FieldServer FS-8700-21 User Manual

Effective for all systems manufactured after April 2009
Driver Manual
FS-8700-21 LonWorks
Driver Version:
Document Revision:
A Sierra Monitor Company
FS8700-21 LonWorks Manual Table of Contents
1 Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 NV Updates/Polls ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Network Management................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 LonWorks - Program ID Calculation (SPID) ............................................................................................ 4
2.3 Clients/Servers ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Explicit/Implicit .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 XIF Files .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Device Resource Files .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.7 NV Aliases ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 Configuration Properties ............................................................................................................................... 5
3 Driver Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ..................................................................................... 6
3.2 Provided by the Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment .......................................................................................... 6
3.3 Additional files required for the Driver .......................................................................................................... 6
4 Hardware Connections ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Service Pin ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Neuron ID ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Lon LED’s ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4 The LonWorks Adapter Card (FS-X40 only) .................................................................................................... 8
4.4.1 Port Address Switch ............................................................................................................................... 8
5 Implicit Configurations ................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Special considerations ................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.1 Map Descriptor Names (Network Variable Names) ............................................................................... 9
5.1.2 Implicit Lon functions ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.1.3 SNVT_Index ............................................................................................................................................ 9
5.1.4 Address Table Limit ................................................................................................................................ 9
5.1.5 Network Management Capability ........................................................................................................ 10
5.1.6 Client vs Server Mapping ..................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Client Side Mapping ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.1 Connection Parameters........................................................................................................................ 10
5.2.2 Node Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2.3 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................. 11
5.2.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters ......................................................................................... 12
5.2.5 Timing Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.6 Client Side Map Descriptor Example .................................................................................................... 13
6 Explicit Configurations ................................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Special considerations ................................................................................................................................. 14
6.1.1 Map Descriptor Names (Network Variable Names) ............................................................................. 14
6.1.2 Lon functions ........................................................................................................................................ 14
6.1.3 SNVT_Index .......................................................................................................................................... 14
6.1.4 Domain Table Setup ............................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.5 Network Management ......................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Client Side Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 17
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Table of Contents
6.2.1 Connections.......................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2.2 Nodes ................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters ......................................................................................... 18
6.2.4 Timing Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 18
6.2.5 Map Descriptor Example 1 - Explicit Configuration using Network Management Polls ...................... 19
6.2.6 Map Descriptor Example 2 – Polling UNVT’s ....................................................................................... 19
6.2.7 Using Neuron ID to Address Devices (Client Drivers only) .................................................................... 20
6.3 Server Side Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 21
6.3.1 Connections.......................................................................................................................................... 21
6.3.2 Nodes ................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.3.3 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................. 21
6.3.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters ......................................................................................... 22
6.3.5 Timing Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.6 Map Descriptor Example ...................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A. Useful Features ................................................................................................................................ 24
Appendix A.1. Using UNVT’s .................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A.2. Using NV_Min, NV_Max etc. ............................................................................................................ 24
Appendix A.3. Throttling Mode ............................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A.4. XIF Generation .................................................................................................................................. 24
Appendix A.5. Configuration Properties .................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A.6. LonMark Object Creation ................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A.7. Node Status Operation ..................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix A.8. Working with Binary Data ................................................................................................................ 27
Appendix A.9. Filtering SNVT Variables ................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A.9.1. SNVT_Option Field ................................................................................................................. 28
Appendix A.9.2. SNVT_Units Field .................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix B. Vendor Information ......................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix B.1. Echelon LonMaker ............................................................................................................................ 30
Appendix B.1.1. Using LonMaker to commission the FieldServer .................................................................... 30
Appendix B.1.2. Removing Previous FieldServer Device Templates in LonMaker. ........................................... 30
Appendix B.2. Neuron Systems ............................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix B.3. Honeywell Care ................................................................................................................................ 31
Appendix B.4. Tridium JACE ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix B.5. Trane Rover ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix C. Troubleshooting Tips ....................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix C.1. Debugging a LonWorks connection: Hints and tips ......................................................................... 33
Appendix C.2. Error Messages ................................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix C.2.1. Error Message Lonlive.c 121 ................................................................................................... 33
Appendix C.3. Exposing Operation Statistics. .......................................................................................................... 34
Appendix C.4. “Illegal” Characters in Network Variable Names .............................................................................. 35
Appendix C.5. Circon_SI Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 35
Appendix C.6. Service types currently supported for network variable messages ................................................. 35
Appendix C.7. Combining Explicit and Implicit ........................................................................................................ 35
Appendix D. SNVT_Type ...................................................................................................................................... 36
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 4 of 62
The LonWorks driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices using LonWorks protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client. The FS-B4011 FieldServer is supplied with a LonWorks Card, while the FS-B2011 and FS­B30 Series FieldServers have a built-in LonWorks Interface. A Fieldbus connection is available on the FieldServer. The FS-B30 and FS-B4011 can handle up to 4096 Network Variables and the FS-B2011 up to 1000 which can be of the Standard Network Variable Types (SNVT) and/or User-defined Network Variable Types (UNVT).
2.1 NV Updates/Polls
On LonWorks networks, information is transferred using Network Variable Updates and Network Variable Polls. The Client requests Network Variables from the Server using Network Variable Polls and Network Variable Updates occur when a Client sends Network Variables to a Server.
2.2 Network Management
The FieldServer is able to set its own Domain, Subnet and Node ID at start-up using the FieldServer configuration file. Alternatively, the FieldServer is capable of being commissioned and bound by Network Management Tools such as LonMaker® - see Appendix B.1.1 for further information.
2.2.1 LonWorks - Program ID Calculat ion (SPID)
Network management tools use the Program ID to identify the different applications running on each device. Two devices on a network may have the same Program ID only if they have identical application/configurations
The Program ID for the FieldServer consists of a fixed and a variable field (XX in the Program ID below)..
The fixed part does not change for different configuration files or for different LonWorks driver versions. The variable part XX, which is also defined as the Model or Revision number, does however change.
The variable part is calculated at start-up when the configuration is loaded on the FieldServer. Certain critical fields in the configuration file are used to calculate this variable part of the Program ID. Thus if the configuration file changes significantly (critical fields) the Program ID will change. Also, as we add new features and capabilities to the LonWorks driver, this variable part of the Program ID may be different between LonWorks driver versions (even though the configuration file is the same).
It is possible though very unlikely that through a change in LonWorks driver and/or configuration file, the program IDs calculates out identical to another combination of driver and configuration. If this is the case with two FieldServers on the same network that run different configurations, one of these devices may fail to commission properly.
The following configuration can be used to force the SPID.
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 5 of 62
2.3 Clients/Servers
The FieldServer functions as a Client when polling or sending updates on the LonWorks network and as a Server when being polled or receiving updates. The FieldServer can be bound to a maximum number of 15 LonWorks Nodes. The FieldServer recommended point limit is 1000 points for the FS-B2011 Series and 4096 points for the FS-B30 and FS-B4011.
2.4 Explicit/Implicit
Clients can address Servers using explicit or implicit addressing. Clients using explicit addressing obtain their data transfer parameters directly from the FieldServer configuration file. Implicit addressing is used when a Network Management Tool such as LonMaker® is used to connect a FieldServer to other LonWorks Nodes - the FieldServer is assigned its data transfer (binding) parameters by the Network Management Tool.
2.5 XIF Files
At start-up the FieldServer creates an external interface file (XIF) called fserver.xif based on the configuration file. The FieldServer differs from most other LonWorks drivers in that it is configurable and therefore its XIF is not fixed for all applications. The list of points available to the network will vary depending on the other networks connected to the FieldServer, and the requirements of the particular application. The recommended procedure for obtaining the XIF file for the FieldServer is to upload it. Refer to Appendix A.4 for details.
2.6 Device Resource Files
The STANDARD device resource file covers FieldServer data type support. All Standard Network Variable Types (SNVTs) in this file are available to the user. These SNVTs are listed in Section 5.1.3. Please note that due to the sophisticated nature of LonWorks variables, it may not always be possible to typecast the full information supplied in a LonWorks variable to a simple Data Type contained in another protocol. The FieldServer supports Move and Logic functions which would allow the LonWorks variable to be split up and passed to separate simple data types, thus preventing information loss. The FieldServer supports the sending and receiving of User-defined Network Variable Types (UNVTs) on the LonWorks Network. An UNVT is simply implemented as an array of bytes of user-defined length.
2.7 NV Aliases
The FieldServer currently supports a default of 63 network variable aliases to avoid network variable connection constraints. This number may be increased to a maximum of 4096.
2.8 Configuration Properties
Configuration Properties (CP’s) characterize the behavior of a device in the system. Network installation tools realize this attribute and provide database storage to support maintenance operations. If a device fails and needs to be replaced, the configuration property data stored in the database is downloaded into the replacement device to restore the behavior of the replaced device in the system. Configuration properties are implemented on the FieldServer through configuration network variables. User-defined configuration property types are not supported. Appendix A.5 provides a list of standard configuration property types that are supported.
The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer.
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 6 of 62
FieldServer Technologies Part #
Driver Manual.
Part #
LonMaker® Integration Tool from Echelon Corporation (Optional Network Management Software)
LonWatcher from Distech Controls Inc. (Optional Network Management Software)
Circon System Integrator from Circon Systems Corporation (Optional Network Management Software)
PCCard LonWorks Adapter (Optional)
Auto-Created by driver
"Always Loaded By FieldServer Technologies
Conditionally loaded
Template loaded if no custom configuration ordered, otherwise Custom configuration loaded.
Generated at power up. Changes if profile in configuration changes.
Used for providing defaulted DSN. Refer to Section 6.1.4
Maintains commissioning settings. If corrupted, delete it, and reboot FieldServer to create new one.
3.1 Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver
3.2 Provided by the Supplier of 3
Party Equipment
3.3 Additional files required for the Driver
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 7 of 62
FS-X20 or FS-X30
To other
To other
FieldBus Connector
Pin 1
Pin 2
DB 9 Connector
FieldBus Connector
To other
To other
LonWorks devices are available with several different physical interfaces. The screw plug supplied with the FieldServer LonWorks interface will connect the FieldServer to the FTT-10 network. The 9 pin D-connector can also be used to connect to the network (FS-B4011 only). The 2-wire twisted-pair connection to the network is polarity insensitive. The FTT-10 network is a free topology network which supports star, loop and/or bus wiring connections. Please refer to the FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver User’s Guide from Echelon Corporation for recommended wiring practices if necessary. The connection diagram below shows how the FieldServer FS-B2011, FS-B30 and FS-B4011 are connected to a LonWorks network:
Configure the remote LonWorks devices according to manufacturer’s instructions.
4.1 Service Pin
The service pin is used to commission the FieldServer onto the network using a LonWorks Network Management tool. On FS­B2011 and FS-B4011 FieldServers the node’s unique Neuron ID will be displayed on the Error Screen of the Ruinet utility with every service pin press.
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 8 of 62
Implicit – Not Commissioned
Implicit – Commissioned
ON 2 ON 3 OFF 4 ON 5 OFF 6 OFF 7 OFF 8 OFF
4.2 Neuron ID
The driver prints the Neuron ID on the Driver Message Screen as its starts. On FS-B2011 and FS-B4011 FieldServers it is possible to print the Neuron ID on the Error Screen at any time by pushing the Service Button on the side of the FieldServer. On all platforms, the driver can store the Neuron ID in a Data Array so that it can be read by a Client node – Refer also to Appendix C.3.
4.3 Lon LED’s
The location of the Lon LED varies between FieldServer’s. Please consult the Start-up guide for the FieldServer in question. Lon LED is consistent with the table below for all FieldServers.
4.4 The LonWorks Adapter Card (FS-X40 only)
4.4.1 Port Address Switch
The LonWorks driver has been configured to access the LonWorks card at ISA port address 340 hex. This is the default setting for the card, and the DIP switches must not be modified. The DIP switch setting on the card is as follows:
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 9 of 62
Function Field
Network Variable Update Input
Network Variable Polled Output
Network Variable Polled Input Implicitly addressed Continuously sent
Network Variable Update Output Implicitly addressed Continuously sent
Network Variable Update Output Implicitly addressed and sent on Change
Network Variable Update Output Implicitly addressed sent in Throttling Mode
WRBC See Appendix A.3
Configuration Network Variable Update Input
5.1 Special considerations
Implicit addressing is used when a Network Management Tool such as LonMaker® is used to connect a FieldServer to other LonWorks nodes - the FieldServer is assigned its data transfer (binding) parameters by the Network Management Tool.
5.1.1 Map Descriptor Names (Network Variable Names)
When using Implicit configuration, the LonWorks driver provides a table of Network Variables for other Nodes to read. These Nodes access the variables according to Index numbers which are automatically assigned by the driver according to the Map Descriptor definition order in the configuration file. The driver also creates an identification table for configuration nodes to read the name and types of variables available on the FieldServer. Within the LonWorks protocol, this table size is limited to 64K bytes. If the application requires a large number of Server mappings (up to 4096), it will be necessary to limit the variable name length. Each Server mapping requires 4 bytes plus the length of the name from this 64K block.
5.1.2 Implicit Lon functions
Implicit Map Descriptors are distinguished from Explicit Map Descriptors by the function used in the Lon_Function field of the Map Descriptor. Depending on the nature and direction of Data Transfer needed, different implicit functions are available as follows (NOTE: function field MUST pair up with the Lon_Function field as shown in the table):
5.1.3 SNVT_Index
For implicitly addressed Client Map Descriptors and all Server side Map Descriptors the driver will assign an index to each one, starting from 0 and incrementing to 4095, in the order they appear in the configuration file.
5.1.4 Address Table Limit
It is important to note the limitation within LonWorks Implicit addressing that the Address Table used for storing the addresses of all active connections made with the FieldServer is limited to 16 Device Addresses including that of the FieldServer. This is a LonWorks limitation, not a FieldServer limitation, and it means that the FieldServer can only make active implicit connections to 15 other devices . If active connections to more than 15 devices are required, then it is necessary to use Explicit Configuration (NMFETCHC is recommended).
Devices that write to passive Map Descriptors in the FieldServer only are not placed in this table and therefore this limitation does not apply. (A Passive Map Descriptor is recognized by the Passive Parameter in the Function Field).
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 10 of 62
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Specify protocol used
Specify Network Management. Primarily used for Circon_SI, refer to Appendix C.5.
LonMaker, LonWatcher, Circon_SI, None
// Client Side Connections
5.1.5 Network Management Capability
When commissioning an implicitly configured FieldServer using the "Traditional" binding method, the configuration parameters below are all that is needed to achieve this purpose. For hints and tips on how to commission the FieldServer using the various Vendor devices that do this, see Appendix B
It is possible to set the FieldServer Online and Offline using the Network Management Tools. This is a LonWorks function, and is different from the traditional Online and Offline Status discussed in other FieldServer documentation. When the FieldServer is set offline using this LonWorks feature it will not communicate with other LonWorks devices.
5.1.6 Client vs Server Mapping
Distinguishing Client from Server in the LonWorks Environment is more difficult due to the "Peer to Peer" nature of LonWorks design. Clients and Servers can be identified in this environment as follows:
Clients will write Setpoints and have status written to them, so expect Setpoints and Control Points on the Output side,
and Status and Alarms on the Input side
Servers will have the opposite structure, with Setpoints and Control Points on the Input Side and Staus and Alarms on the
Output side
Distinguishing Client from Server is important to ensure correct matching with other protocols being used on a FieldServer. For example, it would not be useful to map an Output to a BACnet AI point as both points will be expecting to push data out of the FieldServer.
5.2 Client Side Mapp ing
5.2.1 Connection Parameters
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 11 of 62
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Provide name for Node
Up to 32 alphanumeric characters
Specify protocol used
// Client Side Nodes
Column Title
Legal Values
Name of this Map Descriptor. (Network Variable Name)
Up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Name of Data Array where data is to be stored or fetched from in the FieldServer
One of the Data Array names from “Data Array” section above
Starting location in Data Array
0 to maximum specified in “Data Array”
section above
Detailed Function of Client Map Descriptor
See Section 5.1.2 for a list of valid entries for Implicit Connections.
Function of Client Map Descriptor
See Section 5.1.2 for a list of valid entries based on the Lon_Function.
5.2.2 Node Parameters
5.2.3 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 12 of 62
Column Title
Legal Values
Name of Node to fetch data from or send data to. Needed for Explicit Addressing.
One of the node names
specified in “Client Node Descriptors” above
Standard network variable type of the data
See Appendix D
Specifies which record out of a complex SNVT we are after.
See Appendix A.9.1
Specifies the measurement units (e.g. Metric or English)
See Appendix A.9.2
Specifies the length in bytes of an UNVT. This Parameter is compulsory when SNVT_Type is set to UNVT, the parameter is not used in conjunction with SNVT’s
1-255. See Appendix A.1
Specifies the Type Number to apply to this particular UNVT. This Parameter is optional when SNVT_Type is set to UNVT, the parameter is not used on conjunction with SNVT’s
0, 146-255. See Appendix A.1
Network Variable updates with values less than specified in this field will be ignored.
See Appendix A.2
Network Variable updates with values higher than specified in this field will be ignored.
See Appendix A.2
Network Variable updates where the value’s delta change is less than
specified in this field will be ignored unless the Max_Scan_Time Condition has been met. Compulsory for Throttling Lon Functions only. Not used on other Lon Functions.
See Appendix A.3 NV_Selfdoc_Text*
The Self-Documenting String for this Network Variable.
Normal Text up to a length of 40 characters
Column Title
Legal Values
Seconds per scan
Minimum Scan Time in seconds.
See Appendix A.3
Maximum Scan Time in seconds.
See Appendix A.3
5.2.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters
5.2.5 Timing Parameters
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 13 of 62
// Client Side Map Descriptors
,- TempOut2
,- TempOut3
This field determines the Map
function. See Section 5.1.2 for more information.
Required for Throttling Mode: This field specifies the
minimum change needed for a Network Variable’s
value to invoke an NV Update.
If found during Min_Scan_Time sampling (Throttling Mode) that Max_Scan_Time has elapsed since the last NV Update, a new NV Update will be transmitted.
For Non-Throttled Client Map Descriptors the Scan_Interval determines the update rate.
The Data Array will be sampled and evaluated for delta change once every
5.2.6 Client Side Map Descriptor Example
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 14 of 62
Function Field
Network Variable Update Input
Network Variable Polled Output
Network Variable Polled Input Explicitly addressed Continuously sent
Network Variable Update Output Explicitly addressed Continuously sent
Network Variable Update Output Explicitly addressed and sent on Change
Network Variable Update Output Explicitly addressed sent in Throttling Mode
Network Management Network Variable Fetch Continuously sent (Explicit Addressing only)
Configuration Network Variable Update Input
6.1 Special considerations
With Explicit configuration, the FieldServer communicates directly with other devices by specifying the remote device address in the FieldServer configuration.
All the Servers and their Clients need to be on the same domain to be able to communicate. If the LonWorks device’s Node ID is not known, it may be read using a utility program e.g. NodeUtil or using a LonWorks Analyzer. All the Client Node CSV files need to have their Subnet_ID and Node_ID parameters set to point to their respective Server Subnet and Node ID values. Once the FieldServers are restarted the network should function correctly.
6.1.1 Map Descriptor Names (Network Variable Names)
As a Server, the LonWorks driver provides a table of Network Variables for other Nodes to read. These Nodes access the variables according to Index numbers which are automatically assigned by the driver according to the Map Descriptor definition order in the configuration file. The driver also creates an identification table for configuration nodes to read the name and types of variables available on the FieldServer. Within the LonWorks protocol, this table size is limited to 64K bytes. If the application requires a large number of Server mappings (up to 4096), it will be necessary to limit the variable name length. Each Server mapping requires 4 bytes plus the length of the name from this 64K block.
6.1.2 Lon functions
Explicit Map Descriptors are distinguished from Implicit Map Descriptors by the function used in the Lon_Function field of the Map Descriptor. Depending on the nature and direction of Data Transfer needed different explicit functions are available as shown below
Function field MUST pair up with the Lon_Function field as shown in the table NMFETCHC is the preferred Lon Function for most applications. See Section 6.1.5
6.1.3 SNVT_Index
The SNVT_Index field must be specified for all explicitly addressed Client Map Descriptors. These Client Map Descriptors use this field to index their relevant Map Descriptors on the Server side.
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 15 of 62
,Your title
6.1.4 Domain Table Setup
To be able to communicate with other nodes on the LonWorks network, the FieldServer must have its Domain, Subnet and Node IDs set. Explicit configuration requires the user to set these parameters.
There are 3 ways in which the FieldServer DSN (Domain,Subnet,Node address) can be set:
Set the DSN using a Network manager by commissioning the FieldServer into the Network Manager Project. When
doing it this way, it is extremely important that the DSN is not forced in the FieldServer Configuration, as the Configuration address will override the Network Manager Address every time the FieldServer is restarted.
Set the DSN from the Lon.ini file. Using this option provides a default DSN if the FieldServer does not have a DSN
assigned. If a Network Manager or the FieldServer Configuration provides a DSN, then the Lon.ini DSN will be ignored.
Set the DSN in the FieldServer configuration. This option takes precedence over the 2 other addressing options, and
should therefore not be used when commissioning a FieldServer into a Network with a Network Manager.
Example 1 - Setting the Domain and Subnet from the lon.ini file
The Domain Table and Subnet IDs can be set from a lon.ini file on the FieldServer. The FieldServer’s LonWorks Node ID will be set from the System_Station_Address field in the configuration file if specified, otherwise a default value will be used.
lon.ini file contents: :D50:S01:
FieldServer configuration file contents ( config.csv )
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Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 16 of 62
,“:D*Domain_ID]:S[Subnet_ID+:*Title continued…+”
Example 2: Setting the Domain and Subnet from the configuration file
The Title field must start with “:D”, followed by the Domain_ID in hexadecimal notation, followed by “:S”, followed by the Subnet_ID in hexadecimal notation and enclosed by “:”. The domain length is automatically determined by the number of digits in the [Domain_ID] field. Since 2 hexadecimal digits constitute 1 byte, “:D123456:” for example would have a length of
Once the domain table has been set, the “:Dxx:Sxx:” part of the Title field will be removed. Now the Title field will be left with *Title continued…+ which may be the Node self-documentation string or any title
lon.ini file contents The file may contain any values or be removed from the FieldServer.
FieldServer configuration file contents ( config.csv )
Specifying the Domain and Subnet in the configuration file will override the settings from the lon.ini file.
6.1.5 Network Management
The NVPIEXC command generally used for polling has the limitation that data can only move in one direction (Server to Client). The added functionality of a Write-through was added to the network management fetch command (NMFETCHC) to provide movement of data back to the polled node. Thus, should the data in the Data Array linked to a NMFETCHC Map Descriptor change by another process, the data will be propagated to the polled node by means of a network variable update.
Another useful feature of the NMFETCHC function is that it can perform reads to any other type of Node function (NVUI, CFG_NVUI, NVUOEXX, NVPIIMC, etc.) This means that even Client Map Descriptors can be read this way.
Network management fetch requests received on polled nodes are handled differently from normal NV Poll requests. The response to a NV Poll will contain valid data. Data is valid if the node that is the source of the data is online and if thi s data is not too old. The data in the response to a network management fetch will not be checked for validity, however, it will simply respond with the current data in the variable.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 17 of 62
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Adapter Name
Specify protocol used
// Client Side Connections
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Provide name for Node
Up to 32 alphanumeric characters
Server (destination) Node’s Subnet ID of an explicitly addressed message
1-255 Node_ID
Server (destination) Node’s Node ID of an explicitly addressed message
Specify protocol used
Specify port Adapter used
// Client Side Nodes
6.2 Client Side Configuration
6.2.1 Connections
6.2.2 Nodes
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FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 18 of 62
Column Title
Legal Values
Name of Node to fetch data from or send data to. Needed for Explicit Addressing.
One of the node names
specified in “Client Node Descriptors” above
Server Network Variable Index
Standard network variable type of the data
See Appendix D
Specifies which record out of a complex SNVT we are after.
See Appendix A.9.1
Specifies the measurement units if something other than Metric is required
See Appendix A.9.2
Specifies the length in bytes of an UNVT. This Parameter is compulsory when SNVT_Type is set to UNVT, the parameter is not used on conjunction with SNVT’s
1-255. See Appendix A.1
Specifies the Type Number to apply to this particular UNVT. This Parameter is optional when SNVT_Type is set to UNVT, The parameter is not used on conjunction with SNVT’s
0, 146-255. See Appendix A.1.
Network Variable updates with values less than specified in this field will be ignored.
See Appendix A.2
Network Variable updates with values higher than specified in this field will be ignored.
See Appendix A.2
Network Variable updates where the value’s delta change is less than
specified in this field will be ignored unless the Max_Scan_Time Condition has been met. Compulsory for Throttling Lon Functions only. Not used on other Lon Functions.
See Appendix A.2 NV_Selfdoc_Text*
The Self-Documenting String for this Network Variable.
Normal Text up to a length of 40 characters
Column Title
Legal Values
Seconds per scan
Minimum Scan Time in seconds. Compulsory for Throttling Lon Functions only. Not used on other Lon Functions.
See Appendix A.3
Maximum Scan Time in seconds. Compulsory for Throttling Lon Functions only. Not used on other Lon Functions.
See Appendix A.3
6.2.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters
6.2.4 Timing Parameters
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
FS-8700-21 LonWorks Manual Page 19 of 62
Explicitly Addressed Client Map Descriptors use this field to point to their relevant Server Map Descriptors.
For Non-Throttled Client Map Descriptors the Scan_Interval determines the update rate.
This field determines the Map
function. See Section 6.1.2 for more information.
UNVT Byte length must be specified for correct operation.
6.2.5 Map Descriptor Example 1 - Explicit Configuration using Network Management Polls
The Map Descriptor pollTemp_p shows the use of SNVT_Units for Scaling when polling temperature The Map Descriptor pollSwitch shows the use of SNVT_Option for Selective data scanning. This only brings in the “State portion of SNVT_Switch
6.2.6 Map Descriptor Example 2 – Polling UNVT’s
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:
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