Final F-150-I, F-90-I Brochure

Model 90i and Model 150i High-Definition Speakers
Elegant, Lightweight, and Affordable Speakers Designed to Enhance Any Home Theater
The new Model 90i and Model 150i Home Theater Suites from Final Sound offer a uniquely compact
and sleek system of five ultra-slim speaker panels and one acoustically matched subwoofer.The
suites are designed to compliment the look, the styling, and the size of today’s plasma and LCD TV
screens. At 21 or 31 inches tall and less than 2 inches thin, the stylish new speaker panels are a per-
fect fit for up to a 50-inch wide-screen TV, making it suitable for bringing spectacular sound quality
and extraordinary audio effects to any home theater.
“… stunningly modern
and visually arresting in a
very high-tech way.…
inal speakers leave
the F
ordinary speakers
in the dust.”
Home Theater
e a wonderful
these elements ha
synergy. What is immediately
apparent is the system's wide
and incredible lack of distortion.”
speed, resolution,
A/V Guide
• Highest audio resolution and clarity
• Lifelike sound that’s virtually distortion-free
• Ideal complement for DVD-Audio and HDTV
• Exclusive, patented speaker technology
• Unique design eliminates heavy
speaker cabinets
• Easily powered by as little as
35 watts per channel
• Most affordable high-definition
speakers ever built
idest audio coverage available
• Lightweight, ultra-slim,easy to wall mount
• Sleek and elegant design fits with any decor
• Matched for ideal crossover with
Final subwoofers
• Easily scales to seven speakers or more
Patented Technology You Can
Only Get from Final Sound
Electrostatic speakers represent the pinnacle of
high-end audio performance. The unique elec-
trostatic technology delivers the purest and
most lifelike form of sound reproduction avail-
able in today’s market.For decades, the sheer
cost of production has kept these audio marvels
beyond the reach of most hi-fi and stereo con-
sumers. Now, thanks to exclusive new technolo-
gy pioneered and patented by Final Sound, a
line of high-definition,
trostatic speakers are available at popular prices
and designed especially for the home theater.
Electrostatic vs. Dynamic Speakers
Dynamic speakers use cone-shaped drivers
made of paper,plastic, or even fabric and move
back and forth to create sound waves.The signal
is sent to the cone through a voice coil.As the
signal shifts from positive to negative, the ener-
gy vibrates the paper cone, moving the air to
create sound waves.Electrostatic speakers sim-
plify the pro
between two charged stators.With the new
inal In
gle wave that reaches the listener in perfect
phase and time
lifelike speaker precision known in the world of
high-performance audio.
cess, using one thin diaphragm held
er Technology™, the entire signal
t the e
es a
high-performance elec-
t same moment, forming a sin-
esult is the most op
he r
en and
inal Sound Solutions B.V.
Eisenhowerweg 8d
5466 AC Veghel
The Netherlands
Tel:+31 413 311 115
Fax: +31 413 311 119
US Headquarters
Final Sound LLC
500 West Cummings Park
Suite 2500
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel:(781) 938-6416
Fax: (781) 938-6415
Exclusive Final Sound Technology
he Final Inverter Technology is so much more
efficient that the speaker panels can easily oper-
te on lower-powered amps than any other
high-end electrostatic speakers – as low as 35
atts per channel. In addition, the low power
draw makes it possible to miniaturize the power
supply to the size of a PDA and easily mount it
on the back of each panel. All this completely
eliminates the large wooden cabinets and heavy
omponents common to other high-end speak-
ers, making Final speakers the most compact,
asy-to-mount high-definition speakers on the
Uniquely Matched for Movies and Music
wenty years ago, surround sound was all music.
Today,audio systems must navigate between
he crystal clarity of a single soprano and the
powerful effects of an action thriller.The home
heater experience means delivering the snap of
a revolver with the same subtlety as rain drops
showering a tin roof - music that rivals a concert
hall and incredible movie sound effects you
never even knew were there.The Final Sound
uite is tuned to give you seamless sound quali-
ty from the highest ranges to the deepest bass
nd everything in between.
Model 90i Front, Rear,and Center Speakers:
Frequency Response: 150 Hz – 25 kHz +/- 3dB Sensitivity: 86 dB (2.83 volts at 1 meter) Impedance: 8 ohms – minimum 5 ohms at 20 kHz Amplifier Minimum: 35 watts Amplifier Recommended: 50 watts Dimensions: 20.7 x 8.1 x 1 in (57.5 x 20.7 x 2.5 cm) Dimensions (Electronics Housing): 6.3 x 2.6 x 1.8 in (16.0 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm) Weight: 5. 3 lbs. (2.4 kg) Mounts: Wall-Mount (standard),Floor-Stand or Set-Top (additional cost) Finish: Satin-silver with black
Model 150i Front, Rear,and Center Speakers:
Frequency Response: 130 Hz – 25 kHz +/- 3dB Sensitivity: 86 dB (2.83 volts at 1 meter) Impedance: 8 ohms – minimum 5 ohms at 20 kHz Amplifier Minimum: 35 watts Amplifier Recommended: 50 watts Dimensions: 30.7 x 8.1 x 1 in (78.2 x 20.7 x 2.5 cm) Dimensions (Electronics Housing): 6.3 x 2.6 x 1.8 in (16.0 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm) Weight: 7.8 lbs. (3.5 kg) Mounts: Wall-Mount (standard),Floor-Stand or Set-Top (additional cost)
inish: Satin-silver with black
S90 Subwoofer
Frequency Response: 40 Hz to 300 Hz +/- 3 dB Crossover Frequency: 80 Hz - 300 Hz
er Amplifier: 60 watts
P Driver: 6.5 in (16.5 cm) Output: Greater than 100 dB SPL over rated frequency response at
3% THD; peak output 105 dB Dimensions: 10.2 in cube (26 cm cube) Weight: 28 lbs (12. 7 kg) Finish: Black satin
S100 S
Frequency Response: 35 Hz to 240 Hz +/- 3 dB Crossover Frequency: 60-240 Hz Power Amplifier: 100 watts
: 8 in (20. 5 cm)
D Output: Greater than 100 dB SPL over rated frequency response at
eak output 108 dB
3% Dimensions: 12.5 in cube (30 cm cube) Weight: 41 lbs (18. 6 kg)
inish: Black satin
Jan 01,