cod. 3541D501 - Rev. 03 - 12/2013
Legionella programming (with optional hot water tank installed)
This function must be activated by enabling an installer parameter.
Access the "Legionella" menu through the path "USER MENU “DOMESTIC HOT
WATER” “Legionella” to set:
• Antilegionella Day. Defines the day of the week during which the function will be
• Time of Antilegionella Day. Defines the function start time.
• Antilegionella Duration. Defines the duration (in minutes) of the function.
• Antilegionella Adjustment Temp.. Defines the DHW Adjustment temperature during the function.
Holiday Function
Access the "HOLIDAY FUNCTION" menu through the path "USER MENU “HOLIDAY FUNCTION” to set:
• Holiday start date.
• Holiday end date.
The display can activate two types of icons:
• - The Holiday function is programmed but not yet active.
• - The Holiday function is in progress. The boiler will behave as if Summer mode
and Economy mode were active (with optional hot water tank installed).
The frost protection and Legionella functions will remain active (if activated).
Service Intervention Date
This informs when the alert of programmed maintenance by the technician will be activated. It does not represent an alarm or a fault but just a notice. After that date, whenever
the Main menu is accessed, the boiler will activate a screen indicating that programmed
maintenance is due.
Service Information
This information shows the telephone number to contact in case of assistance (if programmed by the technician).
Room temperature adjustment (with optional room thermostat)
Using the room thermostat, set the temperature required in the rooms.
Room temperature adjustment (with optional remote timer control)
Using the remote timer control, set the temperature desired in the rooms. The boiler unit
will set the system water according to the required room temperature. For information on
the remote timer control, please refer to its user's manual.
Sliding temperature
When an external probe (optional) is installed, the corresponding symbol of the outside
temperature is activated on the control panel display. The boiler adjustment system
works with "Sliding Temperature". In this mode, the temperature of the heating system
is adjusted according to the outside weather conditions, to ensure a high level of comfort
and energy saving throughout the year. In particular, as the outside temperature increases, the system delivery temperature decreases according to a specific "compensation
With Sliding Temperature adjustment, the "Heating adjustment" temperature becomes
the maximum system delivery temperature. It is advisable to set a maximum value to allow system adjustment throughout its useful operating range.
The boiler must be adjusted at the time of installation by qualified personnel. Adjustments can in any case be made by the user to improve comfort.
Compensation curve and curve offset
Access the Sliding Temperature menu. Adjust the required curve from 1 to 10 according
to the characteristic (fig. 28) through the parameter “Curve1” and confirm with the OK
By setting the curve to 0, the sliding temperature adjustment is disabled.
fig. 26 - Compensation curve
Adjust the parallel offset of the curves from 20 to 60 °C (fig. 29), through the parameter
“Offset1” and confirm with the OK button.
fig. 27 - Curve parallel offset
If the room temperature is lower than the required value, it is advisable to set a higher
order curve and vice versa. Proceed by increasing or decreasing in steps of one and
check the result in the room.
fig. 28 - Compensation curves
fig. 29 - Example of parallel offset of compensation curves
This parameter is used only if time programming has been activated. See ***
'Time programming' on page 82 ***
Outside Temperature Heating OFF
Access the “Out Temp Heat Off” to activate the function: between 7°C and 30°C.
If activated, this function will deactivate the heating demand whenever the temperature
measured by the external probe is higher than the programmed value.
The heating demand will be reactivated as soon as the temperature measured by the ex-
ternal probe is lower than the programmed value.
Adjustments from remote timer control
If the Remote Timer Control (optional) is connected to the boiler, the above adjustments are managed according to that given in table 1.
Table. 1
Heating temperature adjustment
The adjustment can be made from the Remote Timer Control menu and the
boiler control panel.
DHW temperature adjustment
(with optional hot water tank
The adjustment can be made from the Remote Timer Control menu and the
boiler control panel.
Summer/Winter Switchover
Summer mode has priority over a possible Remote Timer Control heating
Eco/Comfort selection
optional hot water tank installed)
On disabling DHW from the Remote Timer Control menu, the boiler will select
the Economy mode. In this condition, the button detail 10 - fig. 1 on the boiler
panel is disabled.
On enabling DHW from the Remote Timer Control menu, the boiler will select
the Comfort mode. In this condition, with the button detail 10 - fig. 1 on the
boiler panel it is possible to select one of two modes.
Sliding Temperature
Both the Remote Timer Control and the boiler card manage Sliding Temperature adjustment: Sliding Temperature overrides the boiler card.