FISCHER DE45 series Data Sheet And Operating Manual

d e velop i n g s o l u t i o n s
Data Sheet and Operating Manual
Digital differential pressure switch / transmitter
Gas explosion protection zone 2
Ex nA IIC T4
-10°C ≤ T
≤ 60°C
Table of Content
1 Safety guidelines 2 Intended use 3 Description of the product and functional description 4 Installation and assembly 5 Commissioning 6 Maintenance 7 Transport 8 Service 9 Accessories 10 Disposal 11 Technical data 12 Dimensional drawings 13 Order Codes 14 Manufacturer's Declarations and Certificates

1 Safety guidelines

1.1 General Information

This operating manual contains instruc­tions fundamental to the installation, op­eration and maintenance of the instru-
ment that must be observed uncondi­tionally. It must be read by the assembler, operator and the specialized personnel in charge of the de­vice before it is installed and put into operation.
This operating manual is part of the product and therefore must be kept close to the device in a place that is easily accessible for the responsible personnel.
The following sections, in particular the instructions about assembly, commissioning and maintenance, contain important safety information, non­observance of which could lead to risks to people, animals, the environment and objects.

1.2 Personnel Qualification

*09005069* DB_BA_EN_DE45_R Rev.B 09/16
The instrument may only be installed and commis­sioned by specialized personnel familiar with the in­stallation, commissioning and operation of this product.
Specialized personnel are persons who can assess the work they have been assigned and recognize potential dangers by virtue of their specialized train­ing, their skills and experience and their knowledge of the pertinent standards.
For explosion-proof models the specialized person­nel must have received special training or instruc­tion or be authorized to work with explosion-proof instruments in explosion hazard areas.

1.3 Risks due to Non-Observance of Safety Instructions

Non-observance of these safety instructions, the in­tended use of the device or the limit values given in the technical specifications can be hazardous or cause harm to persons, the environment or the plant itself.
Claims for damages from the manufacturer are ex­cluded in this case.
… indicates a potentially dangerous situation, non-observance of which could endanger persons, animals, the environment or objects.
… highlights important information for
efficient and fault-free operation.
… highlights recommendations that may be useful but which are not nec­essarily required in specific situations.

1.4 Safety Instructions for the Operating Company and the Operator

The safety instructions on correct operation of the device shall be observed. The operating company must make them available to the installation, maintenance, inspection and operating personnel.
Dangers arising from electrical components, energy discharged by the medium, escaping medium and incorrect installation of the instrument must be elim­inated. For more information, please refer to the applicable national and international regulations.
In Germany these are the DIN EN, UVV and, in in­dustry-specific cases, the DVGW-, Ex-, GL-, etc., the VDE guidelines and the regulations of the local power utility companies.
The instrument must be decommissioned and se­cured against inadvertent re-operation if a situation arises in which it must be assumed that safe opera­tion is no longer possible. Reasons for this assump­tion could be:
evident damage to the instrument,
failure of the electrical circuits,
1.7 Safe working practices for mainte­nance and installation work
The safety instructions given in this operating man­ual, any nationally applicable regulations on acci­dent prevention and any of the operating company's internal work, operating and safety guidelines must be observed.
The operating company is responsible for ensuring that all required maintenance, inspection and instal­lation work is carried out by qualified specialized personnel.

1.8 Explanation of the symbols

long storage in temperatures over 70°C,
considerable strain due to transport.
Repairs may be carried out by the
manufacturer only.
A professional single conformity inspection as per DIN EN 61010, section 1, must be carried out be­fore the device can be re-commissioned. This in­spection must be performed at the manufacturer's location. Correct transport and storage of the device is assumed.
The following sections, in particular the instructions about assembly, commissioning and maintenance, contain important safety information, non­observance of which could lead to risks to people, animals, the environment and objects.

1.5 Unauthorised Modification

Modifications of or other technical alterations to the instrument by the customer are not permitted. This also applies to replacement parts. Any modifica­tions / alterations required shall be carried out by Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH only.

2 Intended use

Display and switching device for differential pres­sure of gaseous media. The instrument is to be ex­clusively used for the applications agreed between the manufacturer and user.
Explosion hazard area classification
The differential pressure switch / transmitter DE45 is suitable for use in explosive areas "zone 2" as an electrical device".
Designation as per guideline 94/9/EC II 3G Ex nA IIC T4
-10°C ≤ T
≤ 60°C

1.6 Inadmissible Modes of Operation

The operational safety of this device can only be guaranteed if it is used as intended. The device model must be suitable for the medium used in the system. The limit values given in the technical data may not be exceeded.
3 Description of the product and func-
tional description

3.1 Function diagram

3.2 Design and mode of operation

The device is based on a piezo-resistive sensor el­ement that is suitable for measuring overpressure, underpressure and differential pressure. The pres­sures to be compared directly act on a silicon dia­phragm equipped with piezo-resistive resistors. In case of equal pressure, the measuring diaphragm is in its idle state. In case of pressure difference, the force acting on the measuring membrane causes it to be moved towards the side of the lower pressure. This movement of the diaphragm induces a change of resistance, which is evaluated by the device's electronics and transformed into signals on the dis­play, switch contacts and an output signal.

4 Installation and assembly

The unit is designed for mounting on flat assembly plates. For screw connection to the assembly plate, the device features four assembly bores on its back, which can be used for 3.5 mm tapping screws.
Optionally, the device can be delivered with a wall­mounting plate (see 13, order code).
At the factory, the device is calibrated for vertical installation, but the installation position is arbitrary. For installation positions deviating from the vertical, the zero-point signal can be corrected by the inte­grated zero-point adjuster (see 5.3.2).
The enclosure protection type IP 65 is only guaran­teed, if a suitable power supply cable is used (see accessories).

4.1 Process connection

By authorized and qualified specialized person-
nel only.
Check that the pressure connections do not
leak before commissioning.
Maximum pressures shall be observed.
Do not blow into the pressure connections!
The pressure connections are marked with (+) and (-) symbols on the device. For differential pressure measurements, the higher pressure is connected to the (+) side and the lower pressure to the (-) side of the device.
The pressure measuring lines must be installed on a gradient so that no air pockets e.g. for liquid measurements, water pockets or for gas measure­ments can be created. If the required incline is not reached, water and/or air filters need to be installed at suitable points.
The pressure sensing lines need to be kept as short as possible and installed without sharp bends to avoid interfering delay times.
If the pressure sensing lines are already pressurised at the time of commission­ing, zero-point control and adjustment
cannot be performed. In such cases, the device should be only connected to the mains with­out the pressure sensing lines.

4.2 Electronic connection

By authorized and qualified specialized person-
nel only.
The electrical connection of the device shall be
performed according to relevant VDE and local electricity board regulations.
Disconnect the system from the mains before
connecting the device.
Refer to the technical data for the recommended power supply.
To guarantee safe operation of the device, the
supply circuit must satisfy the requirements for zone 2, category 3, and the local applicable regulations and guidelines for the installation and operation of electrical systems in explosion hazard areas (e.g. EN 60079-14).
The supply voltage (24 V DC/AC) may not ex-
ceed 32V DC/AC. The supply circuit must be protected by a 200mAT fuse.
The pipes need to be depressurized when the
instrument is being connected.
Appropriate steps must be taken to protect the
device from pressure surges.
Check the suitability of the device for the media
to be measured.
The device may be configured with the
EU03.F300 configuring adaptor outside of the explosion hazard areas only (i.e. not in zone 2).
Page down menu Reduce value
Enter key
Page up menu Increase value
bridged internally
Signal -Sig
Power supply -
Signal +Sig
Power supply
e.g. SPS
+ - -Sig /
230V ~
Switching output 1
Switching output 2
3.5 character LED display
Operating keys
Measuring unit
3 conductor circuit
Connector 1: Power supply and output signal
Connector 2: Switching outputs

5.1 Display

The 3.5 digit LCD display represents the current
differential pressure in normal mode.
The selected measuring unit is illuminated on
the right of the display.
The units shown in the picture may vary from
the actual model.
Two light diodes and above the display in-
dicate the status of the switching outputs. As soon as the switch is closed, the respective LED shines.
The nominal supply voltage and the permissible range can be found in the technical data.
The admissible load / resistance for the signal out­put is stated in the technical data.
The connection "Signal ground“(-Sig) is connected internally to the supply ground. It only serves as the ground connection for the output signal. This means that the output signal is free of interference levels on the power supply lines.

5 Commissioning

All electrical supply, operating and measuring lines, and the pressure connections must have been cor­rectly installed before commissioning. All supply lines are arranged so that there are no mechanical forces acting on the device.
Check that the pressure connections do not leak before commissioning.

5.2 Operating keys

The operating keys have the following function:

5.3 Configuration

For commissioning there is a multitude of setting options for optimum adaptation of the device to the measuring point and task at hand. This section co­vers these options step by step.
Depending on the device model 1 some menu items may not be available. For example, all characteristic curve functions are faded out in the menu if the de­vice does not have a signal output.
It is possible to completely configure the device using a PC adapter at the PC. Here all parameters are directly visible
and accessible. Also, the entire configu­ration can be loaded, saved and documented as a printout. For more information about this program, please refer to the program documentation (cf. Ac­cessories).
with regard to the transmitter signal, voltage output, current
output, etc.

5.3.1 General points

Connect the device to the power supply and ensure that it is not under any pressure (if necessary, dis­connect any pressure lines).
Proceed as follows to set a parameter:
Press the enter key û to switch to the menu.
ESc will appear on the display.
Use the arrow keys ÿ þ to select a parameter
from the list.
Press the enter key û to call up the parameter.
Use the arrow keys ÿ þ to set the required val-
Press the enter key û to save the value.
After setting all parameters, leave the menu as fol­lows:2
Use the arrow keys ÿ þ to set the ESc parame-
ter. You will find these at the start and also at the end of the list of parameters.
Press the enter key û to leave to the menu.

5.3.2 Selecting the pressure unit

First select the pressure measuring unit. The unit that is currently valid is illuminated to the right of the number displays. Press the middle key û to make the setting and then search for the parameter EIN using the right-hand key þ. Press û again an then change the displayed value using þ or ÿ.
1 = top 2 = middle 3 = bottom
Once the value has been selected, save it with û and EIN will appear again in the display.
Then leave the setting mode. Press ÿ until Esc and the û appear. The current measured pressure is
shown again. The correct pressure unit is now illu­minated to the right of this.
The display can only show up to ±1999. Therefore in some cases it may not be possible to select all stated pressure units.

5.3.3 Zero point control and adjustment

Ensure that the device is not under any pressure (if necessary, disconnect any pressure lines).
If the device does precisely indicate zero at this point of time, parameter OF1 enables you to adjust
the measuring value exactly to zero. To do so, you
All set parameter values are only valid once you leave the
menu via the ESC parameter.
have to set the measuring value indicated below OF1 to zero.
After zero-point adjustment, the pressure sensing lines can be reconnected.

5.3.4 Damping and zero-point stabilising

If there are unsteady pressure readings at this point of time or during operation, you can use parameters DAM and NP to stabilise the reading (and the output signal).
The parameter DAM functions like a capillary throttle. However, it only acts on the display, output signal and switch points (if these exist) but not on the measuring cell itself. With this parameter, the re­sponse time can be set to pressure jumps. The val­ue range comprises 0.0 s to 100.0 s.
But with maximum attenuation, it will take more than 2 minutes for the read­ing to also reach zero after a pressure jump from nominal pressure (100 %) to zero!
In many cases, unsteady readings are not a prob­lem during normal operating mode, but this is not true for the idle state, i.e. if zero (differential) pres­sure is expected.
In such situations, parameter NP can be applied. Its value defines a measuring value range around ze­ro. Within this range, the measuring value is set to zero.
A value of 0.08 mbar 3 is entered for NP. In this case all pressures within the range of -0.08 mbar to +0.08 mbar are set to zero. The read­ing will only not indicate zero anymore if the pressure exceeds these limits. However the pressure value and display do not correspond to one hundred percent. The measuring pres­sure and reading match again when the double value, in this case 0.16 mbar, is reached again.

5.3.5 Setting the output signal

The transmitter output signal primarily depends on the sensed pressure. However, you have the option of adjusting the output signal to a large extent to suit your requirements.
However the basic measuring range (indicated on the type label) and the type of output signal (voltage / current) are not variable.
Parameters MA (start of measuring range) and ME (end of measuring range) define the two pressures between which the output signal can generally change. Both values are adjustable across the en­tire basic measuring range. The set values always
0.08 mbar 8 Pa
linear characteristic curve (standard)
square rooted characteristic curve
flat cylindrical tank
Support point table with 3 to 30 pairs of values
refer to pressure (in the relevant measuring unit) and are converted when the measuring unit is changed.
The assigned signal values for MA and ME are invari­able (type label, e.g. 0…10 V or 4…20 mA).
If MA is smaller than ME this is referred ´to a rising characteristic curve. The output signal grows as the pressure increases.
If ME is smaller than MA, this is a decreasing charac­teristic curve and the output signal decreases with the falling pressure.
The difference between values MA and ME must at least be 25 % of the basic measuring range. The software does not allow any larger spreads. If the range information is stated wrongly, you cannot leave the menu.
The following must apply for a basic measuring range of 400 Pa: MAME 100 Pa.

5.3.6 Output signal limits (Namur)

Regardless of the pressure, the three parameters oG1, oG2 and oEr define the limit values for output currents or voltages that may not be undercut or exceeded.
These limit values have priority over the range defined by the MA and ME. They
primarily serve to prevent error messag­es in downstream systems caused by a
brief overstepping of measuring ranges. The parameter oG1 defines the limit value for the
minimum output signal. The output signal may not undercut this value. Usually, this parameter is only recommended for devices with an output signal of 420 mA because in these devices, a value below
3.8 mA is often assessed as an error signal.
output is directly changed. You operate the device then as a transducer and can simply check the fur­ther signal processing.

5.3.7 Characteristic curve function F

In some applications, measuring pressure is an in­direct unit for the actual measuring variable. Flow measurements via a panel or determining the filling level by means of hydrostatic pressure measure­ments are two typical examples of this. In these cases, you might want to change the output signal of the transmitter to a non-linear characteristic curve so that the following analysis receives a sig­nal that is linear-proportional to the actual measur­ing variable (e.g. volume in m³ or volume flow cm³/s etc.)
The parameter F allows you to select between the following variants:
Whenever you change the value from F, the pro­gram creates a new table. All previous values in the table are rejected and replaced with new linear en­tries.
The tables of type F = 0 to F = 2 are not visible. In­ternal values are used here to calculate the table. These values are invariable.
For F = 3...30 you can only influence the 1..28 in­termediate values (cf. 5.3.8) You only have access to the start and end values via the MA and ME pa­rameters.
When the parameters MA and ME are changed the table is deleted and F = 0 is set.
The parameter OG2 defines the limit value for the maximum output signal. The output signal may not exceed this value. This parameter can be used for all outputs (voltage and current) to limit the maxi­mum value of e.g. 10.2 V.
The parameter oer defines the value for the error signal. The value defined via the oEr is issued as an output signal, if the device detects an internal error and can no longer work correctly. However, the de­vice is not able to recognise all possible errors and defects.
If you set oG1 = OG2 = 0, the output signal will no longer be checked for limits.
If you set oG1 to the maximum value (11 V or 21 mA), you can use OG2 to adjust the output signal independent of the
pressure from zero to the maximum
value. You do not need to leave the menu item, the
At the start of the measuring range (MA) 0% of the output signal (e.g. 0 mA) is issued.
At the end of the measuring range (ME) 100% of the output signal (e.g. 20 mA) is issued.

5.3.8 Menu jump LIN

If the value of F is greater than or equal to 3, there is a submenu LIn. here you can access all table val­ues apart from the table start (MA) and end (ME).
This submenu has its own entry and exit point that is shown with End. The table is only saved if you re­turn to the main menu at this point, i.e. if you change to the parameter LIN again via the key û.
If the table is not structured correctly, an error mes­sage Err will appear here and you cannot quit the submenu.
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