This documentation is intended to help you safely work with the motor controller CMMO-ST.
Product identification, versions
The hardware version indicates the version status of the CMMO-ST’s electronics. The
firmware version indicates the version status of the operating system.
Youcan find the specifications of the version status as follows:
– Hardware version and firmware version in the Festo Configuration Tool (FCT) with an
active online connection to the CMMO-STon the “Controller” panel.
Firmware version from
V 1.0.xMotor controller CMMO-ST with I/O interface
What’s new?Which FCT plug-in?
CMMO-ST V 1.00
supports the following drives:
– For additional drives: see Festo catalogue
V 1.1.2Advancedparameter settings via web browserFrom CMMO-ST V 1.1.0
Tab. 1Firmware Version
Please consult your regional Festo contact if you have any technical problems.
Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English7
You will find more extensive information in the following documentation:
STO documentation with a
brief overview of the
Enclosed in printed format.
GDCP-CMMO-ST-STO-…Use of the STO safety function
(“Safe Torque Off ”).
Also includes intended use of the
CMMO-ST and a documentation
(on CD-ROM)
GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-…Installation, commissioning and
diagnostics of positioning systems with
the CMMO-ST with communication via
I/O interface.
Help system for software
(included in the FCT
Dynamic and static help for
the Festo Configuration Tool
Functional descriptions for the Festo
Configuration Tool configuration
UL documentationCMMO-ST_SPULRequirements for observing the
certified UL conditions if the product is
operated in the USA or Canada.
Operating instructionse.g. for electric cylinder
Installing and commissioning the drive
type EPCO
Tab. 2Documentation on the CMMO-ST
8Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English
1Safety and requirements for product use
1Safety and requirements for product use
1.1.1General safety instruc tions
When c ommissioning and programming positioningsystems, the safety regulations in this description
as well as those in the operating instructions for the other components used must be observed.
The user must make sure that nobody is within the sphere of influence of the connected actuators or
axis system. Access to the possible danger area must be prevented by suitable measures such as
shutting them off and warning signs.
War n ing
Electric axes move with high force and at high speed. Collisions can lead to serious
injury to people and damage to components.
• Make sure that nobody c an place body parts in the positioning range of the axes or
other connected actuators and that there are no objects in the positioning path
while the system is still connected to a power supply.
War n ing
Parameterisation errors can cause injury to people and damage to property.
• Only enable the c ontroller if the axis system has been installed and parameterised
by technically qualified staff.
Damage to the product from incorrect handling.
• Switch off the supply voltage before mounting and installation work. Switch on
supply voltage only when mounting and installation work are completely finished.
• Never unplug or plug in a product when powered!
• Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
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1Safety and requirements for product use
1.1.2Intended use
The CMMO-ST motor controller is used for controlling stepper motors in accordance with the Festo
catalogue, and is especially intended for use with EPCO electric drives.
This description documents the basic functions of the CMMO-ST and the I/O interface.
EPCO drives and additional components are documented in separate operating instructions.
The CMMO-ST and the connectable modules and c ables may only be used as follows:
– only in an industrial environment
– in perfect technical condition
– in original status without unauthorised modifications (only the conversions or modifications
described in the documentation supplied with the product are permitted)
• Observe the safety instructions and intended use in the documentation for all the components and
• Observe the standards specified in the relevant chapters, as well as the regulations of the trade
associations, the German Technical Control Board (TÜV), the VDE conditions or relevant national
• Observe the limit values for all additional components (e.g. sensors, actuators).
In the event of damage caused by unauthorised manipulation or other than intended
use, the guarantee is invalidated and the manufacturer is not liable for damages.
10Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English
1Safety and requirements for product use
1.2Requirements for product use
• Make this documentationavailable to the design engineer, installer and personnel responsible for
commissioning the machine or system in which this product is used.
• Make sure that the specifications of the documentationare always complied with. Also consider the
documentation for the other components and modules.
• Take into co nsiderat io n the legal regulations applicable for the destination as well as:
– regulations and standards
– regulations of the testing organizations and insurers
– national specifications
1.2.1Technical r equirements
General conditions for the correct and safe use of the product, which must be observed at all times:
• Complywith the connection and environmentalconditions specified in the technical data of the
product ( appendix A.1) and of all connected components.
Only compliance with the limit values or load limits permits operation of the product in accordance
with the relevant safety regulations.
• Observe the instructions and warnings in this documentation.
1.2.2Qualification of the specialists (requirements for the personnel)
The product may only be placed in operation by a qualified electrotechnician who is familiar with:
– installationand operation of electrical control systems
– the applicable regulations for operating safety-engineered systems
– the applicable regulations for accident protection and industrial safety
– the documentation for the product
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1Safety and requirements for product use
1.2.3Range of application and certifications
Standards and test values, which the product complies with and fulfils, can be found in the “Technical
data” section ( appendix A.1). The product-relevant EU directives can be found in the declaration of
Certificates and the declaration of conformity for this product c an be found at
Certain configurationsof the product have been certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for the
USA and Canada. These configurations bear the following mark:
UL Listing Mark for Canada and the United States
Observe the following if the UL requirements are to be complied with in your application:
– Rules for observing the UL certification can be found in the separate UL special
documentation. The technical data stated therein take priority.
– The technical data in this documentation may show values deviating from this.
12Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English
2.1System overview
1 Higher order controller level: PLC
2 Parameterisation and commissioning level:
Festo Configuration Tool (FCT)
-orweb browser
Fig. 2.1System overview
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3 Controller level: CMMO-ST
4 Drive level:
for example Electric cylinder with stepper
2.2Overview of CMMO-ST
2.2.1General properties
– Rotor-oriented control: stepper motor behaves like a servo motor; force control possible, energy-
optimised operation, low heat generation
– Separate load and logic supply (no new homing run required after emergency stop)
– Control cabinet unit, field use in IP40 environments is also possible (with full pin assignment)
– Ethernet interface with integrated web server
– Backup file: includes all parameterisation settings. It can be stored on separate d ata storage
media. Enables seamless device replacement.
– 7 segment display to indicate device states, errors and warnings
– Internal braking resistor present
– The CMMO is available as an NPN variant (type code CMMO-…-DION) and a PNP variant
(type code CMMO-…-DIOP). This document describes both variants.
– Function “Safe torque off ” (STO):
description GDCP-CMMO-ST-STO-…
2.2.2Commissioning options
The CMMO-ST can be parameterised and commissioned as follows:
– With the integrated web server, using a mechanical drive of the OMS series (optimised motion
series): diagnostics and parameterisation via standard web browser, s imple positioning
( section 5.3)
–withFCT, the Festo Configuration Tool: convenient, full function range ( section 5.4)
Control via Ethernet (CVE):
It is possible to start records from a PC programme via the Ethernet interface. However,
in-depth knowledge of programming TCP/IP applications is required for this purpose
( appendix B.1).
2.2.3Control profiles of the I/O interface
Valve profile (7)
Simple I/O control: Based on the pneumatic valve pilot, 7 position records can be selected directly
through one input each (7 separate inputs). Upon reaching the target position the output corresponding to the input is set (7 separate outputs). The valve profile exclusively supports simple positioning
operation, optionally with reduced torque.
Binary profile (31)
Flexible I/O control: 31 records (plus record 0 = homing) can be addressed via 5 inputs. The binary
profile also enables jogging and teaching, force mode, speed mode and record linking.
A detailed description of these profiles section 5.5.
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2.2.4Closed loop versus open-loop operation
Regulated (with positional feedback), motor with encoder (closed-loop operation)
In closed-loop operation the rotor position of the motor is detected by an incremental encoder/encoder
and reported back to the controller (closed loop).
The force mode is only possible in closed-loop operation. Running or referencing to stop is also only
possible in closed-loop operation.
In closed-loop operation only the energy required to move the load is supplied to the motor, i.e. the
motor operates in an energy-optimised manner with low heat generation.
Controlled (without positional feedback), motor with/without encoder (open-loop operation)
In open-loop operation (without feedback of the rotor position) only the positioning mode and speed
mode, as well as homing to proximity sensor or to “current position” are possible.
When travelling to a stop it can result in step losses and thus to defective position values.
In open-loop operation the motor is always operated with the set driving current when travelling and
with the set holding current when at a standstill.
Operation of motors with an encoder can also be parameterised so that no feedback from the encoder
is required.
2.3Overview of CMMO-ST operating modes
Orders are stored in a record table in CMMO-ST in the form of parameter records. Each record contains
all of the information required for a specific function depending on the selected mode.
During operation, the higher-order controller (PLC) then makes a successive selection from the records
that are saved in the CMMO-ST (“record selection”).
2.3.1Positioning mode
During positioning mode the positioning tasks are saved as a “position record” in the record table.
Each position record includes information about the target position, speed, acceleration, etc.
In the binary profile record linking can also be configured.
2.3.2Speed mode
The drive moves at a specified speed. The corresponding records in the record table are designated
speed records. There are speed records with and without stroke limit.
The speed mode is only available in the binary profile.
2.3.3Force mode
The motor generates a predetermined torque. Depending on the mechanics this results in a torque or
linear force. The corresponding records in the record table are designated force records. There are
force records with and without stroke limit.
The force mode is only possible with clos ed-loop operation (motor with encoder) and is only available
in the binary profile.
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2.4Overview of drive functions
During the jogging mode the drive moves as long as a corresponding signal is present. This function is
commonly used to approach teaching positions or to move the drive out of the way. If the drive is not
referenced, the software end positions are disabled and the drive can be positioned behind the software end positions by jogging.
This function is only available in the binary profile.
The teach function enables the current position to be adopted as a parameter:
1st step: The drive is moved to the desired position (e.g through jogging).
2nd step: The user starts the teach command; the current position is transferred to a position record
as the target position.
For additional information sections 2. 4.11 and 5.5.3.
2.4.3Standstill monitoring
Standstill monitoring is only available during closed-loop operation in the binary profile. If the standstill position window is exited durin g position control, it is indicated by the standstill monitoring function: if this position window is exited for a period longer than that defined in the “standstill monitoring
time”, the controller signals this to the higher-order controller. One of the freely assignable outputs
(no. 6 or no. 7) can be used for this purpose.
The position controller also tries to move the drive back into the position window.
If the drive is equipped with a brake, it is controlled as follows:
Switch-on delay
When setting the release (ENABLE), the time set for the switch-on delay star ts to run (e.g. 150 ms)
and the position controller of the CMMO-ST assumes control of the connected drive. The brake opens
simultaneously. The CMMO-ST only accepts positioning jobs after expiration of the switch-on delay.
Switch-off delay
When the enable signal is removed, the time set for the switch-off delay starts to run. The brake closes
during this time. The position controller holds the drive in position. The position controller is only
switched off after expiration of the switch-off delay.
If the enable signal is removed while the drive is executing a record, the drive is brought to a standstill
with the quick stop ramp (Quick stop). As soon as the drive has come to a standstill, the brake output
is reset: the brake/clamping unit closes. Simultaneously, the switch-off delay time begins to run. The
CMMO-ST still controls the position. The controller end stage is switched off after the switch-off delay.
A closed brake can be opened via digital input no. 9.
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2.4.5Comparators & messages
The following drive conditions can be ascertained via so-called record messages:
– Position comparator active
The drive is located between two defined positions (in the “Position zone”).
Detailed description section 5.9.1.
– Speed comparator active
The speed is within a defined range.
Detailed description section 5.9.2.
– Force comparator active
The actual force (or torque) calculated via the current is within a defined range.
Detailed description section 5.9.3.
– Time comparator active
The time since the start of the position record is within a defined range.
Detailed description section 5.9.4.
In FCT it can be parameterised so that the presence of these states is signaled via digital outputs.
2.4.6Record Linking
The record linking function allows records to be linked together: the pres ence of a defined step enabling condition after a record has been executed causes another record to be executed automatically.
Only available in the binary profile. Detailed description section 5.8.
2.4.7Record switching by PLC
The record switching function enables the PLC to start a new record before an active record has been
completed. Detailed description section 5.7.
The “trace” oscilloscope function in FCT makes it possible to record drive data over a defined period in
real time, e.g. speeds and contouring errors during a movement.
2.4.9Firmware update
The Festo Configuration Tool (FCT) enables firmware to be updated. This should only be performed in
accordance with the instructions provided by Festo Service.
2.4.10Parameter file
After completing parametrisation, you can upload a parameter file from the controller to your computer; doing this creates a backup copy of the parameters in case the controller becomes damaged or
before firmware updates. This includes information about the connected motor, the drive and the parameter settings executed. If the CMMO-ST needs to be replaced, you can simply import the parameter
file from the old CMMO-ST into the new CMMO-ST. The new CMMO-ST is then ready for immediate use.
An example of creating a parameter backup file with the web server section 5.3.4.
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2.4.11Flash memory
The integrated FLASH memory of the CMMO-ST includes the parameter files and the firmware.
In principle, the number of possible write cycles is limited.
Entries are written into the FLASH memory by the following procedures:
– teaching with automatic storage ( section 5.5.3)
– downloading a new parameter file
– a firmware update
– reconfiguration of malfunction properties/error responses
– recording of movements with the trace function in FCT
Damage to the FLASH memory
The FLASH memory used by the CMMO-ST is designed for 100,000 write cycles.
•Donot use the TEACH function in combination with “automatic storage” in continu-
ous operation, as this will quickly exceed the maximum number of write cycles.
Minimum time between downloading two parameter files: 3 seconds.
2.4.12Higher-order control
“Higher-order control” is an exclusive access right.
Many motor controllers have multiple interfaces through which they can be controlled (e.g. an I/O
interface and a CAN interface). Simultaneous control by multiple interfaces, however, could result in
uncontrollable behaviour of the drive.
Master control ensures that only one interface controls the drive (i.e. it has sovereignty).
The interface that has higher-order control is specified in CVE object #3. The other interfaces then only
have read access to the motor controller.
Three logical interfaces can be distinguished within the Ethernet interface:
– FCT Interface
– web browser interface
– CVE interface (control via Ethernet)
Together with the I/O interface there are four logical interfaces,ofwhichonly one can have
higher-order control.
When the CMMO is switched on the I/O interface has master control. Any other logical interface can
take higher-order control from the I/O interface.
FCT can take master control from a web browser. This is not possible the other way around. The
change in higher-order control can be blocked by CVE with object #4.
2.5.1Number of connections
Simultaneously permissible are a maximum of:
– 1 CVE connection
– 1 web browser connection
– 2 FCT connections, of which only one can have master control.
In total a maximum of two Ethernet connections are permissible simultaneously.
2.6Measuring reference system
2.6.1Basic concepts
The position of the reference point REF is ascertained during homing.
Movement to zero
Following the homing run: travel from the homing point to the axis zero point ( section 2.7.6).
Homing m ethod
defines the way in which the reference point REF is ascertained.
Homing point REF
binds the measuring reference system, for example, to a proximity sensor or a fixed stop (depending
on the homing method).
Axis zero point AZ
is shifted by a defined distance from the reference point REF. But this offset can also be = 0.
The software limits and the project zero point refer to the axis zero point.
Project zero point PZ
is a point to which the actual position and the absolute target positions from the position record table
The project zero point is shifted by a defined distance from the axis zero point AZ. But this offset can
also be = 0.
Software end positions
limit the permitted positioning range (work stroke). If the target position of a positioning command
lies outside the software end positions, the positioning command will not be processed and an error
will be registered.
Usable Stroke
The distance between the two software limits. Maximum stroke by which the axis can move with the
set parameterisation.
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Measuring reference system
REFHoming point (reference point)aOffset axis zero point
AZAxis zero pointb, c Offset software end
PZProject zero pointdOffset project zero point
SLNNegative software end position (software limit negative)eUsable stroke
SLPPositive software end position (software limit positive)
TP/AP Target position/actual positiongOffset TP/AP to PZ
Tab. 2.2 Measuring reference system
2.6.2Calculation rules
Calculation rule
Axis zero pointAZ=REF+a
Project zero pointPZ=AZ+d=REF+a+d
Negative software end positionSLN=AZ+b=REF+a+b
Positive software end positionSLP=AZ+c=REF+a+c
Target position/actual positionTP, AP =PZ+g=AZ+d+g
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2.6.3Prefix and direction of rotation
All points and offsets have a sign prefix. The following applies for EPCO type drives (unless reversal of
direction has been activated):
+Positive values face from the basis point in the direction of the extended end position.
–Negative values face from the basis point in the direction of the retracted end position.
2.6.4Units of measurement
During parameterisation via a web browser or FCT you can use commonly used units for length
specifications, such as millimetres or inches.
If you are using CVE objects, you will need the so-called interface increments SINC ( appendix B.2).
2.7Homing run
A homing run must be performed every time the logic voltage supply is switched on in order to anchor
the reference point and the measuring reference system in the positioning range of the axis. A drive
function cannot be started without a successful homing run (exception: jogging).
2.7.1Homing overview
– Homing methods to a fixed stop
( section 2.7.2)
– Homing methods to reference switch with/without index
( section 2.7.3)
– Homing method “current position”
( section 2.7.4)
– Automatic homing (valve profile)
( section 2.7.5)
– Movement to zero
( section 2.7.6)
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2.7.2Homing methods to a fixed stop
Homing to a fixed stop is only possible in closed-loop operation ( section 2.2.4).
The stop is detected by a motor shutdown in combination with a sharp rise in the motor current. The
parameters for stop detection can be set in FCT.
Homing m ethods to the stop
– Negative fixed stop (retracted end position)
– Positive fixed stop (extended end position)
1 Homing: The drive moves to the fixed stop at the search speed (= reference point RE F).
2 Movement to zero: the drive moves from the reference point REF to the axis zero point AZ.
Tab. 2.3 Homing to the stop
Material damage due to moved measuring reference system
In the event of greatly reduced dynamic values (low maximum motor current) combined
with high travelling resistance (e.g. due to frictional grip), there is a danger that the
drive will come to a standstill and the controller will recognise a stop incorrectly.
A movement to zero should be executed when homing to a fixed stop ( section 2.7.6)
in order to exit the stop position. Otherwise the drive could be driven continuously
against an elastic stop, which would result in a strong temperature increase and eventually lead to the controller shutting down.
If the system does not have a stop (axis of rotation), the homing run will never be completed, i.e. the drive will run continuously at the parameterised search speed.
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2.7.3Homing methods to switch with/without index search
Homing methods to switch
– Direction: negative
– Direction: positive
1 The drive runs to the switch at the search speed, turns around and moves slowly at creep speed
in the reverse direction. The reference point REF is at the switch-off point of the switch or on the
following index pulse (depending on parameterisation).
2 Optional movement to zero: The drive runs from the reference point REF at positioning speed to
the axis zero point AZ.
Tab. 2.4 Homing to switch
For closed-loop operation ( section 2.2.4):
A distinction is made between the following options:
1. At the start of the homing run th e switch is already actuated.
In this case, the drive runs counter to the parameterised homing direction.
2. The switch is only found after the start of the movement.
In this case, the drive initially runs in the parameterised homing direction, turns after locating the
switch edge and moves in the reverse direction.
3. The drive moves against a stop before a switch is found.
In this case, the drive reverses and searches for the switch in the reverse direction. If a switch is
found, the drive moves through the complete switching range.
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In all cases the reference point is either at the switch-off point or on the following index
pulse (dependent on the homing m ethod selected).
For the last case: If a switch is not found in the reverse direction before a stop is
reached, the homing run is aborted with an error message.
If no switch is found at all and no stop is available, the homing run will never be completed, i.e. the drive will run continuously at the parameterised search speed.
For a homing run with index search: If no index pulse is found during the index search
over more than one motor rotation, the homing run is aborted with an error message.
For open-loop operation ( section 2.2.4):
The homing run in open-loop operation is generally executed in the same way as in closed-loop operation. However, the following special features apply:
– Stops are not detected
– An index search is not possible
– If a switch has not been found after a certain period of time, the homing run is aborted with an
error message. This timeout time can be set in FCT (“Homing” panel, “Settings” tab). The drive
therefore must always be positioned before the start of a homing run so that it can find the switch.
2.7.4Homing method “current position”
The current position becomes the reference position. Apart from an optional movement to zero
( section 2.7.6), no positioning motion is executed.
In open-loop operation ( section 2.2.4) without a reference switch, this is the only possible homing
2.7.5Automatic homing (valve profile)
An “automatic homing run“ can be parameterised in the valve profile (FCT: “Homing” panel,
“Settings” tab).
This is executed automatically if the drive is not referenced at the start of a position record. The
started position record is then executed.
The automatic homing run is aborted if the position record input is reset again before the automatic
homing run has been executed completely.
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2.7.6Movement to zero
A movement to zero is possible after a homing run. This is where the drive moves to the parameterised
axis zero point after finding the reference point.
Whether or not a movement to zero is executed can be defined as a homing run parameter in FCT. The
movement to zero is required when homing to the stop; the minimum offset to the axis zero point is
1 mm.
If a movement to zero is not executed, the drive remains at position (-1) * offset axis zero point. Make
sure that this position is not outside the software end positions.
If a movement to zero is to follow a homing run, “Motion complete” will only appear after
completion of the movement to zero. Motion Complete remains inactive between the
homing run and movement to zero.
A movement to zero should be executed when homing to the stop in order to exit the
stop position. Otherwise the drive could be driven continuously against an elastic stop,
which would result in a strong temperature increase and eventually lead to the controller
shutting down.
2.8Monitoring functions
A complex system of sensors and monitoring functions ensures operational reliability:
– Voltage monitoring: detection of undervoltages and overvoltages in the logic and load voltage
– Temperature monitoring: output stage and CPU temperature in the CMMO-ST.
t monitoring/overload protection
– Software end position recognition
– In the binary profile: contouring error monitoring ( the event of sluggishness or overloading of
the drive).
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2.9Safety aspects
Check within the framework of your EMERGENCY STOP procedures to ascertain the
measures that are necessary for switching your machine/system into a safe state in the
event of an EMERGENC Y STOP.
• If an EMERGENCY STOP circuit is necessary for your application, use additional, separate safety
limit switches (e.g. as normally closed limit switches wired in series).
• Use hardware limit switches or, if required, mechanical safety limit switches and fixed stops or
shock absorbers as appropriate in order to make sure that the axis always lies within the permitted
positioning range.
• Note the following points:
Cancellation of
the ENABLE signal
on the I/O
Switching off the
load voltage
– Without brake/clamping unit:
The drive brakes with the quick stop ramp (Quick stop). The controller
output stage is then switched off. The effective load could possibly slide
down if mounted in a vertical/incline d position.
– When using a brake/clamping unit:
If the drive moves when ENABLE is cancelled, then it will initially be brought
to rest using Quick Stop deceleration. As soon as the drive has come to a
standstill, the brake output is reset: the brake/clamping unit closes.
Simultaneously, the switch-off delay time begins to run. The CMMO-ST still
controls the position. The controller end stage is switched off after the
switch-off delay.
The load voltage is switched off. The effective load on the drive may continue to
move due to inertia, or it will fall if mounted in a vertical or sloping position.
For STO function: separate document GDCP-CMMO-ST-STO-…
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3.1General instructions
Uncontrolled drive motion may cause personal injury and material damage.
• Switch off the power supplies prior to any assembly, installation or maintenance
work and prevent them from being restarted accidentally.
If a drive is mounted in a sloping or vertical position, loads may fall and cause personal
• Check whether external safety measures are necessary (e.g. toothed latches or
moveable bolts).
This will prevent the work load from sliding suddenly if there is a voltage failure.
When mounting the controller on the machine:
• Observe the IP protection class of the controller and the connectors/cables.
Also observe the operating instruction(s) for the drive and the instructions provided with
any additional components (e.g. assembly instructions for t he cables concerning bending
radii or suitability for use with energy chains).
Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English27
3.2Dimensions of the controller
108 mm
113 mm
39 mm
Fig. 3.1Dimensions of the controller
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3.3Mounting the controller
You can mount the controller in one of two ways:
1. Threaded c onnection on a flat surface
2. H-rail mounting
You will need 3 or 4 M4 screws, with washers/spring washers if necessary. If a H-rail clip is mounted,
you can remove it.
The following figure shows the location of the holes and recesses that can be used for mountingthe
1 Mounting with 4 screws to the base
(lying flat)
2 Mounting on the side with 3 screws
Fig. 3.2Mounting with screws
When mounting on the side ( 2 ): To exchange the controller, you only need to loosen the
3 screws by a few rotations, after which the controller can be tilted out.
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3.3.2H-rail mounting
1. Mount an H-rail (mounting rail in accordance with IEC/EN 60715: TH 35– 7.5 or TH 35– 15).
2. If not already mounted: Screw the H-rail clip 1 to the side of the controller ( Fig. 3.3).
When using another screw: Please observe the maximum permitted screw-in depth of
5 mm.
3. Hang the CMMO on the H-rail as follows:
• by inserting the top into the hooks in the clip first, then
• press the H-rail downwards until the CMMO clicks into place.
max. 5 mm
1 H-rail clip2 Maximum screw-in depth
Fig. 3.3H-railmounting
30Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 1301a – English
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