Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)
FS-8700-124 TIC UPS
A Sierra Monitor Company

ProtoNode Driver Manual (FS-8700-124) rev 6.doc Manual
Table of Contents
1. TIC UPS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 3
2. DRIVER SCOPE OF SUPPLY ........................................................................................ 4
2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ................................................... 4
2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment .......................................................... 4
2.2.1. Required 3rd Party Hardware ..................................................................................... 4
2.2.2. Required 3rd Party Software ....................................................................................... 4
2.2.3. Required 3rd Party Configuration ............................................................................... 4
3. HARDWARE CONNECTIONS....................................................................................... 5
3.1. Hardware Connection Tips / Hints ................................................................................. 5
4. CONFIGURING THE FIELDSERVER AS A TIC UPS CLIENT .............................. 6
4.1. Data Arrays/Descriptors ................................................................................................. 6
4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions ............................................................................. 7
4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors ......................................................................................... 7
4.4. Client Side Map Descriptors .......................................................................................... 8
4.4.1. FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters ...................................................... 8
4.4.2. Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters .............................................................. 8
4.5. Map Descriptor Example. .............................................................................................. 9
4.5.1. Example 1.................................................................................................................... 9
4.5.2. Example 2.................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A. COMMANDS SPECIFIC TO DEVICES ..................................................... 10
Appendix A.1. Client Read commands ................................................................................... 10
Appendix A.1.1. FAULT command: .................................................................................... 12
Appendix A.1.2. ALARM command: ................................................................................... 13
Appendix A.1.3. STATUS command: .................................................................................. 13
Appendix A.1.4. Commands supported by Different Models .............................................. 14
Appendix A.2. Client Write Commands ................................................................................. 14
Appendix A.2.1. Commands supported by different models. .............................................. 15
APPENDIX B. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ........................................................................ 16
Appendix B.1. Connection Tips & Hints ................................................................................ 16
ProtoCessor 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.protocessor.com
Tel: 408.964.4433 Fax: 408.964.4425 Toll_Free: 800.317.8319 email: sales@protocessor.com

ProtoNode Driver Manual (FS-8700-124) rev 6.doc Manual
As the Toshiba protocol only allows for 1:1 communication
at this stage, only 1 client is allowed per RS-232 port.
The server only serves for emulation purposes. It will have
a static address as per Toshiba spec.
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1. TIC UPS Description
The serial TIC UPS driver allows the ProtoNode to transfer data to and from devices over RS232 using TIC UPS protocol. The ProtoNode can emulate a Client.
This driver is intended for use with Toshiba models UPS.
It is intended to do the following:
Read information from the UPS such as battery life, voltages etc. This will be done in
user mode on the UPS.
Write information and commands such as shutdown commands to the UPS.
Advanced options such as reading/writing EEPROM is not supported. No date/time
reads or writes will be supported. No string type commands will be supported.
Max Nodes Supported
ProtoCessor 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.protocessor.com
Tel: 408.964.4433 Fax: 408.964.4425 Toll_Free: 800.317.8319 email: sales@protocessor.com

ProtoNode Driver Manual (FS-8700-124) rev 6.doc Manual
FieldServer Technologies
RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter.
RJ45 to DB9M connector adapter.
TIC UPS model
Page 4 of 17
2. Driver Scope of Supply
2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver
2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3rd Party Equipment
2.2.1. Required 3rd Party Hardware
2.2.2. Required 3rd Party Software
2.2.3. Required 3rd Party Configuration
The baud rate of the UPS must match the configuration file of the ProtoNode.
ProtoCessor 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.protocessor.com
Tel: 408.964.4433 Fax: 408.964.4425 Toll_Free: 800.317.8319 email: sales@protocessor.com

ProtoNode Driver Manual (FS-8700-124) rev 6.doc Manual
Rx RJ45-01 DB9F-03 WHITE
Tx RJ45-08 DB9F-02 BLUE
FILE NAME: FS-8700-124
DATE: 10/10/07
8917-02 WIRE LIST
Toshiba UPS
Rx RJ45-01 DB9M-02 GREY
Tx RJ45-08 DB9M-03 BLUE
8917-03 WIRE LIST
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3. Hardware Connections
The ProtoNode is connected to the UPS as shown in connection drawing.
Configure the TIC UPS according to manufacturer’s instructions.
3.1. Hardware Connection Tips / Hints
The RTS/DTS signals are not used by the driver. Make sure they are not connected and
do not enable them in the configuration file.
The cable must be a NULL modem cable, i.e. the TX must be connected to the other
connector’s RX.
ProtoCessor 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.protocessor.com
Tel: 408.964.4433 Fax: 408.964.4425 Toll_Free: 800.317.8319 email: sales@protocessor.com

ProtoNode Driver Manual (FS-8700-124) rev 6.doc Manual
Provide name for Data Array
Up to 15 alphanumeric
Provide data format. Each Data
Array can only take on one format.
Number of Data Objects. Must be
larger than the data storage area
required by the Map Descriptors for
the data being placed in this array.
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4. Configuring the FieldServer as a TIC UPS Client
For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer
Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory
defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files
provided with the FieldServer).
This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring the FieldServer
to communicate with a TIC UPS Server.
4.1. Data Arrays/Descriptors
The configuration file tells the FieldServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data
required. In order to enable the FieldServer for TIC UPS communications, the driver
independent FieldServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section, the
destination device addresses need to be declared in the “Client Side Nodes” section, and the
data required from the servers needs to be mapped in the “Client Side Map Descriptors”
section. Details on how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the
ProtoCessor 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.protocessor.com
Tel: 408.964.4433 Fax: 408.964.4425 Toll_Free: 800.317.8319 email: sales@protocessor.com