Product dimensions
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Product dimensions
A overallheight* of pFocJ_c_ 819.5 - 879.5 819.5- 879.5 819.5 - 879.5
B ove_a Iwclth of: p_oduct 595 595 595
C overall cleplh of D_oduct e×cl curw¢ ire/harMle) 570 570 570
D depth of @awe (operO(e×c[.curvatu_'e/_andle) 520 520 520
E height of d_assis 809 809 809
F heght _al_ge of levelling feet 60 60 60
G del:)tl'l of c__assis 552 552 552
H depth of draweL, front panel (exc[curvatireli_nd[e) 18 18 18
I depth of c/ vatu_e o_ har_dle 30 _"_ n/a
J depth of k (kstr p 50 - 65 50 - 65 67 - 127'_
K t_eigb.t of upDel (_ ,_wel f_ont 394 398 398 min
L heightoflowe_cbawerfront 312.5 311.5 311.5 min
M heght o k ckstrip (adjust_ble) 70-120 70-120 70-120
N heigh_ of r_sta[ a_io__tab slots (ontopof cha'_si) 2 2 2
0 _eight o_ @awel flonts 719.5 717.5 717.5 min
P Ie gh'_of l:op of upper d_awe_ to top of chas?,s 7 2 n/a
Chassis height'_ include tab slots Pref:lni bed 5065 mm [ntegra ed 07 mm le the Kickstrip
.............................................................................................................. Paise[ thickness (Minimum Panel thickness using _he supplied
DesigneH]andle 41ram Curved handle 3dram so_,wsisgmm).