Installation instructions
DD605 and DS605 model
OishDl a _e_

Safety and warnings
Electrical hazard
Before installing the DishDrawer ®, remove the house fuse or open the circuit
if permanently connecting the D[shDrawer% be sure the power is isolated
and the DishDraweF _unplugged.
Failure to do so may result in eJectrica[ shock or death
Take care ,_pane[ edges are sharp.
Cut Hazard
Failure to use caution could result in injury or cuts.
InstaHution of this DishDrawer _ requires basic mechanical and dectrical skills.
Be sure to Jeave these instructions with the Customer.
Installation must comply with your !ocal buiMing and electridty regulations.
At the c_m_Ieffon of the DishDrawer_ inst_ation_ @e inst_ffer must perform Fin_l Check LisL
Remove aH packaging materials suppfi'ed with the DishDrawerX
This dishwasher is manufactured for indoor use only.
Ensure aH water connections are turned OFF. it is the responsibility of g_e plumber and
dectridan to ensure that each installation complies with aft Codes and Regtdations.
The DishDrawer _ MUST be instaNed to allow for future removal from the enclosure if service is
The sv_itched p_wer _u_et must be _utside the DishDrawer® c_vity s_ that it is accessibfe after
Care should be taken when the appfiance is installed or removed to reduce the likeflhood of
damage to the power supply cord.
if the DishDrawer _"is to be rdocated &am one instafiafion to another it must be kept uproht to
avoM damage &om water spiflage.
Make sure on_y new hoses ore used for connection (suppfled with DishDrawerO. Old hoses
should not be reused.
Failure to install the DishDrawer correctly could invalidate any warranty or liability claims.

PIl°oductalsd calbilset_°ydimensions
Cavity ip_epal_atio_
Route rise Ihosesand move i_sto rise cavity
Removit_g rise tub alsd leveIH_"_gthe pll°oduct
Secur@3gthe iplL°oductand refitting the b4b
Plumbilr_ 9 and drainage - OIPTION I
Plumbing alnd @ailr_age OPTION 1(connection
Plumbing and @ahsage OPTION 2
Plumbing and @ailnage - OPTION 2 (connection
Fitting _he _oekick
Piioduct alrsdcabine_'y dimelrssions
Route the Ibosesand move hr_tothe cavity
Removhsg the tub and secudln9 the product
ReFitting the Iub
PIumbilr_9 and drainage - OPTION I
Plumbing and drainage --OPTION 1(connection
Phmbing and @ainage OPTION 2
Phmbhsg and @ailnage OPTION :;t(connection
Final checklist
The models shown in this User Guide moy not beavoilobl_ _in oll mork_>t__nd ore
subject to chonge ot ony time. For currant d_>toi/_obout model _nd specifk:ofion
owi/obi/ity in your country, p/_)asego to our w_bsite www.fisherpoyk_/.com or
contodt your bccTIFisher & PoyMI d_a/_<

Product dimensions
/ S ,iii i'f !i !:)!//_, ,i i )_!_, :)
Product dimensions
A overallheight* of pFocJ_c_ 819.5 - 879.5 819.5- 879.5 819.5 - 879.5
B ove_a Iwclth of: p_oduct 595 595 595
C overall cleplh of D_oduct e×cl curw¢ ire/harMle) 570 570 570
D depth of @awe (operO(e×c[.curvatu_'e/_andle) 520 520 520
E height of d_assis 809 809 809
F heght _al_ge of levelling feet 60 60 60
G del:)tl'l of c__assis 552 552 552
H depth of draweL, front panel (exc[curvatireli_nd[e) 18 18 18
I depth of c/ vatu_e o_ har_dle 30 _"_ n/a
J depth of k ( kstr p 50 - 65 50 - 65 67 - 127'_
K t_eigb.t of upDel (_ ,_wel f_ont 394 398 398 min
L heightoflowe_cbawerfront 312.5 311.5 311.5 min
M heght o k ckstrip (adjust_ble) 70-120 70-120 70-120
N heigh_ of r_sta[ a_io__tab slots (on topof cha'_si) 2 2 2
0 _eight o_@awel flonts 719.5 717.5 717.5 min
P Iegh'_of l:op of upper d_awe_ to top of chas?, s 7 2 n/a
Chassis height'_ include tab slots Pref:lni bed 5065 mm [ntegra ed 07 mm le the Kickstrip
.............................................................................................................. Paise[ thickness (Minimum Panel thickness using _he supplied
DesigneH]andle 41ram Curved handle 3dram so_,wsisgmm).

Cabinetry dimensions
?",,,, ......
Cabinetry dimensions (ram) _ "_
A in_:,_e hegh_ of o_vty 820- 882.5 820- 882.5 820- 882.5
B 600 600 600
C r_de depth o_ cavity (in id_) 580 580 580
D 720 720 720
E heigh_of kick_,t_ ip 70 - 120 70 - 120 70 - 120
Minimum clearances (ram)
13mm _ _.

Cavity pt_epa_ation
Parts supplied
Drain hose Wireclip (2) Clamp (1) Install
Ifthe Drain hose(s)supplied arenot long enough to reachyour services,you must usea Drain HoseExtension Kit
P/N525798which will extendthe drain hose(s)by 3.dm.The kit isavailablefrom the nearestFisher& Paykel
Authorized ServiceAgent or www.fisherpaykeLcom. DONOTextend beyond this limit.
tabs (2)
Phillips Moisture
16 mm protection
screws (% tape (1)
14 o,sture
10mm protection
ote Services can be located
_ithe'r side of DishDr_
_max. 450 mm
min. o50 mm
....I_ '..... _ _n. 2OOmm
rain. 9 A
@ These marks indicate mounting tab screw locations
-_ Preferred position. If adequate clearance, services hole can be higher to clear toe kick space.
If hole is higher, ensure drain hose(s) are routed straight into the waste connection.

Route the hoses and move into the cavity
i ....................I/iSIIII]IIIIII]
i i i
"_'Tetogether to avoid kinking
.............................. If top two tabs are being
s. _) used, ensure they're securely
_ _'. _" fitted before sliding product
/ into cavity.
Loosen feet first, but /
do not fully extend
until product is in cavity.
Ensure hoses and cord
are not kinked or twisted.

_] Removin9 the tub and _eveHin9 the product
Ensure the tub is removed and
then rotated counter-clockwise
to prevent kinked hoses.
Ensure product is level. Using the most appropriate length
Hexagonal socket supplied, and a screwdriver, fully extend
levelling feet up to required distance.

Secudn9 the product and refitting the tub
The mounting tabs
arein pairs,one on
each sideof the
product. At least two
setsof tab pairs must
be used.
A and B tab pairs
ORB and Ctab pairs
or all three pairs.
Ensurethe sound i
insulation is
Ensure the tub is
now rotated
clockwise back.
Ensure the tub clips on
both sides are reset.
Before refitting the tub,
ensure the hoses are not
twisted and the latches at
the rear of each drawer
runner are facing forward.