Firetide 7100-W User Manual

Firetide Installation Guide
HotPort 7010(W) Mesh Node
Published July, 2016
(Revised feb, 2017)
ii HotPort Firetide Installation Guide
Firetide, the Firetide logo, Reliable connectivity anywhere, HotPort and HotPoint are all trademarks of Firetide, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Firetide, Inc.
2105 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 220 Campbell, CA 95008 USA
About this document
This section lists the audience, purpose, summary of information, and
conventions used in this document.
This document is intended for certified professionals who install Firetide wireless solutions.
Instructions to purchaser and installer:
This equipment must be Professionally installed. The installer is responsible for adjusting the transmit power output of the system to assure compliance with FCC Part 15 EIRP limits and human radiation safety regulations.
This document has the information and procedures necessary to install and do basic tests with Firetide HotPort 7010(W) mesh node.
Certain information has special meaning for the reader. This information appears with an icon that indicates a particular condition, such as a warning or caution, or a label, such as “Note” or “Best Practice”.
Electrical hazards
electrocution is probable. This image appears before each electrical hazard statement.
not obey the instruction in a warning, the result might include serious injury or death. This image appears before each warning statement.
injury, inconvenience, and damage to equipment. This image appears before each caution statement.
contain optional advice and information particular to a special case or
Best practices
contain safety information that you must obey. If you do
contain information that you should obey to avoid minor
contain specific recommendations based on industry-standard
Document feedback
are those environments where the danger of
If you find an error or content missing from this document, we want to hear a b o u t i t . Y o u c a n s e n d y o u r f e e d b a c k a b o u t a n y o f o u r d o c u m e n t s t o
Contacting customer support
Worldwide customer support
Monday to Friday 7 : 0 0 a m t o 5 : 3 0 p m P S T
(Pacific standard time) 1 ( 8 7 7 ) F I R E T I D E , e x t e n s i o n 2 +1 (408) 399-7771, extension 2
+1 (408) 355-7271
Monday to Friday
8 : 0 0 a m t o 5 : 3 0 p m I S T
(India standard time)
Fax +1(408) 317-2257 Europe
I f y o u n e e d s u p p o r t , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e p r o b l e m , y o u m i g h t b e a s k e d f o r t h i s information:
Description of the problem
Computer with HotView Pro and an installed management license
Channel and frequency plans
Recent spectrum analysis
Device topology in Google Earth (KMZ file)
Network map or topology plan with the names and device information
Y o u m u s t a l s o h a v e a d m i n i s t r a t o r a c c e s s t o t h e m e s h t o b e a b l e t o r e c e i v e technical support.
The next table lists the contact information for customer support.
PPPuuurrrccchhhaaassseeerrr IIInnnssstttaaalllllleeerrr
This equipment must be Professionally installed. The installer is responsible for adjusting the transmit power output of the system to assure compliance with FCC Part 15 EIRP limits and human radiation safety regulations.
allowed Power limits is as per FCC 15.407(a)
hanges or modifications not expressly approved by F
Operating TX Power
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Accessories or components to be used with this equipment to use in the system, must comply with the FCC Part 15.27 Special accessories regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to use the needed special accessories along with the equipment.
NNNOOOTTTEEE::: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
About this document iii
Audience .........................................................
Purpose ...........................................................
Conventions ....................................................
Document feedback .........................................
Contacting customer support ...........................iv
........................................................... iv
HotPort 7010(W) mesh nodes 1
Before you permanently install a HotPort 7010(W) mesh node 1
Preparing what you need to install Box contents for an outdoor mesh node 2
Parts of an outdoor mesh node ........................2
Ground screw LEDs Ports Pressure relief valve
3 3 3
4 Reset button Antenna connectors Sun shield
Test before you install.................................... 5
Required material that is not included Required tools that are not included Certification requirement Doing the tests
HotPort 7010(W) mesh node installation 10
Tools required .................................................
Doing a site survey ..........................................
Safe installation practices ...............................
Preparing a mesh node for installation ...........
Preparing earth ground ...................................
Installing a mesh node and antenna assembly
Opening the mount bracket .............................
Cannot see a mesh node in HotView Pro ...........
After multiple reboots a mesh node is missing 22
Performance not as expected ...........................
Resetting an outdoor mesh node to factory default settings 23
Power connection ............................................
Attaching the mesh node to a wall Attaching a mesh node to a vertical pole Attaching a mesh node to a horizontal pole 19 Attaching straps
Connector pin and cable information 24
HotPort 7010(W) AC power connector ...............
Custom power cables .........................................
Weatherproof procedures
Tools and materials ..........................................
Making weatherproof cable to node connections 25
24 24
HotPort 7010(W) mesh nodes
Software license
HotView Pro
model number
Firetide HotPort operates in 802.11a, b, and g mode. You can enable 802.11n to use MIMO, or configure the mesh node to operate in other modes with HotView Pro.
Licenses enable other software features.
The next table lists the radio, included software license, and the model number that appears in HotView Pro.
Two radios
Two radios, 802.11n-capable MIMO
To use MIMO, you must have one MIMO license for each mesh node. One MIMO license is sufficient for all of the radios in one mesh node. A MIMO license enables a mesh node for all radios currently licensed or licensed in the future.
If you plan to use DFS, you must take the web-based training class. After you pass the class, Firetide will give you login credentials so you can configure DFS with HotView Pro.
mesh nodes come from the factory with two radios that
Before you permanently install a HotPort 7010(W) mesh node
Before you install an outdoor mesh node in a permanent location, you need to make sure you have all of the correct components and make sure the components are operational.
You must complete the training program and be certified by Firetide to be
able to install Firetide products.
HotPort 7010(W) mesh nodes
Preparing what you need to install
To get what you need to set up a mesh node:
Open the box.
Remove the contents.
Check the contents for damage. If a part is missing or damaged, call your Firetide reseller.
If the contents are good and correct, keep the box for future use.
Box contents for an outdoor mesh node
An outdoor model comes with these items:
HotPort mesh node with weatherproof caps in a NEMA-4X enclosure and sun
shield with a two-piece mounting bracket
Six detachable 2.4/5 GHz omni-directional antennas
Two N to reverse-polarity SMA adapters
Mount bracket for 3.7 to 5 cm (1.5 to 2.0 inch) diameter poles or a wall
Mount kit
U-bolts, M6x1.0-80mm, with flat washers, split washers, nuts
Claw-tooth pole grippers
M6x1.0-40mm hex bolt
M6x1.0-20mm hex bolt
Hex-head socket wrench
AC weatherproof plug assembly (AC cable not included)
AC connector with cables can be purchased from Firetide.
Parts of an outdoor mesh node
The next picture shows the connectors and LEDs on the bottom panel o f a HotPort 7010 (W) mesh node. Weatherproof caps protect the connectors.
For information about cables and accessories approved for use with Firetide devices, refer to the
Accessory Cable Guide
HotPort 7010(W) mesh node
Radio 1 connectors
G round screw
Ground screw
The ground screw is in the upper left hand corner of the bottom panel. You must ensure adequate grounding for the mesh node.
Pressure relief valve/ Reset button
Ethernet ports
Radio 2 connectors
AC Power connector
The bottom panel has these LEDs:
Power, which is a green color when the device receives power. The LED is dark when the mesh node does not receive power.
Status LED:
Steady green color when the system passes start-up tests.
Dark when the mesh node is not ready.
Blinks green when the device resets.
Mesh. Each radio LED comes on when a neighbor connects to that radio. The LEDs are dark when there is no neighbor.
Ports 1 through 4 on a HotPort 7010(W) mesh node are switch ports, similar to the 7010 mesh node. Like the 7010 mesh node, Port 1 can receive power from an compliant PoE source.
HotPort 7010(W) mesh node
Pressure relief valve
The pressure relief valve is on the bottom panel. If you need to remove the valve to reset the mesh node, turn it by hand or use a wrench. If you remove the valve cover only, you can see the valve. See the next image.
Pressure relief valve
Reset button
The reset button is on the bottom panel and is covered by a pressure relief valve. You can remove the valve to do a factory reset of the mesh node. See “Resetting an outdoor mesh node to factory default settings” on page 24.
Antenna connectors
The next picture shows the bottom panel with two antenna connectors for each radio
Radio 1 connectors
Radio 2 connectors
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