/?sta/lat on <iiag!ar, sro_ i//u£!atio ! pu@oses o ?,_y
Product dimensions (inches (mm)) _ -a _ 5"
32¼-34%" 32 ¼-34%" 32¼-34%"
A overall height_ of product (819.5-879.5) (819.5-879.5) (819.5-879.5)
B overall width of product 23 %6"(595) 23 7A6"(595) 23 7A6"(595)
C overall depth of product (exd.curvature/harldle) 22 8A6"(570) 22 846"(570) 22 8A6"(570)
D depth of drawer (open}(exd (Llrvature/har/dle} 20 8A6"(520) 20 8A6"(520) 20 8A6"(520)
E heigh¢of chassis 31 7/8"(809) 31%"(809) 31 7/a"(809)
F height range of [eveihng feet 2 3/8"(60) 2 %" (60) 2 ¥8" (60)
O depth ofchassis 21%"(552) 21%"(552) 21%"(552)
H depth of drawer front pa rrel (exc[curvature/handle) _1A6"(18) "A_"(18) "A6"(t 8)
I depth of curvature or handle 1sac"(30) _ n/a
J depthofkickstrip 2 - 4 SA6"(50-110) 2 - 4 SA6"(50-110) 2 %- 5"(67-127) _
K height of upper drawer front 15 1/2"(394) 15 hA6" (398) 15 1¼o"(398) min
L height of lower drawer front 13 t3A6"(351) 14" (356) ] 2 1A"(311.5) min
M height of kickstrip (adjustable) 2 %- 4 %"(70-120) 2 %- 4 %"(70-120) 2 %- 4 %"(70-120)
N height of insta%tion tab slots (ontopofchassis) 3_,, (2) Y4" (2) ¾" (2)
0 height of drawer fronts 29 9A6"(751) 30 H6" (764) 28 ¼" (717.5) rain
p height_ of top of upper drawer to top of drassis ¼"(7) _/4" (2) n/a
......Chassisheights include tab slots _ Prefinished 2 _2 /2"(50 6:_mm}; Integrated 2 5_/8,,(67 ram) lessthe
Designer handle 1%" (41 ram) Kickstrip Panel thickness (Minimum Panelthickness using the
7 3
Curved handle 1 Ze" (36ram) supplied screws is Y_"(9 ram)).
Cabinetry dimensions (inches (ram)) =_ ---n_ _5-
c_ -=. c_- =. c_
32 SA_- 34 %" 32 SAo_34 %" 32 SA_- 34 %"
A inside height of cavity (820 - 882.5) (820 -882.5) (820 -882.5)
B inside width of cavity 23 %" (600) 23 %" (600) 23 %" (600)
C inside depth of cavity (inside) 22 7/8,,(580) 22 7/8"(580) 22 7/8"(580)
D height of adjacent cabinetry 283/W' (720) 28 _/_"(720) 28 _/W'(720)
E heightof kickstrip 23A-43A"(70-120) 23A-43_"(70-120) 23_-43A"(70-120)
Minimum clearances (inches(mm))
W'(13 mm) -_