First Alert FA148CPSSIA User Manual

Programming Guide
K5305-5PRV5 11/08 Rev. B
PROGRAMMING MODE COMMANDS.....................................................................................................................3
DATA FIELD PROGRAMMING FORM .....................................................................................................................4
CONFIGURABLE ZONE TYPES WORKSHEETS ..................................................................................................17
∗∗∗∗56 ZONE PROGRAMMING MENU MODE............................................................................................................18
∗∗∗∗58 EXPERT ZONE PROGRAM MODE..................................................................................................................20
WIRELESS KEY PROGRAMMING TEMPLATES ..................................................................................................21
∗∗∗∗57 FUNCTION KEY PROGRAMMING MENU MODE...........................................................................................23
OUTPUT DEVICE PROGRAMMING GENERAL INFORMATION (*79/*80 Menu Mode)......................................24
∗∗∗∗79 RELAY/POWERLINE CARRRIER DEVICE (X-10) PROGRAMMING MENU MODE .....................................24
∗∗∗∗80 OUTPUT FUNCTION MENU MODE ................................................................................................................25
∗∗∗∗81 ZONE LIST MENU MODE ................................................................................................................................27
∗∗∗∗82 ALPHA DESCRIPTOR MENU MODE ..............................................................................................................28
ALPHA VOCABULARY LIST (For Entering Zone Descriptors)..........................................................................30
SETTING SCHEDULES...........................................................................................................................................31
AVS SYSTEM ENABLE and QUICK PROGRAMMING COMMANDS...................................................................32
SETTING THE REAL-TIME CLOCK .......................................................................................................................32
∗∗∗∗29 COMMUNICATION DEVICE MENU MODE (Pass-Through Programming).................................................33
ZONE TYPE DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................................34
UL NOTICES............................................................................................................................................................35
SIA QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ...........................................................................................................................35
WORKSHEET FOR ∗∗∗56 ZONE PROGRAMMING ..................................................................................................36
WORKSHEET FOR ∗∗∗57 FUNCTION KEY PROGRAMMING .................................................................................37
WORKSHEET FOR ∗∗∗79 RELAY/POWERLINE CARRIER (X-10) DEVICE MAPPING ..........................................37
WORKSHEET FOR ∗∗∗81 ZONE LIST PROGRAMMING .........................................................................................37
WORKSHEET FOR ∗∗∗80 OUTPUT FUNCTION PROGRAMMING..........................................................................38
WORKSHEET FOR SCHEDULES ..........................................................................................................................39
TABLE OF DEVICE ADDRESSES..........................................................................................................................39
5800 SERIES TRANSMITTER INPUT LOOP IDENTIFICATION............................................................................40
– 2 –
TO ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE (using an alpha keypad connected to the control): A. POWER UP, then press [✱] and [#] at the same time, within 50 seconds of powering up (this method must be used if ✱98
was used to exit program mode). OR
B. Initially, key: Installer Code (4 + 1 + 1 + 2) plus 8 + 0 + 0.
Task Command/Explanation Go to a Data Field Entering Data
Review a Data Field Press [#] + [Field Number].
Deleting an Entry Initialize Download ID Reset Factory Defaults Zone Programming
Function Key Programming Zone Programming
(Expert Mode) Output Device Mapping Output Programming Zone List Programming Alpha Programming IP/GSM Programming Exit Program Mode with installer code lockout
Exit Program Mode
Scheduling Mode Site-Initiated Download Installer code + [#] + 1 (perform while system is disarmed and in normal mode)
AVS QUICK PROGRAMMING COMMANDS (for AAV sessions using the AVS system)
For controls with the following firmware revision levels, these commands automatically configure the control for AVS operation. FA148CP = version 6.0 or higher; FA168CPS = version 7.0 or higher
installer code + [#] + 03: enable AVS operation
installer code + [#] + 04: enable AVS operation and enable panels sounds on the AVST speaker
installer code + [#] + 05: remove all programming options that were set if [#] + 03 quick command was performed
installer code + [#] + 06: remove all programming options that were set if [#] + 04 quick command was performed
Refer to the AVS SYSTEM ENABLE and QUICK PROGRAMMING COMMANDS section for details on the specific options that are set with each command, depending on the control used. To select the AAV session communication path (phone line/communication device), see field 55 Dynamic Signaling Priority. To enable AAV operation, use 91 Options field (option 4).
Special Messages
OC = OPEN CIRCUIT (no communication between Keypad and Control). EE or ENTRY ERROR = ERROR (invalid field number entered; re-enter valid field number).
After powering up, AC, dI (disabled) or Busy Standby and NOT READY will be displayed after approximately 4 seconds. This will revert to a “Ready” message in approximately 1 minute, which allows PIRS, etc. to stabilize. You can bypass this delay by pressing [#] + [0].
If E4 or E8 appears, more zones than the expansion units can handle have been programmed. The display will clear after you correct the programming.
IMPORTANT: The Real-Time Clock must be set before the end of the installation. See procedure in the Setting the Real-Time Clock section of this manual.
Press [∗∗∗] + [Field Number], followed by the required entry.
When the desired field number appears, simply make the required entry. When the last entry for a field is entered, the keypad beeps three times and automatically displays the next data field in sequence. If the number of digits that you need to enter in a data field is less than the maximum digits available (for example, the phone number fields *41, *42), enter the desired data, then press [ ] to end the entry. The next data field number is displayed.
Data will be displayed for that field number. No changes will be accepted in this mode.
Press [∗∗∗] + [Field Number] + [∗∗∗∗]. (Applies only to fields 40 thru *46, *94, and pager fields) Press ∗∗∗96. Initializes download ID and subscriber account number. Press ∗∗∗97. Sets all data fields to original factory default values. Press ∗∗∗56. Zone characteristics, report codes, alpha descriptors, and serial numbers for 5800
RF transmitters. Press ∗∗∗57. Unlabeled keypad keys (known as ABCD keys) for special functions Press ∗∗∗58. Same options as *56 mode, but with fewer prompts. Intended for those familiar
with this type of programming, otherwise *56 mode is recommended. Press ∗∗∗79. Assign module addresses and map individual relays/powerline carrier devices Press ∗∗∗80. 4229 or 4204 Relay modules, Powerline Carrier devices, or on-board triggers Press ∗∗∗81. Zone Lists for relay/powerline carrier activation, chime zones, pager zones, etc. Press ∗∗∗82. Zone alpha descriptors Press ∗∗∗29. For programming the IP/GSM options. Press ∗∗∗98. Exits programming mode and
To reenter programming mode, the system must be powered down, then powered up. Then use method A above. See field *88 for other *98 Program mode lockout options.
Press ∗∗∗99. Exits program mode and above.
Enter code + [#] +64. Create schedules to automate various system functions.
re-entry by: Installer Code + 8 + 0 + 0.
re-entry by: Installer Code + 8 + 0 + 0 or method A
– 3 –
Entries apply to the FA168CPS/FA168CPSSIA and the FA168CPS
SIA-Compliant Controls: Where noted, certain fields have special settings when used with the FA168CPSSIA and FA148CPSIA SIA-Compliant controls (indicated by
Entry of a number other than one specified will give unpredictable results. Values shown in brackets are factory defaults. SIA Guidelines for Non-SIA-Compliant Controls: Notes in certain fields give instructions for programming the FA168CPS/FA148CP for False
Alarm Reduction (these controls can be programmed to reduce false alarms, but they are not fully SIA compliant).
SIA-Compliant Controls
(partition entries) and are not applicable to the FA148CP/FA148CPSIA controls.
in reverse type and heavy borders for easy identification).
controls, except entries shown in dashed boxes, which apply
SYSTEM SETUP (✱20–✱29)
Installer Code
Enter 4 digits, 0-9
| | | [4112]
The Installer Code is used to assign the 4-digit Master Security Code. The Installer Code can perform all system functions except it cannot
Quick Arm Enable
0 = no 1 = yes
disarm the system unless it was used to arm the system.
Part. 1 Part.2
If enabled, users can press the [#] followed by an arming key to arm the system instead of using a security code. The security code is
RF Jam Option
0 = no RF Jam detection 1 = send RF Jam report
Quick (Forced) Bypass
0 = no quick bypass 1 = allow quick bypass (code + [6] + [#] )
always needed to disarm the system.
If enabled, a report is sent if the system detects an RF jamming signal.
UL: must be 1 if wireless devices are used
Part. 1 Part. 2
Zones bypassed by this function will be displayed after the bypass is initiated.
RF House ID Code
00 = disable all wireless keypad use 01–31 = using 5827, 5827BD or
5804BD keypad
UL: must be 0
| | | [00,00,00]
P1 P2 Common
The House ID identifies receivers and wireless keypads. If a 5827 or 5827BD Wireless Keypad or 5804BD Transmitter is being used, a House ID code must be entered and the keypad set to the same
Chime By Zone
0 = no (chimes on fault of any entry/exit
or perimeter zone when chime mode on)
1 = yes (chimes on fault of specific
zones listed in chime zone list 3
when Chime mode on)
Powerline Carrier Device (X–10) House Code
0 = A 6 = G #11 = L 1 = B 7 = H #12 = M 2 = C 8 = I #13 = N 3 = D 9 = J #14 = O 4 = E #10 = K #15 = P
5 = F
Access Code For Phone Module
00 = disable 1st digit: enter 1–9 2nd digit: enter # + 11 for "", or # + 12 for "#".
House ID. You can assign RF house ID for each partition
If “yes,” list chime zones on zone list 3 using *81 Menu mode. If enabled, you can define the specific zones intended to chime when faulted while the system is in Chime mode.
Powerline Carrier devices require a House ID, identified in this field. Program Powerline Carrier devices in interactive modes ∗79, ∗80 and 81.
UL: not for fire or UL installations
| [00]
(Partition 1 only)
You must assign a 2-digit access code for the 4286 Phone Module, if used. Example: If desired access code is 7, then 7 is the first entry, and [#] + 11 (for ) is the second entry.
NOTE: A 0 in either digit disables the phone module.
UL: must be 00 for UL Commercial Burg. installations
∗∗∗∗29 Enable IP/GSM – Communication Device Menu Mode (pass-through programming)
This is a Menu Mode command, not a data field, for programming IP/GSM communication device options. See 29 Menu Mode section later in this document.
only to
– 4 –
Single Alarm Sounding Per Zone
0 = unlimited sounding 1 = one alarm sounding per zone
SIA-Compliant Controls: If “0”
selected, “alarm sounding per zone” will be the same as the “number of reports in armed period” set in field *93 (1 if one report, 2 if 2 reports, unlimited for zones in zone list 7).
Fire Alarm Sounder Timeout
0 = sound stops at timeout selected in
field 33
1 = no timeout; sounds until manually
turned off
Alarm Sounder (Bell) Timeout
0 = none 3 =12 min 1 = 4 min 4 = 16 min 2 = 8 min
Exit Delay
00 - 96 = 0 - 96 secs 97 = 120 secs
SIA-Compliant Controls:
45 - 96 = 45 - 96 secs; 97 = 120 secs NOTE: Entries less than 45 will result in a 45-second delay.
Entry Delay #1
00 - 96 = 0 - 96 seconds 97 = 120 secs 98 = 180 secs 99 = 240 secs
SIA-Compliant Controls:
30-96 = 30 - 96 secs; 97 = 120 secs; 98 = 180 secs; 99 = 240 secs NOTE: Entries less than 30 will result in a 30-second delay.
Entry Delay #2
See *35 Entry Delay 1 for entries.
Audible Exit Warning
0 = no; 1 = yes
SIA-Compliant Controls: Feature
always enabled; field does not exist.
Confirmation Of Arming Ding
0 = no 1 = yes (wired keypads and RF) 2 = yes, RF only (except 5827,
If enabled, limits alarm sounding on the bell output to once per zone per armed period.
This control complies with NFPA requirements for temporal pulse sounding of fire notification appliances. Temporal pulse soundin fire alarm consists of the following:
pulses. UL: must be 1 for fire installations
3 pulses – pause – 3 pulses – pause – 3
for a
This field determines whether the external sounder will shut off after time allotted, or continue until manually turned off.
UL: For residential fire alarm installation, must be set for a minimum of 4 min (option 1); for UL Commercial Burglary installations, must be minimum 16 min (option 4)
| | [60,60]
Part. 1 Part. 2
The system waits the time entered before arming entry/exit zones. If the entry/exit door is left open after this time expires, an alarm will occur. Common zones use same delay as partition 1. SIA Guidelines: minimum exit delay is 45 seconds Common zones use part. 1 delay.
UL installations: For UL Commercial Burglar Alarm and UL Residential Burglar Alarm installations with line security, total exit time must not exceed 60 seconds.
| | [30,30]
Part. 1 Part. 2
Upon entering, the system must be disarmed before the time entered expires, otherwise it sounds an alarm. Common zones use same delay as part 1. SIA Guidelines: minimum entry delay is 30 seconds
For UL Residential Burglary Alarm installations, must be set for a maximum of 30 seconds; entry delay plus dial delay should not exceed 1 min. For UL Commercial Burglar Alarm, total entry delay may not exceed 45 seconds. Upon entering, the system must be disarmed before the time entered expires, otherwise it sounds an alarm.
| | [30,30]
Part. 1 Part. 2
Part. 1 Part. 2
Warning sound consists of slow continuous beeps until the last 10 seconds, and then it changes to fast beeps. Sound ends when exit time expires. SIA Guidelines: must be enabled
Part. 1 Part. 2
Confirmation of arming is 1/2-sec external sounder “ding.” If 1 selected, ding occurs when closing report is sent if open/close reporting is enabled, or at the end of Exit Delay. If 2 selected, ding occurs upon reception of the wireless arming command.
UL: must be 1 for UL Commercial Burglar Alarm inst.
– 5 –
Power Up In Previous State
0 = no, always power up disarmed; 1 = yes, power up in previous state
SIA-Compliant Controls: Feature
always enabled; field does not exist.
PABX Access Code or Call Waiting Disable
Enter up to 6 digits. To clear entries, press ✱40✱. If call waiting is used, enter call waiting disable digits “ (#+11) 70” plus “# + 13” (pause).
SIA-Compliant Controls: If call
waiting is used, enter call waiting disable digits as described above, and also set Call Waiting Disable option in field *91.
∗∗∗∗41 ∗∗∗∗42
Primary Phone No. Secondary Phone No.
Do not fill unused spaces. 0–9 #+11 for '✱' #+12 for '#'
∗∗∗∗43 ∗∗∗∗44 ∗∗∗∗45 ∗∗∗∗46
#+13 for a 2-second pause
Partition 1 Primary Acct. No.
Part. 1 Secondary Acct. No.
Partition 2 Primary Acct. No.
Partition 2 Secondary Acct. No.
Enter 4 or 10 digits, as chosen in *48 Report Format. Enter digits 0–9; #+11 for B; #+12 for C; #+13 for D; #+14 for E; #+15 for F.
Phone System Select
If Cent. Sta. is not on a WATS line: 0=Pulse Dial; 1=Tone Dial If Cent. Sta. is on a WATS line:
2 = Pulse Dial ; 3 = Tone Dial
Report F ormat
9 = 3+1, 4+1 RADIONICS EXP
Split/Dual Reporting
0 = Standard/backup reporting only (all
to primary)
1-5 = see table at right
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Enter up to 20 digits. To clear entries, press ✱41✱ or ✱42 Enter the respective phone numbers. If fewer than the maximum digits entered, exit the field by pressing []. The next data field number is displayed.
When the system powers up armed, an alarm will occur 1 minute after arming if a zone is faulted. Note that if the previous state was armed Away or Stay, the system ignores sensor changes for 1 minute, which allows sensors such as PIRs to stabilize. UL: must be 1
SIA Guidelines: must be 1
| | | | |
Call Waiting: If the subscriber’s phone service has “call waiting” (and
is not using PABX), enter “*70” (“# + 11”) plus “# + 13” (pause) as the PABX entry to disable “call waiting” during control panel calls. If the subscriber does not have “call waiting” and is not using PABX, make no entry in this field.
1. The call waiting disable feature cannot be used on a PABX line.
2. Using Call Waiting Disable on a non-call waiting line will prevent successful communication to the central station.
| | | / | | | | |
| | | / | | | | | [FFFFFFFFFF]
| | | / | | | | | [FFFFFFFFFF] | | | / | | | | | [FFFFFFFFFF]
Enter [] as the fourth digit if a 3-digit account number (for 3+1 dialer reporting format) is used. Enter 0 as the first digit of a 4-digit account number for 0000-0999. E.g., For Acct. B234, enter: #+11 + 2 + 3 + 4 To clear entries in a given field, press *43*, *44*, *45*, or *46* based on the field being programmed
Select the type of phone service for the installation.
primary secondary
Select the format for primary/secondary phone numbers
Backup Reporting: All reports are sent only to the primary number unless unsuccessful after 8 attempts. If unsuccessful, the system will make up to 8 attempts to send all reports to the secondary number. If still unsuccessful after the 16 attempts, the system displays the “COMM. FAILURE” message (FC for fixed-word displays). Primary Phone No. 2nd Phone No. 1 = Alarms, Restore, Cancel Others 2 = All except Open/Close, Test Open/Close, Test 3 = Alarms, Restore, Cancel All 4 = All except Open/Close, Test All 5 = All
– 6 –
Burglary Dialer Delay
Delay Time:
0 = no delay 1 = 15 seconds 2 = 30 seconds 3 = 45 seconds
SIA-Compliant Controls:
Delay Time:
1 = 15 seconds 2 = 30 seconds 3 = 45 seconds
Delay SIA-Compliant Controls: Time Delay Disable
Provides delay of “BURGLARY ALARM” report to the central station, which allows time for the subscriber to avoid a false alarm transmission. This delay does not apply to zone type 24 alarms (silent burglary) or to 24-hour zone types 6, 7, and 8 (silent panic, audible alarm, auxiliary alarm), which are always sent as soon as they occur.
UL: Delay Time must be 0
SIA Guidelines: delay must be minimum of 15 seconds
Delay Disable:
0 = use delay set in entry 1 1 = dial delay disabled for zones
listed in zone list 6 (use zone list 6 to enter those zones that require dial delay to be disabled; these zones ignore the setting in entry 1)
UL: Dial delay plus entry delay must not exceed one minute; use zone list 6 to disable dial delay from appropriate zones, if necessary.
SESCOA/Radionics Select
0 = Radionics (0-9, B-F)
1 = SESCOA (0-9 only reporting)
Dynamic Signaling Delay
0 = no delay (both signals sent) 1 = 15 secs 2 = 30 secs, etc.
UL: If using line security, must be 0. Reports will be sent to both the dialer and the communication device.
Enter 0 for all non-SESCOA formats.
Select delay from 0 to 225 secs, in 15-sec increments. Intended for reporting via a communication device on the ECP bus (LRR). This field lets you select the time the panel should wait for acknowledgment from the first reporting destination (see 55) before it attempts to send a message to the second destination. Delays can be selected from 0 to 225 seconds, in 15-second increments. This delay is per message. If 0 is entered in this field, the control panel will send
Dynamic Signaling Priority /
AAV Path Select
0 = Primary Dialer first / AAV via phone
1 = Communication Device (LRR) first /
AAV via communication device path (see AAV Path Select paragraph at right)
For UL Commercial Burglary installations that use a DACT and LRR, this field must be 0.
redundant reports to both Primary Dialer and LRR.
This field selects the primary communication path for reporting (dialer or communication device) of primary phone number events (see ∗49 Split/Dual Reporting) and selects the communication path used for AAV sessions (phone line or communication device path). Use ∗29 IP/GSM menu mode to enable the communication device being used.
For Dynamic Signaling Priority:
Select the initial reporting destination
for messages as follows:
Primary Dialer First selected (
If acknowledged before delay expires (see 54), then message will
not be sent via LRR.
If not acknowledged before delay expires, message is sent to both
the Primary Phone No. and via LRR.
Long Range Radio First selected (
If acknowledged before delay expires, then message will not be sent
to the primary dialer.
If not acknowledged before delay expires, message is sent to both
the Primary Phone No. and via LRR.
For AAV Path Select:
If using the UVS system or AVS system with non-ECP connection,
option 0 must always be used.
If using the AVS system with ECP connection, either option (0 or 1)
may be used, but note the following:
IMPORTANT: If option “1” is selected, a 2-way voice (AAV) device
compatible with the communication device path must be used (ex. GSMV communicator). When selected, AAV sessions always occur via the GSMV communicator, even if reporting reverts to phone line backup due to GSMV communicator path reporting failure.
∗∗∗∗56, ∗∗∗∗57, ∗∗∗∗58 Menu Modes
These are Menu Mode commands, not data fields, for Zone Programming, Function Key Programming, and Expert Mode Zone Programming respectively. See page 3 and respective sections later in this document.
– 7 –
TO PROGRAM SYSTEM STATUS, & RESTORE REPORT CODES (∗∗∗59 thru ∗∗∗∗68, *70 thru ∗∗∗∗76, and ∗∗∗∗89):
For 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter a code in the
box: 1–9, #+10 for 0, #+11 for B, #+12 for C, #+13 for D, #+14 for E, #+15 for F. A 0 (
#+10) in the For Expanded or 4+2 Format: Enter codes in A 0 (
#+10) in the
box disables a report. A 0 (
box will eliminate the expanded message for that report. A 0 (
#+10) in the
boxes (1st and 2nd digits) for 1–9, 0, or B–F, as described above.
box results in advance to the next field.
#+10) in
boxes will disable the report. For Ademco Contact ID® Reporting: Enter any digit (other than 0) in the
boxes are ignored).A 0 (
UL: Report codes are required in fields *61, *65, *71, *72, for UL Commercial Burglar Alarm installations. Report codes are required in fields *60, *62, *63, *64, *70, *73, *74, *75, *76, for UL Commercial Burglar Alarm installations and required for Residential Fire Alarm installations
Exit Error Alarm Report Code
See above for entries.
SIA-Compliant Controls:
[1] Always enabled.
#+10) in the
59–✱ 68)
box disables the report.
After arming the system, entry/exit and interior zones remaining open after exit delay expires cause an alarm sound at the keypad and external sounder (keypad also displays “EXIT ALARM”), and entry delay begins. Disarming before the end of the entry delay stops the alarm sounding and no message is sent to the central station. The keypad will display “CA” (fixed-word) or “ALARM CANCELED” (alpha
box, to enable zone to report (entries in the
display). If the s
stem is not disarmed before entry delay expires, an “EXIT ALARM” message (SIA-Compliant Controls: also zone alarm messa (fixed-word ) or “EXIT ALARM” (alpha displa continues until the system is disarmed (or timeout occurs).
e) will be sent to the central station. The keypad will display “EA”
), and alarm sounding
An Exit Alarm condition will also result if a fault occurs in an exit or interior zone within 2 minutes following the end of the exit delay, and an “EXIT ALARM” message will be sent to the central station (except for
SIA-Compliant Controls, see field *69 Recent Closing report). With
Contact ID format, the message will contain the zone number
Trouble Report Code
See above for entries.
Bypass Report Code
See above for entries.
AC Loss Report Code
See above for entries.
Low Bat Report Code
See above for entries.
Test Report Code
See above for entries. Periodic Test Report Scheduling Commands: installer code +[#] + [0] + 0 = report every 24 hrs installer code +[#] + [0] + 1 = report once per week installer code +[#] + [0] + 2 = report every 28 days
Open Report Code
See above for entries.
and error code 374 (“ALARM–EXIT ERROR”).
| [10]
Sent if a zone has a trouble condition.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
Sent when a zone is manually bypassed.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [10]
Timing of this report is random with up to a 4-hour delay. If AC restores before the report goes out, there is no “AC LOSS” report.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [10]
Sent when the system’s backup battery has a low-battery condition.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59
| [00]
Sent periodically to test that the communicator and phone lines are operational. Frequency of report is set in Scheduling mode (event 11) or by the key commands listed at left: Each mode sets schedule 32 (FA168CPS) or schedule 08 (FA148CP) to the stated repeat option; first test report sent 12 hours after command.
See System Reporting UL Note above *59. † NOTE: Make sure the Real-Time Clock is set to the proper time before entering the test report schedule command to ensure that test reports are sent when expected. (see Setting the Real-Time Clock section)
Part. 1 Part. 2 Common
Sent upon disarming the system in the selected partitions.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
– 8 –
Arm Away/Stay Rpt Code
See above for entries.
RF Trans. Low Bat Report Code
See above for entries.
Cancel Report Code
See above for entries.
SIA-Compliant Controls: [10]
Report enabled.
Recent Closing Report Code
Not applicable to FA148CP/FA168CPS See above for entries.
SIA-Compliant Controls:
Always enabled.
Alarm Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries.
Trouble Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries
Bypass Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries.
AC Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries.
Low Bat Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries.
RF Trans. Lo Bat Rst Rpt Code
See above for entries.
Test Restore Rpt Code
See above for entries.
Away Stay Away Stay Away Stay Part. 1 Part. 2 Common
This option allows for independent programming of Away and Stay reports for each partition, including the common lobby. NOTE: “OPEN” reports are not sent if the associated closing report is not enabled.
| [00]
Sent when a transmitter low-battery condition exists.
UL: must be enabled if wireless devices are used
| [00]
Sent upon disarming the system after an alarm condition was reported.
| [11]
SIA-Compliant Controls: Field does not apply to other controls.
Similar to the Exit Error condition described in field *59, but occurs if any burglary zone is faulted within two minutes after the initial exit delay expires. Disarming the system within the two minutes stops the alarm sound and displays "ALARM CANCELED " or "CA" and faulted zone number. No message is sent to the Central Monitoring Station. If the system is not disarmed within two minutes, the alarm sound continues and a “recent closing” and a “zone alarm” message are sent to the Central Monitoring Station (after dial delay expires).
Alarm restore signals indicate that respective alarm zone(s) are no longer faulted. Alarm restore reports are sent to the central station at bell timeout (field *33), if the zone(s) in alarm are actually restored to a non-faulted state at that time. Otherwise, alarm restore report(s) for respective alarm zones are sent when the system is disarmed.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
If Reports Per Armed Period Per Zone (*93) is also programmed, the system will report alarm and restore codes as described above until the “Reports Per Armed Period” count is reached. Disarming and rearming will reset the “Reports Per Armed Period” count.
| [00]
Sent when a trouble in a zone is restored and code + OFF performed.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
Sent when a zone that has been bypassed is unbypassed.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
Sent after AC power has been restored after an AC power outage.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
Sent after a system low-battery condition is restored to normal.
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
Sent when a transmitter’s low battery condition is restored (i.e., new battery installed).
UL: must be enabled if wireless devices are used. See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
| [00]
This is sent when the Test mode is exited or upon timeout (4hrs).
See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
– 9 –
Daylight Savings Time Start/End
0 = Disabled 1-9 = January-September
(1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, etc)
77 – ✱93)
| [3][11]
Enter the start and end month for daylight savings time, if applicable to the region.
#+10 = October #+11 = November
#+12 = December
Daylight Savings Time Start/End Weekend
0 = disabled 4 = fourth 1 = first 5 = last 2 = second 6 = next to last 3 = third 7 = third to last
∗∗∗∗79, *80, *81, *82 Menu Modes
| [2][1]
Enter the start and end weekend for daylight savings time, if applicable to the region.
These are Menu Mode commands, not data fields, for Output Device Mapping, Output Programming, Zone List Programming, and Alpha Programming respectively. See page 3 and their respective sections for procedures.
Auto Stay Arm
0 = no 1 = partition 1 only 2 = partition 2 only 3 = both partitions
[FA168CPS: 3; FA148CP: 1]
If enabled, the system will automatically change AWAY mode to STAY mode if the entry/exit door is not opened and closed within the exit delay time after a user arms in AWAY mode from a wired keypad (non­RF device). An Opening report followed by an Armed Stay report is sent to the Central Station. If the door is opened and closed within the exit delay period, the system remains in AWAY mode. Any RF device that arms the system AWAY overrides this feature and
Cross Zone Timer
0 = 15 secs 6 = 2-1/2 min #+12 = 8 min 1 = 30 secs 7 = 3 min #+13 = 10 min 2 = 45 secs 8 = 4 min #+14 = 12 min 3 = 60 secs 9 = 5 min #+15 = 15 min 4 = 90 secs #+10 = 6 min 5 = 2 min #+11 = 7 min
the system remains armed AWAY.
Sets the maximum amount of time in which two cross zones must be tripped in an armed system to send an alarm message to the Central Station. If only one cross zone is tripped during this time, a trouble message (CID code 380) for that zone is sent to the Central Station.
This option not for use in UL installations.
Assign cross zones on zone list 4, using *81 Menu mode.
Cancel Verify Keypad Display
0 = no “alarm canceled” display 1 = display “Alarm Canceled” when system is disarmed after an alarm has occurred. (To clear the “ALARM CANCELED” display, the user must enter the security code + OFF again.)
NOTE: Cross zoning takes effect only after Exit Delay expires.
This feature causes a “ALARM CANCELED” display on the LCD keypad under the following conditions:
After the kissoff of the cancel message to the Central Station,
indicating a successful transmission.
When an alarm is successfully canceled before the Central Station
received the Alarm message. E.g., if an alarm is incorrectly triggered and the user presses code + OFF before the dial delay time has expired, the message will never go out to the CS. When the Cancel report is not enabled and the system is disarmed:
a. before dialer delay expires (alarm report not sent) message
“Alarm Canceled” is displayed.
b. after dialer delay expires message “Alarm Canceled” is not
Misc. Fault Delay Time
0 = 15 secs 6 = 2-1/2 min #+12 = 8 min 1 = 30 sec 7 = 3 min #+13 = 10 min 2 = 45 secs 8 = 4 min #+14 = 12 min 3 = 60 secs 9 = 5 min #+15 = 15 min 4 = 90 secs #+10 = 6 min 5 = 2 min #+11 = 7 min
(used with Configurable Zone Types “digit 6”) Used with zones assigned to a configurable zone type with fault delay on (configurable zone type digit “6”), and sets a zone response time of 15 seconds to 15 min. It can be assigned to zones with sensors that provide a trouble indication when an oil tank is low, or similar
applications for critical condition monitoring where a non-alarm response is desired.
UL: may only be used on non-burglar alarm/ non-fire alarm zones when used in fire and/or UL burglar alarm installation
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Program Mode Lockout Options
0 = standard *98 installer code lockout
(reentry only by [] + [#] within 50 secs after power up)
1 = lockout [] + [#] reentry after *98
exit (reenter via installer code or downloader only)
2 = not applicable (option doesn’t exist)
3 = lockout local programming after *98
exit (reenter by downloader only)
Event Log Full Report Code
See box above field *59 for report code entries.
Event Log Enables
0 = None 1 = Alarm/Alarm Restore 2 = Trouble/Trouble Restore 4 = Bypass/Bypass Restore 8 = Open/Close.
To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore”, and “Open/Close”, enter 9 (1 + 8);
To select all, enter #15.
Option Selection
0 = None 2 = Sounder Delay (delays sounding by
15 seconds) 1 = Bell Supervision Processing† 4 = AAV 8 = Exit Delay Restart/Reset †† #+12 = AAV and Exit Delay
SIA-Compliant Controls:
Options: Same as for FA148CP/FA148CPS. Call Waiting Disable:
0 = call waiting not used 1 = call waiting disable digits (*70) entered in field *40; (when selected, the system dials the entry in field *40 only on alternate dial attempts; this allows proper dialing in the event call waiting service is later canceled by the user).
Phone Line Monitor Enable
Entry 1:: 0 = disabled, 1-15 = 1 min - 15
(#+10 = 10 min; #+11 = 11 min; #+12 =
12 min;
#+13 = 13 min; #+14 = 14 min; #+15 =
15 min)
Entry 2: 0 = Keypad display when line is faulted 1 = Keypad display plus keypad trouble
Each partition turns off its
sound. own trouble sound. No automatic timeout.
2 = Same as “1”, plus programmed
output device STARTS. If either partition is armed, external sounder activates also. External sounder will be turned off by normal bell timeout, or by security code plus OFF from either partition (it does not have to be the one that was armed).
This table summarizes the Program Mode Lockout options:
Exit *88 Reentry By: Command Entry Installer Power-up† Downloader
*99 n/a yes yes yes *98 0 no yes yes *98 1 yes no yes *98 3 no no yes
† pressing [] + [#] within 50 seconds of power up
| [00]
If an Event Logging selection is made in field 90, a message can be sent to the central station receiver when the log is 80% full. If the log becomes full, new messages overwrite the oldest messages in the log.
This system can record various events in a history log (FA168CPS = 100 events; FA148CP = 50 events). At any time, the downloader operator can then upload the log and view or print out all or selected categories of the log. The downloader operator can also clear the log. Event log can also be viewed at an alpha keypad. The display/printout at the central station will show the date, time, event, and description of the occurrences. Data Entry Example: To select Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close”, enter 9 (1+ 8); to select all events, enter #15.
System messages are logged when any non-zero entry is made.
[8, 0]
Options SIA-Compliant Controls: Call Wait Disable
Select the desired options by adding the values of each desired option. Sounder Delay: If enabled, delays external sounding by 15-seconds.
IMPORTANT: AAV should not be used when Paging or Alarm Reports are sent to a secondary number unless the monitoring zone option is used (which pauses calls). Otherwise, the call to the secondary number by the communicator after the alarm report will prevent the AAV from taking control of the telephone line, and the AAV “Listen in” session cannot take place.
UL: must use ADEMCO UVCM module; Exit Delay Restart/Reset must be disabled UL: If Sounder Delay used, entry delay (*35) must be 30 sec. max.
SIA Guidelines: Exit Delay should be enabled.
If bell supervision is selected, you must also cut the red PCB Bell Supervision
††“Exit Delay Restart/reset” option allows use of the [] key to restart the exit
delay at any time when the system is armed STAY or INSTANT. This feature also enables automatic exit delay reset, which resets exit delay if the entry/exit door is re-opened and closed before exit delay time expires after arming AWAY. Automatic Exit Delay Reset occurs only once during an armed AWAY period.
1 2
Entry 1: Sets the length of time a phone line fault must remain after detected before the second digit option is activated.
Entry 2: Selects the desired phone line fault response. Option 2 may be used even if a relay unit or Powerline carrier device is not connected to the control. Programmed Output Device must either be programmed to be STOPPED in field 80 or STOPPED by entry of [security code] + [#] + 8 + device number. Partition in 80 should be set to “0,” for STOP.
UL: Field *92 must be enabled for fire alarm installations, UL commercial burglar alarm installations and UL residential burglar alarm installations.
If the control unit is used on a UL commercial burglar alarm system which requires 2 methods of remote communication, then the control unit’s DACT and the other method of signal transmission must monitor each other against communication failure and line fault. The fault must be received and annunciated within 200 seconds of its occurrence.
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Reports In Armed Period Per
(Swinger Suppression) Restrict Report Pairs: 0 = Unlimited Reports 1 = 1 report pair per zone per armed
2 = 2 report pairs per zone per armed
Restrict SIA-Compliant Controls: Report Pairs Unlimited Reports Enable
Selection limits the number of alarm/alarm restore message pairs per zone sent to the CS in an armed period. Swinger suppression applies to burglary zones only. SIA Guidelines: Must be set for option 1 or 2
SIA-Compliant Controls:
Restrict Report Pairs: 1 = 1 report pair; 2 = 2 report pairs Unlimited Reports Enable:
0 = restrict reports to the setting in
entry 1
1 = unlimited reports for zones listed
in zone list 7; (use zone list 7 to enter those zones that require unlimited reporting; these zones ignore the setting in entry 1)
Download Phone No.
Enter up to 20 digits, 0–9; #+11 for '✱'; #+12 for '#'; #+13 for a 2-second pause. Do not fill unused spaces. If fewer than 20 digits, exit field by pressing ✱. To
clear entries from field, press ✱94✱.
Ring Count For Downloading
0 = Disable Station Initiated Download; 1–14 = number of rings (1–9, # +10 =10,
# +11 =11, # +12 =12, # +13 =13, # +14 =14);
15 = answering machine defeat
(# +15 =15).
NOTE: Do not enter 0 if using 4286 Phone Module.
∗∗∗∗96, ∗∗∗∗97 Initialize/Reset Defaults ( ∗∗∗∗98, ∗∗∗∗99 Exit Commands (
These are commands, not data fields. See page 3.)
These are commands, not data fields. See page 3.)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Enter the phone number of the downloading computer.
UL: downloading may be performed only if a technician is at the site. Up/downloading via the Internet has not been evaluated by UL.
Refer to the chart below and program accordingly.
phone answer down- module machine loading Set field ∗∗∗95 to
yes no no 1-14 (not 0) yes yes no greater than rings set on answer machine
yes no yes 1-14 (not 0) yes yes yes 15 (bypasses answer machine†)
no no no 0 no yes no 0 no no yes 1-14 no yes yes 15
NOTE: If “15” is entered to bypass an answering machine, and a 4286
Phone Module is included in the system, you should note the following: When calling in from an off-premises phone, the user should make the initial call, allow 1 or 2 rings only, then hang up, then call again. The phone module will now seize the line, and 2 long tones sound, followed by the usual voice prompt for the access code. If this procedure is not followed, phone module operation will not be possible.
(e.g., if ans. machine is 4 rings, set this field to 5). This allows access to the phone module if the answer machine is off.
PAGER OPTIONS (✱160- ✱172)
The system can send various reports to several pagers (FA168CPS = up to 4; FA148CP = up to 2). To program pager reporting, do the following:
1. Enter the pager phone number(s), preface characters, and pager report options in data fields *160 - *171.
2. Enable Pager Delay, if desired, in field *172 (delays alarm reporting for ALL pagers).
3. Make sure appropriate user open/close pager reports are enabled (see Security Codes section in User Guide). Users that perform actions in partition 1 will, if enabled, attempt to report to all pagers enabled for open/close reporting in partition 1. Users that perform actions in partition 2 will, if enabled, attempt to report to all pagers enabled for open/close reporting in partition 2.
4. If using latchkey pager report, define the latchkey report schedule using Scheduling mode (master code + [#] [6] [4] then select event type
5. If using a function key to manually send a message to a pager, use *57 Function Key Menu mode to define the key (function
6. If reporting zone alarms and troubles to a pager, use *81 Zone List menu mode to assign the zones associated with each pager (zone lists 9-12†).
† FA148CP supports zone lists 9 and 10 only.
). System must be armed for the Latchkey report to be sent.
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