FieldServer FS-8700-41 User Manual

Driver Version:
A Sierra Monitor Company
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)
FS-8700-41 Simplex Time Recorder
Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol
Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Document Revision: 8
FS-8700-41 Simplex Driver Manual Table of Contents
1. Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol............................. 4
1.1. Supported Panel Types............................................................................................... 4
1.2. Simplex Panel Firmware Revision vs. Supported Functionality ................................... 4
2. Driver Scope of Supply .................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver................................................... 5
2.2. Provided by Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment ............................................................... 5
3. Hardware Connections................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Connection to a Simplex 4020 Panel........................................................................... 7
3.2. Connection to a Simplex 4100 Panel........................................................................... 9
3.3. Connection to a Simplex 4100U Panel .......................................................................10
4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer
Port Protocol Client .......................................................................................................12
4.1. Data Arrays ................................................................................................................12
4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions ..........................................................................13
4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors .....................................................................................13
4.4. Client Side Driver Tables............................................................................................14
4.4.1. SHOW Response Attributes Driver Table .............................................................14
4.4.2. SHOW Response Attribute States Driver Table....................................................15
4.5. Client Side Map Descriptors.......................................................................................15
4.5.1. FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters..................................................15
4.5.2. Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ..........................................................15
4.5.3. Timing Parameters ...............................................................................................15
4.5.4. Protocol (Simplex Device) Specific Parameters....................................................16
4.5.5. Map Descriptor Example 1. - Read Point Status ...................................................17
4.5.6. Map Descriptor Example 2. - Use unsolicited messages from the Panel to
determine point status ..........................................................................................18
5. Configuring the FieldServer as a Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer
Port Protocol Server......................................................................................................19
Appendix A. Advanced Topics...........................................................................................20
Appendix A.1. Hardware Handshaking................................................................................20
Appendix A.2. Simplex Address Formatting – Specific Keywords .......................................20
Appendix A.2.1. Sim4100_Card Keyword ........................................................................24
Appendix A.2.2. <apoint>.................................................................................................24
Appendix A.2.3. Sim4100_Point Keyword........................................................................24
Appendix A.2.4. Sim4100_sub Keyword..........................................................................24
Appendix A.3. How to use Data Arrays to map to/from Card-Point-Sub addresses.............25
Appendix A.4. Simplex Point Status Data Format ...............................................................25
Appendix A.5. Simulation of the Xpoint command...............................................................26
Appendix A.6. Application Supervision Messages...............................................................26
Appendix A.7. Driver Stats ..................................................................................................26
Appendix A.7.1. How the Driver counts bytes and messages received and transmitted...26
Appendix A.7.2. Driver Exposed Stats .............................................................................27
Appendix A.8. SHOW Function Attributes and Attribute States ...........................................28
Appendix A.8.1. Extending the List of Show Attributes.....................................................31
Appendix A.9. Synchronizing the FieldServer with the Panel ..............................................31
Appendix A.10. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 1 - Errors............................................33
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex Driver Manual Table of Contents
Appendix A.11. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 2. - Read Panel Time.........................33
Appendix A.12. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 3 - Write Panel Time..........................34
Appendix A.13. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 4 - Panel Revision Information...........34
Appendix A.14. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 5 - AckAll ...........................................35
Appendix A.15. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 6 - Silence / Reset .............................35
Appendix A.16. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 7 - Acknowledge a specific point........36
Appendix A.17. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 8 - ClearAll.........................................37
Appendix A.18. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 9 - Earths...........................................38
Appendix A.19. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 10 - Show ..........................................39
Appendix A.20. Using Clist to Write-Through and Store point status from Unsolicited
Messages 41
Appendix B. Troubleshooting Tips....................................................................................42
Appendix B.1. Address Errors.............................................................................................42
Appendix B.2. Driver Limitations .........................................................................................42
Appendix B.3. Resolving Network Addresses above 255....................................................43
Appendix C. Error Messages .............................................................................................44
Appendix D. Pseudo Points ...............................................................................................49
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 4 of 58
1. Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol
The Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over either RS-232 or RS-485 using Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol.
This driver is designed to connect to a Simplex 4100 panel equipped to support the “4100 Computer Port Protocol” as defined in Simplex’s document 950-004 Revision E dated 28 July
2000. The implementation provides a selected subset of protocol functions and subset of
functionality for each of these selected functions. It is important to note the exclusions and limitations described in this document.
The driver is a capable of parsing and storing information sent by a panel in the form of unsolicited messages which are typically generated when there is a state change in the panel or one of the connected devices. The driver is also capable of polling for point and panel status data and some additional data such as the panel’s time and revision information. In addition the driver is capable of setting some control points in the panel – acknowledging and resetting alarms and writing data (where permitted) to some analog and discrete points.
This is a client only driver and is not capable of emulating a Simplex Panel. Server emulation is provided for test purposes only and is not supported or documented.
1.1. Supported Panel Types
The driver has been tested against 4020, 4100 and 4100U panels. There is no difference in the protocol format between the various panels. What changes is the panel firmware version and with the firmware changes the supported function set changes.
1.2. Simplex Panel Firmware Revision vs. Supported Functionality
This driver was primarily tested against a 4020 panel with firmware revision 9.2. Beta testing against a 4100 panel with a firmware revision 10.x was also performed.
A grid of firmware revision number and supported functions is provided by Simplex. This grid is available from Simplex. Request the ‘CPP Revision Compatibility’ Table.
All the functions described in this manual are supported for firmware revisions 10 or higher. For revisions between 9.2 and 10, the ‘Earths’ and ‘Value’ functions described in this driver are not supported by the Simplex Panels. For revisions lower than 9.2, then functions supported need to be determined by trial and error. We are fairly confident that all the functions supported by version 9x are also supported by versions 8x of the panel firmware.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 5 of 58
2. Driver Scope of Supply
2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver
FieldServer Technologies PART #
FS-8917-16 Ethernet Cable with pigtail (4020 and 4100 Panels)
SPA59132 RS-485 connection adapter FS-8700-41 Driver Manual.
Ethernet cable with 25 pin male connector. (4100u Panels)
2.2. Provided by Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment
To enable the 4100 Protocol, the 4100 system, supplied by the user, must have a free RS­232 port dedicated for use with the computer device. In most cases, this is not included in the base configuration of the product provided by The Simplex Time Recorder Company, and must be added as a sales option. All 4100 systems limit the number of computer ports active at one time in a system. To determine the limit for the specific product configuration, refer to the specific product specifications, or contact a Simplex sales representative.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 6 of 58
3. Hardware Connections
The FieldServer is connected to the Simplex Device’s RS-232 port of device type "COMPUTER", the following port attributes may be configured specifically for that particular port:
Ensure that these settings correspond to the settings described in section 4 of this document.
Sim4100 Panel
Setting Default Options
Baud Rate 9600 75, 110, 134.5, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 Parity EVEN1 ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE, NONE Data Bits 8 7 or 8 Stop Bits 1 1 or 2
Sim4100U Panel Setting Default Options
Baud Rate 9600 75, 110, 134.5, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 Parity NONE1 ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE, NONE Data Bits 8 7 or 8 Stop Bits 1 1 or 2
The following are the Simplex, recommended connections to be used in cabling between the 4100 and the FieldServer device. For the computer device, the standard EIA signal description, and the 25 pin (DB25) and 9 pin (DB9) connector assignments are shown.
4100 Host Computer
4100 Port ATB1
Port BTB2
DB25 Pin
8 1 2 TXD RXD 2 2 6 3 3 RXD TXD 3 3 7 2 4 RTS 5 4 5 CTS CTS 5 8 4 5 7 GND ── GND 7 5
RTS 4 7
Signal DB25Pin DB9Pin
Odd or Even parity is recommended (by Simplex) to provide additional error detection at the character
Note, that if HSHAKE is not used (Simplex Device Setting), the connections between RTS and CTS are
not required
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 7 of 58
Chip 4100
Terminal Block Markings
3.1. Connection to a Simplex 4020 Panel
Communication Board
Port A =1-5, Port B=6-10.
1=+com(xmt). 2=+com(rts), 3=-com(rcv), 4=-com(cts), 5=gnd, 6=xmt, 7=rts, 8=rcv, 9=cts, 10=gnd,
Card 4020/RS-232/2120 modem ready
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 8 of 58
Serial Connection
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 9 of 58
Net 1
Net 2
3.2. Connection to a Simplex 4100 Panel
RJ45-01 RJ45-08 RJ45-04
P1 P7 R1 P2 R2P3 P4 P5 P6 P8 N1 N2
Tx Rx Tx
P4P1RxP2 P3
TxRx Rx
Tx Rx Tx TxRx Rx
P7P5 P6
P8 R1
Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx
TxRx RxTx Con
Tx Rx Con
10 Base T
DATE: 09/26/07 BY: MN
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 10 of 58
Port B
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 7
3.3. Connection to a Simplex 4100U Panel
Port A Front of 4100U Panel
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Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 11 of 58
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 12 of 58
4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100
Computer Port Protocol Client
For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the relevant instruction manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” files provided with the FieldServer).
This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring the FieldServer to communicate with a Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol Server.
The configuration file tells the FieldServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data required. In order to enable the FieldServer for Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol communications, the driver independent FieldServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section, the destination device addresses need to be declared in the “Client Side Nodes” section, and the data required from the servers needs to be mapped in the “Client Side Map Descriptors” section. Details on how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default.
4.1. Data Arrays
Section Title
Column Title Function Legal Values
Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array Up to 15 alphanumeric characters
Provide data format. Each Data
// Data Arrays
Data_Arrays Data_Array_Name, Data_Format, Data_Array_Length DA_AI_01, UInt16, 200 DA_AO_01, UInt16, 200 DA_DI_01, Bit, 200 DA_DO_01, Bit, 200
Array can only take on one format. Number of Data Objects. Must be larger than the required data storage area.
FLOAT, BIT, Uint16, Sint16, Packed_Bit, Byte, Packed_Byte, Swapped_Byte
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FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 13 of 58
4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions
Section Title
Column Title Function Legal Values
Baud* Specify baud rate
Parity* Specify parity
Data_Bits* Stop_Bits*
Protocol Handshaking* Specify hardware handshaking RTS, RTS/CTS, None
Poll Delay*
// Client Side Connections
Connections Port, Protocol, Baud, Parity, Handshaking, Poll_Delay P8, Sim4100, 9600, Even, None, 0.100s
Specify which port the device is connected to the FieldServer
Specify data bits Specify stop bits 1
Specify protocol used sim4100
Time between internal polls
P1-P8, R1-R23
110 – 115200, standard baud rates only. Even, Odd, None, Mark, Space
7, 8
0-32000 seconds, 1 second
4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors
Section Title Nodes Column Title Node_Name Provide name for node Up to 32 alphanumeric characters
Node_ID Ad
Protocol Specify protocol used Sim4100
Specify which port the device is connected to the FieldServer Required for Simplex4100 Panels. If not specified then a Simplex 4100/4020 panel is assumed.
4020/4100 - panels with firmware version 9x or earlier.
4100U – panels with firmware version 10x or later.
Not all ports shown are necessarily supported by the hardware. Consult the appropriate Instruction
manual for details of the ports available on specific hardware.
Function Legal Values
This parameter is IGNORED. Special keywords to define the card-sub-point are described in section 4.4
P1-P8, R1-R2
4100, 4020, 4100U
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FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 14 of 58
// Client Side Nodes
Nodes Node_Name, PLC_Type, Protocol, Connection Device1, 4100U, Sim4100, P8
4.4. Client Side Driver Tables
A driver table is used to extend a table of values/attributes that have been hard coded into the driver. It is possible to extend the tables using CSV file parameters.
Additional information on the use of these tables may be found in Appendix A.8
4.4.1. SHOW Response Attributes Driver Table
Column Title Function Legal Values
The protocol must be specified on each row of a driver table.
The SHOW command response consists of a number of attributes and their current state/ values.
Use this parameter to add a new attribute to the table.
If the response contains the attribute defined above, its current state/value must be stored at offset x in the associated Data Array. Use this parameter to define x. Take care to leave enough space for those attributes which have multiple values. This parameter tells the driver how to convert the current state/value for storage in the Data Array. For example, the driver cannot store the state ‘Normal’ . By specifying method 1, you tell the driver to use the state descriptor ‘Normal’ in a lookup table of attribute states to find the value associated to Normal and to store that value.
The exact character sequence that must be specified. May include an equal sign.
May not be zero.
1,2,3 May not be zero.
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FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 15 of 58
4.4.2. SHOW Response Attribute States Driver Table
Column Title Function Legal Values
The protocol must be
specified on each row of a driver table. Use this parameter to extend this list of predefined attribute states. This parameter is the value to be associated with the ‘name’
Define a state word such as ‘Normal’ and associate a value using the ‘value’ parameter.
May not be zero.
4.5. Client Side Map Descriptors
4.5.1. FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Name of this Map Descriptor Name of Data Array where data is to be stored in the FieldServer Starting location in Data Array Function of Client Map Descriptor
Up to 32 alphanumeric characters One of the Data Array names from “Data Array” section above 0 to maximum specified in “Data Array” section above
4.5.2. Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title
Node_Name Name of Node to fetch data from
Length of Map Descriptor - must always be specified. If the length of the response (such as errors /
earths, show, revision) is not known in advance it should be set to a value large enough to store to allow some contingency. If data cannot be stored because an array is too short the driver will produce a message in the error log. Not required. The address is specified by using the card-point-sub specification described in section 4.4.2
Function Legal Values
4.5.3. Timing Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Scan_Interval Rate at which data is polled >0.1s
One of the node names specified in “Client Node Descriptor” above
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FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 16 of 58
4.5.4. Protocol (Simplex Device) Specific Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Further notes on these keywords are provided in Appendix A
A keyword which controls the function being
performed or the type of data being polled / written.
The Simplex Time Recorder Company - 4100 Computer Port Protocol only uses the standard 4100 address format of <Card>-<Point>-<Sub-point>. Symbolic addressing is not supported. The following keywords are used to address devices.
sim4100_Card Simplex Address <Card>
sim4100_Point Simplex Address <Point>
sim4100_Sub Simplex Address <Sub_Type>
Only appropriate when the sim4100_func=clist. Controls the write through behavior of the clist function. See Appendix A.20 for
additional information. When using the default value then the write commands are done using the format SET c-p-s ON/OFF. If the parameter is set to value then writes are done using the format SET c-p-s value. Control the ability of ‘CLIST’ map descriptors
to be used to store data from unsolicited messages. Refer also to Appendix A.20
Ackall, Setd, Disable, Restart, Clistall, Clist, Time, Ctime, Ack, Xpoint, Seta, Super, Show, Earths, Value, ClearAll
Further notes and examples are provided in Appendix A
Onoff, value
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
Simplex Device: Card
Perform the 'Computer
List Status' Function to
(in this case) read the
current point status of
the point specified by
card-point-sub. This
function returns fire,
supervisory, trouble....
data. The format of the
returned data is
described in Appendix A
Ignored for the
Simplex protocol
unless the
l, clearall,
This identifier
must be the same
as the node name
used to identify
the port connected
to the Simplex
device being
described in this
map Descriptor.
The data is
written into the
array starting at
this position. A
value of zero is
equivalent to the
first position.
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FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
4.5.5. Map Descriptor Example 1. - Read Point Status
The Data
extracted from
the device is
placed in this
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 17 of 58
of one Data Array element to a number indicating the point’s status. The values are described in Appendix A.4. You need one such
This Map Descriptor can be used to poll for the status of a particular point. When the response is obtained the driver sets the value
Map Descriptor for every point whose status you wish to poll. Notes in Appendix A.13 provide more information
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name Length Scan_Interval, sim4100_func sim4100_card, sim4100_point, sim4100_sub
A1, DA_AI3, 0, RDBC, Node_A, 1, 5, Clist, 1, 2, 3
data array.
When used with an Xpoint MapDesc this parameter
means ‘How many sub-points per point ?’
If the value is 10 then the driver uses 10 array locations
for each point. Thus
Point 0: Array locations 0-9
Point 1: Array location 10-19
Point 2: Array locations 20-29 … Thus for this MapDesc. If the Xpoint message is for 1-1-0
then the state will be stored at location 10.
. If the Xpoint message is for 1-2-5 then the state will be
stored at location 25.
Simplex Device: Card
for this card are stored
using this MapDesc.
All point-subpoint data
Set this to zero for xpoint
Driver stores
data from
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
4.5.6. Map Descriptor Example 2. - Use unsolicited messages from the Panel to determine point
The Data
extracted from the
device is placed in
this driver
independent data
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 18 of 58
This Map Descriptor can be used to store point status data when the FieldServer receives an unsolicited message from the Panel
containing point status information (Xpoint messages). The panel sends an Xpoint message each time a point’s status changes to
information. The Map Descriptor’s are passive so they can be used in a joint strategy with the clist function (section 4.4.1) to keep
track of a point’s status. Notes in Appendix A provide more information
any non-normal state. Using these Map Descriptors will ensure that the FieldServer is constantly updated with the latest panel status
function based on the point-subpoint address to determine the array location to store the state for the c-p-s.
One Xpoint Map Descriptor is required for storage of Xpoint messages from each card. For a given card, the driver uses a mapping
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, sim4100_func, sim4100_card, sim4100_point, sim4100_sub, Length
A1 DA_AI3, 0 passive, Node_A, xpoint, 1, 0, 10, 1000
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