DCTW6 Double, Tall Tub, Prefinished White 88514 - US DD24DCTB6 Double, Tall Tub, Prefinished Black 88509 - US DD24DUT Double, Tall Tub 88542 - DCS US
Tall Tub Product Codes Single Models Description – Markets
DD24SDFTX6 Single, Designer, Tall Tub, Brushed Stainless 88503 - US DD24STI6 Single Integrated, Tall Tub 88505 - US DD24SCTX6 Single, Brushed Stainless Steel 88512 - US DD24SCCTX6 Single Curved Door, Curved Handle, Tall Tub 88513 - US DD24SCTW6 Single, Tall Tub, Prefinished White 88515 - US DD24SCTB6 Single, Tall Tub, Black 88510 - US DD24SCHTX6 Single, Brushed Stainless, Water Softener, Tall Tub 88521 - US DD24SHTI6 Single, Integrated, Water Softener, Tall Tub 88523 - US DD60SHTI6 Single, Integrated, Tall Tub, Water Softener 89271 - GB
89273 - EU 89275 - DK
DD60SDFHTX6 Single, Designer, Brushed Stainless, Tall Tub, Water
89272 - EU 89274 – DK
89270 - GB DD60SDFTX6 Single, Designer, Brushed Stainless, Tall Tub 80644 - NZ/AU DD60SDFTM6 Single, Designer, Iridium Stainless, Tall Tub 80645 - NZ/AU DD60STI6 Single Integrated, Tall Tub 80646 - NZ/AU DD24SUT Single, Tall Tub 88541 - DCS US
The specifications and servicing procedures outlined in this manual are subject to change without notice.
The latest version is indicated by the reprint date, and replaces any earlier versions.
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1 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................9
1.1 Health & Safety....................................................................................................................9
1.1.1 Electrical Safety .............................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Electrostatic Discharge ..................................................................................................9
1.1.3 Good Working Practices ................................................................................................9
1.1.4 Isolate Water Supply......................................................................................................9
1.1.5 Water Leak Check .........................................................................................................9
1.1.6 Insulation Test................................................................................................................9
1.1.7 Solvent and Excessive Heat Damage............................................................................ 9
1.1.8 Sheet Metal Edges......................................................................................................... 9
1.1.9 Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................10
1.2 Specialised Tools ..............................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Static Strap ..................................................................................................................10
1.2.2 Fisher & Paykel Smart Tool .........................................................................................10
2 DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................11
2.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Specifications ....................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Electrical ......................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Components................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Performance ................................................................................................................13
2.2.4 Wash Profiles...............................................................................................................13
3 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................15
1.1 Chassis ..............................................................................................................................15
1.2 Drawer Fronts ....................................................................................................................15
3.1 Electronics .........................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 Tub Home Sensor........................................................................................................16
3.1.2 Touch Switches............................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Motor..................................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Rotor ............................................................................................................................16
3.2.2 Spray Arm .................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Wiring Cover ......................................................................................................................16
3.4 Lid System .........................................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Lid Operation ...............................................................................................................16
3.4.2 During a Power Failure ................................................................................................17
3.5 Tub.....................................................................................................................................17
3.6 Filling .................................................................................................................................17
3.6.1 Water Inlet.................................................................................................................... 17
3.6.2 Dispensing Detergent and Rinse-aid ...........................................................................17
3.6.3 Amount of Water .......................................................................................................... 18
3.6.4 Flood Protection...........................................................................................................18
3.7 Heating ..............................................................................................................................18
3.7.1 The Heating Element ...................................................................................................18
3.7.2 Heating the Water ........................................................................................................ 18
3.7.3 Maintaining the Temperature ....................................................................................... 18
3.7.4 Overheat Protection ..................................................................................................... 18
3.8 Motor and Heater Plate Locknuts ......................................................................................18
3.9 Drain Cycle ........................................................................................................................19
3.10 Filter Plate..........................................................................................................................19
3.10.1 The Filter System........................................................................................................19
3.10.2 Removing and Cleaning the Drain Filter and Filter Plate............................................ 19
3.11 Drying Cycle ......................................................................................................................19
3.12 Water Softener (Where Fitted)...........................................................................................20
3.12.1 Delivering Softened Water..........................................................................................20
3.12.2 Regeneration ..............................................................................................................20
3.12.3 Salt..............................................................................................................................20
OPTION ADJUSTMENT MODE..............................................................................................21
4.1 Rinse Aid Setup (rA)..........................................................................................................21
4.2 Water Supply Hardness Setup (hd)...................................................................................21
4.3 Auto Power Option (AP) .................................................................................................... 22
4.4 End of Cycle Beeps (EC) .................................................................................................. 22
4.5 Closed Drawer Option (Ld)................................................................................................22
4.6 Clean/Dirty Dish Symbol (dS)............................................................................................22
4.6.1 Option Adjustment Quick Reference Charts................................................................ 23
5 DIAGNOSTICS ........................................................................................................................25
5.1 DishDrawer™ Diagnostics ................................................................................................ 25
5.1.1 Optical LED Download / Fault Display......................................................................... 25
5.1.2 Clearing Fault Logs...................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3 Hardware Output Diagnostic Test Mode...................................................................... 26
5.1.4 Fast Test Cycle............................................................................................................ 27
5.1.5 Continuous Cycle Test Mode....................................................................................... 28
5.1.6 Cycle Count Retrieval .................................................................................................. 28
5.1.7 Temperature & Voltage Display Mode......................................................................... 28
5.1.8 Show Off / Showroom Wash Mode.............................................................................. 29
5.2 Diagnostics Quick Reference Charts ................................................................................ 30
5.2.1 Fault Display/Download Mode ..................................................................................... 30
5.2.2 Hardware Output Test Mode ....................................................................................... 30
5.2.3 Fast Test Cycle............................................................................................................ 31
5.2.4 Continuous Cycle......................................................................................................... 31
5.2.5 Temperature & Voltage Display Mode......................................................................... 31
6 FAULT CODES AND POOR PERFORMANCE......................................................................32
6.1 Fault Code Description Chart ............................................................................................ 33
6.2 Fault Code Problem Solving Charts .................................................................................. 35
6.3 Poor Dry Performance.......................................................................................................40
6.4 Poor Wash Performance ................................................................................................... 40
7 WIRING DIAGRAMS ...............................................................................................................43
7.1 Power Distribution Concept ............................................................................................... 43
7.2 Wiring Diagram..................................................................................................................44
8 SERVICE PROCEDURES....................................................................................................... 45
8.1 Component Testing ........................................................................................................... 45
8.2 Drawer Front ..................................................................................................................... 46
8.3 Handle and LCD Display ................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Toe Kick Removal .............................................................................................................47
8.5 Lower Tub Cowling............................................................................................................47
8.6 Tub Removal ..................................................................................................................... 48
8.7 Drying Duct - Top Tub Only...............................................................................................48
8.8 Drying Fan and Flap Valve ................................................................................................ 49
8.9 Water Softener (Where Fitted) ..........................................................................................49
8.10 Strainer (Where Fitted)......................................................................................................50
8.11 Detergent Dispenser .........................................................................................................50
8.12 Electronic Controller .......................................................................................................... 51
8.13 Filter Plate .........................................................................................................................51
8.14 Rotor.................................................................................................................................. 51
8.15 Wiring Cover...................................................................................................................... 52
8.16 Tub Disconnection............................................................................................................. 52
8.17 Hall Sensor........................................................................................................................53
8.18 Heater Plate and Motor Assembly..................................................................................... 53
8.19 Lid...................................................................................................................................... 54
8.20 Yoke ..................................................................................................................................55
8.21 Lid Actuator .......................................................................................................................55
8.22 Slide Rail Replacement ..................................................................................................... 56
8.23 Mains Filter Cover and PCB Mains Filter .......................................................................... 56
8.24 Water Inlet Valve ............................................................................................................... 57
Fill Hose, Drain Hose, Wiring Harness Replacement........................................................57
8.26 Link Support Wire Position ................................................................................................57
8.27 Front Trim Replacement....................................................................................................58

1.1 Health & Safety

Note: When servicing the DishDrawer™, Health and Safety issues must be considered at all
times. Specific safety issues are listed below with their appropriate icon. These are illustrated throughout the service information to remind service people of the Health and Safety issues.

1.1.1 Electrical Safety

Ensure the mains power has been disconnected before servicing the DishDrawer™. If the mains supply is required to be on to service the DishDrawer™, make sure it is turned off when removing any electrical component or connection to avoid electrical shock.

1.1.2 Electrostatic Discharge

An anti-static strap is to be used as electrical static discharge (ESD) protection when servicing electronic components.

1.1.3 Good Working Practices

Ensure the work area is in a tidy and orderly condition at all times so as not to cause a hazard while service work is being completed. Always clean and tidy the DishDrawer™ and work area after service is completed.

1.1.4 Isolate Water Supply

Turn off the water connection tap before servicing.

1.1.5 Water Leak Check

Check for water leaks as part of the testing after the service has been completed.

1.1.6 Insulation Test

Megger test to check insulation.
Warning: Short together the phase and neutral pins on the plug so as not to damage
any electronic circuitry.

1.1.7 Solvent and Excessive Heat Damage

Solvents and excessive heat can damage plastic surfaces.

1.1.8 Sheet Metal Edges

When working around cut sheet metal edges use appropriate gloves or protection to eliminate the chance of receiving a laceration.

1.1.9 Diagnostics

While in diagnostics some safety devices are bypassed. Ensure you do not run components unattended. They may overheat, flood, burnout or cause water damage.

1.2 Specialised Tools

For servicing this product specialised tools are required.

1.2.1 Static Strap

To be used as ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection when replacing or handling electronic components.

1.2.2 Fisher & Paykel Smart Tool

Handheld palm computer supplied in a protective case with F&P diagnostics software and service information loaded: Part Number 813141 (includes light pen Part Number 425930).
Smart Tool Software is available to download from service website “Cool Blue World” for laptop / pocket PC’s. Refer to list of compatible devices on the web site.


2.1 Dimensions

Standard Product Product
Height (double) 819.5 -
Height (single) 409mm 161/8 inch 412mm 161/4 inch Width 595mm 237/16 inch 600mm 235/8 inch Depth 570mm 227/16 inch 580mm 227/8 inch Drawer Open (inc
Tall Tub Product Product
Height (Double) 863.5 –
Height ( Single) 453mm 173/16 inch 456mm 1715/16 inch Width 595mm 237/16 inch 600mm 235/8 inch Depth 570mm 227/16 inch 580mm 227/8 inch Drawer Open (inc cabinet)
1090mm 42
1090mm 42
Product Size
32¼ inch – 345/8
/8 inch
Product Size
34inch – 363/8
/8 inch
Cavity Size
822.5 -
Cavity Size
864 -926.5 34 inch – 361/2
Minimum Cavity
Size (inches)
325/16 inch – 343/4
Minimum Cavity
Size (Inches)

2.2 Specifications

2.2.1 Electrical

Market Voltage Frequency Current Double / Single
NZ/AUS/GB/EU/DK 230/240V AC 50/60 Hz 10 A / 5 A max USA/TW 110/120V AC 60 Hz 10.6 A / 5.3 A max

2.2.2 Components

Component Specifications Comments
Controller – 2 types 120V
Water Inlet Valve 24V DC
65+/- 10 Ohms per coil
2.5litres/min (0.65 US gal/min)
Dispenser coils
Rinse Aid tank capacity PCB Mains Filter – 2 types Motor Drain speed Wash speed Stator 8.0 +/- 5 Ohms (per winding), 16
24V DC per coil 65+/- 10 Ohms per coil 50mls (approximately 25 washes)
3.05 cubic inches 230V AC 110V AC 80V DC 3 Phase Brushless 4200 RPM 2300 - 2850 RPM
ohms phase to phase from the controller connector
US, TW, 110V NZ/AU NZ, AU, GB, EU, DK All markets
NZ, AU, GB, EU, DK US, TW, 110V NZ/AU Pump out rate 5 litres / min.
Component Specifications Comments
Heater Plate 230V Water Heater Track Power Supply
230V AC 50 Ohms +/- 4 Ohms 98 Ohms +/- 7 Ohms
Resistor Heater Plate 110V Water Heater Track Power Supply Resistor Temperature Sensor 12000 Ohms @ 20OC (68OF)
120V AC 24 Ohms +/- 3 Ohms
24 Ohms +/- 3 Ohms
8300 Ohms @ 30 3000 Ohms @ 60
C (86OF) C (140OF)
Located on the heater Plate
Fusible Link 268 – 302OC (514 – 576OF) Located on the heater plate Water Inlet Hose 1000Kpa / 145 P.S.I.
1561 mm from LHS 1344 mm from RHS
Water pressure 1 MPa (145 psi) max, 0.1 MPa (14.5
psi) min 1 MPa (145 psi) max, 0.03 MPa (4.3
Pressure rating Length from chassis edge (viewed from the front) Water softener models
Non water softener models
psi) min
Drain Hose
Power Cord 1776 mm from LHS (69 Inches)
Drying Fan 24V brushless DC motor 0.27A
2011mm from LHS (79 inches) 1794 mm from RHS (71 inches)
1559 mm from RHS (61 Inches)
Approximately 2 to 3 Meg Ohms
Length from chassis edge (viewed from the front) Length from chassis exit (viewed from the front) Polarity sensitive Meter +ve to red wire, -ve to
black wire Diverter Valve Softener Assy Brine Pump Assy 24V DC Coil
24V DC Coil 65 +/- 10 Ohms Coil
65 +/- 10 Ohms Coil
Water Softener 500 grams Salt Capacity
Approximately 14 regenerations 290+/- 10ml Resin
Lid Actuator
Hall Sensor 4.13, and 3.43 mOhms
24 V DC Approximately 30 Ohms
measured +ve in centre, -ve to outside
LCD LCD has back light 5 volt rail between pins 2 & 5

2.2.3 Performance

Europe, GB, IE (Per Tub)
Energy Wash Dry
0.64 kWh/cycle 8 litres/cycle
Based on 4 wash loads per week
Product Energy
Single 160 kWh/year
Double 314 kWh/year
NZ, Australia
Based on 7 wash loads per week, using normal eco programme
Product Energy Water
Single 141 kWh/year – 3 star 7.4 Litres/wash – 3.5 star
Double 282 kWh/year – 3 star 14.7 Litres/wash – 3.5 star

2.2.4 Wash Profiles Europe, Great Britain, Ireland
599735A Australia, New Zealand Canada, U.S.A.


1.1 Chassis

The DishDrawer™ chassis is one complete assembly composed of 5 steel metal components locked together by a proprietary riveting process. The chassis exterior is made of a lacquered electro-galvanised material.
Unlike most other dishwashers, the chassis assembly is a load carrying structure designed to impart stiffness to the product and to ensure deflection is minimised.
The feet of the double cabinet are assembled into the chassis by means of four steel inserts that are clinched in place to form a permanent threaded connection.
The tub extends 520mm (20 on either side of the tub.

1.2 Drawer Fronts

Prefinished drawer fronts are formed from a painted, brushed or Iridium finish stainless steel blank. The drawer fronts are attached to the tub by means of formed hooks and two pins that are inserted through either side of the tub.
On the integrated model, the front panel supplied on each drawer is the mounting panel for the joinery finished drawer front. The joinery finished drawer front is supplied by the customer.
/32”) out of the cabinet by travelling along two rigidly attached slides

3.1 Electronics

In the DD24 / DD60 (Phase 6) electronic controller, the functions of controlling the motor as well as controlling the user interface console are combined into a single 16-bit micro controller on the main printed circuit board.
This micro controller also controls a transformerless 85w switch mode power supply. This power supply utilises a large dropping resistor on the heater plate in conjunction with phase control of the mains voltage in order to produce a variable voltage supply for the motors, solenoids and drying fan. From this the controller can supply voltages from 5V to 85V to the various components in the DishDrawer™.
A separate 24volt dc power supply on the PCB mains filter board (located within the mains filter housing in the lower left corner of the chassis) supplies power to the microcontroller and LEDs in the electronic controller.
An isolation relay is mounted on the PCB mains filter and will disconnect power to major components when signalled to by the controller under certain fault conditions. Once the fault has been cleared, it will require the power to be disconnected from the product for the isolation relay to reset.
NOTE: - With power supplies of this nature, all components, regardless of supply voltage, should be treated as live to earth, i.e. at supply voltage.
The user interface comprises a printed circuit board for front controls and a touch switch panel for internal controls.
The electronics can connect to a computer service tool via an optical light pen for fault finding and product information.
The element is switched by one single pole relay. Overheat protection is provided by a thermal fuse in series with the water heater track on the heater plate. In an over-heat situation, this gravity fuse drops off and disconnects the water heater element from the supply voltage.
A non-serviceable fuse is mounted within the controller to provide additional safety protection.

3.1.1 Tub Home Sensor

The tub home sensor determines when the tub is closed. The tub home sensor consists of an infrared sender and receiver mounted on the right side of electronic controller. When the tub is fully closed, infrared light is transmitted from the sender through a light pipe on the side of the tub, through a prism mounted in the chassis trim, then back through the other light pipe to the receiver. If the tub is not fully closed, the circuit is not complete and the appliance will not operate.

3.1.2 Touch Switches

Two touch switches are used on the secondary control panel. The one on the left is used to select the required wash cycle and the one on the right is used to turn the ECO option on or off. (ECO times are not necessarily shorter than non-ECO times, but will use less energy.) They are capacitive touch switches and are supplied with an analogue signal from the controller that will change in the presence of an earthed mass (i.e. customer’s finger).

3.2 Motor

The motor is a fully electronically controlled 80V, 60w, 3 phase, 6 pole brushless DC motor, running on wash at between 2300-2850rpm depending on the cycle selected, and at approximately 4200 rpm on drain.

3.2.1 Rotor

The rotor is a four-pole permanent magnet rotor with a graphite bearing at each end of the vertical shaft. At the lower end of the rotor shaft is the drain impellor and at the upper end is the wash impellor.
The rotor can only be placed in one position within the motor housing (refer to Section fitting instructions).

3.2.2 Spray Arm

The spray arm is shaped for most efficient water flow. The holes are positioned for best penetration into the wash load, with the water jets angled to ensure the spray arm rotates at the most efficient speed. The pressure of the water being pumped from the spray arm produces enough downwards pressure to ensure the spray arm does not lift off the rotor. There is a flap valve moulded into the top of the spray arm. This lets air escape through the spray arm when the DishDrawer™ is filling with water.
8.14 for

3.3 Wiring Cover

The wiring cover protects the customer from all electrical components in the motor area underneath the tub. All electrical components, regardless of voltage, should be treated as live with respect to earth. It also serves to protect the motor assembly, drain and fill hoses from damage when opening and closing the drawers. The wiring cover acts as a cosmetic part of the product. The centre of the cover is made from rubber to prevent the transmission of noise from the motor to other components.

3.4 Lid System

3.4.1 Lid Operation

The lid is a single piece of polymer plastic with a diaphragm/seal co-injection moulded into it. The centre of the lid can move relative to the seal. Each side of the lid is clipped into a yoke, which is in turn connected to a worm drive lid actuator assembly containing a small brushed DC 24 volt motor.
When the product is first plugged in and switched on at the wall, the lid motors are powered up to ensure that the lid is fully raised. At the beginning of each wash cycle, both lid motors are powered up to pull the lid down onto the tub in approximately 2 to 3 seconds. The lid remains down for the duration of the cycle and is only lifted when the DishDrawer™ beeps to signal the end of the cycle, or if the customer pauses it to gain access to the tub.

3.4.2 During a Power Failure

If power to the DishDrawer™ fails with the lid down, the tub can still be forced open manually if access is required. It is very difficult however to close the tub again without raising the lid. The lid actuators can be wound up manually with the tub fully removed. Failure to raise the lid before closing the drawer can result in the lid seal being damaged.

3.5 Tub

The tub is the main cavity where all the wash activity occurs. The tub is a polymer plastic receptacle that houses the basket ware that includes adjustable cup racks and basket with fold down tines along with a wash pump and spray arm at the base. The tub also has guide vanes around its walls which direct falling water from the wash cycle in a clockwise direction around the filter plate. This clears the filter plate of food particles and washes them into the sump where they are trapped by the drain filter or pumped out during the drain cycle.

3.6 Filling

3.6.1 Water Inlet

The tub of the DishDrawer™ fills by a single water inlet hose. Hot water connection is recommended for USA and Japanese products, and a cold water connection recommended for the Australasian, UK and European products. From the connection to the water supply tap in the kitchen, the inlet hose enters the cabinet of the dishwasher at the base, onto a dual water valve. On double models, each tub is supplied water independently via one of the dual valve coils and a fill hose that runs through a customised link assembly at the back of each tub and travels along the base of the tub under the wiring cover to the front. At the front of the tub, the fill hose connects to the water softener (if fitted) then to the detergent dispenser, which directs water into the tub.
Depending on the market and cycle chosen, the product fills through the pre-rinse section of the dispenser for the pre-rinse cycles and secondly through the main wash section for all other cycles.
In a double product, the controller allows only one inlet valve to operate at a time. This has been done to reduce EMC emissions. The top tub has priority. This restriction does not apply in diagnostics mode.

3.6.2 Dispensing Detergent and Rinse-aid

The dispenser is mounted in the front wall of the wash tub.
The detergent dispenser consists of two detergent chambers, one for pre wash and the other for the main wash.
The detergent dispenser door is opened manually for detergent loading and then manually closed ready for the detergent to be transported to the wash tub by the inlet water. To enable each detergent chamber to be dispensed separately, an inlet water diverter valve controlled by the electronics is required.
Additionally, a positive displacement pump unit and storage tank is incorporated within the dispenser to supply rinse aid. The rinse aid dispensed volume can be adjusted by the customer in option adjustment mode. A glowing red light on the tank filler cap indicates an empty rinse aid tank. The pump frequency is 1 Hz, and makes a slight beeping sound.

3.6.3 Amount of Water

The tub fills with approximately 2.5 litres / 0.8 US gallons of water, almost level with the base of the spray arm. Once this level is reached, the wash pump (which has load-sensed the fill via the electronics) becomes primed and pumps the water through the spray arm causing it to rotate. The load on the wash pump is constantly monitored throughout the wash cycle and the water level adjusted if necessary. If the wash pump loses prime, the electronics will top up the water level by opening the fill valve for approximately 5 seconds. It will do this up to 3 times before carrying on regardless.

3.6.4 Flood Protection

A flood sensor mounted on the side of the mains filter housing provides flood protection. If a flood is detected, the drain pump will run and an F1 fault code will be signalled to the customer

3.7 Heating

3.7.1 The Heating Element

The heater plate is a porcelain enamelled steel plate with a thick film resistive circuit printed onto the dry side. A gravity thermal fuse is mounted on the heater plate in series with the heating element. A large dropping resistor is also printed onto the heater plate which forms part of the controllers power supply. The element is clamped in place by a locknut and supports the motor at the base of the tub.

3.7.2 Heating the Water

The heater plate is positioned beneath the filter plate. A flow through water heating system is created during the wash cycle by allowing water to flow through the filter plate, over the surface of the element and into the wash pump.

3.7.3 Maintaining the Temperature

A printed circuit board with a temperature sensitive thermistor is mounted on the heater plate. Sensor components are unserviceable and if they fail a new heater plate is required.

3.7.4 Overheat Protection

The heater plate is only activated during the wash cycles. It is not used for drying. The temperature is monitored by the thermistor. If a failure occurs with the electronic control of the heater plate, overheat protection is effected by the thermal fuse on the heater plate.
The thermal fuse consists of a gravity fuse in series with the water heater track that will melt at a relatively low temperature, 268 – This fuse does not isolate the dropper resistor and so does not remove power from the controller.
302OC (514 – 576OF) and disconnect the power to the element.

3.8 Motor and Heater Plate Locknuts

There are two locknuts holding the heater plate and motor housing assembly into the base of the tub to form a watertight seal. They do this by compressing two seals, one between the heater plate and tub, and the other between the heater plate and the motor assembly.
When reassembling the motor, it is important that a motor shim is placed between the inner locknut and the inner element seal.
The outer locknut has locations that hold the drain hose, fill hose and wiring loom in place.
Another function of the larger outer locknut is to support and clip the wiring cover.
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