Fisher ValveLink Installation Manual

Installation Guide
ValveLink™ Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installing ValveLink Software
ValveLink Solo ValveLink
SNAP‐ON ValveLink DTM ValveLink
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Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction  1‐1......................................
What is ValveLink Software? 1‐3......................
About this Guide 1‐3................................
Organization 1‐4...................................
Before Installing ValveLink Software 1‐5...............
Technical Support 1‐6..............................
Related Documents 1‐7e.............................
Prerequisites and Requirements  2‐1..................
“Before You Begin” Information 2‐2...................
Installation Tools and Device Documentation 2‐3........
Personal Computer Requirements 2‐4.................
Compatible Devices 2‐7.............................
ValveLink Software
January 2020
ValveLink Solo  3‐1....................................
ValveLink Solo Installation Overview 3‐2...............
Installing the Software 3‐4...........................
Re‐installing the Software 3‐5........................
ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS  4‐1......................
ValveLink SNAP‐ON Installation Overview 4‐2...........
Installing ValveLink SNAP‐ON 4‐3.....................
Starting ValveLink SNAP‐ON 4‐4......................
ValveLink DTM  5‐1....................................
ValveLink DTM Installation Overview 5‐2...............
Installing ValveLink DTM 5‐4.........................
Starting ValveLink DTM 5‐5..........................
ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM  6‐1........................
ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM Installation Overview 6‐2.....
Installing ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM 6‐3...............
Starting ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM 6‐4................
ValveLink software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
License Wizard  7‐1....................................
Users and Permissions  8‐1............................
Installation Guide
ValveLink License Wizard 7‐2.........................
Enabling the License of Installed Software 7‐3...........
Attaching the Hardware Key 7‐4......................
Obtaining a Software License Key for a
 Fresh Installation 7‐4..............................
Adding Features to the Installed Software 7‐8...........
Obtaining a Software License Key for a StepUp 7‐9......
Removing a License 7‐11.............................
Transferring a License to Another Computer 7‐12........
Updating a Hardware Key 7‐13........................
Enabling the 60-day Free Trial License 7‐14..............
Entering a License Key 7‐15...........................
Changing Permissions or Adding Another User 8‐2.......
Users and Permissions: Q and A 8‐5....................
ValveLink Solo File Permissions 8‐10....................
Database  9‐1.........................................
Database Credentials and Access 9‐2..................
Backup Service 9‐3.................................
HART Modem Installation for ValveLink Solo  10‐1......
Attaching the HART Modem 10‐2......................
Multiplexer Networks for ValveLink Solo  11‐1..........
Setting Up a Multiplexer Network 11‐2..................
Changing the Multiplexer Tag and Descriptor 11‐4........
Setting Up the Pepperl+Fuchs Multiplexer 11‐5...........
Viewing Multiplexers Status 11‐6......................
Adding Instruments to a Multiplexer 11‐8...............
Installing Software and Hardware for
Communication with FOUNDATION  fieldbus Instruments for ValveLink
  Solo  12‐1..........................................
NI‐FBUS Installation 12‐2.............................
Software 12‐2....................................
Hardware 12‐2....................................
Configuring the PCMCIA‐FBUS Card 12‐3................
Checking for IRQ and Memory Conflicts 12‐5............
Installing Device Descriptions (DD) 12‐6................
ValveLink software
Installation Guide
Modbus Networks for ValveLink Solo  13‐1..............
Troubleshooting Installation  14‐1......................
Troubleshooting Communication  15‐1.................
Appendix A Modbus Protocol  A‐1.....................
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Connecting to a FOUNDATION Fieldbus Segment 12‐8......
Connecting to a Single DVC6200f, DVC6000f,
or DVC5000f Instrument 12‐10.........................
Setting Up the Modbus Network 13‐2..................
ValveLink software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
ValveLink software
Installation Guide
Section 1 Introduction11
ValveLink Software
January 2020
This section is an overview of ValveLink software and this guide.
What is ValveLink Software? 1‐2......................
About this Guide 1‐3...............................
Organization 1‐4...................................
Before Installing ValveLink Software 1‐5...............
Technical Support 1‐6..............................
Related Documents 1‐7e.............................
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
What is ValveLink Software?
ValveLink software is a Windows software package that communicates with HART and FOUNDATION Fieldbus FIELDVUE digital valve controllers. ValveLink software supports access to the information available from DVC6200, DVC6200f, DVC2000, DVC6000, and DVC6000f digital valve controllers, and retired DVC5000 and DVC5000f digital valve controllers.
ValveLink software:
 Communicates with HART instruments (DVC6200, DVC2000, DVC6000, DVC5000) over the existing 4‐20
milliamp (mA) signal wiring via either HART modem or HART multiplexer.
 Communicates with FOUNDATION Fieldbus instruments (DVC6200f, DVC6000f, and DVC5000f) over the fieldbus
H1 segment via the Emerson USB Fieldbus Interface, a National Instruments communications card, or National Instruments USB fieldbus interface.
 Batch Runner or Scheduler automate repetitive actions.
 Accesses real‐time instrument status and diagnostic data.
 Overlays current diagnostic test displays with Signature Series test data collected when the valve was new.
 Monitors control performance during process operations using ValveLink software trending capabilities.
 Has the ability to move data between installations using the Merge Database function.
 Supports the automated adjustment of digital valve controller performance using the Performance Tuner.
 Provides a detailed event log through AuditLog.
 PD Performance Diagnostics provide in‐service diagnostics for monitoring the health of the valve assembly
without disturbing the process.
 Solenoid Valve Test to test and monitor the health of the solenoid connected to the valve assembly (SIS Only).
 Generates diagnostic, calibration, and configuration reports in Microsoft Word and PDF format.
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
January 2020
About This Guide
This installation guide contains easy‐to‐follow instructions that will guide you through the installation of communications hardware and ValveLink software.
This guide describes:
 Installing ValveLink software. Includes ValveLink Solo, ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager, ValveLink
DTM, and ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM.
 Using License Wizard to enable the license of your ValveLink software, either with a USB hardware key or a
software license key.
 Installing the National Instruments FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface software and hardware.
 Making HART and FOUNDATION Fieldbus instrument connections.
 Setting up multiplexer networks.
 Setting up Modbus networks.
 Troubleshooting Installation
 Troubleshooting Communication
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
This guide is organized into the following sections:
Section 1, Introduction, describes ValveLink software and this installation guide for ValveLink Solo, ValveLink
SNAP‐ON, ValveLink DTM, and ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM.
Section 2, Prerequisites and Requirements, gives “before you begin” information, lists installation tools and device
documentation, and charts system requirements.
 Section 3, ValveLink Solo, explains how to install ValveLink Solo.
 Section 4, ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager, explains how to install and add ValveLink SNAP‐ON to AMS
Suite: Intelligent Device Manager.
 Section 5, ValveLink DTM, explains how to install ValveLink DTM.
 Section 6, ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM, explains how to install and add ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM to your Plant
Resource Manager (PRM) application.
 Section 7, License Wizard, explains the License Wizard program and the use of the hardware key, or the software
license key, to enable the ValveLink software license.
Section 8, Users and Permissions, explains how to change the default “Read Only” privileges to ValveLink Software
Administrator privileges.
 Section 9, Database, contains information on database credentials & access and backup information.
 Section 10, Multiplexer Networks for ValveLink Solo, explains how to set up a multiplexer network and add
multiplexers and instruments to a network.
 Section 11, HART Modem Installation for ValveLink Solo, explains how to connect the HART Modem.
 Section 12, Installing Software and Hardware for Communication with FOUNDATION Fieldbus instruments for ValveLink
Solo, gives installation procedures for the specialized hardware and software required for communication with FOUNDATION Fieldbus instruments. Also describes connecting to FOUNDATION Fieldbus instruments.
 Section 13, Modbus Networks for ValveLink Solo, explains installation and wiring procedures.
 Section 14, Troubleshooting Installation, answers questions you may have about installation.
 Section 15, Troubleshooting Communication, answers questions you may have about communication.
 Appendix A, Modbus Protocol, explains the Modbus data support protocol.
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
Before Installing ValveLink Software
To successfully install and use ValveLink software, you should:
 Be familiar with the basics of using Microsoft Windows.
 Be familiar with the installation and function of basic network communications devices and process control
 Have experience using AMS Device Manager if installing ValveLink SNAP‐ON.
 Have experience using an FDT frame application if installing ValveLink DTM software.
 Have experience using Yokogawa PRM if installing ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM.
 Have knowledge of process control strategies and specific plant operations to be monitored by ValveLink
For more information about ValveLink software installation, contact your Emerson sales office.
January 2020
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
For Technical Support
If you have problems or questions that you cannot resolve while using ValveLink software guides or help, ValveLink software technical assistance is available.
Support Directory
For ValveLink software Technical Support, contact your Emerson sales office.
Educational Services
For information on available courses for ValveLink software, as well as a variety of other products contact:
Emerson Automation Solutions Educational Services - Registration Phone: 1-641-754-3771 or 1-800-338-8158 E-mail:
Software updates
For software updates contact your Emerson sales office.
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
Related Documents
The following documents are for Current FIELDVUE products.
 DVC6200 Series Digital Valve Controller Quick Start Guide (D103556X012)
ValveLink Software
January 2020
 DVC6200 HW2 Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103605X012
 DVC6200 SIS Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103557X012
 DVC6200f Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103412X012)
 DVC6005 Series Remote Mount Digital Valve Controller Quick Start Guide (D103784X012)
 DVC6000 HW2 Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103785X012)
 DVC2000 Digital Valve Controller Quick Start Guide (D103203X012)
 DVC2000 Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103176X012)
The following documents are for Supported and Retired FIELDVUE products. Contact your Emerson sales office if a copy of any of these documents are needed.
 DVC6200 HW1 Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103409X012)
 FIELDVUE DVC6000 Digital Valve Controllers Instruction Manual (D102794X012)
 FIELDVUE DVC6000 SIS Digital Valve Controllers for Safety Instrumented System (SIS) Solutions Instruction
Manual (D103230X012)
 FIELDVUE DVC6000f Digital Valve Controllers Instruction Manual (D103189X012)
 FIELDVUE DVC5000 Series Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D200442X012)
 FIELDVUE DVC5000f Series Digital Valve Controllers for FOUNDATION Fieldbus Instruction Manual (D102634X012)
The following document is for the Emerson USB Fieldbus interface.
 USB Fieldbus Interface (AW7060MNL)
The following documentation is available from National Instruments.
 Getting Started with Your PCI‐FBUS and the NI‐FBUS™ Software (370635A-01)
 Getting Started with Your PCMCIA‐FBUS and the NI‐FBUS Software (370517B-01)
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
Section 2 Prerequisites and Requirements2
ValveLink Software
January 2020
This section is an overview of prerequisites and requirements for installation of ValveLink software.
“Before You Begin” Information 2‐2...................
Installation Tools and Device Documentation 2‐3.......
Personal Computer Requirements 2‐4.................
Supported Operating Systems 2‐6....................
Compatible Devices 2‐7.............................
Installation Options for ValveLink Software 2‐8.........
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
Before You Begin
The complete ValveLink software installation process includes several steps, some of them dependent on the personal computer system that will run ValveLink software and its configuration. In order to successfully install and run ValveLink software, it is important that you follow all of the appropriate steps covered in this installation guide.
Prior to beginning installation, you should:
 Verify that your personal computer system meets the hardware and software requirements specified in this
 Gather the necessary installation tools and documentation.
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Requirements
Before you begin the installation procedure outlined in this guide, make sure you have the following items available:
 ValveLink software installation media
 AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager v10.1 or later if installing ValveLink SNAP‐ON.
 Frame application supporting FDT 1.2 and addendum if installing ValveLink DTM.
 Yokogawa Plant Resource Manager (PRM) v3.12 or later if installing ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM.
 Licensing USB hardware key, if available. If not, you will need to request a software license key for licensing a new
 Any hand tools (such as a screwdriver) needed for installing communications hardware.
 Communications hardware such as the HART modem, and any necessary wires, cables, or other equipment
specified in the device documentation.
 Personal computer with a serial or USB port for connecting to a modem or HART multiplexer network. Additional
serial or USB ports are required for communicating on more HART multiplexer networks or to a Modbus network.
 HART multiplexer and RS232‐to‐RS485 converter, if the ValveLink software has multiplexer capability and you
are planning to communicate to the instruments over a HART multiplexer network.
 HART modem, if you are going to communicate with one HART instrument.
 Communications hardware and software for the FOUNDATION Fieldbus instruments such as the National
Instruments PCI‐FBUS board or PCMCIA‐FBUS card or USB fieldbus interface.
 Personal computer with a PCI slot for an FBUS board or a PCMCIA‐compatible notebook computer for a
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
Personal Computer Requirements
ValveLink software, v13.5, has been tested on computers manufactured by Dell, Inc. However, ValveLink software runs on any personal computer or notebook computer equipped with the following software and hardware features.
ValveLink software, v13.5, is not supported on Windows NT/95/98/ME/2000/Vista/Windows XP SP1/SP2/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003.
Computer and Processor
 1 gigahertz (GHz) processor
 512 megabytes (MB) RAM (Windows XP)
 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (All other Operating Systems)
Hard disk
 No Trending - 65 MB available storage space
 Trending - 125 MB available storage space
 CD‐ROM Drive
 1024 X 768 resolution
I/O (ValveLink Solo)
  USB Port required for instrument level step-ups
HART communications require at least one of the following interfaces
 HART Modem - Standard RS-232 Port (requires dedicated interrupt) HART Multiplexer - Standard RS-232 Port (requires RS-485 converter) MACTek VIATOR USB HART Modem - USB Port MACTek VIATOR Bluetooth HART Interface - Windows Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP)
Modbus communications require the following
 Standard RS‐232 Port Additional HART Interface (see above)
FOUNDATION Fieldbus communications require at least one of the following
 National Instruments Fieldbus H1 interfaces NI USB‐8486 PCI‐FBUS/2 and above PCMCIA‐FBUS/2 Series 2 and above Emerson USB Fieldbus Interface (v3.0)
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
NI‐FBUS Configuration - 2 Port Card
The following settings are applicable for configuration of a NI‐FBUS 2 Port Card:
a) If only one port will be connected to a LIVE segment, the other port must be set to “LAS” (not “Bus Monitor”).
b) If both ports will be connected to LIVE segments, then both ports must be set to “Basic” mode.
NI driver software must be installed BEFORE installing the NI hardware.
Other configurations may result in initialization failure of the NI Communication Manager software
Supported Languages
ValveLink Software v13.5 is only available in English
ValveLink Software
January 2020
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Supported Operating Systems
ValveLink Solo
 Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32bit)
Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32 and 64 bit) Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 (32 and 64 bit) Windows Server 2008 SP2 (64 bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64 bit) Windows 8 Professional (64 bit) Windows 8 Enterprise (64 bit) Windows 8.1 Professional (64 bit) Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64 bit) Windows Server 2012 Essential (64 bit) Windows Server 2012 Datacenter (64 bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 Essential (64 bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (64 bit) Windows 10 Professional (64 bit) Windows 10 Enterprise (64 bit) Windows Server 2016 Standard (64 bit) Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (64 bit) Windows Server 2016 (February 2018 Update) Windows Server 2019 Windows 10 (1023 Update) Windows 10 (1809 Update) Windows 10 (Fall Creator’s Update)
Installation Guide
ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager
 Operating systems supported by AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager v11.0, v11.1.1, v11.5, v12.0, v12.5,
v13.0, v13.1.1, v13.5
ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM
 Operating systems supported by Yokogawa Plant Resource Manager (PRM) v3.12, 3.20, 3.30, and 3.31.
ValveLink software is not supported on Windows NT/95/98/ME/2000/Windows Vista Server 2003.
Windows XP SP1/SP2/Windows XP/Windows
Software Requirements
 Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or later (3.5 recommended; required by Microsoft .NET Framework)
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Compatible Devices
ValveLink Software communicates with:
 HART communicating DVC6200, DVC2000, DVC6000 or DVC5000 digital valve controllers via a HART modem
or HART multiplexers
 FOUNDATION Fieldbus DVC6200f or DVC6000f digital valve controllers or DVC5000f digital valve controllers over
an H1 segment
After reading this section, continue to page 3‐2 for ValveLink Solo installation instructions, page 4‐2 for ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager installation instructions, page 5‐2 for ValveLink DTM, or page 6‐2 for ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM installation instructions.
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Options for ValveLink Software
Installation options for ValveLink software include:
 ValveLink Solo
 ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager
 ValveLink DTM
 ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM
 ValveLink Solo and ValveLink SNAP‐ON installed on the same PC.
ValveLink Solo, ValveLink DTM, and ValveLink PLUG‐IN for PRM cannot be installed on the same PC.
Installation Guide
At the beginning of the installation process, you can specify how you want the software installed. Refer to figure 2‐1 for the ValveLink Software Welcome Window.
Figure 2‐1. ValveLink Software Installation Welcome Window
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
Section 3 ValveLink Solo 3
This section describes ValveLink Solo installation.
ValveLink Software
January 2020
ValveLink Solo Installation Overview 3‐2...............
Installing the Software 3‐4...........................
Re‐installing the Software 3‐5........................
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
ValveLink Solo Installation Overview
For further information about ValveLink Solo software and hardware installation:
 For using the License Wizard program, see page 7‐2.
 A USB hardware key may be used for the licensing of ValveLink Solo. See page 7‐4 for instructions on attaching
the USB hardware key.
 If a USB hardware key is not available, a software license key is needed to enable the license of ValveLink Solo.
See page 7‐4 for instructions on obtaining a software license key.
 For connecting the HART modem, see page 10‐2.
 For installing the HART Interchange multiplexers and connecting field devices to the multiplexers, refer to the
appropriate multiplexer instruction manual. For information about installing HART filters, refer to the appropriate HART filter instruction manual.
 For setting up ValveLink software to communicate with a HART multiplexer network, see page 11‐2.
 For installing the NI‐FBUS hardware and software, see page 12‐2.
 For connecting to a FOUNDATION fieldbus instrument or H1 segment, see page 12‐8.
Fill out the registration form that comes with your software and email or fax the form to Emerson Automation Solutions.
Table 3‐1 shows ValveLink Solo capabilities.
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
Table 3‐1. ValveLink Solo Capabilities
Product Type
HART Modem HART Multiplexer WirelessHART Communications
Valve Signature Dynamic Error Band Drive Signal Test Step Response Step Response Analysis Performance Step Test Graph Overlay Stroke Valve I/P & Relay Integrity Travel Deviation Supply Pressure Relay Adjustment
Performance Diagnostics
Air Mass Flow PD One Button Valve Friction / Deadband Estimation Valve Friction / Deadband Trend Profiler
Triggered Profile Status Monitor Network Scan Trending Event Messenger
Modbus Batch Runner Scheduler Merge Database Export Tag Data Firmware Download Temporary Tiering
Instrument Level StepUp Initial Tag Limit Unlimited 5 Max Tag Limit Unlimited Unlimited
Indicates capability available Indicates diagnostics can be reviewed but not run
1. XXXX indicates tag count.
2. Diagnostic can only be run when the instrument is out of service.
3. DVC6200, DVC6200f, DVC6000, DVC6000f, and DVC2000 only.
4. HART only.
Database Only
January 2020
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
Installing ValveLink Solo
You cannot copy the installed program files to another computer or to another directory or hard disk. ValveLink Solo will not work if the installed program files are copied to another computer, directory, or hard disk.
You cannot move installed programs to another computer; doing so will invalidate your ValveLink software license.
To install ValveLink Solo on a personal computer you must log on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges.
The initial installation of ValveLink software will default to read-only permissions. Assign permissions to appropriate Windows Users following the process in section 8 of this document.
Step 1: Close all applications on your desktop.
Step 2: Insert the CD into the CD drive of your computer.
If the drive's auto run is enabled, the install wizard will start automatically. Follow the prompts on the screen to start the installation process.
If auto run is disabled, start the install from the run window; Select Start > Run from the taskbar. In the text box, type D:SETUP.EXE (where D is the CDROM drive letter). Click OK and follow the prompts.
Step 3: In the ValveLink software installation Welcome window displays as shown in figure 2‐1 select the desired
installation(s) and click Next to continue.
Step 4: Follow the prompts on screen to finish the installation.
Step 5: If you are installing ValveLink Solo for the first time, you will be prompted to run the License Wizard at
the end of the installation process, as shown in figure 3‐1. Select OK, and follow the prompts on the screen, or select Cancel, and run the License Wizard later. Note that you are not able to run ValveLink Solo without a valid license. See Section 7 for details on running the License Wizard.
Figure 3‐1. Run the License Wizard
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
Re‐installing the Software
If you are re‐installing ValveLink Solo, remember:
 It is not necessary to uninstall a previous version of the program.
 The version you are installing will overwrite an older version of the program and use the existing license.
 Restart your computer before running the ValveLink software installation program so a complete, clean
installation is possible.
 The ValveLink software installation process allows you to save an existing database.
January 2020
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
Installation Guide
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Section 4 ValveLink SNAP‐ON for AMS Device Manager44
This section describes the installation of ValveLink SNAP‐ON.
ValveLink SNAP‐ON Installation Overview 4‐2...........
Installing ValveLink SNAP‐ON 4‐3.....................
Starting ValveLink SNAP‐ON 4‐4......................
ValveLink Software
ValveLink Software
January 2020
Installation Guide
ValveLink SNAP‐ON Installation Overview
ValveLink SNAP‐ON is a software application that is installed as an integral part of AMS Device Manager to extend its functionality. ValveLink SNAP‐ON adds the diagnostic test capabilities of ValveLink software to AMS Device Manager.
 A USB hardware key is not used for installing ValveLink SNAP‐ON. However, AMS Device Manager must be
licensed for the ValveLink SNAP‐ON.
Table 4‐1 shows ValveLink SNAP‐ON capabilities.
Table 4‐1. ValveLink SNAP‐ON Capabilities
HART Modem HART Multiplexer
WirelessHART Communications FOUNDAT ION Fieldbus PC Card FOUNDAT ION USB Interface
Valve Signature Dynamic Error Band Drive Signal Test Step Response Step Response Analysis Performance Step Test Graph Overlay Stroke Valve I/P & Relay Integrity Travel Deviation Supply Pressure Relay Adjustment
Performance Diagnostics
Air Mass Flow PD One Button Valve Friction/Deadband Estimation Valve Friction/Deadband Trend Profiler
Triggered Profile Status Monitor Network Scan Trending Event Messenger
Modbus Batch Runner Scheduler Merge Database Export Tag Data Firmware Download
Temporary Tiering Instrument Level StepUp Initial Tag Limit 25 Max Tag Limit ---
Indicates capability available Indicates diagnostics can be reviewed but not run
1. AMS based capability. AMS ValveLink SNAP‐ON does not control or limit this functionality.
2. Diagnostic can only be run when the instrument is out of service.
3. DVC6200, DVC6200f, DVC6000, DVC6000f, and DVC2000 only.
4. HART only.
ValveLink Software
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